.ast Berlin Crowd Jeers U. S. Troops BERLIN UP) — A U. S. Army iedan carrying three soldiers was .hreatened by crowd of demon- itrators in East Berlin Thursday jut Vopos people’s police cleared path for the vehicle. It return- id to the West without further ncident. Western sources said the car, lelonging to the U. S. Army’s Ber- in brigade, was directed by Vo pos into a street where groups were forming to take part in a giant rally protesting the U. S. arms blockade of Cuba. SHOP AT A&M MEN’S SHOP Home of Distinctive Men’s Wear North Gate College Wide-ranging growth opportunities at in Orlando, Florida The Martin Company’s record of success on many missile and electronic programs is well known. In Orlando, Flor ida, the Martin Company developed Pershing, Bullpup, GAM-83, Lacrosse, Racep, Missile Master and BIRDiE. Creative freedom, major contracts and continued growth mean an unlimited future for qualified graduates with BS, MS or Ph.D. degrees in EE, ME, AE, Physics or Math. INTERVIEWS AT TEXAS A&M WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31 See your placement officer for an appointment to dis cuss your future with us -or send your resume to Mr. William Bennett, Martin Company, Orlando Division, Sec. Orlando, Florida. (An equal opportunity employer.) **>■1 OTT'SJV MM/t/M-rrA © ”• f ORLANDO DIVISION Scooter Aids Post Office At North Gate The post office at North Gate has a new helper to aid the weary postman as he trudges across campus delivering packages and letters. Named the “Mailster,” it is an over-sized motor scooter powered by an 18-horse power Cushman motor. The scooter has three wheels, a forward and reverse gear, assorted blinking lights and a speedometer which optimistic ally reads to 60 mph. The best feature of the scooter is its gas economy, according to Ernest Gregg, postmaster of the station. “It is capable of getting 50 or 60 miles per gallon,” he commented. The North Gate post office re ceived three of these mailsters Thursday to help speed delivery of mail in the College Station area. A storage bin in back is capable of carrying several large bundles of packages and mail, making the delivery man’s job easier. The scooter is manufacturered by the Cushman Motor Scooter Co. especially for the Post Office De partment, and is being used ex tensively throughout the U.S. to help route men deliver mail. ■ ■ '■ Friday, October 26, 1962 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Page 8 Autos On Campus Cause Problems Ft BATTALION CLASSIFIED s Ml ‘ WANT AD RATES » day .........3d per word 2t per word each additional day Minimum charges—40d DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Display mn i each insertion ilay 30d per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 CHILD CARE /er A Will keep infant child or children in my home. TA 3-5129. 130tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY Children of all ages, weekly and hourly rates, 3404 South Coilege Avenue, B: Texas. Virginia Davis Jones. Nurse. TA 2-4803. Will keep children, ail ages, will pick up Bid deliver. VI 6-8151. ( llltfn FOR SALE Senior boots, size SVz B, Excellent condi tion, will accept reasonable offer. Bill Luker, 1905 Westchester Dr., Denton, Tex- 21t2 1957 Factory air conditioning unit for .11 Chevrolet, all parts workable conditio VI 6-7905. [ition. 20tfn 1/4 carat diamond. Suitable for senior ring. VI 6-6648 or VI 6-5950. 20t3 Wash and grease 51.00. The New Sin clair Service Station, Hwy. 6 South at East Gate, College Station. VI 6-9982. 19tfn LEGAL NOTICE J ORDINANCE NO. 359 gall AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT ■■BREACHES OF THE PEACE, TRAS H'S PASSING ON THE PROPERTY OF - OTHERS, PEDDLERS AND OTHERS PROM REMAINING ON THE PREMISES, WINDOW-PEEPING, EAVESDROPPING, JRESCRIBING OFFENSES, PROVIDING 1 PENALTY AND DECLARING AN IMERGENCY. SECTION 7. Any person violating any of tthe provisions of this ordinance shall ilty of a misdemeanor and upon convi fine not ex 111 ;med guilty ot a misdemeanor i conviction shall be punished by ne not exceeding ($100.00) doll PASSED AND APPROVED ars. this day of October, 1962. APPROVED: S/Ernest Langford Mayor ATTEST: S/K. A. Manning City Secretary 21t2 ■m HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 WORK WANTED Typing by a graduate business major. State Motel, VI 6-5410. 19*4 Will do typing in my home. VI 6-8366 6tfn Typing - electric typewriter. Experience: Secretary, business teacher. VI 6-8510. 85tfn HELP WANTED Beginning reporter 40 hour week. Some xperience or training necessary. Call or vrite Bryan Daily ly Eagle. WANTED Urgent need for 1967 Chevrolet V-8 2-BBL air cleaner unit. VI 6-7905. 20tfn FOR RENT Room for neat boarder, furnished, quiet, private entrance, $60.00 monthly, board included. VI 6-7905. 20tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Save on auto insurance through div idends, call George Webb, Farmers In- , call George Webb, farmers In- ;e Group, 3510 South College, Bryan. 4461. suranci TA 2- We insure single men under 25 at standard rates. 136tfn Now start your fall fishing and picnicing right at Hilltop Lake, if rained out, come hack free, 9V4 miles south of college on highway 6. VI 6-8491. 186tfn DR. G. A. SMITH 5 OPTOMETRIST • PaCLALIZINO I* CYt IXANIMATION •nd CONTACT LINSIS BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC I 0 5 N O . M A I N • BRYAN, TEXAS • engineering and ARCHITECTURAL supplies • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS —FOR SALE— Seat Belt Free with $24.95 latest 1 pattern seat covers. Plastic seat covers —1 $14.88 (vinyl trim) Installed Leatherette—front only $4.88 Battery Chargers : $4.44 Prestone j $1.88 Flashlight Batteries 2 for 15c Nylon Sponges _ 15 cents or 2 for 29tf Battery Rentals & Charging Service Shock absorbers. New 1/3 off Original equip, rebuilt $3.19 Engine Exch. Chev. $139.95 Others at similar low prices. Auto rugs, pair $1.75 Brake Shoes, Chev.-Ford, exchange. Av. 53.15 Sealed Beams 4001 . 4002, 12 v. $1.39 Batteries—24 mo. Heavy duty 6 volt, group 1 & 2 L $10.88 ex. 12 volt, 24s : $13.88 ex. Chev. Mufflers 1 $5.95 Others low priced, too. Mufflers with tailpipes. Installed $2.00 Tires 6.70x15 new nylon $9.49 plus tax and old tire Lowest Prices Anywhere. New Kelly Springfields at Sale Prices, Truck tires. Check our prices. New Autolite, Champion, and AC apark plugs 69c plugs ... 29? ea. l* x * co ’ Gulf, Sinclair oil 27< i qt. oAE 30 canned oil ISd qt. Filters 40% discount Paint—Good outside white ^ $3.79 Outside white $1.98 ga i. 2 ea!s Ubber ba8e $2.88 gal. Spray paint, pint can $L19 Electric Motor Rewinding BRYAN ARMATURE WORKS Next Door at 16 East 25th JOE FAULK'S Discount Aufo Parts 220 East 25th SOSOLIK'S T. V^ Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 TYPEWRITERS R entals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO, 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 COINS College Station. 19t4 OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, VI 6-6416, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. her 1-31, Monday-Friday, from 9-4, at the Cashier’s Window. Memorial Student Cen ter. 7tl8 DEGREE FILING DEADLINE SET FOE OCTOBER 31, 1962 Applications for degree (baccalaureate and advanced) are now being accepted in the Registrar’s Office from all students who will complete their requirements for gradu ation by January 19, 1963. Advanced de- Dean’s ;he J offic CONNALLY for GOVERNOR “Texas needs BIG JOHN” stickers, buttons and literature available at Campus Headquar ters . . . North Gate (Upstairs), across from Post Office. (Paid Political Ad) TV - Radio - Hi-Fi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 2403 S. College AGGIES NOTICE Ta Rent Brazue County A&M Club For Mixed Parties,—See Joe Faulk SAE 30 Motor Oils 150 Qt. Major Brands Oils 27-310 Qt. For your parts and accessories AT a DISCOUNT See us— Plenty free parking opposite the courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Brake shoes. Fuel pumps. Water pumps. Generators, Starters, Solenoids, etc. Save 39 to 50% on just about any part for your car. Filters 40% discount AT JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington YOUR DISTRIBUTOR FOR • El CO KITS • Garrard Changers • HI-FI Components • Tape Recorders Use Our Time Payment Plan BRYAN RADIO & TV TA 2-4862 1301 S. College Ave. FLAT-FEET-SAVER Supt. N. C. Holland demonstrates scooter Prize Winners Announced In Viceroy Football Contest Winners in the first Viceroy Col lege Football Contest were an nounced here Thursday by a con test representative. * Wayne Liska, ’63 personnel management major from Runge, won the first prize of $100 for making the largest number of cor rect predictions on college football games played the weekend of Oct. 13. Liska was one of 12 A&M stu dents who received cash prizes to taling $225. Second prize winner was Bill Andrews, ’63 business major from El Paso, who will receive $25. Other winners in the first con test were Hernan A. Contreras, senior from Laredo; Jack R. Cook, graduate frm Dublin; Henry Fisher Jr., junior from El Campo; J. A. Fue’ntes, sophomore from San An tonio; J. P. Hickey, finance major from Laredo; and Norman C. Ken drick, senior from Philips. Also Joe T. McKnight, senior from Longview; W. M. Mumford, freshman from Kingsville; William Musick, senior from Galveston; and Donal R. Simpson, senior from Houston. The ten runners-up will receive prizes of $10 each for their pre dictions. Winners are scheduled to re ceive their prizes at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday in the Exchange Store. Deadline for entries in the sec ond Viceroy football contest for the year closed Thursday and the third contest began. (Special to The Battalion) MADISON, Wis. — Automobiles are still a major headache for American colleges and universities, according to a recent report by the University Facilities Research Cen ter (UFRC), headquartered at the University of Wisconsin campus. University planners have turned to such devices as underground garages, multi-deck parking ramps and campus shuttle-bus service to outlying parking lots. The report found that: 1. Of 38 universities surveyed, 21 have no special restrictions re regarding who can park or drive on the campus, while the remain ing 17 schools range from limit ing freshman cars, to limiting au tos at certain class-time hours, to limiting all cars except faculty, staff, visitors and disabled stu dents. 2. The same 38 universities re port that 31 have university-en forced parking regulations on cam pus streets, and that 31 also allow curb-parking on the campus. These situations are contrasted with the University of Chicago, which has no control over city streets running through the campus proper, and the University of Minnesota, which prehibits curb-parking to enable both the driver and the pedestrian to have an unobstructed view of the street. 3. While all 38 schools have parking lots on campus, only six have parking garages, which range from elaborate underground facil ities, some with surface malls— others with surface parking, to single and multi-deck ramp-gar ages. These various off-street parking facilities ’ house from 300 to 8,800 cars. 4. The 38 universities report that all but eight charge fees for cam pus parking. Of the 30 fee-charg ing schools, the cost ranges from $1 to $110 per year, some on a flat semester or year rate, others charging hourly fees and still others combining a blanket fee with an hourly rate. Since university facility experts feel that schools should either pro hibit student-used cars or else pro vide adequate facilities for them on the campuses, the report rec ommends parking areas on cam pus fringes, a parking fee and elimination of curb-parking to achieve added safety and beauty. CONNALLY for GOVERNOR “Texas needs BIG JOHN” stickers, buttons and literature available at Campus Headquar ters . . . North Gate (Upstairs), across from Post Office. (Paid Political Ad) Welcome To COACH NORTON’S PANCAKE HOUSE featuring Special Lunches Monday Thru Friday 11:30 til 2:00 Also Steaks, Shrimp and Other Fine Foods. , ..:t r East Gate Highway 6 So. BRYAN ACADEMY OF COSMETOLOGY 901 W. 26th TA 2-6273 TA 2-9401 Enroll For Classes Now Complete Beauty Service To The Public Shampoo & Set 750 Hair Cut 750 Manicure 750 All Permanents Vi Price Tim Kennedy, Mgr. We’re looking forward SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donuts ANYWHERE Hamburgers — Short Orders — Fountain Service Complete Stock of Hi-Fi Stereo & Radios LA FAYETTE RADIO ELECTRONICS Associate Store 3219 Texas Are. We’ll be on the campus on the dates listed below, ready to give engineering and science seniors information on space- age careers in a dynamic industry. If you are looking for a company offering assignments on programs of unique interest and career potential, you’ll be interested in the advantages Boeing can offer you. Boeing, for instance, is a major contractor on such ad vanced programs as the Saturn S-IC first-stage rocket booster, the X-20 Dyna-Soar manned space glider, the solid-fuel Minuteman ICBM, and the Bomarc defense mis sile system. Boeing is also the world’s foremost designer and builder of multi-jet aircraft, including the eight-jet B-52H missile bomber, the KC-135 tanker-transport, the C-135 cargo-jet, and the famous Boeing 707, 720 and 727 jetliners. In addition. Boeing’s Vertol Division is one of Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules & Etc. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOT'S Amsrica’s leading designers and builders of helicopters. Research projects at Boeing are under way in such advanced fields as celestial mechanics, solid state physics, nuclear and plasma physics, flight sciences, space flight and propulsion. Expanding Boeing programs offer exceptional opportuni ties to holders of B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in aeronauti cal, mechanical, civil, electrical-electronic and industrial engineering, and in engineering mechanics, engineering physics as well as in mathematics and physics. At Boeing you'll work in a small group where individual ability and initiative get plenty of visibility. You’ll enjoy many other advantages, including an opportunity to take graduate studies at company expense to help you get ahead faster. Drop in to your Placement Office and arrange for an interview. We’re looking forward to meeting you! Monday and Tuesday— November 5 and 6 Divisions: Aero-Spac« Industrial Products < » Military Aircraft Systems • Transport • Vertol also Boeing Scientific Research Laboratories