The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 28, 1962, Image 4
••4. College Station, Texas Thursday, June 28,. 1962 THf BATTALION ‘Gallant Men’ Attracts Crowds i iili ' % ' f ^ ^ Wmm. ^|i] rmfh ' V' is ii ,F I T #ac F EI EC py rb or id Dm er Ct: jch tb I P ith r 1 13 id The Church.. For a Fuller Life.. For You.. CALENDAR OF CHURCH SERVICES A&M CHRISTIAN CHURCH 8:30 A.M.—Coffee Ti 9 :45 A.M.—Sund ay 11 :00 A.M.—Morning Services me chool ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHAPEL Sunday—Masses 7 :30 and 9 :00 OUR SAVIOUR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 8:15 A. 10:45 AM—The Church at 9 :30 Holy i Month ■ Worshin “ < 11:00 A.M.^Morhing Worship C^munion-F^U sihdaV 1 iqach^' ^ T^'^Vrehchin^S^yice CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ‘ SOCIETY 9 :30 A^M •ff - : Sun (Jay School 11:00 A.M-n—Snnday Service Kvening' VV <1'' ■> W 1 CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE lO :00 AiM.—Sunday School 11:00 A.lll.—Morning^ Worship ■ ' ^eryic4 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST ;f6F LATTER DAY SAINTS' 20th East and FAITH CHURCH UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 9:15 A.M.—Sunday School 10:30 A.M.—Morning Worship 7 :30 P.M.—Evening Service COLLEGE HEIGHTS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 6 :30 P.M.—Young People’s Service 7:30 P.M.—Evening Worship A^M METHODIST CHURCH -Sunday School -Morning Worship 7 :00 fj?.: 10 :00 A.M. - 7:00-8:00 P.M.— 12 'Nooh A’uesdays - Head ing Room . Wed., Reading Room 8 180 ■ !i»- • 1 ? 5 ^ p'M ; Zl Und t^ ; 6:30 & 6:00. jIm.—MYF Meetings : §.315 P.M.^-Sacialhent Aleut, ng 7’,M.: • Evening Worship UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP ■ ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH A&M CHURCH OF CHRIST 9 :45 A.M.—Bible Classes 10 :45 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:45 P.M—Bible Class 7 :15 P.M.—Evening Service Sundays 8 :00 A.M.—H o 1 y A.M.-—Family Servio 11:00 A.M.—Hoiy 3rd Sundays, Mornin: 4th Sundays; Communio: :e & Chur Communh Mon 7:30 A&M LUTHERAN CHURCH Wednesdays 6:30 & 10:00 A.M.- ig Pray< P.M. Eveiisong. n ; 9 :15 ch School ; 1st & 2nd & 4 :00-5 :30 P.M.—Friday School, YMCA 8 :00 P.M.—First four Sundays of each month—Fellowship Meeting, Call VI 6- 5888 for further information. (Missouri Synod) 10 :00 A.M.—Aggie Bible Class 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship •M. idth Laying on of Hands nls Hays . 10 :00. A.M—Holy Communion -Holy Communion wil Sa: Wednesday 7 :15 P.! Gamma Delta Wednesday 7 :10 P.M.—Canterbury ; 8 :30 P.M. Adult Bible Classes A&M PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9 :45 A.M.—Church School 11 :00 A.M.—Morning Worsfeij) FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 9 :40 A.M.-—Church School 11 :00 A.M.—Worship 6:15 P.M.—Training Union 7:15 P.M.—Worship "itvXi .■ 4 ' -i' .... - -f % \ > pul (ft the plate JOr ^ ■■■■I You are witnessing one of the frustrations in Ted’s life. Like his namesake, the Red Sox slugger, Ted likes to tag a good fast ball and send it over the fence. But, today, our batting-practice pitcher just can’t seem to find the plate. Another frustration in Ted’s life will occur next Sunday morning. Like every American youngster Ted needs religious training. But Ted’s parents, who should be offering him opportunity and encouragement in spiritual growth, can’t seem to find the Church. Our children deserve the full spiritual opportunity which our free heritage has preserved for them. Today it is their turn to develop the power with which. God en dowed them. And our assign ment, like the batting-prac tice pitcher’s, is to offer them our best 0 o 0 and not lost control. THE CHURCH FOR ALL • • • ALL FOR THE CHURCH Tlie Church is the greatest factor' on earth for the building of char acter and good citizenship. It is a storehouse of spiritual values. "With* out a strong Church, neither de mocracy nor civilization can sur- ; vive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and support the Church. They arc: (I) For his own sake. (2) For. his children’* sake. (3) For the sake of his com munity and nation: (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material sup port. Plan to go to church regu larly and read jour Bible daily* Copyright 1902, Keister Advertising Service, Ti»c., Stnishitrg, Xi* Sunday I Samuel 12:19-25 Monday II Corinthians 13:5-10 T uesday Deuteronomy 6:1-9 Wednesday I Thessaioniana 4:1-8 Thursday Proverbs 4.1-9 Friday Proverbs 4:10-19 Saturday 1 Timothy 4:6-16 ^~uneraf ^Jlo BRYAN, TEXAS 502 West 26th St. PHONE TA 2-1572 Campus and Circle Theatres College Station ' College Station’s Own Banking Service College Station State Bank NORTH GATE Central Texas Hardware Co. BRYAN • HARDWARE • CHINAWARE ® CRYSTAL • GIFTS STUDENT •XnvX%‘X*Xn‘X*Xn*M‘X*Xv*.nv puIlITaIIon! Sure Sign of Flavor SANITARY Farm Dairies The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies’ Bryan Building & Loan Association BRYAN City National Bank Member FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Bryan ICE CREAM MELLORINE SHERBET m t ml inj ipi id kii ilWlli A V : ’ f : ^ a ■ n’t ’•ai or rar :ov all 5 . P [ ION rai r. } ; rai ■ar I i j . 1 I ib. Iw lor im . . . Fightin’ > ; . igiiiiiSsPr j .’b FOOD BUDGET - GROCERIES - Libbys—303 Cans Garden Sweet Peas 2 For 39c Libbys—303 Cans Cut Green Beans 2 For 39c Libbys—300 Cans Tomato Juice 3 For 39c Libbys—5-Oz. Cans Vienna Sausage 2 For 39c Libbys—12-Oz. Cans Pineapple Juice 3 For 29c Maryland Club COFFEE 1-Lb. 59c Maryland Club Instant Coffee 6-Oz. 79c Perfection—24-Oz. MUSTARD Jar 19c Krafts—18-Oz. Plum Preserves Glass 29c Breast-O-Chicken TUNA Can 29c Hunts—300 Cans Fruit Cocktail 2 For 39c Bis Top—10-Oz. Tumblers Peanut Butter Each 39c Delsey—White Bathroom Tissue 4 Rolls 49c Snowdrift SHORTENING 3-Lb. Can 59c Del-Haven—303 Cans TOMATOES 4 Cans 39c -FROZEN FOODS- ty urn 4 For Swansons—Pot Pies Beef, Chicken, Turkey Sunshine State—6-Oz. Cans ^ ar Orange Juice 4 For 5^ Tennessee—10-Oz. ar STRAWBERRIES 2 For 3f *07 B-B—In Plastic Container SHERBET Quart 3W ; Bordens Biscuits 3 For f vl Santa Maria MILK Gal. I a - MARKET - se /e Deckers—Tall Korn se Sliced Bacon 1-Lb. I Wisconsin—Medium Aged Cheddar Cheese 1-Lb. Jy Swifts—Premium .}] Vacuum Pack Franks .... 1-Lb. lop Swifts—Premium Sliced Bacon 1-Lb. 9 Meaty Short Ribs 1-Lb. ^ Square Cut dt Shoulder Roast 1-Lb. Pin Bone Loin Steak 1-Lb. Loin Steak 1-Lb. S - PRODUCE - d HOME GROWN £ TOMATOES 2-Lbs. !?•, CUCUMBERS 2-Lbs. Jgi CREAM PEAS 2-Lbs. BLACKEYE PEAS 2-Lbs. ft* ICE BOX MELONS d a CANTALOUPES m „ SPECIALS GOOD THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY, JUNE 28 - 29< a FOOD market! NORTH GATE —WE DELIVER— CHARLIE’S COLLEGE STATIC t: ✓3V ie P