.Fftfre 4 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Wednesday, November 28, 1962 INTRAMURALS Intramural sports resumed play Monday after work on the bonfire and the Thanksgiving holidays had allowed players and the staff a ten-day vacation. Results Monday in Class A foot ball: Sqd. 3 over the White Band, 16-0; B-3 won over A-2, 14-0; B-l defeated Sqd. 12, 2-0; and Sqd. 4 defeated E-l, 6-0. Winning teams in Class A horse shoe pitching: Sqd. 2 over C-2, 3-0; F-l defeated Sqd. 13, 3-0; and Sqd. 5 won over C-l, 2-1. Handball winners, upperclass man division, were Sqd. 11 over Sqd. 8, 2-1; Sqd. 7 defeated G-3, 11-0; and A-l won over D-2, 2-1 EXCELLENT CAREER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES for Engineers and! Physical Scientists The Naval Ordnance Laboratory (NOL) located in a desirable suburb of Washington, D. C.—now one of the nation’s lead ing research areas—offers seniors in Engineering and the Physical Sciences unique career development opportunities in: Missile Guidance and Weapons Systems . . . Space and Re-Entry Components, Underseas Weapons, Fire Control, Sonar, Fuzes, and Influence Detectors . . . Meteorological Rockets, Aerodynamics, Hydrodynamics, Explosives, Pro pellants, Acoustics and Pressure Fields . . . Infrared, Nuclear Physics, Solid State and Mathematics. You will benefit from a year-long, on-the-job rotational training program. You are encouraged—and helped finan cially—to work out an advanced degree program with local universities. All positions enjoy the added benefits of Career Civil Service. On-Campus Interviews will be held DECEMBER 3 AND 4 •r write to W. B. Wilkinson, Employment Officer (CN) U*S. Navat Ordnance Laboratory White Oak • Silver Spring, Maryland FINAL FOOTBALL STA TISTICS Clark’s Toe, Hank’s Debut Mark 1962 Grid Season Mike Clark was the big name in Aggie football for a 1962 sea son that featured the debut of Hank Foldberg as head coach and athletic director. Clark’s field goal kicking set a SWC record, broke two school records and tied another. His boots accounted for two of the three Cadet victories and produced the only A&M scores in four of the ten games. MIKE CLARK KICKS RECORD SEVENTH FIELD GOAL THE SCORING title also went to Clark, who accounted for 25 points with seven field goals and four extra points. Halfback Jim Linnstaedter led the team in rushing, gaining 167 yards in 36 carries for a 4.6 aver age. Lee Roy Caffey was second with 143. yards in 36 attempts. Five other Aggies were over the century mark—Travis Reagan (141), Jim Willenborg (137), Tom my Meeks (132), Jim Keller (113) and Eddie VanDyke (108). College Football In Texas Suddenly Good To Coaches BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 3# per word 24 per word each additional day Minimum charges—404 DEAPniNB 4 p.m, day before pnblicatioa Classified Display 804 per column inch each insertion 6-6415 PHONE VI 6-64 FOR SALE Baby bed, good condition. B-10-B College View. 37t3 Refrigerator with large freezer, $30.00. See at C-6-C College View. 36t3 1956 V-8 Mercury, two-tone, black and tai w .ter, very cl< Vlercury, white with standard good tires, no ne, t transmissic Delco bat .ttery, ean car, inside and out, 6.00. 904-A K. 29th or call TA 2-6906. j, extra idio and id 36t2 Have Volvo, will finance, 1969, 4-speed transmission, twin carburators, vinyl in terior, excellent condition. VI 6-6316. 36tfn Wash and grease $1.00 with minimum fill UP of 8 gallons of gasoline. The New Sinclair Service Station, Hwy. 6 South at Eiast Gate, College Station. VI 6-9982. I9t£n WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY BACK ISSUES OF AGGIELANDS, 1954 and prior years wanted.’ Highest prices plus postage. Write AIR MAIL, to Jack Bell, USA Finance Office, Paris, APO 230, New York, N. Y. 36t4 CHILD CARE HtTMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY Children of all ages, weekly and hourly UlUMren or all ages, weeKly and Hourly rates, 3404 South College Avenue, Bryan, Texas. Virginia Davis Jones. Registered Nurse. TA 2-4803. 124tfn Will keep children, all ages, will pick np wd deliver. VI 6-8161. llltfn EDUCATION EXPERIMENT with Sleep - Learning! Fascinating, educational. Details free. Research Association, Box 24-CP, Olympia, Washington. 33t5 SPECIAL NOTICE Save on idends, call surance Group, auto insurance through dlv- G IP, We insure single men under 26 at call ueorge Webn, farmers in- e Group, 3610 South College, Bryan. TA 2-4461. We standard rates. 26 I86tfn HELP WANTED Part time and full time A&M students or Student wives. Te; for interview appointment. DUTCH K TLE SNACK RESTAURANT, VI 6-9968 (walking distance of College View Apts.) jobs open for ves. Telephone ET- ipts.) 37t5 OVERSEAS OPPORTUNITIES under 2 year contract for single persons over age 20 to serve on rural, agricultural and education projects. All expenses plus able cash salary. Write: Intern: reasonable cash salary. Write: interna tional Voluntary Services, 3636 Sixteenth St., Washington, D. C. 33t5 CATS SHOP is now located at 204 West 19th St. We specialize in the repair of Cushman motor scooters and small gasoline engines. TV - Radio - Hi-Fi Service & Repair GELS RADIO & TV 2403 S. College TA 2-0826 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 JOHN CHRISTIAN, Ag gie, age 20, was injured November 22, 1962 about 9:15 a. m. in downtown Austin when hit by a car driven by a parking lot attendant. Several other pedestrians were injured. If you saw this accident or were there, or if you know of anyone else who might have seen this accident or were there, please call TA 2- 0155, Bryan, Texas. 37t3 ’61 Kirvvin High graduation ring lost. Sold at M.S.C. auction. Owner would appreciate return. Contact Stanley San- tire, Puryear Hall 2J. 36t2 INVISABLE REWEAYING Cigarette Burns - Moth Holes Cuts & Tears Inquire: Mary Carter Paint Store - 80S E. Dodge Bryan Mondays thru Fridays TA 2-4172 WORK WANTED Typing - electric typewriter. Experience: Becretary. business teacher. VI 6-8619. 85tfn COINS Need Christmas money? Sell me y6ur old American coins. Contact Richard Crosby, Box 1622, College Station. 36t8 TRAVEL EUROPE—Discover this bargain ! Write Europe, 255-C Sequoia, Pasadena, Calif. 33t5 OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floor YMGA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12. 1-6, daily S u o! I. D. Cards may be picked up at the 37tfn Exchange Store. English Proficiency examinations will be held for Health and Physical Education Majors Thursd Room 3 Thursday, Dec. 6, at 4 p. m., 231 G. Rollie White Coliseum. If lan to take this examination, you etary 36t3 you plan to take this examination, you must register with the department secretary by Friday, November 30. TO ALL STUDENTS IN THE SCHOOL OF ARTS’ AND SCIENCES WHO ARE ON You are re- to arrange rence with the dean of your school after each grade report is issued. 36t4 Those undergrad semester hours A. .and M. ring. The hours passing the time of the preliminary, grade report iduate students who have 95 of -credit may purchase the ng. The hours passing at le preliminary, grade report on November 12, 1962, may be used in itis' ,ud< may leave their name with the rmg in the Registrar’s office in order that she on JNovemher iz, lilbz, may he used in satisfying the 95 hour requfiement. Those students qualifying under this regulation e their name with the ring clerk determine Orders for the rings will be taken between November 27 and January 4. The rings will be re turned for delivery on or about February 1, 1963. The ring clerk is on duty from 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 'noon, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK ONLY. H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar 80tl9 • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS YOUR DISTRIBUTOR FOR # EICO KITS • Garrard Changers • HI-FI Components # Tape Recorders Use Our Time Payment Plan BRYAN RADIO & TV TA 2-4862 1301 S. College Ave. AGGIES NOTICE To Rent Brazos Coanty A&M Club Foi Mixed Parties,—See Joe Faulk SAE 30 Motor Oils 15tf Qt. Major Brands Oils 27-3l£ Qt. For your parts and accessories AT a DISCOUNT See us— Plenty free parking opposite the courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Brake shoes. Fuel pumps. Water pumps. Generators, Starters, Solenoids, etc. Save 30 to 50% on just about any part for your car. Filters 40% discount AT JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington SHOP A&M MEN’S SHOP “Home of Distinctive Men’s Wear” North Gate College Station SOSOLIK'S T. V-, Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 DR. G. A. SMITH OPTOMETRIST •PSCLALIZINa te CVS CXAMIMATlOa CONTACT tlNSIS BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC 105 No. MAIN • BRYAN.'TEXAV HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donuts ANYWHERE Hamburgers — Short Orders — Fountain Service By HAROLD Y. RATLIFF Associated Press Sports Writer Baylor gave John Bridgers a new five-year contract before his present one ran out. He had a 1-6 record at the time and prospects are that he may have his worst season as coach at Baylor. Baylor’s officials said they liked Bridgers for his leadership and the way he had built up the ath letic department. ’The campus newspaper praised him for his scholastic contributions. Out at Lubbock Texas Tech offi cials commended Coach J. T. King despite the fact that the football team had won only one game in nine. THEY SAID a sound,, construc tive program was in progress and that it would result in satisfactory achievement. At Nacogdoches Stephen F. Aus tin College officials praised Coach Travis Hughes and his staff for their efforts although the team won only one game and lost sev eral by big margins. They said they thought Coach Hughes had done a fine job all the way around. What’s the world coming to? And it is hoped it’ll come to even more. College football in Texas has done the greatest right-about face in history. No later than last year two Southwest Conference coaches —Jim Myers of A&M and Bill Meek of Southern Methodist—were let out because their teams didn’t win enough. Yet here a year later the col leges not only are rehiring losing coaches but praising them for their work. And there appears little dissent from the fans, who are the ones demanding’ victory and who usually get rid of the coach when he doesn’t win. EFFIGIES were strung up to King and Bridgers but they drew little attention since they repre sented the feeling of only a small segment of fans. Keller logged the most time at quarterback and paced the team in passing. The 6-4 junior hit 30 of 80 passes for 343 yards and had nine intercepted. Sophomore Willenborg hit 18 passes in 49 attempts for 169 yards and had four intercepted. George Hargett was the top re ceiver for the Cadets, catching 14 passes for 194 yards. Soph Kjm McLean was runner-up, netting 91 yards on 11 receptions. Ken Kipp caught six passes for 57 yards and Ronnie Ledbetter and Linnstaedter each snagged four passes for 32 and 27 yards, re spectively. Hargett also led the _team in punt and kickoff returns. He ran back seven kickoffs for 158 yards and 17 punts for 163 yards. TEAM STATISTICS show the Aggies with 1,442 yards on the ground with 615 yards passing for a net of 2,057. The Farmers threw 160 passes, completed 58 and had 19 intercepted. Season highs for the Cadetsia as follows: Longest run. in scrimmage: 59, Linnstaedter Rice; Longest pass play: 44,E ler to Hargett vs. Baylor; Long interception return: 46, Caffevi TCU (for TD); Longest punt: 63, Ronnie 111 better vs. Texas Tech; Lem field goal: 42, Clark vs. Bayla Longest punt return: 51, Reap vs. Arkansas (for TD); Lour kickoff return: 100, Dan M hany vs. Tech (for TD). Welcome To COACH NORTONS PANCAKE HOUSE featuring Special Lunches Monday Thru Friday 11:30 til 2:00 Also Steaks, Shrimp and Oita Fine Foods. East Gate Highway 6 So. Don't be a meat-head! Get Vitalis with V-7. It keeps your hair neat all day without grease. Waturally. V-7® is the greaseless grooming discovery. Vitalis® with V-7 fights embarrassing dandruff, prevents dryness, keeps your hair neat all day without grease. Try it! i Vitalis y?* — Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules & Etc. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS S s gat pur © 1962 R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. You II smoke with a fresh enthusiasm when you discover the cool "air-softenecTtaste of Salem • menthol fresh • rich tobacco taste • modem filter, too Cor stal sys due T the gov due *01 C Pea Plai elin |“fe; lar; T Ap] fiili five fail Ear W