English - tent is rect y relied on vy a manner me would in covered r'orts around he Indians, i i young and: tradition its ress it bece (Trudie) Ads: i Biology tory ir Center” rs for Peugeot k otor Cars ts—Service 1 Foreign & TAM rORTOK E HOIS finest pancah steaks, sbriri 'cods. shants lo l p. m. THE BATTALION i.\ER vays Win twdown 'ou Get ds Done t PUS \ERS ?e at . We This over- URN ched- iring •lit. JIV ED.” m Thursday, August 15, 1963 College Station, Texas Page 3 Product of Denmark Shapely Brigitte Heilberg, 19, who is Miss Denmark in the International Beauty Contest at Long Beach, Calif., tries on a play suit after arriving in California to prepare for next week’s competition. (AP Wirephoto) WHEN SCHOOL BEGINS Junior Engineers Launch 8th Year The Junior Engineer’s. Techni cal Society — JETS — will launch its eighth, year in Texas when school bells ring this September. Fifty-nine chapters from the Texas Panhandle to the Rio Grande Valley from the Piney Woods to the Plains will get into full swing with the opening of Texas class rooms for the fall school term. De signed to acquaint high school stu dents with the nature of engi neering and science, the Texas So ciety has its headquarters at A&M. Texas JETS is sponsored by the Texas Society of Professional En gineers. Professional engineers in local cities serve as advisors to JETS chapters across the state. Texas JETS is for the benefit of the students in Texas schools. Each chapter is autonomous and responsible only to the local school’s regulations. National and state headquarters offer informa tional materials, recommend speak ers, sponsor state and regional conferences and contests and pub lish newsletters and a journal. ACCORDING TO J. G. McGuire, assistant dean of engineering here and director of JETS in Texas, the organization has for its main purpose the stimulation of high school students to make a greater effort in their school work, parti cularly with reference to study of mathematics, science and English. “We have evidence to support our belief that JETS is fulfilling- its mission. Students and parents both have indicated their appreci ation for the opportunity of re ceiving- guidance and inspiration from a practicing - : engineer” Mc Guire said. This fall, Texas youths will be encouraged by their local JETS chapters to get back to the seri ous study of mathematics, science and English. But JETS will try to put some fun into the study. Aided by the state headquarters, local chapters, will sponsor field trips, group discussions, lectures, science and engineering project development, and the writing- of technical papers. THE SOCIETY will see to it that JETS are rewarded for their efforts with scholarships. Two or more scholarships are awarded each year. One is the $250 A&M Form er Student Association JETS Sch olarship for study of engineering or a physical science at A&M. An other is the $250 Gramercy JETS Scholarship given for the study of engineering here. Vet Grad Speaker Announced, Price, Others Gain Recognition General Russell McNellis of Washington, D.C., assistant to the Surgeon General for Veterinary Services, U. S. Army, will address the graduating veterinary class Wednesday. The speaked will discuss careers in the Veterinary Corps. Dr. A. A. Price, dean of the Twin EE Majors From Squadron 10 Enter Annapolis Robert and William Isbell, twin electrical engineering majors from Seguin, were sworn in as midship men in the class of 1967 at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., recently. The two Aggies had completed two years of study here. They were 1961 graduates of Spring Branch High School of Houston. They were members of Squadron 10 in the Corps of Cadets. This is one of the few instances in Annapolis history when twins were accepted at the same time. They are undergoing summer train ing at the academy. Both were selected for the ap pointments on the basis of competi tive examinations. A&M SmboI of Veterinary Medi cine, hashoeen reelected secretary of the Association of American Veterinary Colleges. Price is on a program and cost study in veterinary medicine this week at Purdue University, Michi gan State University and Iowa State University. Dr. L. C. Grumbles, head of the veterinary microbiology depart ment, has been elected president of the American Association of Veter inary Bacteriologists. Dr. C. F. Hall, associate pro fessor in the Department of Veter inary Microbiology, has been elect ed national vice president of Phi Zeta. Dr. John C. Ramge, associate professor in the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, has been appointed to the Mastitis Committee of the American Veter- niary Medical Association. Dr. R. D. Turk, head of the De partment of Veterinary Parasito logy, left Monday to participate in a Symposium for Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology sponsor ed by the University of Cambridge in England. The conference will be held at Hanover, Germany, Aug. 22-23. While in Germany, Turk also will participate in the 12th Inter national Veterinary Congress. PLAY THE EXCITING NEW GAME WIN INSTANT BUCKS $200.90 -a-: Av.:j ■ Drink Refreshing COCA-COLA 12 = 59 FLOUR PEACHES Pillsburys 5 ^ 39 Rosedale No. 2% Can 25 Pacer—Frozen STRAWBERRIES 6 T. Y.—16-Oz. Ctn. COTTAGE CHEESE 19 Hunt’s—8-Oz. Can TOMATO SAUCE 10- Lilly ICE CREAM Many Prizes of $10,00, $25.00, $200.00 GET YOUR CARD AT tMMm Everytime you visit our store you will receive a Jack pot Ticket. No purchase is necessary. Employees and their families are not eligible to participate. WIPE OFF THE BLACK SQUARES Wipe off the 3 black squares with tissue or cloth using any household oil, margarine or butter. SEE BACK FOR COMBINATIONS A picture will appear in each square. Winning combinations of pictures 'miisf 'appear Gs shown on reverse side of ticket. IF YOU HAVE A WINNER .. . Present winning ticket to your store manager for. your money. Sign in store tells how much money you have won. Offer expires two weeks after completion of game as announced in our ads. It’s Easy..It’s Fun Cackle-Berry Farms EGGS m Dozen C Fresh Elberta Peaches * 19' Swift Premium 2 ell 25c Value Qt. 39c GREEN BEANS RAINBOW SPINACH SALAD DRESSING Good ORANGE SAMOA ITJ7. 5c»;$L00 FRUIT COCKTAIL H "" ,v 5^ $1.00 WALDORF TOILET TISSUE 4 Ro „ s 35c ALLSWEET MARGARINE 4 Lbs 89c Wi ^STAMPS/ It's true . . . every bite is better. This week you can get more bites for your money, . . . serve a Roast today! LB. ONLY BLASE CUT CHUCK vivyHx S