The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 07, 1962, Image 3
HE BATTALION ntsr Thursday, June 7, ,1962 College Station, Texas Page .9 CTfr - , „ • v- k k - ' •'-••'■■•' ‘ 1^6 B * le lped (j 1 b ust(, *y Past ti 1 >’ since, benefit^.! :L U'ing jp ' r um m Come on Over, the Water Is Fine ■ a Pretty Miss Sondra Covey, a co-ed from Sam sophomore living in College Station and at- Houston State, basks in the sun at the new tending summer school between dips in the outdoor swimming pool. Miss Covey is a pool. (Photo by Ronnie Fann) BATTALION CLASSIFIED 29.93 32.95 39.95 fm WANT AD RATES ie day W Per word 24 per word each additional day Minimum charsro—404 DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 804 per column inch per colt each insertion PHONE VI 6-641 FOR SALE (31 Three electric typewriters, (7) Seven ewriters, (9) Nine adding machines- & chines, (8) Eight electric fai ce machines, (8) Night electric tans. 3) Three Line-O-Times. May be inspected t the Fiscal Department, Telephone V Sealed bids will be received in , 0G9. Ifficr machines, (8) t" ' pecteri VI 6- will be received in the fice of the Business Manager, Richard loke Building, until 10:30 a. m., June 18, 962. The right is reserved to reject any nd | all bids and to waive any and all Echnicalities. Address Business Manager, u and M. College of Texas, College Station, 'exas. 123t2 15.95 18.95 .2.9o j, j. he j. exas forest Service, Texas College System, College Station, until 10:00 )9,901. m., Friday, June 15, on forms available ipon request. Address the Director, T. forest Service. College Station. Tex 'our 4-drawer, wood. Letter-size transfer files Sealed bids will be received at the office Texas Forest Service, elephone V nation. — ice. College Station, Texas, Ictor 6-4771 for further ini for- 123t2 Maple dining table, 4 chair naple coffee table, $10.00 ; maple orner table. $20.00 ; Westinghov I P 220 Volt Air Conditionei rs, $60.00 : aple tiered fee table, ble, $20.00 I P 220 Volt Air Conditioner. 2 years Id, $150.00 : studio couch, 6 ft 4", $20.00. lalDVI 6-7085. 123t2 Registered Doberman puppies, six weeks Id. TA 2-4501. 121tfn FOR RENT WORK WANTED Furnished apartments. North Gate, three rooms and bath, $30.00 to $45.00. Three bedroom, two bath home, Southside, un furnished. $55.00. Vi 6-5444. 123tl Typing - elee,trie typewriter. Experience: Secretary, business teacher. VI 6-8510. 85tfn HELP WANTED One bedroom apartment, unfurnished, 4405 College Main, VI 6-5334. 123tl Waitress, experience not necessary, must be 18 years of age. Ferreri’s Triangle Restaurant, TA 2-1352. 123tfn Unfurnished two bedroom house. 111 Meadowland, VI 6-5334. 123tl rooi duplex. South of campus. VI 6-6281. 123tfn Furnished one bedroom apartment, 2600 South College Road. Phone TA 3-2012. 122t2 Unfurnished roomy two bedroom apart ment, 220 volt wiring, panel ray heat, near Crockett School. Pho: ■MMI WBUPBWpay .■■■PH -ockett School. Phone VI 6-6660. 122tfn Furnished three room apartment, air conditioned, davenport bed makes second bedroom. Also room, adjoining bath, one in quiet home, excellent for graduate. TA- 2-6888. 122t3 Rooms for men. two blocks from campus. 401 Cross, VI 6-8567. 122t4 Cool quiet completely furnished two and apa $50.00 and $55.00. pie three rooms and bath $45.00 lupnished two partments. Adults. TA 2-1244. 122tfn If you need a small furnished apartment close in and reasonable, call VI 6-7331. 122t2 Three room furnished apartment summer, available June 1st. Utilities paid. $45.00. 403 Boyett. Call VI 6-6528. 122tfn r, av 403 for aid. Two girls to share apartment, 4 blocks from campus. Write or apply at 706-A Park Place. 122t2 Veterinary student or Animal Husband ry 2-0350 student to work hand. Contact E. after 6:30 p. m. weekends only a: L. Hester, TA ary dairy -0350 122t3 SPECIAL NOTICE SUL ROSS LODGE, NO. 1300, AF&AM. Stated meeting June 14 at 7 p. m. Election of officers. All members are urged to attend. Truman Jones. WM Joe Woolket, Sec. J23t2 Electrolux sales a Williams, TA 3-5331. service. G. C. 90tfn Fish and picnic at Hilltop Lake, 9% Miles on Hwy 6 south of College. Tables Mid ovens, clean place. 69tfn OFFICIAL NOTICES lent Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, VI 6-6415. hours 8-12, 1-5. daily Monday through deadline of 1 p. publication — Di: tions. through Friday) at m. of the rector of Stu Kenmore wringer washer, $20.00. 503-A lulpepper after 6. 109tfn y }952 TD MG (classic), new tires, top, rhnel cover, paint, carpet. Completely verhauled. VI 6-5672. 106tfn CHILD CARE HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY hildren of all ages, weekly and hourly ites, 3404 South College Avenue, Bryan, exas, Virginia Davis Jones. Registered 'urse, TA 2-4803 w 108t4 'FIRST GRADE — If your child will be x after September 1, register him now for rivate 1st grade. Limited enrollment, ryan Schools. Also kindergarten and Eparation for A&M Consolidated and >ar round nursery. Collier’s Mother Goose :hool, 501 Restwood, TA 2-8760. 110t7 Will keep children, all ages, will pick up id deliver. VI 6-8151. llltfn TV - Radio - Hi-Fi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 2403 S. College TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 109 S. Main TA 2-6000 COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 - * I AGGIES NOTICE 5AE 30 Motor Oils 15* Qt. dajor Brand Oils ...* 27-31* Qt. ’’or your parts and accessories LT a DISCOUNT See us— Menty free parking opposite he courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Jrake shoes, Fuel pumps, Water tumps. Generators, Starters, Solenoids, etc. Save 30 to 50% tn just about any part for your ar. Filters 40% discount AT JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington Room, private entrance, private bath, three blocks from campus, furnished in cluding small desk. $25/mo. Call VI 6- 8214. 121t5 Large furnished one bedroom student apartment. North Gate, $50.00 including utilities. Also, one at $35.00. VI 6-6165. 120tfn Apartment, 1% blocks from North Gate, 2 large bedrooms, two baths, range. S60.00 per month. Available June 1st. Call VI 6- 5011 or TA 2-3765 (Mr. George Jaehne) 120tfn Apartment, 1% blocks from North Gate, one bedroom, range, refrigerator, $50.00 per month. Call VI 6-5011 or TA 2-3765. (Mr. George Jaehne) 120tfn One bedroom furnished house, available June 3, $40.00. VI 6-5036 or VI 6-5634. 116tfn FEMALE HELP WANTED Waitress wanted. Experience not neces sary, must be over 18 years of age, good working conditions. Triangle Restaurant, 3606 South College. lOStfn DR. G. A. SMITH OPTOMETRIST 5 SPECIALIZING In 1YB EXAMINATIONS • nd CONTACT LENSES ■ '— a 3N8 BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC 105 N o . M AIN. • B R YA N , TEXAS Applications for degrees are now being accepted in the Registrar’s Office from all students who expect to graduate at the end of the current summer session (August). Students who are expecting to complete the requirements for either a baccalaureate or advanced degree during the first term should call by the Office of the Registrar no later than June 15, 1962 and file formal application for their degree. Graduate students must file appli cations in both the Registrar’s Office and the Graduate Dean’s Office, H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar I23t2 "in ilium i Hi mi YOUR DISTRIBUTOR FOR 9 EICO KITS @ Garrard Changers 9 HI-FI Components 9 Tape Recorders Use Our Time Payment Plan BRYAN RADIO & TV TA 2-4862 1301 S. College Ave. HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE 0 ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS m BLUE PRINTS 0 PHOTOSTATS KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 SCOATES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 NOTICE ELECTROLUX SALES SERVICE & SUPPLIES By Authorized Dealer 1003 S. College Ave, Bryan, Tex. TA 2-4143 ——a———BWHaBBrni'nirBirmTiii miiiii SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donats ANYWHERE Hamburgers — Short Orders — Fountain Service Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules, & Etc. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS By REMER TYSON Written for the AP VALDOSTA, Ga. (A 5 ) — It was no day for a picnic. And there wasn’t one. The water of the English Chan nel bubbled and spat as if angry that the warriors were upon it. The gate to the landing craft infantry flopped into the salty water 2.50 yards from France. The man with the guideline started out through the opening left by the falling gate. A bullet in the fore head stopped his first step. George Abood, a young medic from Valdosta, lifted up the guide line man’s head. The man was be yond help. Laden with a stretcher and med ical supplies, Abood jumped into the icy water and struggled to Omaha Beach. The Gettysburg of World War II had begun—D-Day, June 6, 1944. As German bullets picked up more fury in the channel, Abood and his companions headed to ward Easy Red — their destina tion tabbed with a military name filled with irony. There was nothing easy about getting onto and holding that center strip of Omaha Beach, but it ran, red that day with human blood. Abood, now a salesman in a Valdosta clothim? store, was a member of the 480-man 6th Naval Beach Ba.ttalion, a vanguard unit whose job was to clear the way for waves of foot soldiers. For 41 per cent of the unit, D-Day was death day. The battalion somehow made its wav onto Easy Red between 6:15 and 7 a m., then machinegun fire and shells from the feared Ger man 88s pinned it between two small hills. For six long hours the unit was at the mercy — and none was shown : — of the enemy. The tide and other factors had delayed the infantry. Water was at their backs and a well-trained, disciplined foe was almost in their faces. ' “You could see the enemy in the bills. They were dotted all across there,” said Abood. “We had casualties lined up along the beach. We couldn’t go forward or backward. We could not do anything. It got rough.” Abood caught a piece of shrap nel in his body. Although he got a medical discharge later because of the wound, he was not permit ted to leave Easy Red that day. “The situation on the beach was so had that unless a medic was hit hard, he had to stay,” he said. Abood was near a gasoline tank punctured by an 88 shell. Explod- Seven Oil Wells Are Found Illegal AUSTIN (A 5 )—Four crews made more directional surveys today in the state’s massive investigation of oil drilling piracy in the East Texas Field. Atty. Gen. Will Wilson said the surveys already have turned up seven wells drilled to siphon oil from adjoining leases. Roy Payne, a Texas Railroad Commission employee in Kilgore, said one of the wells slanted 3,286 feet from perpendicular. He re ported it angled 56 degrees, using 5,100 feet of pipe in a well bottom 3,500 feet below the surface of the ground. Wilson and Payne did not identi fy any of the .deviated wells or leases on which they were drilled. ing fuel killed men all around him and set casualties on fire. “I think the Lord nut a shield around me,” Abood said. Abood, a petty officer, was in charge of eight men. Three of them died that day. The Allied Air Force began dropping deadly loads of explo sives behind the German lines, and the infantry came about noon. Compared to the fury of the day Easy Red was auiet that pivht. The Navy medic spent a sleenless night in a foxhole. “The next day I was all shook un,” he said. T learned that one of my best fi-iends had been killed. Abood went to a hospital in France and in February of 1945 received a medical discharge. Later he was awarded France’s Croix de Guerre. June 6 is etched in Ahood’s memory. “That day of every year T say a prayer for those who didn’t come back,” he said. “I think everybody should.” COLLEGE MASTER VI6-4988 REDEEM YOUR SPELL BIG BONUS ■*EE STAMPS C-A-S-H CARDS AT Peaches FOOD CLUB No. 2y 2 Can Shortening CR|SCO Lb. Can VEAL CROWN R O A S' Lb. White Shrimp Lb. 89c Rib Chops Veal Lb. 69c Veal Brisket Lb. 29c §1 These prices good thru Sat. June 9. In Bryan H only. We reserve the right to limit quantity. rwr 29'' Sliced Boiled Ham . . Lb. $1.19 Morrell Pride Cooked Salami . Lb. 79e Hormel Sliced Lunch Meat Square Cut, Shoulder Beef Steak . Lb. 69c Lb. 59c Food 'Club, Corn Oil Margarine . Top Frost Lemonade . . . Lb. 25c 6-Oz. 10c 9