The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 20, 1962, Image 5
College Station, Texas Page 5 TWO SWC DEATHS SO FAR Football In Wrong Season? By HAROLD V. RATLIFF Associated Press Sports Writer The alarming number of heat victims in Southwest Conference football this year — in two in stances there were deaths—brings to mind the fact that the grid game isn’t being played in its'sea- WELCOME AGGIES Visit COWBOY’S For Steaks and Barbecue Free Barbecue Thursday—Sept. 20, 5 to 9 P. M. AVz Miles South Hwy. 6 VI 6-8546 son anyway. Football is supposed to be a fall-and autumn-game. Back 40 years ago it was unheard of to start football in summer. It al ways was around Oct. 1 when the boys in the moleskins and leather helmets got going. Of course, in those days foot ball didn’t attract the crowds and wasn’t considered the greatest sports attraction. With the up surge of interest, it was but na tural for the backers of football to want to lengthen the season and get in as many games as pos sible. They are moving it up more every year. The pros begin in July, the high schopls in August, the colleges September 1, or, in some instances, earlier. THE ALMANAC says autumn begins the third week in Septem ber. That’s the first time there can be weather favorable to young men working in the ponderous re galia of the grid game. Football could start Oct. 1 and there would be 10 dates for games if the season extended into mid- December. That is, in the south west and the south. Of course, in the east and midwest it becomes too cold to play football in Decem ber. But it’s cool enough to start in September in those areas. ibits a lems! * firestone* An^orsarf! Plus tax and 4- trade-in tires JUST SAY “Charge It” TAKE MONTHS TO PAY i. ■iigyiisiif lEIMEtiiwiol^lwTOEIO ■applied om sound tire bodies or on your own tires WltfU ITEUIJt I I O WHITEWALLS Same Low Price for any Size Same Low Price-Tubed or Tubeless Same Low Price-Narrow or j Wide Whitewalls Same Low Price includes mounting No Hidden Extras to Pay Same Low Price includes our 12 Month Nationwide Road Hazard Guarantee You know what you’re getting when you buy f r if^$IOn^...this written guarantee is honored at over 60,000 locations in all 50 States and Canada Our New Treads, identified by Medallion and shop mark, are GUARANTEED 1. Against defects in workman ship and materials during life of tread. 2. Against normal road hazards (except repairable punctures) encountered in everyday pas senger car use for 12 months. Iteplaceni wear current cements prorated on tread and based on list prices it at time of adjustment. Enjoy the Voice of Firestone Every Sunday Evening Over ABC Television Starting September 30 Priced as shown at firestone Stores; competitively priced at Firestone Dealers and at all service stations displaying the Firestone sign. TRUCK OWNERS! IWe’ve got the Deal of the Year < and ESEXh Fl Rugged Bite Rugged Nylon FARM & COMMERCIAL Long Mileage Fronts. BRAKE ADJUST MENT • adjust brakes.,. ‘ f • add fluid • test brake • system' ' % ■'* ; •' _ -?.,?• . '.jr- • repack front . bearings ii^SHELTON inc Campus Sales Manager COLLEGE AVE. AT 33rd. FREE PARKING TA 2-0139 - TA 2-0130 I THE BATTALION Thursday, September 20, 1962 TONY SERVELLO .. . ace Ag Kegler starts off 1962-63 season A&M Bowling Committee' Wilt Open Season Monday The A&M Bowling Committee will open its 1962-63 season Mon day at 7:30 p.m. in the MSC Bowl ing Lanes. The object of the first meeting will be to acquaint incoming- fresh men and other prospective mem bers with the program and activi ties of this nationally-known or ganization. Plans will also be announced for the school-wide tournament and organization of student leagues will be discussed. All students interested in bowl ing in a league are urged to at tend this initial meeting. fgm wm We Reserve The Right To Limit All Sales - GROCERIES - - FROZEN FOODS - Nabisco—1-Lb. Sunshine State—6-Oz. Premium Crackers .. 29c Orange Juice 4 For 59c Libbys—No. x /z Cans Vienna Sausage 3 For 59c Tennessee—10-Oz. Sliced Strawberries . 2 For 39c Blue Bell—In Plastic Container Hunts—No. 2Vz Cans Spieed Peaches 2 For 45c SHERBET Quart 35c Indianola—8-Oz. Hunts—14-Oz. Bottles CATSUP 3 For 59c Shrimp In Shell 39c - MARKET _ Breast-O-Chicken—No. x /z Cans Chunk Style Tuna ... Can 29c Sliced Bacon 1-Lb. 69c Swifts Premium CRISCO 3-Lb. Can 69c Vacuum Pack Franks.. .. 1-Lb. 55c Kraft—Velveeta Northern—80 Count White Napkins 2 For 25c CHEESE 1-Lb. 49c Deckers—Tall Korn Auro—Bath Room Sliced Bacon 1-Lb. 49c TISSUE ... 2 Rolls 25c PEN FED BABY BEEF CUTS Gold Medal—5-Lb. FLOUR *- Bag 39c Loin Steak 1-Lb. 79c Green Giant—19-Oz. Asparagus Spears . T-Bone Steak 1-Lb. 89c 2 For 89c Pin Bone Loin . 1-Lb. 69c Green Giant—303 Cans Green Peas .5 For $1.00 Meaty Short Ribs 1-Lb. 39c Green Giant Niblets Corn Fresh—Home Dressed 2 For 35c Chicken Hens 1-Lb. 29c Del-Haven—303 Cans - PRODUCE - TOMATOES 2 For 25c Avocados . Each 10c Maryland Club COFFEE 1-Lb. 69c Celery Stalk 15c Cello Carrots 2 Bags 19c Maryland Club Instant Coffee 6-Oz. 79c Yellow Onions Lb. 5c SPECIALS GOOD THURSDAY AFTERNOON FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY, SEPT. 20 - 21 - 22 CHARUES m’SSt NORTH GATE —WE DELIVER— COLLEGE STATION