The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 31, 1962, Image 1

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Che Battalion
Clark Sets
See Page 4
nJ Volume 60
Number 24
IS ■ Republicans ant l Democrats an-
fi'ered each other’s earlier charges
fuesday as the campaign for gov
ernor got down to specifics.
I GOP headquarters issued a
Statement designed to refute
marges by the Democratic nomi
nee for governor, John Connally,
mat his opponent, Jack Cox, led
| 1960 county delegation pledged
jd support Lyndon Johnson for
President. Cox has been critical
of Connally’s ties with Johnson.
CONNALLY, at a Houston news
conference, said he knows nothing
of alleged voting irregularities in
Starr County mentioned by Cox
In a statewide television broadcast.
Stumping in San Antonio, . Cox
iralked into a civic club contro-
rersy which ended with Cox and
his supporters eating on one side
of the restaurant and Connally
supporters on the other.
The Republican headquarters
statement said that Ross Elliott
of Breckenridge was I960 Demo
cratic chairman for Stephens
pounty, when the county passed
resolution supporting Johnson,
^ow vice president. The statement j
aid that Cox “was never in favor |
h any resolution whatsoever en
dorsing Senator Johnson,” and
|hat Cox was keynote speaker at
Ihe county convention “inasmuch
Is he was our candidate for gov-
CONNALLY told Houston news-
pen that he knows nothing of cir-
(umstances surrounding firms in-
iluded in Cox’s Monday night tele
vision appearance which showed
■\vo Latin Americans who said
Ihey had been compelled to vote
|bsentee against their wishes.
“Assuming the charges to be
[rue, it is reprehensive,” Connally
aid. “One of the greatest rights
We have is free elections.”
I Connally also predicted a turn-
lut at the Nov. 6 general election
limilar in size to the first pi’imary
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f Campus Chest
Drive Receives
Another campus group, the Second Brigade staff, had
made a 100 per cent contribution to the Campus Chest
drive by Tuesday afternoon, the second day of the cam
This brings the total 100 per**
Crash! Clank! Clunk!
No, it’s not a boiler factory; it’s the Dick Schory Percussion specializes in putting wierd sounds to music, using non-
Pops Orchestra. The group, with 19 “musicians” and 119 musical devices. The performance is set for 8 in G. Rollie
“instruments” stars at Town Hall Friday night. Schory White Coliseum.
Dick Schory Orchestra At Town Hall
Easterwood Looks
For Weekend Rush
Town Hall’s second presentation
of the year—-Dick Schory’s Per
cussion Pops Orchestra—is sched
uled for 8 p.m. Friday in G. Rollie
White Coliseum.
And next Tuesday the “Leonard
Bernstein Gala,” featuring the
cofnposer’s works, will be featured
in another Town Hall extrava
The percussion ensemble, unique
in musical circles, makes use of
119 instruments including sirens,
auto brake drums and an ancient
Chevrolet manifold.
Nineteen musicians are kept
busy providing more conventional
Approximately 75 planes, if wea
ther conditions are right, will ar
rive at Easterwood Airport Sat-
irday loaded with football fans
or the Aggie-Razorback grid tilt.
Easterwood, established in 1940
is the college airport, has especial-
y busy weekends when the Aggies
ire playing a home game, Manager
L Guy Smith says.
Smith has , learned through the
rears that Arkansas has “quite a
ollowing” of fans who fly to
THE AIRPORT is a busier spot
^ than most people realize with pilot
ining, commercial and private
?ying operations as well as tran-
“ent aircraft. The field ranks
forty-second among 42 airports in
Pe Southwest Region served by
rederal Aviation Agency staffed
Patrol towers, an official report
hows. This ranking put Easter-
r°od ahead of airports in such
ities as Brownsville, Tyler and
Santa Fe, N. M.
Easterwood, used as a training
Sold for hundreds of fliers, was
kaied in honor of an Aggie who
fas a Navy flier during World War
"hie heaviest football traffic nor-
“ally arr j ves w hen the Aggies
* the University of Texas Long-
lri “s at Kyle Field, Smith said.
average of 125 to 150 planes
U in. The record number of
|^nes on the field at one time is
bN “Quite a few” privately-own-
I bC3’s, Lockheed Lodestars and
[Wt twin-engine aircraft will be
111 the field football weekends.
“We’ll refuel usually about half
1 the aircraft,” Smith said. No
^fking fee is charged unless the
remains overnight.
A TRAFFIC JAM develops on
field if all of the planes arrive
ym 1 ' a short period, Smith said. He
^ **8 extra help for the task of
parking 100 or more planes within
two hours.
“But we’ve been able to handle
the planes without incident,” Smith
Oct. 20, 1956, recorded 153 planes
at Easterwood as the Aggies host
ed the TCU Horned Frogs. A tor
nado skirted one side of the air
port about game time. Twenty-
seven planes were damaged, in
cluding eight flipped over by the
high winds.
backgi-ound as well as the “un
usual” sounds. Normal instru
ments are trumpets, trombones,
Fi’ench horns, a tuba plus guitars.
Reviewers have noted in past
performances that half the fun is
watching musicians leaping and
stumbling around the cluttered
stage to make the correct “clank”
or “clunk” at the proper time.
Schofy’s bandsmen have recorded
for RCA Victor, with their usual
offerings in the popular and Broad
way musical classes.
Admission to the evening with
marimbas, boo-hams and chromatic
cow bells is free to students with
activity . cards. Regular tickets
may be purchased at the door or
at the Student Program office in
the Memorial Student Center Fri
day at $1 each.
The Bernstein blast, a three-part
production featuring Bernstein’s
works for opera, ballet and Broad
way, is set for 8 p.m. Tuesday in
G. Rollie White Coliseum.
“Trouble in Tahiti,” a one-act
satirical opera, will begin the pro
gram, followed by the American
Ballet Theatre production of
“Fancy Free.” Selections from
“West Side Story,” “On The
Town,” “Candide,” “Wonderful
Town” and “Peter Pan” will also
be presented.
Accompanied by a full orchestra,
the show will feature Robert Roun-
seville, star of the original “Can
dide,” and Claire Alexander, color
atura soprano.
John Kriza, one of America’s
leading dancers, leads the cast in
“Fancy Free.” He has been a
headliner with the American Ballet
Theatre since his teens. He has
received praise from an interna
tional selection of distinguished
persons including President and
Mrs. Kennedy, Nikita Khrushchev,
Queen Elizabeth II and Princess
Born in Berwyn, 111., the dancer
SMU Student,
Date Tickets
Will Be Sold
Date and student tickets for
the Southern Methodist Univer
sity - A&M football game will
go on sale Thursday morning.
The afternoon game will be play
ed Nov. 10 in Dallas.
Tickets will be sold until 5
p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 7, in the
Athletic Department ticket
booths near Kyle Field.
Students should buy their tic
kets early to avoid waiting in
line. They should also bring
their student activity booklets.
has been working at his profession
since the age of eight. Acclaimed
as an actor as well as an dancer,
Kriza has travelled more than a
million miles in Europe, Asia, Af
rica and North and South Amer
ica, performing particularly the
works of this generation of Amer
ican choreographers.
Claire Alexander, a young lyric
coloratura soprano with a three-
and-a-half octave vocal range, is
a product of the Pittsburgh Play
house. She started there at the
age of six, playing there with the
Children’s Theater until she grad
uated into such adult productions
as “Blithe Spirit” and “The Im
portance of Being Ernest.”
Her musical career began with
the city’s Civic Light Opera and
graduated into the Pittsburgh Op
era Company and the Pittsburgh
Recently Miss Alexander has
been on such television programs
as the Perry Como Show and her
concert and opera appearances
have taken her to Europe and
South America, as well as Green
land and Iceland.
Her operatic 2’oles have ranged
from Violetta in “La Traviata” to
the Queen of the Night in “The
Magic Flute.” She has also ap
peared in a number of operettas,
including “The Merry Widow,”
“Showboat” and “Guys and Dolls.”
cent contributions to four, accord
ing to Ken Stanton, chairman of
the Student Senate welfare com
By Monday, the student emer
gency assistance fund had received
donations from each man in the
Civilian Student Council, the First
Brigade staff and the First Group
STANTON SAID yesterday that
no contributions had been received
from any of the civilian or corps
dormitories by 3:30 p.m.
“I hope that Wednesday will be
a big day for the drive,” he added,
urging that a special effort be
made by corps commanders and
dormitory pi’esidents.
Day students who wish to con
tribute to the fund will have a spe
cial container provided for them
near the Campus Chest progress
chart in the Memorial Student
Juan Dominguez, president of
Puryear Hall, announced that the
dormitory will hold a special meet
ing at 5 p.m. Thursday to collect
Campus Chest donations from
He urged that other dormitories
make a special drive for donations
to make this year the biggest yet
for the fund.
Chest is to provide a fund to assist
students who need help as a result
of an accident, loss of property
or a similar situation.
Seventy per cent of the money
collected by the Campus Chest will
be given to Aggies who need mon
etary assistance. The remainder
will be divided evenly among the
Brazos County Tuberculosis As
sociation, the March of Dimes and
the College Station Community
Deposits for donations to the
fund should be carried to the Stu
dent Finance Center and placed
in account number 160.
A bronze plaque to the civilian
dormitory or corps unit which do
nates the largest amount per man
to the Campus Chest Drive.
College Station
United Chest
Drive Opened
College Station will open its an
nual United Chest drive Thursday
to support 15 agencies in youth,
recreation, welfare and medical
work for the community.
This years’ Campaign, scheduled
to end by Nov. 15, will seek $17,-
000 fi*om residents and business ci
tizens of the community in a once-
a-year solicitation.
Dr. G. M. Watkins, dean of agri
cultural instruction, is general
chairman of the drive. Dr. W. J.
Graff, dean of instruction, is chair
man of the campaign committee
and assisting him will be Mrs. C.
W. Pewthers, M. L. Cashion, W. T.
Riedel, J. M. Hendricks and Dr.
C. H. Groneman. Pieter Groot, of
the Department of Oceanography
and Meteorology, is treasurer.
The drive will open officially with
breakfast in the Memorial Student
Center Thursday at 6:45 a.m. when
more than 80 chest representatives
will be given campaign material
and instructions by Dean Graff and
Dean Watkins.
Watkins has requested that these
representatives make their pledges
at the breakfast if possible, to en
courage those contacted to meet
the 15-day campaign schedule.
Reporting dates for the progress
of the drive will begin with Fri
day and continue on each Monday,
Wednesday and Friday.
Today 9 s Thought
The greatest of faults, I should
say, is to be conscious of none.
Wire Review
By The Associated Press
HAVANA—U Thant, the U.N.’s
acting secretary-general, flew to
Havana Tuesday and met with
Prime Minister Fidel Castro for
Student ‘Culture’ Trip Termed Success
Battalion News Editor
“An unqualified success” was
the view of 23 A&M student
leaders who returned late Mon
day night from a two-day “cul
tural” trip in Houston. The trip,
sponsored by the Memorial Stu
dent Center through the MSC
Directorate, represented a new
step in the council’s annual pro
gram for ti’aining student lead
The trip began eaxdy Sunday
morning when the students and
five faculty and staff advisors
boai'ded college vehicles and
headed for Houston. Arxnving
in Houston they registered at
the Shamrock-Hilton Hotel and
met Exdc Hilton, youngest son of
Conx’ad Hilton and resident man
ager of the Shamrock-Hilton.
After lunch at the hotel the
Aggies and their advisors re
entered their vehicles and drove
to the Port of Houston, where
they boarded the port’s excur
sion boat “Sam Houston” for a
tour of the Houston ship chan
nel and port.
Members of the group were
welcomed aboard by H. G. Gib
son, second mate of the ship.
Although the port was a quiet
contrast to its usual weekday
activity, the students were able
to view numerous foreign ships,
industxial plants and shipping
facilities lining the channel dur
ing the 2Vi-hour trip.
Returning to the hotel the
Aggies changed clothes for their
visit to Houston’s Alley Theater,
where they saw the play “Beck-
The play, written by Jean,
Anouilh, is set in 12th cen
tury medival England and re
volves around the conflict be
tween King Henx-y II and Eng
land’s spiritual leader at the
time, Thomas Becket.
Ax-riving at the theater, the
student leaders were met by
Miss Che Moody, executive as
sistant to Miss Nina Vance,
managing director of the Alley
Theater. Miss Moody gave the
Aggies some of the background
behind the Alley Theater in its
advancement from a community
playhouse to a nationally known
professional theater.
Following the play the stu
dents and their advisors wex-e
able to meet and interview the
leading nxembex-s of the cast
before returning to the Sham
rock-Hilton. At the hotel the
gx-oup ate a swordfish dinner on
the “Charcoal Terrace” over
looking the swimming pool.
Monday’s schedule of acti
vities began with breakfast in
the “Chax-coal Tex-race.” Spon
soring the breakfast was James
L. Parker, ’40, vice-president in
charge of sales, Duncan Coffee
Following breakfast Hilton
led the Aggies in a “behind the
scenes” tour of the Shamrock-
Hilton, which gave the group an
idea of the many facets which
make up the total operation of a
large hotel.
The tour was cut short in or
der that the student leaders and
advisors could make their ap
pointment at the Houston World
Trade Center. Alan I. New-
house, vice-president of the
Houston World Trade Associa
tion, and W. L. Brewster, presi
dent of the International Ex
port Packers, introduced the Ag
gies to the activities of the
Woidd Tx-ade Center.
After completing a tour of the
center, the students ate lunch
as the guests of several mem-
bex*s of the Houston Woxdd
Tx-ade Association.
Before leaving the center the
gx-oup attended a meeting of
the National Defense Resexwe
Association. B. A. Sines, vice-
president of Southern Pacific
Railroad, spoke on the measures
planned by the Interstate Com
merce Commission in the result
of a national emex-gency.
Highlighting activities Mon
day aftexmoon was a visit to
the Houston Fine Arts Museum.
James Johnson Sweeney, di
rector of the museum spoke
briefly with the students on his
ideals in art and their applica
tion in his museum presenta
tions. Conducting the tour of
the museum was Mrs. Otto Bow
man, Docent of the museum.
As a px-eview of plans for
Monday evening the student
leaders and advisors heard a
talk on the Houston Symphony
by Mrs. Ralph Ellis Gunn,
fox-mer px-esident of the Arts
Council of Harris County and
the Houston Opex-a Guild. The
talk was given in the Jesse Jones
Lectux-e Hall of the Museum of
Fine Aids.
The students ate dinner at
the Houston Club Monday even
ing as the guests of five Aggie
Exes and their wives. Hosting
the student group were Leslie
L. Appelt, ’41; George C. Hands,
’41; Ernest L. Wehnex*, ’41; Jeff
Montgomex-y, ’41; and J. E. Ro-
beau, ’45.
Following dinner the group
adjorned to the Houston Music
Hall to hear the ax-tistx-y of
the Houston Symphony Orches-
tx-a, conducted by Sir John Bar
birolli. The presentations heard
by the student leaders were W 7 e-
ber’s Overture to “Der Freis-
chutz;” Beethoven’s Concerto
for Violin and Orchestra in D
Major, Opus 61; and Carl Niel
sen’s Symphony No. 5. The stu
dents were able to meet back-
stage with Sir Barbirolli fol
lowing the performance.
talks on dismantling Soviet rocket
bases in Cuba and a general settle
ment of the U.S.-Soviet-Cubaix
The first meeting of‘Castro and
Thant lasted 2 hours and 10 min
utes and was descxdbed by Thant’s
spokesman as useful.
★ ★ ★
NEW DELHI, India—Indian
troops strxick back at the invad
ing Red Chinese with a barrage
of mortar fire Tuesday and
moved up tanks to the gateway
of the Assam plains amid signs
the Communist offensive was
slowing down—at least tempor
Genex-al Assembly turned thumbs
down on Red China’s latest bid for
U.N. membership as African na
tions helped block admission by a
wider margin than last year.
The vote on the Soviet resolu
tion to expel Nationalist China
fx-om the world ox-ganization and
to seat the Peiping regime in its
place was 42 in favox*, 56 against
and 12 abstaining.
TYLER, Tex.—A fertilizer tank
buyer asserted Tuesday that some
one forged his signature to a mort
gage and altered other documents
he suxmendered in a business deal
with Billie Sol Estes.
These statements came from T.
J. Wilson as testimony finally
started in the seventh day of the
West Texas px-oraoter’s tidal on
state charges of theft and swin