The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 04, 1962, Image 3

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Eta Kappa Nu
Initiates 19
James W. Martin of the Texas
Research and Electronics Co. of
'xa.s the guest speaker for
he Eta Kappa Nu Society’s fall
nitiation and banquet Thursday.
Eta Kappa Nu is an honor socie-
:y for electrical engineering maj-
)rs. Membership is based on grade
point ratio and individual integri-
;y. The group does service work
:or the Department of Electrical
Martin, Class of ’58, spoke on
the five different areas in which
mgineers normally become involv
ed after graduation.
The five areas, according to Mar
tin, are basic research, research and
development, component system
and device development, sales and
education or teaching.
The society held its initiation
in the Electrical Engineering Build-
ng at 5 p.m., followed by a ban
quet at Clayton’s Restaurant.
Seniors initiated into the organi
zation were Jimmie O. Guy, Max
Marable, Richard J. Matthews,
Jack Oliphant, Donald J. Redwine
and Donald R. Smith.
Juniors entering were Ilhan Bil-
]ars Nonessentials
BAGHDAD, Iraq (A>) — Pre
mier Abdul Karim Kassem has
ordered car dealers to cut im
ports. Iraq’s wealth, he said, is
not to be squandered on none-
gutay, John M. Titts, Gilbert H.
Forehand, Jeffrey C. Harp, Robert
Hood, Allen E. Kevnp, Cyrus J.
Newman, Tommie H. Pearson, Lu
ther R. Powers,
Also, Maurice L. Schiller, Gerald
W. Siegelin, Manning D. Smith
and Robert D. Smith III.
Mike Crawford is president of
the honor group and Dr. M. G.
Rekoff Jr. is sponsor.
Entrance Exam
Dates Revealed
High school students planning to
ask admission to A&M next Sept
ember can apply now for the Jan.
12 tests by the College Entrance
Examination Board. Tests also
will be given March 2 and in May.
Test results are used for coun
seling and placement purposes.
Dec. 29 is the closing date to
apply for the College Entrance
Examination Board (CEEB) tests
scheduled Jan. 12 Application
must be made no later than Feb.
16 for tests to be given March 2.
More than 100 locations through
out Texas have been designated
by the CEEB for administering the
Details concerning locations, the
procedure for applying for the
tests and related information may
be obtained by writing to the Col
lege Entrance Examination Board,
Box 592, Princeton, N. J.
Schedule Information
^ Domestic and International Reservations
+ Tours - Hotels - Rent Cars
Robert Halsell Travel Service
1411 Texas Avenue
La Fayette Radio Electronics
Associate Store
3219 Texas Ave.
Tuesday, December 4, 1962 College Station, Texas Page 3
Students Stiidy
l&M Research Huss Will Direct
Facilities Range Conference
Receives Borden Award
Richard Reynolds, left senior dairy manufacture major,
receives a $300 Borden Agricultural Award in recognition
of his “outstanding scholarship.” The presentation was
made by Dr. I. W. Rupel, head of the Department of Dairy
Science* during the Dairyman’s Short Course last week.
Reynolds’ name will be placed on a plaque on display in
the Dairy Science Building.
Magazine Accepts
Profs’ Mystery
“Ellory Queen’s Mystery Maga
zine” has accepted for publication
a story written by J. Frank Peirce,
professor of English.
Date of publication of the story,
entitled “The Lonely Ones,” has
not been announced.
Peirce said that the story, which
centers around a schizophrenic,
was written in 1958. The story
was submitted for publication that
year but was returned for re
vision. After revising the story,
Peirce resubmitted it to the maga
zine and it was accepted.
★ ★ ★
Dr. R. W. Barzak of the Depart
ment of English is in Princeton,
N. J., this week to serve as a
College Entrance Examination
Board English composition inter
linear reader or grader. He left
here Saturday and will return next
This will be Barzak’s second time
to serve as a reader for the Col
lege Board test. In March, 1961,
he was one of two Texans who
served as readers.
★ ★ ★
Dr. Sherman K. Fitzgerald, form-
early of Arizona State University,
has joined the Department of Agri
cultural Economics and Sociology
as an associate professor.
The new faculty member will
teach sociology and conduct re
search in this field.
Fitzgerald received his BS de
gree in sociology in 1948 and his
MS degree in 1949 at Brigham
Young University in Utah. His
doctorate came in 1952 at Cornell
— ® AMC A-? gc
Get that refreshing new feeling with Coke!
Bottled mute*- authorily at Ibe Coca4k5laCa»flas^4a BRYAN COCO COLA BOTTLING CO.
James H. Earle and James L.
Boone Jr., assistant professors,,
have articles in the December is
sue of the “Industrial Arts and
Vocational Education” magazine.
Earle, a teacher of engineering
graphics, contributed hn article
on use of the overhead projector in
teaching of drafting.
A presentation on teaching of
electricity and electronics by use
of the overhead projector was sub
mitted by Boone, industrial educa
tion teacher.
Seventy-five college junior and
senion science students from
throughout Texas attended the Col
legiate Science Research Confer
ence here.
Sponsored by the Texas Academy
of Science, the conference was one
of three conducted at major state
colleges and universities to interest
top science students in graduate
work. The meeting here ended
Tuesday afternoon.
The group heard lectures by A&M
scientists and then visited vari
ous research facilities on campus
devoted to the students’ particular
field of interest.
Students who attended the con
ference were from Arlington State
College, East Texas State, Hardin-
Simmons University, Howard Pay
ne College, Incarnate Word Col
lege of San Antonio, Lamar State,
Mary Hardin-Baylor College, Mid
western University and McMurry
Also Pan American College, St,
Edwards University, St. Mary’s Un
iversity, Stephen F. Austin State
College, Southwest Texas State
College, Texas College of Tyler
and Texas Lutheran College.
A&M has won 54 football season
openers, lost 10 and tied three.
The most one-sided opening game
victory by the Farmers was over
Daniel Baker, 110-0, in 1920.
Dr. Donald L. Huss, assistant
professor in the Department of
Range and Forestry, will exercise
his duties as president of the
Texas Section of the American So
ciety of Range Management at the
group’s annual meeting at the
Townhouse Hotel in San Angelo
Friday and Saturday.
Huss reports that a program
has been planned which should be
of great interest to Texas ranch
operators and he extends to them
a special invitation to attend the
meeting. He added that dele
gates representing the cattle unions
of Mexico are also planning to
send representatives to participate
in the meeting.
The first session is scheduled
for 1:30 p.m. Friday, with Dr.
V. M. Harris, director of research
for the Perry Foundation in Robs-
town, presiding.
Miss Hohair of Texas, Miss
Nancy Friend, Ozona, will be hon
ored guest at a Friday evening
banquet which will have W. J.
Waldrip of the Texas Agricultural
Experiment Station serving as
master of ceremonies.
Dr. Leo Merrill of the Texas
Agricultural Experiment Station at
Sonora will preside over the Sat
urday morning session. A busi
ness session is scheduled at 8 a.m.,
with a screwworm program slated
for 9:15.
• A style show and coffee has
been planned for the ladies at 10
a.m. and will feature Miss Mohair
of Texas and her wardrobe.
W. H. Owen of Treanor Equip
ment Company in Abilene will pre
side over the final afternoon ses
Many Colored
Hydrants Aid
The campus will soon have two-
toned fire hydrants in the interest
of better fire protection, not art
istic effect.
The colors actually form a code
combination. A College Station
Volunteer Fire Department mem
ber will know immediately how
much water flows from a fire hy
“The code to be used in painting
the hydrants is that suggested by
the American Water Works Associ
ation and the National Fire Pro
tection Association,” Walter H.
Parsons Jr., superintendent of
Buildings and Utilities, said.
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Look Sharp, Feel Sharp, and Be Sharp For Those Holiday Parties.
The Latest Styles and Newest Colors.
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Only Schick makes two different
electric shavers... pick the one to
match your face!
Both new Super Speed shavers have
Schick’s exclusive washable head, made
of surgical stainless steel. Snap it off
and wash aw ay dirt, stubble, and germs.
Cet the new Schick Easy Shine Electric Shoe Shiner for a bootblack shine in 60 seconda!
For tough
&, regular beards
For sensitive shia