The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 02, 1962, Image 3
fS'i till jlltl Sill cond Film In Adventure lies To Be Shown Monday he Great Issues Committee months of the last three years in present Mrs. Bettina Shaw as second speaker in the Inter- | ional Adventure Series Monday i s It at 8 in the Ballroom of the norial Student Center. . ik ps. Shaw will narrate her tolor ®' ; h “Czechoslovakia — Torn Be en Two Worlds.” This is “the \ completely uncensored” color of Czechoslovakia as a Com ist satellite, according; to Great les Chairman Bob Wimbish. logether with her husband, Don Iw, Mrs. Shaw has spent 1C Europe and has traveled over 900,000 miles for filming purposes. Czechoslovakia has been under Communist conti’ol since 1948. The film pictures the country, its people and its customs. Her report will include Communist city hall wedding's, life on a communal farm and the wonders of the town with a hundred spires. The report is the first to escape the Communist dominated nation and reach a free audience, Wimbish said. An Engineering CAREER With No* tai FISHER GOVERNOR COMPANY Interviews will be held on November 5, 1962 on the campus. See your placement office now for an appointment FISHER GOVERNOR CO. Marshalltown, Iowa Manufacturers of Automatic Control Equipment Bosomy Blond In Bikini Raises British Eyebrows LONDON CFh — A bosomy blonde who posed in a bikini for Prince Albert of Belgium discov ered Thursday questions are be ing raised about her in the House of Commons. Shapely subject of Parlia ment’s curiosity is model Malise Menzies, 19. Labor legislator Reginald Pa get, his party’s expert on army affairs, wants to know what du ties she performs for the War Office. “The answer,” chuckled Ma lise, “is none. I’m not on the government payroll.” It all began when the bikini- clad British girl posed on an Italian beach. Prince Albert, who happened to be on the same stretch of sand, raised his cam era to the ready. An Italian press photographer snapped them both. His picture appeared in British newspapers and was spotted by War Minister John Profumo. When, by chance, they met la ter at a London party, the min ister teased Malise about it. He laughingly suggested she should pose for a recruiting poster for Britain’s Women’s Royal Army Corps. Malise took it as a joke. So did the minister’s wife, ex-ac tress Valerie Hobson. Air Force Cadets To See Film On ‘Appeals Of Democracy’ Col. James F. Starkey, professor of Air Science, has announced that Chaplain Lt. Col. John A. Carlin, a member of the Air University Command Chaplain’s Office at Maxwell Air Force Base in Ala bama, will give a lecture to Air Force ROTC cadets in Guion Hall at 8’.30 a.m. Saturday. His lecture, “The Appeals of Democracy,” will be a positive anaysis of the ideological conflict between, democracy and commun ism, Col. Starky said. Col. Carlin has given many lec tures on communism and democ racy to students of the Air War College, and many other Air Force schools, he commented. Col. Carlin has appeared before the Stennis Congressional commit tee, presenting Air Force views and programs for teaching Air Force members about communism. He collaborated on the script for a film entitled “Communism and You,” in 1961. Col. Carlin has also written many articles about communism, the most recent appearing in the September 1961 BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES M day per word 14 per word each additional day Hittimnm charirea—404 DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Display <04 per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-641S CHILD CARE »— HU1SPTY DUMPTY NURSERY Idrcn of all ages, weekly and hourly a, 3404 South College Avenue, E m. Virginia Davis Jones. Regii rse. TA 2-4803. *111 keep children, all mgoa. will pick up 14tUvsr. VI 6-8X61. llltfn '3 Ford V-8, radio heater, good tires. Walton. 24t3 i’&sh and grease $1.00 with minimum 1 of 8 gallons of gasoline. The N an, red 124tfn FOR SALE W of 8 gallons of gasoline. The N chir Service Station. Hwy. 6 South (Gate, College Station. VI 6-9982. 19 ew at I9tfn LOST Mo wrist watch, vicinity Sbisa and ® 15, Beward. Don Clesson, 16-104. 25t3 X)NNALLY for GOVERNOR “Texas needs BIG JOHN” tickers, buttons and literature vailable at Campus Headquar- w . . . North Gate (upstairs), cross from Post Office. (Paid Political Ad) HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE SEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 HELP WANTED Students who are interested in assisting i physics laboratories may contact the department secretary in Room 237 of Physics Bldg. 24tfn SPECIAL NOTICE NU-WAY BEAUTY SHOP 10 specializes m natural curl hair- tting. Special November 6-10, hair- ts only $1.00. The shop is open Call for appoint- 25t2 cuts only Monday-Saturday. ments, TA 2-4407. FOR RENT 8666. 24t7 Available November 1, unfurnished house, three bedrooms, bath and half, den, double garage, central heat, two air conditioner units, washer and dryer connections, one block from Townshire. 508 Avondale, $125.00 month. TA 2-3867. after 6 VI 6- 5322. 24t3 Roomy attractive two bedroom unfur nished apartment, 413 Sulphur Springs Road, Bryan. Call VI 6-6660. 23tfn WORK WANTED Typing - electric typewriter. Experience: Becretary, business teacher. VI 6-8510. 85tfn Save on auto insurance through div- call George Webb, Farmers In- Group, 8610 South College, B: b on idends, call Georgi ryan. TA 2-4461. We insure single men under 25 at standard rates. 136tfn Now start your right at Hilltop ] kack free. 9% miles highway 6. VI 6-8491. ge or 136tfn • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terns Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding' Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 09 S. Main TA 2-6000 Y0UB DISTRIBUTOR FOR EICO KITS Garrard Changers HI-FI Components Tape Recorders st Our Time Payment Plan *&YAN RADIO & TV A 2-4862 1301 S. College Ave. AGGIES NOTICE To Rent Brazos County A&M Club For Mixed Parties,—See Joe Faulk SAE 30 Motor Oils ... 15£ Qt. Major Brands Oils 27-31# Qt. For your parts and accessories AT a DISCOUNT See us— Plenty free parking opposite the courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Brake shoes. Fuel pumps. Water pomps. Generators, Starters, Solenoids, etc. Save 30 to 50% on just about any part for yonr car. Filters 40% discount AT JOE FAULK'S 25th and Washington INVISABLE REWEAVING Cigarette Burns - Moth Holes Cuts & Tears Inquire: Mary Carter Paint Store 305 E. Dodge Bryan Mondays thru Fridays TA 2-4172 SOSOLIKS T. Radio, Phono, Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 DR. G. A. SMITH OPTOMETRIST • P8OLALIZIN0 ta m CXANIMATION CONTACT ICMSIS BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC 105 Mo. MAIN • B R YA N .T E X A S’ TV-Radio-Hi-Fi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 2403 S. College Welcome To Al Williams Humble Products Completely Owned and Operated By A&M Students 1 Block West of Dorm 16 — VI 6-7229 SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donuts ANYWHERE Hamburgers — Short Orders — Fountain Service Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules & Etc. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS issue of Airman Magazine. The film will be a part of the colonel’s presentation Saturday morning, featuring Lt. Gen. Joseph F. Carroll, the inspecting general of the Air Force. Howard Whitney Day Proclaimed By Ag Economists Next Tuesday has been desig nated “Howard Whitney Appreci ation Day” in the Department of Agricultural Economics. Every one in the department has been urged to attend the regular meet ing of the Agricultural Economics Club Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Room 228 of the Chemistry Building to say “good-bye” to Whitney. Whitney, a professor in the de partment, is leaving A&M to as sume a position at the University of Wisconsin. The program will be a speech about United States foreign trade politics by V. M. Bryant, interna tional relations director Port of Houston. But an eavesdropper believed she really had been given a job. So once again Malice was in the newspapers. The WRAC was up in arms. Malise’s long blonde hair would never go under a service cap, they protested. And there were plenty of genuine army girls who would look just at fetching on a recruiting poster. Thursday on her return from another Italian trip, Malise as sured newsmen she was not go ing into uniform. Baget, however, will press on with his probe. He expects an answer in Parliament next week. “I am still going to ask the question,” he said. “I under stood she was employed as a War Office poster girl. If she’s not, then I want the minister to explain that. It’s a matter that needs a little probing.” Board Of Visitors To View Maritime Academy Progress The Board of Visitors of the Texas Maritime Academy will meet Saturday to discuss the prog ress and development of the acad emy, Capt. Bennett M. Dodson, superintendent of the academy, said today. The board was appointed by the Board of Directors last April to advise the president of the college on maritime affairs, Dodson said. Functions of the board include the following: developing a long- range program in connection with a permanent site in the Galveston area for the academy, raising funds for scholarships for students of the academy and aiding A&M in the progress and development of the academy. Through the efforts of the Board of Visitors, the academy has now received $75,000 from the federal government and funds the which 'will provide $50 per month for each student enrolled, THE BATTALION Friday, November 2, 1962 College Station, Texas Page 2 Peace Corpsman Encourages Rural People To Join Corps A Peace Corps representative said here Thursday that county agricultural and home demonstra tion agents in Texas should make greater effort to encourage rural people to join the organization. Paul A. Daly, representative of the agency to colleges and univer sities, made the appeal during the annual conference of the Agricul tural Extension Service in the Me morial Student Center. He said agents in a sense are recruiters and can be a great help in satisfying the big demand for corpsmen with a rural background. Forty per cent of requests for recruits are for people with, a knowledge of agriculture because most foreign countries have an ag riculture-based economy, he said. “The ideal situation would be to get these recruits from agricul tural schools, such at A&M,” Daly told the agents. “But colleges can’t supply the demand. We are doing good to get five per cent of agricultural recruits from col leges. So, we must recruit them directly from the farms.” The speaker said a two-year hitch in the Peace Corps is educa tional in a number of ways. Mem bers learn what foreign people need to take care of themselves, and they can get an accurate idea about world markets. Knowledge of world markets, he said, could serve the corpsman very well in future occupations. Daly described Peace Corps serv ice as a “two-way street.” “Members usually learn more than they teach, and they return Harvard football coach Richard C. Diehl of Pittsburgh, Pa., is the son of the late Dick Diehl who played football at Ohio State in 1925-26. SHOP A&M MEN’S SHOP “Home of Distinctive Men’s Wear” North Gate College Station to the United States better in formed on requirements for world peace,” he said. Daly will be on the campus un til Monday to speak to other groups. The Peace Corps representative is an animal husbandry graduate of the University of Florida. He is currently on loan to the corps from the Agency for International Development and is serving- as spe cial assistant in the Agricultural Division, Office of Public Affairs. CONNALLY for GOVERNOR “Texas needs BIG JOHN” Stickers, buttons and literature available at Campus Headquar ters . . . North Gate (upstairs), across from Post Office. (Paid Political Ad) Welcome To COACH NORTON’S PANCAKE HOUSE featuring Special Lunches Monday Thru Friday 11:30 til 2:00 Also Steaks, Shrimp and Other Fine Foods. East Gate Highway 6 So. AGGIES! for your LEVI JEANS LEVI CALIFORNIANS LEVI SUM FITS Visit THE DISCOUNT HOUSE 2 Doors From Campus Theatre THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES SALUTE: ROY MOORE Roy Moore (B.B.A., 1958) is responsible for 51,000 tele phone customers served from Southwestern Bell’s San Antonio office. To efficiently keep tabs on the nearly $700,000 monthly billing, Roy has a stall of 24 people including four supervisors. A lot of responsibility, but Roy showed be could handle it right from his first assignment as a Staff Assistant in the Houston Sales Department. From there, he progressed to Commercial Assistant, and then to Group Manager for ten exchanges around Cuero, Texas. Roy Moore and other young men like him in Bell Tele phone Companies throughout the country help bring the finest communications service in the world to the homes and businesses of a growing America. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES