' i . . w;v:v. v.r. v: j; •as®."! Icz Aill le Mis. ins aiij Volume 60 he Ag. apiece, Qualls, 1 rgusi Battalion Attend SCONA Today COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1962 Number 46 2(1 tie Indian le Ag. ; Lainl to take Soutk- 14 for U.S. Strengith Holds SCONA Spotlight tL y bom ter its turday ity of ‘N’ Bomb Called Startling weapon is “ultimate” It the nuclear viewed as the weapon, the last form of mu nition that man will ever de vise, the proliferation of these sreapons is indeed u startling pos sibility, Gen. Frederic H. Smith Jr., former vice chief of staff USAF, told SCONA delegates Wednesday. Smith was addressing the first plenary session of the eighth Stu dent Conference On National Af fairs. “Further, our own investigations indicate that there are possibili ties for developing weapons that will neutralize nuclear weapons. As one possibility, I refer you to the widely publicized, but specula tive, controlled energy weapons which offer the potential of at tacking and destroying ICBM war heads with a beam moving at the speed of light. “Failing the power to control independent development of nu clear weapons, the way to handle this problem is to render these weapons obsolete by technological (regress. “THIS IS NO senseless extension of the arms race. It is, instead, a reasoned and natural effort to tiring the defense into balance with the offense. And, in fact, to pro- dde a new way to pi-event wars.” According to Smith the highest Ask to the free world today would oe a strategic nuclear war. It has lecome axiomatic with some stu dents that the risk of such a war s so high that kind of war is no onger an alternative available to governments.” The only way to deter strategic luclear war, Smith said, is to have superior forces for that kind of Nr. Continued the general: “Backed by a force which the inemy recognizes as clearly super ior, a national leader can then ?lay with confidence the console tf factors available to him. “He can probe and thrust and move for negotiation in ways that he could not do if he did not have dominance at the ultimate scale of war. "He controls escalation because he has power to raise the ante higher than the enemy can cover. And the enemy knows it.” Arms Called Build - Up Top Crisis Disarmament and the arms race were the primary topics taken up by Mason Willrich, legal advisor to the U. S. Arms Control and Disarmaments Agency, in delivering the second keynote address of SCONA VIII Tuesday night in the Memo rial Student Center Ballroom. “The issue before us is whether the leading powers in the world today will be able to effectively deal with the crisis in human history which the revolutionary developments of modern weapons has produced,” Willrich said in opening his talk. The near 150 conference delegates heard Willrich speak of two challenges which the United States must meet and which might well decide the Rush This is part of a steady stream of well over 100 who registered for SCONA VIII in the Memoria Center during the day Wednesday. Varied repor the number of delegates at between 110 and 150, f Delegates Hits SCONA delegates ing approximately 70 U. S. colleges and universities. The Student annual conference will continue Friday and end Saturday s placed afternoon, resent- SCONA IN FULL SWL LBJ, Facio ' Speak Today Vice President Lyndon B. John son arrived on campus today to address the eighth Student Con ference On National Affairs on what has been billed as a speech on “U.S. policy.” Also on campus for a speech tonight is the new president of the Organization of American States, Gonzalo J. Facio. Johnson, accompanied by his wife Lady Bird, plus assistants and a press secretary, talked to a meeting of the Bryan-College Wire Review By The Associated Press WORLD NEWS GENEVA—The United States Proposed Wednesday a sweeping program designed to prevent sur prise attack and war by accident. The Soviet Union was urged to five it careful consideration. U.S. Ambassador Arthur H. Dean outlined a program to the U-nation disarmament conference "hich included a direct telephone line connecting President Kennedy a nd Soviet Premier Khrushchev. Basically, the U.S. plan aims at ■nsuring all powers that other na plane, is a flop. British experts don’t agree. U.S. NEWS WASHINGTON —A Nike Zeus sprang to within kill range of an Atlas intercontinental ballistic mis sile Wednesday in mid-Pacific in the second such successful, tightly controlled test of the controversial defensive weapon. The Nike Zeus, under develop ment since 1957, is a complex de vice the Army has been striving to perfect as the nation’s key de fense against nuclear attack. But the careful wording of the cam- Rollie •port ‘ton, ^ss- ir- nt ic d Station Junior Chamber merce before coming to the pus for his address in G. . White Coliseum. He was greeted at the ah by Chancellor M. T. Harring President Earl Rudder, Congn man Olin Teague, SCONA cha man Vic Donnell, Jaycee preside Ray Downey, county Democrat chairman Glynn Williams, am State Representative Brovvnrigg Dewey. A Ross Volunteer honor guard under Cadet Col. Roger John also met the vice president’s plane as it arrived from Austin. OTHER GREETERS included: Bob Wimbish, chairman of Great Issues Committee; Paul Dresser, SCONA vice chairman; and Corps Commander Bill Nix. Dresser was assigned as an aid to Johnson and Wimbish as an aide to Mrs. Johnson. During the vice president’s speech to the Bryan group, Mrs. Rudder hosted a luncheon in the Memorial Stu dent Center for Mrs. Johnson. After the major address the vice president will meet informally wdth student delegates to the con- Friday’s keynote speaker will be former U.N. ambassador James J. Wadsworth at 8 p.m. in the MSC Ballroom. The final speaker is Felix Mc- Knight, executive editor of The Dallas Times-Herald, on Saturday with the conference round-up. Today’s Thought f Com- and their advisors. Then he will visit briefly with members of the college’s academic council in the MSC Assembly Room. THE CORPS of Cadets will pass in review in the vice president’s honor on the main drill field at 3:45 Thursday. Following the military ceremon ies the vice president is due to go into Bryan for a meeting with Democratic party workers. He is to return to Austin shortly after . 5 p.m. | The OAS president arrived on ] jnpus about 12:30 p.m^ His - I ^ch tonight is at 8 p.m. in the Ballroom. FaCjS* 0 ’ 44, is the Costa Rican . . Ussador to the United States Ambarv and is most ou His to'f 3 * 0 ’ -“T 0118 * 0113 in Latin America,” theme of “L sion.” Also arrivh. J 5 . 1 ?. oam P^ s t°da> anc j ram p S q an( j j) Q f Hart Hall were Ralph M< ^ 1 . ’ P u isher of w jjj c j oae< j an( j locked during The Atlanta Corw stl u Ion na_ the Christmas holidays, beginning tionally syndicated >« co uninist ’ and at 6 p.m. next Thursday, Dec. 20, William P. Steven, edltor The Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” shall enter the kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.—Matthew 7:21 survival of the United States as a nation: the challenge of communism and the challenge of the arms race. “TO MEET the challenge of com munism,” Willrich stated, “it is essential that we maintain in being a military establishment which is capable of effectively detering ag gression wherever and on what ever scale it may occur.” “Increasingly ugly manifestation of the arms race, is the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons tech nology to new countries which do not now have a capability,” Will- rich said. Willrich related the functions of the United States Arms Con trol and Disarmament Agency as being to conduct research, formu late policy and manage U. S. participation in international nego tiations in the arms control and disarmament field. “It is the re sponsibility of the agency to find constructive solutions to the com plex problems of the arms race,” he said. IN STATING the United States position on disarmament, Willrich gave three principles: “First, disarmament must be implemented progressively and in a balanced manner so that at no stage will any state or group of states obtain military advantage. “Second, compliance with all dis armament obligations must be ef fectively verified. “Finally, he added, “as national armaments are reduced, the Unit ed Nations capabilities for main taining the peace and security of all nations must be progressively strengthened.” IN CONCLUDING his address, Willrich said, “International con flicts and clashes of national in terest would persist in a disarmed world. But progress in the direc tion of turning the upward spiral of the arms race downward is es sential if a nuclear holocaust is to be avoided.” WuaBlhii&jtzsL ^ one of Central America’s «tstanding statesmen. follows the general Sources of Woi-ld Ten- Dorms To Close Next Thursday MASON WILLRICH Nikita Warns U. S. To Honor Deal On Cuba All dormitories except Milner ference, SCONA committeemen Houston Chronicle. N toons are not secretly mobilizing Defense Department announcement a gainst them and at preventing the j indicated Secretary of Defense Vorld from blundering into war ! Robert S. McNamara still has toirough diplomatic miscalculation | strong doubts that the missile is 0r failure of communication. j promising enough to warrant or- ★ ★ ★ dering production. LONDON — Britain admitted A Strategic Air Command crew Wednesday its talks with the United States over the possible scrapping of the Skybolt missile had bogged down. The issue •nay be left for President Ken nedy and Prime Minister Harold McMillan to resolve at the meet ing in Nassau just before Christmas. Tentative U.S. plans to give up the manufacture of the missile Have put a heavy strain on the American-British alliance. The United States says the missile, designed to carry a nuclear war head and be launched from a fired the Atlas from Vandenberg Air Force Base on the California coast. As it sped westward at 16,000 miles an hour a salvo of two Zeus missiles was fired from Kwajalein island in mid-Pacific. ★ ★ ★ WASHINGTON — President | Kennedy said AVednesday it was i unfortunate that information j leaked out on deliberations of I the National Security Council j (NSC) on the Cuban crisis. But he said he had satisfied himself the leak did not come from the NSC. Harry L. Boyer, housing manager, announced Wednesday. This action will be put into ef- MOSCOW LT*)—Soviet Premier Khrushchev warned the United States to live up to the “no inva sion” deal on Cuba and blasted the Chinese Communists for claiming he beat a retreat in the Caribbean crisis. The Soviet leader, at times tough and at times mollifying, covered the whole range of Krem lin foreign policy in a two-hour, 40-minute speech Wednesday be- ramps C and D of Hart Hall who f ore Supreme Soviet broken by expect to remain in their rooms bursts of applause, during the holidays must report Loudest cheers came from the to the housing office and sign for 1^443 deputies when he claimed to their rooms. have saved the world from nuclear ANYONE FINDING it neces- w . ar anc j opened the way for “more sary to gain entrance to a dormi- common sense, more striving to re- tory closed for the holidays will move the logjams which produce Two Speakers, Round-Table Talks On Tap For SCONA Through Friday 2 of events for SCONA VIII> Following is the schedule through Friday night: Thursday 6:30-7:30 p. m.—Texas-style barbecue, MSC lawn 8-10 p. m.—Plenary session with fourth keynote address menf 13 - by Gonzalo J. Facio; reception for all participants. MSC STUDENTS feet to conserve utilities and pro- | H’ ave f° check at the Housing Of- frictions and create tensions in tect student property, he said. j ^* ce * n * de ^ M(JA Building. relations among states.” Students tvho will have difficulty j .j°J security purpose, Boyer In one obvious reference to Red clearin K their dormitory rooms by f dd “ 1 ' a ‘" dents J have b ' e " | China’s description of the United to close the windows and lock the states as a “paper tiger,” Khrush- doors to their rooms. First floor J c hev declared . .. , ... , windows particularly should be contact their tactical officer or . j oc k e( j dor.-nitory counselor for arrange- ’ conege hal]s wj|| close after the night meal Dec. 20 WHO will need an( j w jjj rema j n closed until the the indicated time because of trans portation or other problems, can “If now it is a pa per tiger, then those who say so Assembly and Birch Rooms; Singing Cadets, MSC Main dormitory accommodations during l^jght meal Jan. 2. the holitiays ca n contact students Lobby must know it has atomic teeth.” The speech was broadcast to the nation—and gave many Soviet citizens their first extensive ac count of what had gone on in Cuba and removal of ballistic missiles 7:30-8:30 a. m.- , Bus service will be available be session "Rh fifth ke> note address housing office before 5 p.m. Dec. According to Boyer, the dormi- other side, we shall be compelled by James J. V\adsworth; reception for all participants, MSC 20 . tories will be un , ocke d at 8 a.m. to take such action as may he re- Assembly and Birch Rooms. Students who live in Milner and j Jan. 2, 1963. I quired by the situation,” he said.