The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 11, 1962, Image 4
1 Page 4 College Station, Texas Tuesday, Decembei’ 11, 1962 THE BATTALION SCONA VIII PRESENTS ★ Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson ★ Ambassador Gonzalo J. Facio ★ General Frederic H. Smith ★ James J. Wadsworth ★ Felix R. McKnight ★ Mason Willrich WEDNESDAY, Dec. 12, 2 p. m. in the M. S. C. Ballroom, General Frederic H. Smith, former vice chief of staff of the Air Force and Air Force Commander in Europe, will address the first plenary session. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 12, 8 p. m. in the M. S. C. Ballroom, Mason Willrich, attorney-adviser for the U. S. Arms Control and Dis armament Agency and recent delegate to the disarmament talks in Geneva will address the second plenary session. THURSDAY, Dec. 13, 1:30 p. m. in G. Rollie White Coliseum, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson will make an address concerning U. S. policy to the third plenary session. THURSDAY, Dec. 13, 8 p. m. in the M. S. C. Ballroom, Ambassa dor Gonzalo J. Facio of Costa Rica, new president of the Coun cil of the Organization of Amer ican States, will speak to the fourth plenary session. FRIDAY, Dec. 14, 8 p. m. in the M. S. C. Ballroom, James J. Wadsworth, former ambassador to the United Nations who faced Khrushchev’s infamous shoe pounding tirade, will address the fifth plenary session. SATURDAY, Dec. 15, 12:15 p. m. in the M. S. C. Ballroom, Felix R. McKnight, executive: editor of The Dallas Times-Her- aid who interviewed Khrushchev in Moscow this summer, will make the round-up address at the sixth plenary session. AND THE ROUND-TABLE CHAIRMEN lany risis : !:r ■ Ihanc irect m ■m if! ii IP* mm® mm ■■. : , : J : l§pr 111 % itar .V-- :• ty&s&s&s m mm. FRANK H. H. KING Economist for the Economic Devel opment Institute, Bank for Recon struction and Development, Wash ington D. C. MRS. ALICE R. PRATT Regional director. Institute of In ternational Education, Inc., Hous ton ING. GABRIEL BALDOVINOS DE LA PENA President of the Institute Mexicano de Administracion de Negocios, A. C., Mexico, D. F. JACK VALENTI, Advertising executive and colum nist, Houston DR. JAMES H. WEBB JR., Cultural attache, American Em bassy, Mexico, D. F. CLAUDE A. BITNER JR, Assistant professor, Texas A&M Department of Economics ilii ■ Ilf m ' : m IS m own m. I . if ■■ §§l! m m % DR. W. J. GRAFF Dean of instruction, Texas A&M JAMES S. LIPSCOMB Associate director of overseas re lations, Graduate School of Bus iness Administration. Harvard Uni versity DR. HARRISON E. HIERTH, Associate professor, Texas A&M Department of English DR. ROCCO M. PAONE Director Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference, Annapolis, Md. J. T. FAUBION, Manager of planning and distribu tion, Dow Chemical Co. Texas Di vision. Freeport CAPT. B. T. THOMPSON U. S. Military Academy Depart ment of Social Sciences, West Point, N. Y. DR. HOWARD A. CUTLER Academic vice president, Univei’- sity of Alaska DR. WILLIAM S. LIVINGSTON Professor, University of Texas De partment of Government This is your Invitation to be Fully Versed on 'Sources of World Tension” PLAN NOW TO ATTEND EACH EVENT SQDN. LEADER JAMES WALSH Royal Air Force, U. S. Air Force Academy Department of Political Science, Colorado Springs, Colo. DR. RADOSLAY A. TSANOFF Trustee, distinguished professor o! humanities. Rice University De partment of Humanities, Houstoc No Admission Charge: You Are Invited To Be A Guest Of The Student Conference On National Affairs and The Great Issues Committee The Memorial Student Center Wednesday through Saturday