:*• . mm Chick Complains Blonde Jerilyn Chilcott, 20, weighs 115, is 5-foot-5 and hails from Auburndale, Fla. Jerilyn, a truck driver and everyone’s candidate for Miss Truck Driver, has complained to police that 20 cases of eggs were hijacked from her 15- ton refrigerated tractor-trailer while she and her partner- father were making deliveries in New York City. (AP Wirephoto) President Earl Rudder has been appointed a member of the Vet erans of Foreign Wars National Security Committee. In making this announcement Byron B. Gentry, Pasadena, Calif., Commander-in-Chief of the V.F.W. said, “One of the primary objec tives of the Veterans of Foreign Wars is the security of the United I States. Rudder’s appointment to our National Security Committee 2i Rudder Named To Security Committee By Veterans Of Foreign Wars Head will bring experience and knowl edge necessary to the preparation and carrying out of an effective program. I am pleased that he has accepted this assignment in the interests of our country and or ganization. Past Commander - in - Chief Charles C. Ralls, Woodinville, Wash., is chairman of the V.F.W. National Security Committee THE BATTALION Thursday, September 20, 1.902 College Station, Texas 'Page 3 Girls Coming —— And They’re Cooks The second annvual state-wide 4-H Favoriate Food' Show will be held here Saturday. It will at tract 48 state finalists, all top winners in district elimination contests held recently Izi the 12 dis tricts of the Texas A gricultural Extension Service. Contestants will set up their fa vorite food exhibits in the Ball room of the Memorial Student Center. The girls, who w ill pre pare their food entries after ar riving, will exhibit in one of the following food groups: milk, meat, fruit and vegetable, or breaA and cereal. Each contestant will include as part of ther exhibit a table serv ice for one set correctly for the particular food exhibited, aloil.g with appropriate table decorations, Rockefeller Wins GOP Nominal ion. BUFFALO, N. Y. OP)—Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller formally re ceived the Republican nomination for re-election Wednesday night with a call for a “fervent and fighting campaign” against the Democratic ticket headed by po litical newcomer Robert M. Mor gen than. Rockefeller, who made bis own political debut in his successful gubernatorial campaign four years ago, led a well-knit and practiced team into the new campaign. The nominations of Rockefeller, U. S. Sen. Jacob K. Javits and all others on the ticket were made by accla mation and the two-day state con vention, which ended Wodrvos mght, was unusually free of dis cord. according to Maeona Cox, exten sion service foods and nutrition specialist and superintendent for the 4-H awards program. “There will be a complete day’s menu and the recipe of the favor ite food. Each contestant also will explain to the judges how her fa vorite food was prepared, why it was prepared in that manner and describe the importance of food and good nutrition,” Miss Cox said. Food show contestants have all kept record books, and the records will count half, of the total score, Miss Cox added. Winners will be named in the four food groups and the girl with the highest score will receive an all-expense paid trip to the National 4-H Club Con gress in Chicago this fall. Rib bons will be presented to contest ants scoring in the blue, red and white categories. PEANUTS By Ctoarles M. Schulz ■ • ' -..T . When ti o £ • . : ' . , L _ JP cigarette jig means w ' i , * • a lot... :: « imBBISS get Lots More from B XurWE^jyi t r Acjl y. j-m* -it t more body in the blend more flavor . in the smoke ||l C3CO more taste |i ‘ through the filter It’s the rich-flavor leaf that does it! Among L&M’s choice tobaccos there’s more of this longer-aged, extra-cured leaf than even in some unfiltered cigarettes. And with L&M’s modem filter— the Miracle Tip — only pure white touches your lips. Get lots more from L&M — the filter cigarette for people who really like to smoke. F l LX E R S LIGGETT t MYERS TOBACCO CO. |rSiEgJffa/>'u;£ REPROACH \ It / PEOPLE fORTALKING ABOUT-THEMSELVES; m IT 16 THE SUBJECT THEV TREAT BEST 1 ’ V-Zo (jJHATf? I GOT IT OUT OF A THAT?/ BOOK OF FAMILIAR 'QUOTATIONS... WHAT DO VOU MEAN.“FAM(UAR QUOTATIONS ?IF(TC50 FAMlUAR, HOOJ COME I HAVEN'T HEARD IT? 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