The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 06, 1964, Image 1

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Che Battalion
Volume 60
Number 194
Filing System | X-15 Pilot Speaks Friday
Changes Due
For Airport
[Auto Inspection
Deadline Nearing
y ~ - <5
m U | Special to The Battalion
f I AUSTIN — The director of the
■Texas Department of Public Safe-
Ity, Col. Homer Garrison Jr., to-
day reminded Texas vehicle own-
ers that the 1964 vehicle inspection
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Battalion News Editor
In the near future pilots filing flight plans at Easterwood
drport, will do so by means of a remote dialing system in
stead of the current, more personal method, across a counter
|to a flight station official.
E. M. Lindsey, Fort Worth Fed
eral Aviation Agency official, said
Wednesday that the changeover at
College Station is only one of 42
flight service stations involved
across the nation over the period
of the next two years.
Although the new system will
involve the transferring of 10 FAA
employees who are still utilized
under the present system to other
locations, 12 others involved in
various phases of airport tower
operations and maintenance will
not be affected.
Lindsey specifically stated that
the new system would not compro
mise aviation service or safety
The new system will actually in
volve the installation of a trunk
line to an as yet unannounced
central flight service station, pos
sibly Austin or Waco. A pilot
wishing to file a flight plan and
receive information and advice on
weather conditions, will enter the
flight service station shack at
Easterwood, dial the central flight
service station’s number and file
just as if he were talking person
ally to the FAA official across the
The Associated Press reported
that conversion of 42 stations in
the United States would result in
annual savings of $30,000 to $40,000
for each station.
Of the 42 stations, only two in
Texas, Galveston and College Sta
tion, are involved. The FAA has
296 flight service stations in the
U. S.
Lindsey commented that the
changeover is part of a constant
effort on the part of the FAA to
modernize while decreasing costs.
According to Henry G. Kindrick,
acting FAA director of College
Station, “The 10 employees will be
moved to new locations without
loss in pay or grade.”
Bill Bun,;
Calloway, & 4 ea( jij ne soon be upon them.
He reported that some 60 per
cent of the allotted inspection per
iod has elapsed and only 20 per
cent of the vehicle have been in
“If this trend continues, vehicle
owners can expect to have to
wait in line in order to get their
vehicles inspected by the April 15
deadline,” he said.
Garrison pointed out that Texas
experienced its worst traffic fata
lity record in 1963 and vehicle de
fects were involved in some of
uTsteriGad ^ ese ^al accidents. He urged
all Texans to begin the new year
with safe vehicles and to
e Larry Of tliem sa:fe throughout the year.
He added that vehicles involved in
traffic accidents should he re
inspected after repairs have been
Astronaut’s Talk
Is First Of Fiesta
Answer Sought
To Spaceship
Fire Question
Tex. (A*)—If a manned space sta
tion orbiting 500 miles above the
earth suddenly is swept by a cata
strophic fire, how does the crew
escape ?
Do the astronauts leap from the
craft and rely on their space suits
for protection until help arrives
from the earth?
Do they eject individually or in
small groups in space capsules?
Should the capsules be built to re
turn to earth or to remain in space
until a rescue vehicle is launched
to retrieve them ?
The answers are being sought
in laboratories across the country,
a space medical conference was
told Wednesday by Lt. Col. Robert
S. Buchanan of the Aerospace Re
search Pilots School, Edwards Air
Force Base, Calif.
Buchanan listed fire and colli
sion as potentially the greatest
hazards to a large scientific space
station with a crew of 15 or more
men. He said collision could occur
during a docking maneuver with
a ferry vehicle from earth, with a
meteor, or with “space debris from
the expanding space programs.”
He cited these other dangers
which could damage station sys
tems and temporarily cripple the
space craft: explosion, pressure
loss, toxic contamination, improper
temperature and humidity, power
loss, tumbling and orbit decay.
Buchanan classified the possi
ble emergencies as:
—Minor, in which adequate time
would exist for corrective action
and only rarely would ship aban
donment be necessary.
—Major, in which limited time
would exist for corrective action
and the space craft would be aban
doned temporarily, to be reinhab
ited after repairs were made.
—Catastrophic, in which the sta
tion is destroyed and immediate
evaculation would be necessary.
In case of major fire, Buchanan
said, the crew would leave the sta
tion after sealing it off and de
compressing it, with rehabilitation
For minor fires, he said, “various
extinguishing procedures could be
used. However, the toxic effects
of the extinguishing agents must
be considered as well as the fact
that both the fire and toxic fumes
are reducing the oxygen level to
the crew.”
“But It Looks Like
Marlyn Melcher, left, and Karen Thompson
admire a scale model of an Earth-orbit to
Mars space vehicle at the Space Fiesta cur
rently underway in the Memorial Student
A Cocktail Shaker’
Center. The show will host Maj. Robert A.
Rushworth in the MSC Ballroom at 8 p. m.
JETS To Hold Conference
For Grade 7-12 Students
Maj. Robert A. Rushworth, the Air Force’s second
winged astronaut and principle X-15 pilot, will speak on
“X-15 Rocket Research Aircraft” in the Memorial Student
Center Ballroom Friday at 8 p. m.
The astronaut’s talk will open a series of three speeches
to be delivered during A&M University’s Space Fiesta which
ends Feb. 14.
Other speakers scheduled to appear during the fiesta
include Willy Ley, outstanding scientist writer, and Dr.
Wernher von Braun, head of the NASA spacecraft develop
ment team.
MAJOR RUSHWORTH has been testing aircraft at Ed
wards AFB, Calif., for more*
than six years. He has flown
the rocket plane built by
North American Aviation Inc.
15 times in a joint Army-
NASA-Navy research program.
In his 20 years in uniform, Rush-
worth has chalked up about 5,200
hours of flying time.
Rushworth’s military career be
gan June 9, 1943, when he en
listed in the old Army Air Corps
after graduating from high school
in Madison, Maine. After the war,
he attended the University of
Maine at Orono, from where he
was graduated with a degree in
mechanicar engineering in 1951.
In 1954 he obtained an aero
nautical engineering degree at the
Air Force Institute of Technology.
The Junior Engineering Techni
cal Society—JETS—will hold its
Southwest Regional Conference at
A&M University—Feb. 21-22.
The conference annually attracts
more than 200 persons and is open
to all junior and senior high school
students who are interested in en
gineering, according to the A&M
Assistant Dean of Engineering J.
G. McGuire, state coordinator for
JETS. He will preside at the ses
The students will be welcomed
by Fred J. Benson, Dean of Engi
neering at A&M. They will hear
an orientation talk by McGuire and
briefing for special activities by
Texas FFA Week
Set By Connally
Governor John Connally has pro
claimed the week of Feb. 15-22
as Future Farmers of America
Week in Texas.
After presenting the proclama
tion to Benny Mays, Texas FFA
president, the governor pointed
out that the importance of agri
culture in our state increases as
Texas progresses, and it is vital
to our well being that we train
skilled farmers and ranchers to
provide a plentiful supply of food
in years to come.
The 35 year old organization
has over 39,702 members in the
937 chapters through the state
Custodial Course
Offered Students
Looking For Jobs
A three-hour training course for
A&M University students accept
ing dormitory custodial jobs is be
ing completed by 22 students, D. T.
Whitt, assistant superintendent for
operations of the Department of
Buildings and Utilities, said.
Walter H. Parsons Jr., depart
ment superintendent, spoke briefly
as the course opened this week. He
traced the history of the student
custodial program as a means of
providing job opportunities for
students willing to accept the re
sponsibility and perform satisfac
“Only students who have com
pleted this course will be eligible
for custodial jobs,” Whitt said. Ad
ditional courses will be announced
as vacancies exist.
Marvin A. Bell, the custodial
foreman, conducted demonstrations
Tuesday and Wednesday nights in
Dormitory 16.
and is continuing to grow. The
FFA members are boys who are
studying vocational agriculture in
high schools.
The programs encourages the
student to develop a high degree
of skill in producing livestock.
Through FFA sponsored livestock
shows, boys learn to recognize
quality in animals and to realize
the benefits of publicity in develop
ing a good market outlet for the
livestock produced on the farm.
FFA members in Texas make a
big business out of their laboratory
experiences in vocational agricul
ture. Last year the Texans
cleared over four and a half mil
lion dollars from 46,700 head of
livestock, 45,000 acres of crops and
nearly a million head of poultry.
Dr. R. C. Potts, assistant di
rector of agricultural instruction
at A&M said, “Future Farmers
learn leadership. That is the dif-
Peace Corps Test
Dates Announced
Dates of the next Peace Corps
placement tests and a visit to the
A&M University campus by a
recruiting team were announced
Tuesday by Dan Russell, chair
man of the campus Peace Corps
Advisory Council.
The next tests, which may be
taken without obligation, are
scheduled at 8:30 a.m. Feb. 22
in Room 104 of the Agricultural
“This team composed of four
or five members will be ready to
talk with any group on the cam
pus March 29-April 4,” Russell
The two-hour placement tests
also will be given at frequent
intervals while the team is here.
Glenn P. Eaves, assistant state co
Featured speakers include Fred
eric J. Frisbie, executive director
of the national society from its
headquarters in Washington, D.C.,
and Kenneth E. Esmond, consult
ing engineer from Midland. Es
mond is president of the Texas
Society of Professional Engineers
and will speak on “The Profession
al Engineer and JETS.”
The program also includes a film
and talk on “Engineering the MO-
HOLE” by a representative of
Brown & Root Inc.; contests with
prizes in mathematics, slide rule
operation, engineering drawing,
and the engineering sciences, and
tours of engineering and science
facilities in the area.
The 1964 National Engineering
Aptitude Search test will be ad
ministered during the conference
by Auston S. Kerley, director of
counseling and testing. It consists
of a two and one-half hour battery
of aptitude tests open to boys and
girls in grades 7 through 12 to
NSF Announces
New Research Aid
The National Science Foundation
has granted $35,000 to A&M Uni
versity to support plant physio
logy research, A&M President Earl
Rudder has announced.
The research, entitled “Auxin-
Ethylene Interrelationships in
Susceptible and Resistant
Plants,” is under the direction of
Dr. Wayne C. Hall, professor of
plant physiology and dean of grad
uate studies, and Dr. Page Mor
gan, assistant professor of plant
Week Set To Honor
Public Schools,
Texas State Song
AUSTIN <A>)—Gov. John Con
nally urged Texas schools Wednes
day to emphasize the state song,
“Texas, our Texas,” during public
schools week, March 2-6, and the
Texas historical period, March 2-
April 21.
Connally proclaimed March 2,
anniversary of the signing of the
Texas Declaration of Independence,
as State Song Day.
The governor requested mayors
of Texas cities to issue proclama
tions on State Song Day to com
memorate the 40th anniversary
year of the contest during Gov.
Pat Neff’s administration which
resulted in selection of “Texas our
“No other song presently in use
conveys the wonder and strength
of Texas, the blessings God has
bestowed upon us, our heritage of
freedom and the brightness of our
future,” the governor said.
reveal special talents for engineer
ing and the sciences and to aid
the students in career choices. Stu
dents who take the tests will re
ceive reports of their results ac
companied by an explanation from
the Psychological Corporation,
Kerley said.
The 23-man state advisory com
mittee for JETS, representing its
sponsor the Texas Society of Pro
fessional Engineers, will hold busi
ness and planning meetings with
chairman John S. Bell and vice
chairman Ed. L. Misegades in
Officers of the Texas Academy
of Science will be honored at a
coffee here Feb. 13, A&M Universi
ty Dean of Arts and Sciences
Frank W. R. Hubert announced.
The get-together will be held at
3 p.m. in Room 146 of the Phy
sics Building.
Recently-elected officers who will
be making their first joint ap
pearance are academy president
Lawrence Curtis of Fort Worth,
president elect Richard Eads of
College Station, secretary-treasur
er Charles LaMotte, also of Col
lege Station, and Robert E. Boyer,
editor of the “Journal of Science,”
from Austin.
“All interested in science, in
cluding the social sciences are
invited,” Dean Hubert said. This
includes teachers of mathematics,
natural sciences and social sciences
at the public schools and Allen
Academy. Former members of the
Texas Academy have also been in
The Academy president is di
rector of the Fort Worth Zoologi
cal Park.
Dr. Eads, who will be the third
College Station resident to head
the Academy, was an A&M chemis-
Foreign Students
Will Get Tax Aid
A U. S. Internal Revenue Serv
ice representative will be on cam
pus Feb. 11-12 to assist all for
eign nationals who need to file
an income tax return. Bob Mel
cher, A&M foreign student ad
visor announced.
The tax specialists will be in
Room 208 of the Counseling and
Testing Center from 2 until 4:15
p.m. on both days.
Students should bring their
W-2 form, a copy of their last
income tax return and passport
with them, Melcher emphasized.
try faculty member for many
years. He now is a consulting
Dr. C. C. Doak, A&M professor
emeritus of biology, and Dr. Dale
F. Leipper, head of the Depart
ment of Oceanography and Me
teorology, are former presidents of
the Academy.
Dr. LaMotte is the second A&M
faculty member to serve as secre
tary-treasurer. Dr. Grady P. Park
er, professor of education, served
Dr. Boyer, the journal editor, is
a faculty member of the Universi
ty of Texas.
A&I Vocal Group
Due Here Friday
The Texas A&I College Singers,
conducted by Dr. Lawrence Mc-
Querrey, will give a concert here
The singers, including 16 vocal
ists, will present the classics,
madrigals, folk songs, popular ar
rangements and music comedy.
Their 8 p.m. Guion Hall appearance
is sponsored by the Memorial Stu
dent Center Music Committee.
Three years ago the Department
of Army selected the A&I group
to fill a six-week concert tour for
American servicemen in Germany
and France.
McQuerrey taught in colleges in
Nebraska and Indiana before join
ing the music department at the
Kingsville school.
Admission will be 25 cents.
A&M students with activity cards
will be admitted free, the music
committee announced.
Secretaries Plan
Annual Seminar
Secretaries and business stu
dents in the Bryan-College Station
area have been invited to attend
the sixth annual seminar of the
National Secretaries Association to
be held in the Memorial Student
Center Feb. 15.
Speakers for the event will be
Dr. John E. Pearson, head of the
college of business administration;
Gladys Jurchak, member of the
Houston NS A Chapter; H. L. Mc
Daniel, administration manager of
the International Business Ma
chines Corp. of Houston and W.
B. Mansfield, director of supervi
sory training, Texas Engineering
Extension Service.
Registration for the event will
begin at 8:30 with a fee of $5.
Student fee is $2.50, including the
Additional information can be
obtained from Mrs. Magaret Cole
man, TA 2-6013 or Mrs. Georgia
Jones, TA 3-5158.
Today’s Thought
No man is justified in doing evil
on the gorunds of expediency.
Theodore Roosevelt
Wire Review
By The Associated Press
PARIS — France made another
stride Wednesday toward increased
trade with the Communist world
by signing a new pact with Poland
and reporting another in the mak
ing for the Soviet Union.
★ ★ ★
INNSBRUCK, Austria — Two
American students were in jail
Wednesday after taking a Ty
rolean flag from its staff as a
souvenir of the Winter Olym
JACKSON, Mich.—Byron De La
Beckwith denied Wednesday he
was the sniper who ambushed
Negro leader Medgar Evers last
summer. He claimed a rifle simi
lar to the alleged murder weapon
was stolen from him the day be
fore the killing.
★ ★ ★
erans Administration prohibited
Wednesday the distribution of
free cigarettes and other smok
ing products in its 168 hospitals
and 18 domiciliaries.
AUSTIN — Gov. John Connally
said Wednesday economy reasons
led him to arrange the transfer of
the three remaining widows now
living in the Confederate Home for
Women in Austin to a conventional
nursing home.
Job Interviews
To Begin Monday
Students interested either in
summer jobs or in full-time work
after graduation should contact
the A&M University Placement
Office at the earliest convenient
time, Director W. R. Horsley said
He explained that on-campus in
terviews for full-time work and
certain summer jobs will begin
Horsley also emphasized that
the application process for many
jobs in federal laboratories em
ploying students for the summer
requires several months.