_ri THE BATTALION Page 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, February 6, 1964 Journalism Prof Is Text Coauthor The press around the world is surveyed in a newly-published book coauthored by Dr. John C. Merrill of the A & M journalism faculty. “The Foreign Press” is the suc cessor to Merrill’s “A Handbook of the Foreign Press,” published in 1959. The Louisiana State Uni versity Press is the publisher of both softbound textbooks. The new book is being used as the standard text for courses in international communications in some 35 universities, Merrill has been told by the publisher. Drs. Carton R. Bryan of the Uni versity of Maryland and Marvin Alisky of Arizona State are listed with Merrill as coauthors of “The Foreign Press.” The book deals primarily with newspapers and magazines with brief attention to radio and tele vision. COACH NORTON’S PANCAKE HOUSE 35 varieties of finest pancakes, aged heavy KC steaks, shrimp, and other fine foods. Daily—Merchants lunch 11 to 2 p. m. Editor James Russell Wiggins of The Washington Post wrote the foreword. First copies of the new book ar rived just in time for use in a new course at A&M, Journalism 465, International Communications and Propaganda. The course is taught by Merrill, associate professor of journalism. Graduate To Speak To Service Group An A&M graduate, Wayne La Pori, who served two years in the Southeast Asia nation of Cambodia will be at A&M Monday and Tues day to talk at the International Volunteer Service program, Pro fessor Dan Russell announced Wednesday. Russell long has been associated with the international movement, acclaimed as forerun ner of the Peace Corps. La Pori will speak Monday night to Alpha Zeta, honor agricultural fraternity, and is available to meet with other interested persons and groups. The A&M graduate in agricul tural engineering wrote while in Cambodia of “staying in the jungle with a native man and living solely on birds and small animals snared in hand-made traps.” They re turned from the survey trip with ample food. Conclave To Plan Theatrical Group Plans for a new educational the ater group at the high school level will be considered when the Texas Educational Theater Association meets Saturday at McMurry Col lege in Abilene, president C. K. Esten said Thursday. He is veter an director of the A&M drama group and an English faculty member. j Other planning, two plays and an election, are other items on the agenda, Esten said. Approximate ly 40 members are expected to at tend, but Esten said all persons interested in good theater are in vited. The plays will be presented by students from Amarillo Junior Col lege and the University of Texas. Esten said an educational thea ter association at the high school level should strengthen the Uni versity Interscholastic League one- act play contests. “We will stand ready to help the new organization at any time,” Es ten said of the Texas Educational Theater Association whose mem bership is composed mostly of col lege and university drama teach ers. Also on the agenda is the dis cussion of plans for a state his torical pageant and the course studies in drama classes. Esten is completing a two-year term as association president. Her Best Foot Forward Elizabeth Taylor lets out a squeal as Richard Burton drops a folding car seat on her foot after they entered their car at the Toronto theater where Burton was rehearsing. The couple went uptown for drinks but were driven to seek the privacy of their hotel after being surrounded by a mob of fans. (AP Wirephoto) Teak, an extremely durable timber has been used in India for 2,000 or more years. Pieces of teak beams 1,000 years old have been found there in a good state of preservation. Elevator Repairs Popularize Stairs Academic Building stairways be came popular Tuesday, as the building elevator was shut off and work started on major improve ments to the elevator system. The elevator will be back in op- 1A#E ITCEB Bmr*EC i t n'lujir--■-* j • " i — — t NATIONAL BRANDS SALE! YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS AT LOW, LOW, PRICES PRICES GOOD THROUGH SAT. FEB. 8. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT. TIDE With $2.50 Purchase or More Behind Grocery Turnstiles Giant Size Box WESSON OIL 24-Oz. Bottle Miracle Whip Salad Dressing KRAFT PILLSBURY KLEENEX Flour Tissue SWIFT Premium Lunch Meat LETTUCE U. S. NO. 1 FRESH HEAD 7 BANANA NUT LAYER CAKE 59c NESTLES CHOCOLATE MORSELS 2 L 0 /, 39c Bologna Swift Premium Agar Picnics Chicken Hens 3 Lb. Can Large 5 to 7 lb. Avg. $| 89 29c 12 °’ 49c Cans DEL MONTE EARLY GREEN PEAS 2 No ' 303 45c KOI NTY KIST WHOLE KERNEL CORN 3 SWEET CREAM ICE CREAM FOOD CLUB FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 ^$1.00 L /2 Ctn.79c eration not later than April 18 un der the contract with the Westing- house Electric Corp., W. Howard Badgett, director of A&M’s physi cal plant, said. Modernization of the elevator system will cost $16,- 000. LSU Prof Chosen For A&M Lectun An eminent earth scientist has been chosen as an additional speak er for the University Lectures and will visit A&M March 9. Dr. Richard J. Russell will dis cuss “Changes in Sea Level,” a subject which he has studied for years. Russell is a veteran mem ber of the Louisiana State Univer sity faculty and director of the Coastal Studies Institute there. He is a past president of Theta Tau, professional engineering fra ternity, the Association of Ameri can Geographers, and the Geologi cal Society of America and has held other high offices in scien tific organizations. The selection of Russell increas es to five the number of disting uished lecturers visiting the A&M campus this academic year under sponsorship of the University Lec tures Committee. Dr. Ferenc Nagy, former prime minister of Hungary, and Dr. Har ry Harlow, distinguished experi mental psychologist, lectured here during the Fall. Dr. Mark Van Doren, English Wildlife Staffer Receives Doctorate James G. Teer, assistant profes sor in the A&M Department of Wildlife Management, has received his doctoral degree from the Uni versity of Wisconsin. The scientist’s special field of research is whitetail deer and their management. He received the BS degree in Wildlife Management in 1950 at A&M and the MS degree in 1952 at Iowa State University. professor and prize-winning^ will visit the campus April 1 month later the University l tures will sponsor the visit of; Bentley Glass, a distinguished ologist of The John Hopkins versity. The selection of Russell was nounced by Dr. R. W. Bai chairman of the lectures com tee. Wilkinson Rated Senatorial Choice OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla.® Bud Wilkinson, one of the c« try’s leading football coaches, tered Oklahoma’s U. S. Senatei Wednesday vowing to moldaa career in politics. “I intend to win this racei keep on winning,” said Wilkin; a Republican. Asked if he is pi ning to remain in politics thet of his life, he quickly replied:"! I am.’ Wilkinson changed his u registration from Democrat toi publican last week. Political observers rate W4 son an odds-on-favorite to win Republican senatorial nominally “Sports Car Center’ 1 Dealers for Renault-Peugeot & British Motor Cars Sales—Parts—Service j“We Service All Foreign Cat ■1422 Texas Ave. TA 241 BATTALION CLASSIFIED Zubik For Co Jack Zubik or and Mayc of Bryan, a this area, an in the Den Congress fro “More job of this area economic gr should be s tasks of all in public of Zubik said. “Because strongly, I \ with all ru leaders on &i dam site for programs f< give our chi so richly d as blessed \ as ours. W< ment of ou from this ai job opportur increased ed for our chii WANT AD RATES One day 3* per word 24 per word each additional day Minimum charge—40^ imum charjfe- DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 80^ per colnmn each insertioi FOR RENT Large furnished apartment, three blocks from campus, North Gate, $75. monthly, James C. Smith Co., Rental Agent, TA 2- Upstairs duplex apartment, private en trance, two bedrooms, single beds, livinj room, kitchen, bath, $50., TA 3-6288. ing 2t4 Completely furnished apartments appointment call TA 2-1344. for 192t4 CHILD CARE eep cr $16 for two p< Cherry, College in my home, $10 for one, ;r week, ironing done, 307 Station. 192t4 Want to keep children in my home, con venient to Bryan or College, have good references, call TA 2-3828. 192tfn Will your portation yeai Vie Would like to care for baby girl, 2 to 3 lunch, $2.00 a day, C-12-C Coll lollege 190t7 HUMPTY sed by DUMPTY fare D. Jones, Registered Nurse, College A NURSERY, Li- Public es. Virginia 3404 South TA 2-4803. 61tfn censed by Texas State Dept, of Welfare. Children of all Will keep children, all ages, will pick up liver. VI 6-8151. llltfn and deliver. LOST Pinkish brown and white long-haired year old male cat, collar and rabbies’ tag, vicinity of Nagle and Cherry. Reward, VI 6-8400. 192t3 TV-Radio-Hi-Fi Service & Repair GIL’S RADIO & TV 2403 S. College TA 2-0826 SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 AGGIES Do you change your own oil—? —or work on your car—? Then, why not save more on your parts at JOE FAULK’S DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Chev-Fd brake shoes 36-68 List $5.85 set of 2 wheels $2.90 Gulfpride, Havoline, Pennzoil .. Qt. 37tf Your choice — Enco, Amalie, Mobil- Conoco Qt. 33tf Texaco, Gulflube-Opaline Qt. 30tf SAE 30-40 Recon. Oil Qt. 15