The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 31, 1962, Image 6
Thursday, May SI, ISSH THE BTHTALTON "Moral Activity Since 1925 Has Added to Student Life By ADRIAN ADAIR Battalion Ass’t. Sports Editor Athletic competition between groups of students on the campus at A&M has played an important part in the lives of students for 37 years. The intramural program had its start in 1925 when the Intramural Athletic Association was formed under the direction of H. H. House. That year competition was organized on a battalion basis and included basketball, football, cross country, softball, wrestling, box ing, Hack, handball, swimming, golf, gymnastics and horseshoe pitching. In 1926 House resigned and W. L. Penberthy became director. Volleyball and speedball were add ed to the list of sports. In 1927 the program was put on a company basis. This system gave the students more opportuni ty to take part in the intramural program. Another forward step during this year was in the defin ing of a new aim for intramural sports. This aim was to provide an op portunity for every student, re gardless of size or ability, to take part in a large variety of sports, and to encourage and promote competition among large groups of those students/ who were either not interested or sufficiently pro ficient for varsity competition. The next major change came in 1935 when a separate program was set up for freshmen. In the years just prior to World War II A&M had the largest intramural program on any campus, but dur ing the war the size of the pro gram diminished with the enroll ment and it was necessary to abandon the freshman division. At the end of the war and a re turn to normalcy, the intramural department welcomed a great many veterans to the program. These civilians v/ere invited to take part in the intramural pro gram right along with the corps. Since the war the intramural pro gram has grown with the college and at present there are 40 com panies and squadrons plus civilian students taking part in the pro gram. Intramural contests at A&M are to the student of average ability what conference contests are to the varsity athlete. BA TTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES day per word t per word each additional day Minimum chnrire—40d DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication ire put Classified Display 804 per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-64U FOR SALE . Two $40.00. go' lepe Station. and vaporative coolers, $25.00 od Condition. 806 Aberdeen, Col- Used refrigerator and washer, $20.00 each. 304 Live Oak. VI 6-8630. 122tl 1953 Ford and 1953 Mercury in dition, $195 each. Call TA 2-8625 < by 802 East 24th. k«1 Con or come 122tl Regular size couch, has hide-a-way bed. Must sell before weekend. VI 6-4106. 122tl (1) 1957 Ford Panel Truck. Sealed bids ■will be received in the office of the Execu tive Assistant until 10:30 a. m. Monday, June 4, 1962. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Executive Assistant, Agricultural Extension Service, College Station, Texas, for further informa tion. 122tl Registered Doberman puppies, six weeks '' “ ' ~ 121tfn old. TA 2-4501. REWARD FOR YOUR HOME FREEZER FOOD LOCKER—5 Lb. Steak Boxes— Fillet Mignon, Cutlets, Beef Patties, Liver, Lamb Chops, T-Bone Steaks, Chuck Wagon Steaks. Pizza Patties, Catfish, Flounder, Perch, & Fish Sticks. WE DON’T STEAL THEM, BUT OUR SALE PRICES WILL MAKE YOU THINK WE DID! HANSON MEAT COMPANY 2701 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas 121t2 ’49 Ford, $125, C-16-B College View. 119t.4 Kinmore wringer washer, $20.00. 503-A Culpepper after 6. 109tfn 1952 I'D MG (classic), new tires, top, tunnel cover, paint, carpet. Completely overhauled. VI 6-5672. ? 106tfn WORK WANTED Typing - electric typewriter. Experiences Secretary, business teacher. VI 6-8510. 85t.fn CHILD CARE Babysitting for home. VI 6-6536. 3 year old child at 122t2 FIRST GRADE — If your child will be six after September 1, register him now for private 1st grade. Limited enrollment. Bryan Schools. Also kindergarten and Separation for A&M Consolidated and year round nursery. Collier’s Mother Goose School, 501 Restwbod, TA 2-8760. 110t7 Will keep children, all ages, will pick up Ultfn and deliver. VI 6-8151. FEMALE HELP WANTED Waitress wa must be nted. ry, must be over orking conditions. Sm uth College. Experien 18 years Triangle ce not neces- of age, good taurant, 108tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Electrolux sales Villiams, TA 3-5331. and service. G. C 90tfn picnic at Hillt Lwy 6 sou and ovens, clean plae Fish and miles on Hv cnic at Hilltop Lake. 9% 6 south of College. Tables HELP WANTED Veterinary student or Animal Husbandry student to work on weekends only as dairy TA 2-0350 hand. Contact after 6:30 p. rr E. L. Hester, LEGAL NOTICES hearing of Notice is hereby given that a will be held in the City Hall of the City - - College Station, Texas, at 7:00 p. m. June 15, 1962, on the city’s budget for the fiscal year 1962-1963. 121tl COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 DR. : G . A. SMITH OPTOMETRIST V SPECIALIZING M - V In EYE EXAMINATION* and CONTACT LENSE^^^^ B8YAN OPTICAL CLINIC -.105jijVCM A ‘N> B R.YjA N . TI^AS TV - Radio - Hi-Fi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 2403 S. College % ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 NOTICE ELECTROLUX SALES SERVICE & SUPPLIES By Authorized Dealer 1003 S. College Ave, Bryan, Tex. TA 2-4143 COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 AGGIES NOTICE SAE 30 Motor Oils 15* Qt. Major Brand Oils .... 27-31* Qt. For your parts and accessories AT a DISCOUNT See us— Plenty free parking opposite the courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Brake shoes. Fuel pumps. Water pumps. Generators, Starters, Solenoids, etc. Save 30 to 50% on just about any part for your Filters 40% discount AT JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 YOUR DISTRIBUTOR FOR » EICO KITS 3 Garrard Changers & HI-FI Components 9 Tape Recorders Use Our Time Payment Plan BRYAN RADIO & TV TA 2-4862 1301 S. College Ave. SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donut* ANYWHERE Hamburgers — Short Orders — Fountain Service Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules, & Etc. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS FOR RENT Furnished one bedroom apartment, 2600 South College Road. Phone TA 3-2012. 122tij Unfurnished roomy twq bedroom apart ment, 220 volt wiring, panel ray heat, near *■^^■■■1 666 * mmsrn Crockett School. Phone VI 6-6660. 122tfn Furnished three room apartment, air cond one : quiet home, excellent tor graduate. TA- 2-6888. 122t3 rurnisriea Liiree iuuiii Lintrnl, conditioned, davenport bed makes sec bedroom. Also room, adjoining bath, in quiet home, excellent for graduate. 1 Rooms for men, two blocks from campus, 401 Cross, VI 6-8567. 122t4 Cool quiet completely furnished two and ree rooms and bath apartments. Adults $45.00, $50.00 and $55.00. TA 2-1244. three rooms and bath apartments. If you need a. small furnished apartment close in and reasonable, call VI 6-7331. Three room furnished apartment for summer, available June 1st. Utilities paid. $45.00. 403 Boyett. Call VI 6-6528. 122tfn Clean furnished apartment, garage, utili ties paid, working lady or couple only, railable June 2nd Vl-6- 122tfn Two girls to share apartment, 4 blocks from campus. Write or apply at 706-A Park Place. 122t2 Large bedroom, adjoining bath, two closets, private entrance, garage, rent reasonable. Private home. 200 West Car- son. TA 3-2221. 122U Room, private entrance, private, bath, three blocks from campus, furnished in cluding small desk. $25/mo. Call VI 6- m< 65 One bedroom furnished garage apart- ent, 2108 Echols Street. Phone TA 2- Cojlege Hills and Fra Corner Foster and Francis, available June I. One bedroom upstairs southeast apart ment. Very nicely furnished. Ample closet space. Ideal for couple or bachelors. Adults only. $50.00 without utilities. Phone VI 6-5031 after 6, all day weekends. 121tfn Two nice bedrooms for students. Call VI 6-4233. 120t3 Large furnished one bedroom student tment. North Gate, $50.00 including apa utilities. Also, one at $35.00. VI 6-6165. 120tfn Apartment, 172 blocks from JNorth Gate, 2 large bedrooms, two baths, range, $60.00 per month. Available June 1st. Call VI 6- 5011 or TA 2-3765 (Mr. George Jaehne) 120tfn Apartment, 1 Vi blocks from North Gate, one bedroom, range, refrigerator, $50.00 per month. Call VI 6-5011 or TA 2-3766. (Mr. George Jaehne) 120tfn Two bedroom unfurnished house, near A&M storage space and washer connections, $37.50, 400 Cooner. Phone VI 6-4455. 117tfn June 3, $40.00. VI 6-6036 or VI 6-5634. 116tfn One way trailors. Rent it here and go. You save money furni- iy leave it where you by renting a trailer and have yoi ture with you when you get where yoi going. See Baker Tire Co., TA 2-8159. 112tl2 ou’re LEGAL NOTICE d to the Honor Council of College eceived at the of- NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals addressed to th able Mayor and City Station, Texas, will be received at the fice of Ran Boswell, City Manager, until 3 p. m. June 7, 1962, for furnishing all necessa superin a certain street for the City Station, Texas. The approximate quan ties are as follows: 4,150 C.Y.—Common Road Excavation 150 C.Y.—Common r 110 M. Gal—Sprinklir ing Water , of Subgra Flexible Base: 9,375 S.Y.—(a) Bank-Run Gravel 9,560 S.Y.—Compaction of Subgrade Tlexibl ~ ied Stone, -Asphaltic Material Limestone 7,975 S.Y.— (b) Crushed St< 2,343 Gal. Asphaltic Concrete Pavement: 37 Tons— (a) Asphalt 456 Tons— (b) Aggregate EKSM ggrega 3,955 L.F.—Standard Curb and Gutter ;te for ( Gutter 38.3 C.Y.—Extra Concrett Curb and 1 Each—Standard Manhole 8.7 C.Y.—Standard Inlet 38 L.F.—18" Reinforced Concrete Pipe it o i r, i i'........ n:, 128 L.F.—21" Reinforced Concrete Pipe 296 L.F.—30" Reinforced Concrete Pip reed Concrete Pipe Concrete Headwall 0.3 C.Y.—Reinforced Concrete 850 C.Y.—Channel Excavation 21 S.Y.—Channel Lining Proposals shall be accompanied tier’s or Certified Check upon Cash tional or State Bank in an amount not less than five (5%) percent of the total ma^d- from the City or a reliable Suret; ege Station, Texas, Owner, or a bid bond in the same amount ecou Ten mum bid price, payable without ’ Colle bond Surety Company as a gu: antee that the Bidder will enter into nd ontract and execute performance rithin ten (10) days after notice of award itract to hin ;he am of the Surety Sta der must furnish per- the form provided in mdred (100%) percent formance bond upon the amount of one hundred (100%) percent contract price from an approved Company holding a permit from tbe State of Texas, to other Surety * " ' ‘ Owner. The right the Owner impany the State of Texas, to act as Surety, or Sureties acceptable to the me all bids, anc bids received. Plans, Specifications, and Biddfn its may City M: der whi Documents Signed are com ng Docu- office of lege Sta- twenty ($20.00) dollars osited will be re- of th :ng the i lied with. be secured fro: nager. City Hs sit of ited •ovisions he return of such Mayor Attest: S/K. A. Manning City Secretary np City of College Station, Texas S/Ernest Langford In Ira mural Mt # Class B Intramural Softball Champs Freshmen of G-2 won the 1962 Class B. Softball title. They are; (left to rig-ht) kneeling; Roy Hillenburg, Bill Davis, Dan Vick and Bob Howard. Standing; Royce Hickman (sophomore manager), Anibal Gutierrez, Billy Hartman, Jerry Whiteker, Tom Arnold, Willie Haisler, Buddy Almand and John Prickett (intramural manager). (Photo by Ben Wolfe) Set By 8 Stud® New records in swimmim broke the record set just fc in the 400-ft. medley ret a time of 1:21.9; Bill Alfc Sqd. 7, 100-ft. butterfly with a new time of 19.3; ai_ liam Vick of B-3, 200-ft, stroke, with a new timet In the Class A and C 4, Mitchell Hall set a new ] the 400-ft. free style relay( time of 1:08.4, and Mickeyl dy of Sqd. 3, with a timeij set a new record in the| breast stroke. New records in track; Hale of Sqd. 1, broad jui with a record jump of 21^ inches; Richard McClainof| pole vault event, with a t ord of 13 feet 6 Vs inches al ert Paulson of Law Hall,hip" a 9.95 in the 100-yd. da^j to break an old record/] which has stood since 12 d.S.D.A. GRADE A HEN TURKEY* 12 to 16 Pounds Average Lb PORK LOIN ROAST C L ,29c PORK CHOPS Scut ..,59c FRANKS Br. n „ c d h . 1 i“,49c BACON Pe Ranch Brand 1-Lb. stl Sliced Pkjf. us de COKES Are So Refreshing Bottle Carton tei Jir lar PEACHES Hunt's Yellow Cling Halves or Slices, or Whole Spiced Large No. V/2 Cans NIBLETS Golden Whole Kernel Corn, or Green Giant Cream Style Golden Corn! Cans For CATSUP Hunt's Tomato-Rich, Tangy 'n Tasty .. . Special at Minimax! 14- Oz. Bottles Folger's Coffee I-Lb. Can Tomato Sauce Hun,, ‘ Smooth First Pick 8-Oz. $100 Cans 59c 1 Tomatoes Tomato Paste wok 6 8 Orange Juice wllnSci, 3 c'°" 5100 Scott Household, ElhYCIS White, Pink or Yellow Pear Halves Hunt’s Bartletts A No. 300 S'SOO Cans I Waxed Paper Cut- Rite No. 300 $100 Cans 1 6-Oz. Cans $«j00 5 Rolls $<j00 I25-Ft. Roll 27c STMWKMES S 89 flop Th, )inp al r tim Minute Maid TV Frozen ent: W ORANGE JUICE ^6 ^$1.00 Beef, Chicken 8-0z. T1 or Turkey ^ I’* 68 Vised •X T. V. HOMOGENIZED MILK 79c Gallon Jug .. SHELTON’S GRADE A MAGIC BAKE EGGS BREAD 3 Sum $L00 2 47c PINEAPPLE ■dtert in (BMfcM* Sweet Mexican Sugar-Loaf.. * Slice and Chill! P.V.J mi ORrS 1 !v> £ sub r-wj m CORN whT/pTau 6 For 29c ONIONS 8 ™™ 3 Lbs. 29c STRAWBERRIES F 7^Z P in t29c Specials Thur. - Fri. - Sat.—Quantity Rights Reserve*