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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1962)
AMONG THE PROFS INS'i iRd U-oSi Dr. Skrabanek Co-Authors New Agriculture Volume Will Dr. R. L. Skrabanek of the De partment of Agricultural Econo mies and Sociology is one of several authors of a book just off the press. Title of the book is “Ru ral Land Tenure in the United States.” Twelve persons in American and Canadian universities and the U. S. Department of Agriculture con tributed to the book. The volume runs more than 300 papes and is an inter-disciplinary approach to problems, progress and trends in land tenure. It was pre pared mainly for use by advanced undergraduate and graduate stu dents. ★ ★ ★ Dr. A. A. Price, dean of the School, of Veterinarv Medicine, visited Texas Tech Thursday to discuss the pre-professional pro gram in preparation for the trime ster system in veterinary medicine. The dean will explain the system to students, faculty and admini stration. ★ ★ ★ Three members of the School of Veterinary Medicine are participat ing in the Conference of Vetri- nary Laboratory Diagnosticians and the annual meeting of the U. S. Livestock Sanitary Association in Washington, D. C. They are Dr. L. C. Grumbles, Dr. T. E. Franklin and Dr. L. H. Carroll of the Department of Veter inary Microbiology. Franklin is a member of the USLSA Committee on Anaplas- mosis. Grumbles is a member of the Program Committee for the Conference of Veterinary Labor atory Diagnosticians. ★ ★ ★ An industrial economics study, “Factors Influencing the Location of the Primary Metal and Fa bricated Metal Products Manufac turers in Texas, 1946-1961” by Wil liam L. Thorton and Bill R. Shel ton, recently has been published in leaflet form. The study revealed that primarily the market, but also such factors as labor, business climate, fuel, raw materials and transportation, influenced establishment of the 663 new plants in the primary me tal and fabricated metal products industry in Texas during the 15- year period. ★ ★ ★ Louis M. Beck has joined the De partment of Agricultural Econo mics and Sociology as an assist ant professor of sociology. A native of Illinois, Beck re ceived his BA degree from Black burn College in 1955, did graduate work and taught at Washington University. After serving in the Armed Forc es, he continued his graduate stu dies and taught at Louisiana State University. He completed his MA degree in sociology at LSU in 1960. Beck plans to finish his doctoral work and receive his PhD from LSU by next fall. Barbecue Set Before SMU Game The Dallas A&M Club is again sponsoring a barbecue for Aggies just prior to the A&M-SMU game Nov. 10. The fete will be held from 11 a.m.-2, p.m. at the Women’s Building on the State Fair grounds, just west of the Cotton Bowl. The event is free to Aggies and their dates. After the game the Memorial Coliseum will be the scene of the Dallas A&M club’s party from 9 p.m.-2a.m. Tickets are $6 a couple, refreshments included. THE BATTALION Thursday, November 1, 1962 College Station, Texas Page 3 Sbisa Will Handle Convocation Fete PAUL L. RODRIGUEZ ‘Firefly’ Satellite Orbited To Improve Map Making CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (A 5 )— A “Firefly” satellite with four blinking beacons zipped into orbit Wednesday to survey the earth. It will measure surface bulges, and dips, the center of gravity and distances between far-apart places. The unique satellite, officially named Anna, could produce more accurate maps of our world and gather vitally needed information for tracking future American as tronauts to the moon and back. Militarily, Anna could more pre cisely pinpoint location of possible enemy targets for long-range mis siles, but officials considered that a secondary role. A two - stage Thor-Able-Star rocket rifled into the darkness to propel the 355-pound sphere into a neaxdy perfect circular orbit about BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 3^ per y 2c per word each additional day Minimum chargres—-40^ DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Displa er word >ispla 30<i per column inch ' isertion 6-6415 per col each ins PHONE VI 6- LOST Mido wrist watch, vicinity Sbisa and Dorm 15. Keward. Don Clesson, 15-104. CO/AD CLASSIFIED Serving 700,000 readers of college newspapers For rates, write CO/AD 396 Park Ave. San Jose, Calif. EUROPE — Discover this bargain. Write: Europe, 255-C Sequoia, Pasadena, Calif. TRAVEL FILMS, 16 mm. Free list. Lobeti Co. 2002 Taraval, San Francisco. 30,000 COMEDY Lines. Free catalog. Orben, 3536a Daniel Crescent, Baldwin, _N.Y. OPPORTUNITIES SAVE 15%, Reporter Magazine, $5.10 yr., USA. "Readers Service Center," c/o CO/AD Box C. BICYCLE MOTORIZING Plans—Send $1; converts bicycle to Motorbike. Go-Byk Industries, Fergus Falls, Minm HEALTH—Reducing, Gaining Muscles, Lon gevity. Mail 25c for all 4 courses. Buy Now. Health Course, $1. Agents Kit, $2. Bi<3 Deal, $3. Guaranteed! Sids System, 8421-C Evergreen, Southgate, EDUCATIONAL SUPER LEARNING power overnight! Suc cess guaranteed! Write "Gc _362C, Yorktown Heights, N.Y. Box EXPERIMENT WITH sleep-learning! Fasci nating, educational. Details free. Research Association, Box 24-CP, Olympia, Wash. L'cXPRESS—Controversial French Weekly. Howard Publications, 1475 Broadway, New York V TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 CHILD CARE HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY Children of all ages, weekly and hourly rates, 3404 South College Avent Texaa. Virginia Davia Jones Nurse. TA 2-4803. B Will keep children, all agea. will pick up nd deliver. VI 6-8151. llltfn WORK WANTED Typing - electric typewriter. Experience: Secretary, buainesa teacher. VI 6-8510. 85tfn FOR RENT Unfurnished large three bedroom house, near all schools. Call Blair Perryman, VI 6-7244 or Dishman Real Estate, VI 6- 8656. 24t7 Available November 1, unfurnished house, three bedrooms, bath and half, den. double garage, central heat, two air conditioner units, washer and dryer connections, one block from Townshire, 508 Avondale, 8125.00 month. TA 2-3867, after 6 VI 6- 5322. 24t3 Roomy attractive two bedroom unfur nished apartment, 413 Sulphur Springs Road. Bryan. Call VI 6-6660. 23tfn INVISABLE REWEAVING Cigarette Burns - Moth Holes Cuts & Tears Inquire: Mary Carter Paint Store 305 E. Dodge Bryan Mondays thru Fridays TA 2-4172 DR. G. A. SMITH O P T O M E T R 1ST PKOLAUZINO CYt §XANIMATION md CONTACT LCNtBS BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC TO 5 No. MAIN, • B R ¥ A N .' T E X A'. HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 HELP WANTED Students who are interested in assistin sics epartment Physics B1 wh in physics laboratories department secretary Idg. may in R ng contact the oom 237 of 24tfn FOR SALE ’53 Ford V-8, radio heater, good tires. H-9 Walton. 24t3 4305 College Main, five room, one bath house. Can be used as home or rental property. Price reasonable. Call after 4 p. m., VI 6-4865. 23t3 Wash and grease $1.00 with minimum fillup of 8 gallons of gasoline. The New Sinclair Service Station, Hwy. 6 South at East Gate, College Station. VI 6-9982. I9tfn SPECIAL NOTICE NU-WAY BEAUTY SHOP who specializes cutting. Special cuts only 81.( Monday-Saturd; in natur owner, Annie Way, wishes to introduce Carolyn Herwig, experienced is i ial 00. ay- ments, TA 2-4407. ed operator irl ha ng. Special November 6-10, 81.( The shop is Cali hair hair ope join appoint- 25t2 Save on 8uto insurance through div idends, call George Webb. Farm, s, call George Webb. Farmers In surance Group, 3510 South College, Bryan. TA 2-4461. We insure single men under 25 at standard rates. 136tfn Now start your fall fishing and picnicing right at Hilltop Lake, if rained out, come free. 9t4 miles south of coll Vack highway 6, VI 6-8491. lege on 136tfn SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 YOUR DISTRIBUTOR FOR • EICO KITS • Garrard Changers 9 HI-FI Components 0 Tape Recorders Use Our Time Payment Plan BRYAN RADIO & TV TA 2-4862 1301 S. College Ave. Ill* AGGIES NOTICE t® Rent Brazos County A&M Club For Mixed Parties,—See Joe Faulk SAE 30 Motor Oils 15* Qt. Major Brands Oils 27-31* Qt. For your parts and accessories AT a DISCOUNT See us— Plenty free parking opposite toe courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS shoes. Fuel pumps. Water pum operators. Starters, Solenoids. « 30 to 50% on just about any part General i for your car.'^B Filters 40% discount AT JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington ps, itc. CONNALLY for GOVERNOR “Texas needs BIG JOHN” Stickers, buttons and literature available at Campus Headquar ters . . . North Gate (upstairs), across from Post Office. (Paid Political Ad) • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS A BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Springs Road Id Sulphur Springs BRYAN, TEXAS TV - Radio - Hi-Fi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 2403 S. College Welcome To A1 Williams Humble Products Completely Owned and Operated By A&M Students 1 Block West of Dorm 16 — VI 6-7229 735 miles above the earth. Because the rocket was aimed on a northeast heading which car ried the satellite over the Soviet Union, the Defense Department announced launching time in ad vance so that Soviet missile track ers would not mistake Anna for a hostile weapon. A project spokesman reported all systems in the satellite were functioning perfectly. He said trackers will follow the payload for three days to determine exact orbital path before starting to ex ercise the flashing lights some time Saturday night. Although packing the illuminat ing power of a lighthouse, the flashes would be so far away they would not be visible to the naked eye. But officials said anyone with binoculars should be able to spot them as dim stars in the night sky. The Defense Department is expected to announce light activa tion times in advance. Ninety-two per cent of com mercial timherlands owned by forest industries is used for hunting. Details of the general setting for the luncheon at the A&M Con vocation Nov. 16 are in experienced hands. Paul L. Rodrigeuz, veteran of almost 34 years service in Sbisa Hall, and his staff have the responsibility. Paul, as he is known to students, figures the convocation luncheon will be the biggest event since Dwight D. Eisenhower was on campus in 1950. Approximately 1,400 persons sat down at tables in Sbisa Hall to hear Eisenhower. “Any function that pertains to the college, I’m usually in the middle of it,” Paul said. He and his crew have ai-ranged tables and then cleaned up afterward for scores of luncheons, banquets and dances. A native of Bryan and graduate of Stephen F. Austin Migh School, Paul joined the A&M dining hall staff March 28, 1929. “It’s the only job I ever had in my life,” Paul said. Men he knew as students, includ ing several who worked for him, now hold high posts in government, education, business and other fields. Former students often come by Sbisa to visit Paul. The old saying “like father, like son” holds true for Paul. His fa ther strongly believed in educa tion and Paul has this same firm conviction. He decided to remain in his native Bryan so his sons could attend A&M. Paul’s brother, Pete, is also a veteran staff member on the cam pus. He is a storekeeper in the chemistry department. European Study Applications Due Scholarship applications for un dergraduate study in Europe dur ing the academic year 1963-64 will be accepted by the Institute of European Studies beginning Thurs day. Seven scholarships are being of fered for study at the Institute’s centers in Vienna, Paris and Frei burg, West Germany. Included are three full scholarships which cover all basic costs such as tuition, fees, field-study trips, room, most meals and round-trip ocean transporta tion from the United States. U.S. CHOICE TENDER-AGED BEEF! IT. S. Choice Tender-Aged Beef HOUND s - 79c U. S. Choice Tender-Aged Beef SIRLOIN U. S, Choice Tender-Aged Beef T-BONE Tender-Aged—Rump ROAST Chicken HENS Steak Lb. Steak Lb. Beef Lb. Small Size Prices Good In Bryan Only. Thru Sat, Nov. 3. SALE TENDER YOUNG TEXAS VEAL! Round Steak v«.i Sirloin Steak Vea| T-Bone Steak veai ORANGES 5 ■*. n 35 Rome Beauty APPLES PASCAL CELERY 9 Lbs - “ttc ^ For 2 S, For S 29c SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donuts ANYWHERE Hamburgers — Short Orders — Fountain Service Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules & Etc. 5,000 AGGIES CAJN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS tiles & Etc. I BONG I POST TOSHES 37c HUNTS TOMATO PASTE 2 6 ^27c JELLO Assorted Flavors . o 6 -°*- Tic Pkgs. • L Top Spred Oleo Cokes Complete Stock of Hi-Fi Stereo & Radios LA FAYETTE RADIO ELECTRONICS Associate Store 3219 Texas Ave. Bologna Plus Deposit Mohawk Large By The Piece 12 Lb. Ctn. Bottle Carton 13 55