The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 07, 1962, Image 6
- -..r-M ! pnge 'Q .CoTIpge gfatfor, Texas TKttrsSay, .Trine 7, Tf)^3 TRT BATWION Six Receive Engineer A wan Engineering Faculty Achieve ment Awards were presented to six outstanding - seniors recently by the School of Engineering. Walter R. Frazier, a graduate from Dallas, received his achieve ment award for outstanding work in architecture and civil engineer ing. His award was presented by Dr. Samuel R. Wright, head of the Department of Civil Engineering, and T. R. Holleman, head of the Division of Architecture. Edward N. Pitrucha, a graduate from College Station, received his award for outstanding work in electrical engineering. His award was presented by Glen D. Hall mark, head of the Department of Electrical Engineering. Pitrucha has been active in sports, holds scholastic honors, was active in student affairs and has earned all of his college expenses. Elmer E. Goins, a graduate from McGehee, Ark., and Robert K. Wright, of College Station, re ceived their awards for outstand ing work in aeronautical engineer ing. Making the presentation was Alfred E. Cronk, head of the De partment of Aeronautical Engi neering. Wright is valedictorian for the spring semester. John H. Striegler, a graduate from Stephenville, was presented an award for outstanding work in chemical engineering. Presenting the award was Dr. J. D. Lindsay, head of the Department of Chem ical Engineering. Striegler has been active in sports, hold schol astic and Corps honors, and was a member of many student organ izations. Thomas C. Paul, a grade Albuquerque, N. M., re« award for outstanding wed chanical engineering, ft. Simmang, head of theDej of Mechanical Engineer!- sented the award. Pauli active in sports, holds i and Corps honors, was a "V( of many student organizaig^— sociate editor of “The Er magazine, and was pnsflH^ the A&M chapter of thei||||gi Society of Mechanical A&M Student Walter R. Frazier, center, of 21926 Harlan- dale in Dallas, Texas, A&M College senior in architecture and civil engineering, is awarded the Engineering Faculty Senior Award for achievement. Presenting the plaque are Dr. Samuel R. Wright, left, head Wins Award of the Division of Architecture. Frazier is active in sports, maintains a high scholastic standing, has won honors in the Corps of Cadets and is a member and officer of many student organizations. WATERFIGHTS 4-11 Clubbers Enjoy Annual "Mound Up’ At Aggie]and With some 1,900 young 4-H’ers on an . unfamiliar campus for three days, some sort of local combina tion information booth, trouble shooter, guide, police force would be indispensible. So, in the form of TAG Officers, the college pro vided just such a gu-oup, dubbed the “A&M Special Police.” Working in rotating 8-hour shifts, several of these officers were on duty in the 4-H dorm area at all tmes. Last night, from 4 to midnight, the team was headed by Captains C. R. “Chuck” Car gill, and R. V. Smith. Among the many things confronting these men during their tour of duty were scattered water' flights, occasional fireworks, the inevitable general horseplay of kids away from home, and of all things, a lost set of dental bridgework. The bridgework, it was reported, was lost by one of the adult wo men supervisors with the group as she stood over the sink in her dormitory room. A hastily sum- jncme4 plumber soon had the drain disconnected, and the dental Work was retrieved intact. The water fights, both in the early afternoon, and later that night, were in the best A&M tra dition. Though somewhat spor adic, there were several highly spirited exchanges between groups of boys from different dorms. Us ing balloons and other objects, the boys usually met and dispersed be fore the “fuzz” managed to arrive on the scene, however. The Battalion staff, while gath ering material on the scene, nar- Visitors Spend Over $16 Million Visitors to A&M have spent an estimated $16,358,349.00 in this community during the past 13-year period. P. L. Downs, Jr., official greeter of the college, said the money came from 778,969 persons who attended short courses, confer ences, class reunions and other scheduled meetings. The 13 years span the time from June 1, 1949, to June 1, 1962. Downs said that a total of 62,- 453 visitors were on the A&M campus through the months of June through December of 1961, and January through May of this year. Thirteen groups, representing a total of 24,675 visitors, were on the campus in May of this year, he said. France occupied Tunisia in 1881. That country gained independence in 1955. SERVING BRYAN and COLLEGE STATION 1^- SAM HOUSTON ZEPHYR Lv. N. Zulch Ar. Dallas . . 10:08 a.m. 12:47 p.m. Lv. N. Zulch Ar. Houston 7:31 p.m. 9:25 p.m. FORT WORTH AND DENVER RAILWAY N. L. CRYAR, Agent Phone 1,5 • NORTH ZULCH rowly missed becoming a “casual ty” in the affair, when a water- filled balloon burst on the side walk nearby. The shot was one of several fired, from the upper floors of the dormitories. For the officers, things were quiet during the banquet and show from 7 til 9:30. But then, with the program in Guion Hall over, the youths descended on the dorm area in a “charge” reminiscent of a battle scene in a Cecil B. De- Mille production. After a short meeting, in which there were singing, skits, and other exhibitions of talent, things really began to pop—literally. Firecrackers exploded late into the night, set off in strings, with the the reverberation across the quad rangle giving the impression that a minor war was in progress. Speaking of the reactions of the youths to A&M, Cdptain Cargill said that many of the boys here for the Roundup have looked around and liked what they saw. He said that they have seen the dorms, mess halls, facilities, and campus, and were favorably im pressed. Cargill doubted that A&M could have devised a more effective recruiting program. “Many of these boys will be come Aggies on the basis of what they have seen here during the last three days,” he said. Doctor Criticizes Insecticide Poison CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex. CP)— A Corpus Christi physician, Dr. W. R. Hubler, says harmful effects of thallium are more widespread than generally known. Thallium is a colorless, odorless, tasteless poison found in many household insect killers, he noted in a paper presented at the recent Texas Medical Association con vention in Austin. Dr. Hubler told the doctors that thallium may be causing baldness, loss of weight, fatigue, nervous ness and loss of memory in count less persons. He said many persons aren’t aware they’ve been harmed. The poison is plentiful, cheap and dead ly and can be found on all grocery shelves. Dr. Hubler also accused many pest control companies, restaurant operators and food wholesalers of spreading the danger. His report was based on a two- year study of local patients. Most of them were women, but some of their husbands and children suffering from the poisoning. Many men noticed, hair loss but assumed it was normal. The doctor noted 30 positive cases of chronic thallium intoxica tion within eight months preced ing his talk. All complained, of loss of hair without a scalp disease. One man under treatment had been unable to work for several weeks. On woman had 60 per cent loss of hair. Investigation showed the woman had placed a preparation containing 1 per cent thallium in crushed vanilla cook ies under the refrigerator and stove about 1% years ago and it had not been removed. The doctor said the only differ ence in the patients' daily routine after proof of thallium poisoning was that they washed their fresh fruit, vegetables and meats and tops of their canned goods more carefully. Some changed, restaur ants. In most case, a full regrowth of hair was reported after treatment. Dr. Hubler said city food in spectors found five brands of in secticides containing 1 per cent thallium in cookie crumbs or other mixtures freely and legally avail able in all of the local supermar kets. He said an abrupt decrease in the number of cases occurred after last Sept. 1. He said this was probably because the height of the roach and ant season had passed and exterminators using thallium stopped temporarily to avoid de tection. Dr. Hubler suggested the “pull test” to determine one symptom— loss of hair. This is gently pull ing on the hair with the thumb, index and middle finger while al lowing the hair to slide between these fingers. If two or more hairs come out, see a doctoi’, he urged. COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 “Sports Car Center” Dealers for Renault-Peugeo* & British Motor Can Sales—Parts—Service *“We Service All Foreign Cars” ;i416 Texas Ave. TA 2-4617 AGGIES ... DON’T DELAY! Order Your Boots Now For Future Delivery - Small Payment Will Do YOUR BOOTS MADE TO ORDER Convenient Lay-Away Plan ONLY $55.00 A PAIR Economy Shoe Repair & Boot Co. 509 W. Commerce, San Antonio CA 3-0047 Minimax isi Wi 1 ■ IS n ''Vu « Beverage GOLDEN AGE Rainbow SHORTENING Pound Can Magic Bake BREAD Oven Fresh Every Day At Minimax 2 li/6-Lb. Loaves Fleming’s COFFEE Lb. Can Good Value SLICED BACON —PLUS S&H GREEN STAMPS— Bryx al W mpu: , be : J } st fi M k The ^ m oi . --'J I sadqi ogra owni . Hi: actn: BRAZOS VALLEY Whole Plump and Tender! Cut Up Fryers ^ ^ T,h. — 29c "i Ce FLOUR Minimax’ Own Brand, Enriched, and Finely Sifted For Your Best Baking! 5 - 29 rhe t V :nt 1 t,” npt SALMON xa, < Chum, Select ^ . Alaska No. 1 Tt 0 ',, 1 Tall Special At // lu Minimax Lan 5 hi TEA BAGS !.' TOMATO JUICE 46 'c:„29c LARGE EGGS Do ,.42c PORK & BEANS Van Camps (A 300 ikn ^ Cans*w Vi ANOTHER BIG VALUE T. V. Homogenized \ ORANGE MCE I Fresh O 6-Oz. M Frozen (j Cans J gji MilLlC Gal. Jug RUstin ORRS MELLORINE Favorite V2 Zz. 49c Flavors liver t ;anof p87.- Wflion ; POTATOES 10 LBS. 39' U. S. No. 1 Long California Whites Specials Thur. - Fri. - Sat.—Quantity Rights Reseft sm: *£ l