The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 16, 1962, Image 1

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    Che Battalion
Cadels Ready
For Rice...
See Page 4
Volume 60
Number 34
Aggies Turn Work Efforts To Bonfire
By The Associated Pres
HAMILTON, Bermuda — Crew-
len abandoned a burning Greek
leiKhter in the storm-tossed At-
' Intic on Thursday night as flames
ivept near her cargo of high ex-
Rescue ships picked up seven
len but said one lifeboat cap
ped and they had lost sight
f the other 18 crewmen in the
•k ir ir
NEW DELHI, India — In
dian forces have opened their
irst major offensive of the un
declared Himalayan border war
with Red China, killing- an un
known number of enemy troops
entrenched in the northeastern
sector, the Defense Ministry re
ported Thursday.
A Red Chinese broadcast heard
in Tokyo said, however, the at
tacks — made under heavy artil
lery fire — were being repulsed
by Communist troops still hold
ing; their positions.
WASHINGTON — A conference
: 170 industry, union and civic
aders has overwhelmingly en-
lorsed President Kennedy’s pro-
losal for a quick and substantial
|ax reduction.
After two days of discussion, an
Itpanded meeting of the Presi-
lent’s Labor-Management Advis-
y Committee came up Thurs-
|ay with a majority conclusion
at the tax cut should be perma-
lent and should emphasize lower
personal income tax rates, with
orporate rate reductions” on a
mailer scale.
NEW ORLEANS — The federal
ppeals court Thursday ordered the
ustice Department to institute
riminal contempt proceedings a-
tainst Mississippi Gov. Ross R.
iamett and Lt. Gov. Paul B. John-
on Jr.
I The order was issued here by
■he 5th U. S. Circuit Court of Ap
peals, which earlier held Barnett
, Ind Johnson in civil contempt for
lllheir efforts to block the enroll-
rent of Negro James H. Mere-
lith at the University of Missis-
Toil Will Begin
Early Saturday
Both students and professors will take to the woods after
convocation activities this afternoon—professors to hunt
deer, students to begin full-scale work on this year’s bonfire.
Three short days stand between almost all necessary
student work and the time for igniting the bonfire Tuesday
night. And work crews will not be at full strength Saturday
since many students will attend the Rice football game in
Houston Saturday afternoon.
The center pole, almost exactly 100 feet tall, was put in
place Thursday afternoon. Logs are expected to begin arriv
ing in the stacking area during the day Saturday and stack
ing crews are being prepared to work around-the-clock Sun
day and Monday to complete*
. . . workers strain at bottom
. . . signifies beginning of work
Lyons Admits Medicals Abused
Medical exemptions from the
Corps of Cadets and “assembly-
line medical treatment” given at
the college hospital were two con
troversial subjects discussed in
Thursday night’s Student Senate
meeting by Dr. Charles R. Lyons,
director of student health services.
The doctor said that the college
hospital grants medical exemp
tions from compulsory Corps part
icipation for only two reasons —
a decision by the hospital staff
that a student would be physical
ly harmed by further participation
in the Corps, or a letter presented
by a student in which his person
al physician states that the stu
dent would be mentally or physi
cally harmed.
The letter provision is much
abused, Dr. Lyons said, “but I will
not question his doctor’s opinion.”
partment of Military Science to
ward exempted students is to drop
them from their military science
courses with a failing g-rade if
the exemption is based on a letter
from their doctor.
Students who are granted ex
emptions by a decision of the hos
pital staff are dropped from their
military science course with the
grade which they had actually
earned in the course.
Prof Remembers First Grid Broadcast
The 1919 Thanksgiving foot
ball game between A&M and the
University of Texas long has
been Southwest Conference his
Old grads of bother schools
find it difficult to remember
who won the game — much less
the score and other details.
For H. C. (Dutch) Dilling
ham, now an electrical engineer
ing professor here, the 1919
spectacle was more than a foot
ball game.
Dillingham, then a student,
refers to an “incident” during
the grudge battle 43 years ago
that became a significant part
of American life.
He was one of several engi
neering students involved in the
■world's first radio broadcast
of a football game.
Dillingham quickly points out,
however, that he had a “lesser
role” in what was thought of
at the time as a “stunt.”
The 1919 game was described
on a telegraph key in Contin
ental code of dots and dashes,’
Using a long list of initials for
each movement of the football.
The Aggies’ first telecast is
credited largely to the late Wil
liam A. (Dock) Tolson, who
later became an eminent re
search engineer at the Prince
ton, N. J., laboratories of Radio
Corporation of America.
Tolson was the key man in
Assembling the station. When
the actual broadcast took place,
however, he tooted a trumpet
in the Aggie band.
Events leading up to the ori
ginal sportscast are mentioned
in a letter written by Tolson.
Tolson pointed out that the
original telecast took some do
ing, finding equipment for radio
operations when none was avail
able. Some of the material had
to be “borrowed” from other de
“One vital part,” he wrote,
“came from an electric fan
which just accidentally fell from
the window-sill of this profes
sor’s office. The fan’s blades
were ruined in the two-story
fall, but the motor worked fine.”
Once the station was assem
bled, other preparations had to
be made.
Dana X. Bible, A&M’s foot
ball coach then and later coach
and athletic director at the Uni-
... portable miniature would do job today
versity of Texas, helped the en
gineers work out the code.
The idea was to make up a list
of abbreviated terms to trans
mit, instead of using complete
statements. Time would not per
mit too much explanation in
a play-by-play account of the
The A&M station was given
the call letter “5YA,” forerun
ner of 5XB and the present
amateur station W5AC.
With equipment “borrowed”
from one soui’ce or another,
Station 5YA began operations.
The actual broadcast apparent
ly was successful, judging from
the way the report w”as received
in Waco.
The manager of one of the
radio stations in the Central
Texas city obtained permission
to install his receiver in the
office of one of the newspapers,
Tolson wrote.
The report sent by the Aggies
was received in the newspaper
office long before Associated
Press accounts. The rival paper
put a Magnavox speaker in
a car and drove to the other
newspaper plant where AP re
ports were being given out.
‘They announced that they
were giving out reports as they
happened,” Tolson said. “The re
sult was a near riot.”
Who won the 1919 game?
The Aggies, 7-0.
“The least important thing a
student gets from participating in
the Corps is a commission,” Dr
Lyons said.
He stressed that learning to meet
and work with people in civilian
life is the biggest advantage of
Coi’ps life.
DR. LYONS explained that the
granting of medical exemptions
was a greatest problem when the
Corps was not compulsory than it
is today. He said that, at that
time, once a student had signed
up for the Corps, he was bound
to a two-year obligation.
Regai’ding the quality of medical
service, Dr. Lyons said that the
doctors who are on duty at the
college hospital are the same ones
who work at Bryan’s St. Joseph
Pointing out that an average of
6,500 visits per month were made
to the college hospital during the
last three months, Dr, Lyons said:
“We try to keep things mov
ing, so it is true that we have to
conduct an assembly line proce
dure for such cases as colds, ath
lete’s foot and blisters.
“But nurses who handle these
cases have had at least three year’s
experience in that type of work.”
The nurses, he said, refer many
cases to a doctor if it is necessary,
or any student may request to see
a doctor if he wishes.
the stack.
Work in the cutting area
began on a volunteer basis
this week, with much of the
time being- devoted to clearing
heavy underbrush in the area.
THE CUTTING area is located
to the left off Farm Road 60 ap
proximately five miles from cam
pus. The turn off FM 60 is im
mediately past a Negro church
four miles from the railroad tracks
wast of campus. Gates to the act
ual cutting area are one mile from
the FM 60 intersection.
Parking for workers in the cut
ting area will be in a field near
the far right gate into the area.
Original plans were to park cars
in three different areas farther
back from the gates.
CIVILIANS AND day students
are expected to carry a heavy part
of the wox-k load between now and
Sunday morning w-hen all Corps
students will be able to work.
Members of these two groups are
already guarding the center pole
and are planning to form cutting
and stacking crews for work all
day Saturday. Many other civil
ians and day students are planning
to work with Corps units, espec
ially Saturday.
Corps units will begin work Sun
day and Monday at 5:45 a.m. and
continue in all areas until dark.
According to Head Yell Leader
Bill Brashears, who also serves
as chief bonfire coordinator, there
appears to be no way to avoid
having to work in the stacking
area throughout the night both
Finishing touches will be put on
the stack Tuesday, despite the re
sumption of classes after a holi
day Monday. Oiling will be done
at the latest possible time Tuesday
before the fire is ignited, with the
Department of Petroleum Engi
neering assisting student workers.
United Chest
Drive Passes
$17,000 Goal
The College Station United Chest
passed its goal Thursday when
$17,160.57 w r as reported in the
coffers at 3 p.m. by drive treasurer
Pieter Groot.
The goal for the 15-day drive
was $17,000. Several firms and ci
tizens of the community had not
brought in their checks, Groot
Dr. W. J. Graff, chairman of the
campaign committee, requested
that those who have not contri
buted do so as quickly as possible.
Funds raised above the goal will
be used for emergency needs and
for campaign expenditures, Graff
noted. .
Graff expressed appreciation to
the 87 campaign workers in the
city who devoted their time and ef
forts to the drive, and to those
in the community who cooperated
by contributions that made the
drive a success.
A meeting of the board of di
rectors of the Chest was called
by Dr. G. M.' Watkins, general
chairman, Thursday afternoon to
canvass the results of the drive, j
The directors authorized the
treasurer to pay one-half of the
funds allocated to the agencies
immediately, with the remainder
to come as pledges are met.
Watkins was authorized to call
a meeting of the board of direct
ors before Dec. 15 for acceptance
of the state charter of the organi
zation and for adoption of the arti
cles of incorporation and by-laws.
Dr. Johp C. Calhoun, genei-al
chairman of last year’s drive, was
named acting chairman until Dec.
15 while Watkins is out of the
country on an assignment.
MSC To Conduct
Lost-F ound Auction
Tuesday Afternoon
The MSC Council and Director
ate will conduct its annual Lost
and Found Auction Tuesday in the
Fountain Room of the MSC from
1 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. or later.
As in the past, Keyes Carson will
be the auctioneer.
Items to be sold will be on dis
play in Room 2-A of the MSC all
i day Monday and part of Tuesday
i morning before being moved down
to the Fountain Room for the auc-
i tion.
. . . That bird was mostly feathers and very little meat!’