The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 21, 1962, Image 1

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The Battalion
eria; 7 OlUme 60
Number 12l^
Ready Friday
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Chat be spring issue of the Texas
;jn; J M IReview will be available to
readers beginning Friday. This
(e, although spring has just
led into summer, seems worth
ting for.
he' Review will be on sale at
gift shop in the Memorial
dent Center, The Exchange
re,land the Office of Student
lications. Item by item the
st -issue appears as follows:
lenderson Shuffler, in his fea-
; article “Ramsey Yelvington:
Appreciation” provides the
i-spot of the Review with his
dderation of Texas’ best known
ruatist. Shuffler seems to settle
; question for even non-Texans
>ther Texas has contributed a
t-rate dramatist to literature,
i the travel section, Bryan
ph’s “By the Commodore of
t Name” presents an enlight-
ig view and recounts some in
sting history of Decatur, Tex-
In “The Angel Flight to
■bhing Square” also in the
r el section, Dean Hord recalls
avid style his visit to one of
Angeles frequently visited city
ovelist Marshall Terry in his
cle “Why I Write” offers in
utive detail, reasons for and
^ilnmer Camp
/ * . r
-or Aggies
“Tarts June 23
■.rmy Reserve Officers Training
IH'ps summer camp training for
^roximately 220 advanced or se-
Hled cadets of A&M is scheduled
^Jbegin Saturday, June 23. They
approximately 1,300 other ad-
ced ROTC cadets from through-
Texas and four other states
train at Fort Sill, Oklahoma,
number of the regular Army
onnel assigned to the Military
nee program at A&M will be on
r at the summer camp,
helrigorous training program,
lar to that given to Army re
ts, is a vital part of the advanc-
itOTC program which leads to
ipjmissions as a second lieutenant
■ The Army or Army Reserve.
II training normally is taken by
\jMdet after he has completed his
g lor year of college studies.
Hlort Sill is located at Lawton,
^pihoma, which is about 350 miles
h of College Station,
idets from A&M traditionally
^ Jeve enviable records at
\ l| camp.
demands upon a writer in modern
America. Judged by the careful
writing in the article, we might
infer that Terry’s novel “Old
Liberty” is a good one.
The Supplement Section for the
Review includes the winning con
tributions to the writing contest
sponsored earlier in the year by
the magazine. Chris Duhe’s one-
act play, “The Divine Nero,” is
a delightfully humorous take-off
on murderous plots in the Caesar
family. As might be expected
(even by non-history majors) the
play’s setting is Rome.
Winning poets of the contest are
Jan Guy and William Pettit. Miss
Guy’s poem “Sojourn in Sligo” in
dicates that the poet has an un
usual perception about man and
time. Pettit’s poem shared with
Miss Guy’s poem the prize for the
best poetry in the contest; his
poem is an imaginative condensa
tion of the relationship of the past
and present.
Don Wilson’s short story “Pay
day Proposition” comes on as a
powerful rendition of one of man’s,
and woman’s most perplexing
“The Man With Twenty Fingers:
Part II” is a continuation from
the winter issue of Allen Schra
der’s profile of Peck Kelley.
Schrader’s profile is informative
both about Houston’s legendary
pianist and about music in general
and jazz in particular’.
Artist-in-residence Joseph Don
aldson, whose drawings have fre
quented the pages of the magazine
throughout the past two years,
provides Review readers with sev
eral remarkable sketches- of Peck
Senator Hubert Humphrey ex
plains, as the title of his article
indicates, “Why College Students
Should Be Liberals.” Senator
Roman Hruska presented the con
servative viewpoint in the winter
For those who have read (and
perhaps not quite understood the
controversy underlying) Heni’y
Miller’s novel “Tropic of Cancer”
Brandoch Lovely’s “The Artist As
a Moral Man” gives a theological
insight into the creative artist’s
search for truth. Lovely is a
Unitarian minister in Austin.
In her review of recent J. D.
Salinger critics, which appears in
the book section, Kate James re
veals her careful understanding of
analytical and analogical criticism.
In this case our attentions are
focused upon criticism of Salin
ger’s newest novel, “Franny and
Centennial Kick - Off Set
For This Saturday Night
124 Students
From 33 Nations
Enrolled Here
A total of 124 students from 33
nations around the world are en
rolled for A&M courses during
the first term of the summer ses
sion. /
The report issued by Robert L.
Melcher, foreign student advisor,
showed there are 73 graduate stu
dents, 40 undergraduates and 11
special students. By way of com
parison, there were 88 graduate
students registered for the Fall
Term of 1961, 142 undergraduates,
and 22 special students for a total
of 252 students from 41 nations.
Pakistan currently is represent
ed by 44 students and Mexico by
12 students. Eight other countries
are represented by four to ten
students. These countries are Ar
gentina, the Republic of China,
Colombia, Ecuador, India, Korea,
Peru, and the United Arab Re
Countries represented by one to
four students include Afghanistan,
Bolivia, Canada, Ceylon, Costa
Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Germany,
Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary,
Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Japan,
Jordan, the Netherlands, Panama,
Philippines, Poland, Thailand, the
United Kingdom and Venezuela.
‘Battle, f Pageant
Held In Kyle Field
The activities of the Hood’s Brigade-Bryan Centennial
Celebration next week will center around the A&M campus.
This Saturday evening at 8, the Coronation Ball in honor
of the Centennial Queen and her court will he held in the
The ball is scheduled to last ’til midnight, said Mrs. Sam
Curl, who is chairman for the event.
Announcement of the identity of the Queen will be made
at 9 o’clock during the ball. The Queen and her six Maids
of Honor will be selected from approximately 30 contestants,
said Mrs. Curl.
; ilH
.... vies for queen
Maritime Academy
Receives Vessel
A training ship capable of cruis
es throughout, the Western Hemi
sphere has been delivered to the
Texas Maritime Academy, newest
school within A&M.
Officers and midshipmen of the
Maine Maritime Academy formal
ly gave custody of the 7,000-ton
former World War II hospital ship
at Beaumont to Capt. Bennett
Dodson, superintendent of the
Texas academy.
It will be put in a stand-by de
activated status and moored at
Beaumont until the Texas Mari
time Academy is ready to use it
for training cruises in several
First class of the Texas Mari
time Academy will be formed at
A&M in September. Enrollment is
Texas Maritime Academy Cadets
ur Texas Maritime Academy Cadets, ton vessel, that was delivered by the Maine
eft to Right) Frankie Lawless, Marlin; Maritime Academy to Beaumont this week,
rl Haglind, Galveston; Paul Hermann, The ship will be stored there until the TMA
Jveston; and Don Bilancich, Kemah; look is ready to take it on a cruise.
acr er the TMA’s new training ship, a 7,000-
still open to young men between
17 aitd 22 years old who are inter
ested in a maritime career as a
marine transportation or marine
engineering officer.
The ship, currently called “State
of Maine,” will be renamed when
it is put to use by the Texas Mari
time Academy for a training-
cruise to Europe.
During World War II, it saw
active duty as the U.S.S. Comfort
in the Pacific theater of opera
tions. It was hit off Okinawa in
1944 by a Kamikaze plane at
which time 60 nurses and patients
were killed.
Capt. Dodson describes the ves
sel as being in “excellent condi
tion.” Measuring 416-feet long, its
beam is about 50-feet and her
steam turbine engines can drive
her at a 15-knot cruising speed.
The ship will accommodate 12
officers and 250 midshipmen as
Efforts to get a TMA training
ship began in February after the
A&M System board of directors
established the academy as direct
ed by the state legislature. After
Gov. Price Daniel signed an agree
ment with the U.S. Maritime Com
mission, the school was offered
the State of Maine training ship.
The Texas Maritime Academy,
the only maritime school in the
South, is currently recruiting 50
men for the first class. After com
pleting their freshman year at
A&M, the midshipmen will con
tinue their training at TMA head
quarters at Galveston.
Dodson said the major purpose
of the academy is to prepare deck
and engineering officers for ocean
going vessels in the nation’s mer
chant fleet.
“The academy offers an oppor
tunity for high school graduates
to qualify as a U.S. Merchant Ma
rine officer, to become an ensign
in the U.S. Naval. Reserve (inac
tive) if physically qualified, and
to earn a bachelor of science de
gree in marine engineering or ma
rine transportation,” Dodson said.
The veteran sea captain said the
complete course of study includes
three summer training cruises to
Europe, the Caribbean area and to
South America. The first TMA
training cruises will be with the
New York maritime academy.
The Queen will be crowned by
U. S. Senator Ralph Yarborough, it ||
was announced.
The Queen and her court will be
transported to the Grove by the
Houston Horseless Carriage Club,
a group interested in the restora
tion and preservation of classic
Music will be provided by an
eighteen-piece band under the di
rection of Jack Briggs, Stephen F.
Austin High School band director. ^ v" v
The music will be in the Glenn ..
Miller-Tommy Dorsey style, accord- 1
ing to Briggs.
Tickets for the Ball may be
purchased at Centennial Headquar
ters or at the gate for $1.50, said
Mrs. Curl.
Beginning at 9:30, the same eve
ning, a no-admission square dance
will be held in the MSC Ballroom.
Music will be provided by a west
ern band, according to Briggs. Re
freshment will be available at a
nominal charge, he said.
' Each night, Monday through Fri
day, beginning at 7:45, the “Gal
lant Men of Texas” Spectacular
will be held in Kyle Field.
With a cast exceeding 400, the
Spectacular will include a mock
Civil War Battle, the presentation
and crowning of the Centennial
Queen and her court, and an ela
borate historical pageant.
Gene Montefiore, director of the
spectacular, said that the scenes
in the pageant will depict the area
from the times of the Indians up
to the present.
Tickets to the spectacular may
be purchased at Centennial Head
quarters, at Kyle Field, or from
one of the candidates for Centen
nial Queen.
Spectators will be seated in the
west side of the field, under the
press box, said Montefiore.
The South Shall Rise Again
Beauregrad Claghorn (David Gibson) displays the proper
dress for all true Southerners during the Bryan-Hood’s
Brigade Centennial. Gibson models a uniform which will
be worn during the Spectacular on Kyle Field. (Photo by
Ronnie Fann)
Sanitarian Retires
After 36 Years
Rudders Attend
At Harvard
A&M President Earl Rudder
and Mrs. Rudder will attend, by
invitation, The Presidents’ Insti
tute scheduled June 19-27 on the
campus of Harvard University un
der sponsorship of The Institute
for College and University Admin
Topics for discussion by the
pi-esidents are selected from areas
pertinent to educational leader
ship and include curriculum chang
es, the role of the dean, student
responsibility and academic advis
ing, relationships with trustees,
trends in changing educational or
ganization, and problems in inter
national education.
The basic method of the Insti
tute is the group discussion of ac
tual cases from all types of col
leges and universities throughout
the nation. The Institute also
schedules talks by several educa
tional leaders.
Case discussions of typical prob
lems faced by the president’s wife
will be the core of the program
planned for the wives.
Few of the thousands of stu
dents who have attended A&M in
the past 36 years ever heard of
L. E. Winder, Sr. Yet, the quiet
little man who is now retiring
after serving on the college staff
since 1926, played an important
role in their lives.
As College Sanitarian, L. E.
Winder was the official guardian
of students and staff against the
dangers of communicable disease.
The fact that he took his work
seriously and carried it out with a
dogged determination has made
the college community one of the
most healthful in the nation.
In the 1930’s, College Station
was plagued with malaria. A cam
paign to eliminate this traditional
hazard to health on the lower
Brazos was begun in 1938. In the
early stages of the campaign 17
lakes on college property were
drained and a relentless war
against the mosquito was begun.
Winder, who headed the original
drive, continued a one-man cru
sade against the mosquito, long
after others had dropped out of
the fight. He persuaded property
owners in a wide area around the
college to drain their ponds and
followed this up by oiling every
stagnant pool of water in the area,
year after year.
There had been 1,281 cases of
malaria reported in Brazos Coun
ty in 1941. Four years later there
were 25. By 1955 the number of
cases in the county had dropped
to-6, and since that year not a sin
gle case of malaria has been re
Once the mosquitoes were under
control. Inspector Winder began a
relentless war on flies, rats and
other carriers of disease. This
coupled with his stern administra
tion of the sanitary code in inspec
tion of establishments serving
food and drinks in the college area,
produced equally spectacular i
The campus area was given the
highest rating in the State in
1948, according to Alex C. Allen,
president of the Texas Association
of Sanitarians. College Station,
including the campus, was the
first Texas city to receive an Hon-
Roll rating from the Public
Health Service, with a grade of
A native of Nacogdoches Coun
ty, Texas, Mr. Winder served as a
Sanitary Inspector for the city of
Nacogdoches for 11 years before
joining the A&M staff. He was
eligible for retirement two years
ago, at the age of 65, but contin
ued in service until recently.
Keese Named TTI
Executive Officer
Appointment of Charles J.
(Jack) Keese as executive officer
of the Texas Transportation Insti
tute has been announced by Fred
J. Benson, Dean of Engineering
at A&M.
As executive director of the
institute, Keese will be in charge
of an organization devoted to re
search in traffic engineering,
transportation economics, highway
design, soils and improved paving
Dean Benson, who has been
T.T.I. executive officer since July
1955, said Keese will also continue
his duties as professor of civil
“We are looking forward to Mr.
Keese continuing to make the same
fine contributions that he has been
making in his research program
and teaching duties,” Benson said
in announcing the appointment.
A 1941 civil engineex-ing gradu
ate of A&M, Keese served in Army
intelligence and attained the rank
of captain during World War II.
After field engineer work with the
Texas Highway Department he
joined the A&M civil engineering
faculty in 1948.