The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 13, 1962, Image 10

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College Station, Texas
Thursday, September 13, 1962
Gigantic Building
For Plant Sciences
To Open This Fall
Nearing Occupancy
This aerial photo shows the almost-com- of October. The gigantic new building will
pleted Plant Sciences Building, which work- be the largest on campus and one of the top
ers hope to have completed by the first part buildings of its kind in the nation.
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REMEMBER: Profits From MSC Business Go
To Support Student Programs and Building Operations
A&M’s new $2.3 million Plant
Sciences Building, described as the
outstanding facility of its type in
the southern United States, is ex
pected to be ready for occupancy
sometime this fall.
On the basis of floor space, with
85,000 usable square feet, the
structure is the largest on campus.
It is located between the Biologi
cal Sciences Building and the Ani
mal Husbandry Pavilion.
Dean of Agriculture R. E. Pat
terson says the building is “one of
the best in the nation.”
Dr. David Rosberg, head of the
Department of Plant Sciences,
said the structure has “some of
the finest research and teaching
facilities in the U. S. There is
nothing to compare with it in the
Dr. Wayne Hall, dean of gradu
ate studies and professor of plant
physiology, said emphasis is being
placed on facilities for expanded
graduate student training in the
plant sciences. Construction of
these graduate instructional facili
ties is supported by grants from
the National Science Foundation
and the National Institute of
Construction Program
The Plant Sciences Building is
the product of an extensive con
struction program now underway
on campus. Counting new build
ings already completed and those
to be finished within the next one
and a half years, the approximate
cost of this move toward new fa
cilities is more than $10 million.
Rosberg said the building has
three main purposes. Not only is
it for teaching the college’s agri
culture students, but it will house
research and extension activities
to serve Texas farmers and ranch
ers and other segments of the
state’s giant agricultural industry.
You’re beginning another year in preparation for the future, and
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nearest telephone.
Yes, telephone service is faster and better than ever . . . and
cheaper too. By calling station-to-station, you can make three calls for
the price of two person-to-person calls. So reach for the nearest telephone,
and you’ll be “at home” in a jiffy.
Remember . . . for faster service at lower rates, call station-to-
station by number.
The Southwestern States
Telephone Company
The structure features clean,
utilitarian design, according to
Architect W. R. Matthews of Bry
an. Its exterior of brick, cast stone
and aluminum trim and panels
will require little maintenance.
14 Laboratories
Rosberg said the Department of
Plant Sciences will have 14 re
search laboratories, plus four
radiochemistry labs. The radio
chemistry labs will have separate
air conditioning. Space will be
provided for the college herbarium
and air pollution labs.
The building is being construct
ed by Temple Associates of Diboll.
Other features are six large
classrooms and about 23 labora
tory rooms. The basement will
have a series of 11 environmental
rooms and a general store room
and Supply center.
The building will house the De
partment of Plant Sciences and
the horticultural and floricultural
sections of the Department of Soil
and Crop Sciences.
Various Sections
Making up the Department of
Plant Sciences are the “sections”
of plant physiology, plant patholo
gy and genetics and cytology. In
the Department of Soil and Crop
Sciences are the Field Crops Sec
tion, Floricultural Crops Section,
Horticultural Crops Section, and
Soil and Water Section.
Other space will go to the
botany division of the Department
of Biology, and the Department of
Range and Forestry.
The site of the new Plant
Sciences Building was at one time
used for experimentation plots by
the late Dr. J. J. Taubenhaus,
chief plant pathologist for the
Texas Agricultural Experiment
Here, during the late twenties
and early thirties, Taubenhaus
grew hundreds of species of seed
plants and inoculated them with
the cotton root rot fungus.
From what he learned from his
work came an Agricultural Ex
periment Station bulletin which
rated plants as to their resistance
or susceptibility to the fungus.
MORGANTOWN, W. Va. (A 5 ) —
Several West Virgina football play
ers are the sons of public officials.
John Skinner’s father is a prosecUt-
ibg attorney; Bob DeLorenzo’s
dad is a city dog warden and Ed
Pastilong’s father is a postmaster.
New Pool
Named After
Dallas Man
A&M’s outdoor Olympic - type
swimming pool, one of the most
popular recreational facilities in
the area during the summer, has
been named after an Aggie alum
nus, Wofford Cain of Dallas.
The name was officially ap
proved during the summer by the
A&M System Board of Directors.
Cain is chairman of the Board
of Southern Union Gas Company
and of Aztec Oil Company. He has
long been active in A&M affairs,
having served as chairman of the
board of the A&M Development
Foundation Fund, trustee of the
A&M Development Foundation and
a member of the Century Council.
He has supplied many academic
scholarships for boys attending the
college under the Opportunity
Awards program.
A native of Athens, Tex., Cain
graduated from A&M in 1913. His
business career has included serv
ice as President and Chairman of
the Board of Southern Union Gas,
President of Aztec Oil, chairman
of the board of Delhi Oil corpora
tion, and director of the Mercan
tile National Bank, Dallas.
Spring Grad
First Sal;
Up To Avera
The pattern of job plac^
and salaries for A&M gradj
seniors who received their dip!
last spring closely follow
tional averages.
This is the report of Wa
R. Horsley, director of tie
Placement Office. He speah
thoriatively, as he also is
man of the Salary Survey
mittee of the College Placa
Council, the organization
issued the national report.
The Placement Coundl's
released to some 2,000 majoi
ployers and more thaiij 1,1
lege placement officer is re«j
ed as the barometer of the
ing field. The council serv*
national placement associati;
the United States and Canai
Big Development
A leading development t
the 1961-62 year was thatp
ates who majored in the non-t(
cal disciplines averaged sit
salary monthly $24 higherttii;
than a year ago.
The increase more thanfc
the $10 hike non-technicals e
enced from 1959-60 to 196(11
boosted the monthly dollarvii
beginning offers from
Graduating seniors whom;
in technical fields receivK
same gain dollarwise in
in the previous year. Their
age monthly starting sakj
National Average
Horsley said that computai
the final results nationallyi
age ($5 7 9) and volume ofii
Electronics firms, which
ped to third place in volffl
mid-season, rebounded to
in volume and dollar value m
average offer for the yearol
Aeronautical engineering?
ates barely edged out electric
gineering graduates for thei
of receiving the highest sts
salaries. The former receive!
monthly as average starting
ry, electrical engineers
The most dramatic em
crease was made, however
public accounting firms. Hs
said that nationally, after an
season average og $471, the!
ing salaries were jumped to
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