0img Aggies Give baches Optimism By JIM BUTLER attalion Asst. Sports Editor bounding with young material, ie coaches in all sports are ting forward t6 a bright 1962- season. ead Football Coach Hank dberg and staff, new to Aggie- 1 Rthemselves, will field a nger, more experienced crew in st of a SWC pigskin champion- 3. ohnny Brink, tackle; James lenborg, QB; and John Broth- m are three of the freshman ^.ndouts counted on to bolster I ^ Ags at positions of weakness > y last year’s squad. 1 fuflhey will be joining juniors-to- r ail|FB Jerry Rogei-s, HB Jim Linn- edter, HB Travis Reagan and —niors-to-be QB Ronnie Brice, llbacks Sam Byer and Lee Roy t’fey, center Jerry Hopkins and ? 1 Bobby Huntington to provide ?PPd, SAM HOUSTON ZEPHYR na l it Lv. N. Zulch 10:08 a.m. e , Ar. Dallas . . 12:47 p.m. Fot Lv. N. Zulch . 7:31 p.m. Ar. Houston . 9:25 p.m. i FORT WORTH AND DENVER RAILWAY N. L. CRYAR, Agent Phone 15 • NORTH ZULCH a formidable opponent for SWC foes. Basketball, though not as strong- in young material as some of the other sports, has been helped by the addition of Gerald Woodard, Junior College All-American, to the squad. Returning will be sophs Dave Johnson and Bennie Lenox and juniors Jerry Windham and Ben ny Johnson to give Coach Bob Rogers the strength to make a run for the conference title. Coach Omar Smith’s netters will be far from pushover in the ten nis department as undefeated freshmen Richard Barker and Ricky Williams join sophomore lettermen Carroll Kell, Ray Sala zar and Doug Sassman. Track and baseball are the brightest spots with Coach Char lie Thomas losing only distance runner Thad Crooks, weightman Charlie Tiemann and javelin thrower John Long while gaining freshman record-holders Ted Nel son (440) and Lewis Poland (pole vault). Coach Tom Chandler lost no starters from his SWC runner-up baseball team which featured four all-conference players and the leading conference batsman, all sophs. So the year of experience has been gained and the only way to go is up. SPORTS SECTION Year’s Ag Sports Are Now History By VAN CONNER Varsity sports at A&M ended almost two weeks ago, and intra mural activity quickly followed suit last week. A school year of sports has brought thrills and dis appointments, near-wins and lost causes. In overall conference play through 1961-62, A&M’s athletes Aggies Land Stark, Hancock On NCAA All-District 6 Team DALLAS, May 23 — Champion Texas dominated the 1962 NCAA District 6 All-star baseball team as players from nine institutions were honored on the squad an nounced Tuesday by the Selection Committee. Texas, fresh from a district playoff decision over Arizona, claimed five of the eleven first- team nominations, while Texas A&M and Arizona placed two players each. The other first-team spots went to Arkansas and Rice. Texas Tech, Houston, Baylor, TCU and Arizona State placed players on the second team, as did Arizona and Texas A&M. Bibb Falk, who coached Texas to the Southwest Conference cham pionship, was named District 6 coach of the year. His players named to the first team were Catcher Gary London, Second Baseman Pat Rigby, Outfielder Chuck Knutson, Pitcher Tom Bel cher and Third Baseman Ed Kas per, who was selected as utility man. First team selections, with full- season batting averages or pitch ing records listed in parentheses: Gary London, Texas (.302), catch er; Frank Stark, Texas A&M, (.338), first base; Pat Rigby, Texas (.392), second base; Bill Hancock, Texas A&M (.368), third base; Jerry Carlton, Arkansas (.382), shortstop; Chuck Knutson, Texas (.321), Joe Skaisgir, Arizo na (.361), and Jim Fox, Rice (.419), outfield; Dan Schneider, Arizona (13-1) and Tom Belcher, Texas (11-1), pitcher; Ed Kasper, Texas (.348), utility. camp me w NEW DESIGN DELUXE CHAMPION NEW TREADS APPLIED ON SOUND TIRE BODIES OR ON YOUR OWN TIRES E3 with ALL-ACTION tread design previously available ONLY with original equipment new tires or premium-priced new tires. hung in with the best of them, end ing up second for the year in eight sports. First in cross-country and golf topped the list of Aggie plac ing. There was a heart-breaking second in SWC baseball and thirds in basketball, track and field, and swimming. The Ags ended up a respectable fourth in conference football play, winning three of seven. The young tennis squad, suffering from the loss of senior Richard Halter to sickness, finished sixth among sev en teams. Sqd. 3, Puryear Hall and Sqd. 8 were leaders in the year’s intra mural activities, taking the Class A, Civilian and Class B champion ships, respectively. E. L. Ener was the feature leg- ger in the 1961 cross country com petition. The junior from Jasper turned in a 14:11.8 on the Dallas cross country course and, in doing so, set the conference record. Ener was backed up on the winning cross country team by Ilnan Bil- gutay, Thad Crooks, Malcolm Har dee, Thomas Johnston, James King and Bill Doreen. John Lively, Jim Fetters, Dickie Duble, Wayne Stroman, Harold Hoskins were regulars on Coach Henry Ransom’s SWC-winning varsity golf team. This spring saw A&M field what many have called, “the most col orful young team in Aggie base ball history.” The sophomore-stud ded team won four of 15 games within the conference this season and came within an inning of de feating experienced Texas at Aus tin for the number one spot. According to SWC cage experts, an era has passed at A&M, with the end of Carroll Broussard’s eli gibility. Fans watched the Port Arthur basketballer break every school scoring record on the books during his career. And so on the history of the year’s sports goes. The losses to rival Texas forgotten and the above niceties recalled, it was far i from a disappointing year. It gave I valuable experience where needed and enough success to whet the ap petites of young athletes in the near future at A&M. just 3®v fl □P-DATE YOUR CAR SAVE MONEY! Firestone’s all-action tread design provides traction across the full width of the tread. This means safer performance and increased driver control. 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Against normal road hazards (except repairable punctures) i in e^ use foi ! prora w'ear and based on list prices current at time of adjustment. encountered in everyday mg< Replacements prorated on trei pa: er car use for 12 month: as. ad list prices J 060 SHELTON INC COLLEGE AYE. AT 33rd. FREE PARKING TA 2-0139 - TA 2-0130 THE BATTALION Thursday, May 24, 1962 College Station, Texas Rage 5 Read Battalion Classifieds Daily Career Club TAPERED DRESS SHIRTS Tnival $g|3S You’ll Be Real ’Cool’ in this Sanforized combed batiste oxford shirt by Truval. Ivy-inspired, this shore sleeve dress shirt is tapered for trim fit! Perfect for business or dress-up occasions. See this fine shut today! The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” 1'KE JfcBSE., - GROCERIES - Kraft—18-Oz. Glass Strawberry Preserves 45c Kraft—18-Oz. Glass Peach Preserves 39c Kraft—18-Oz. Glass Plum Preserves 3 For $1.00 Pillsburys Best FLOUR 5-Lb. Bag 39c Spry SHORTENING 3-Lbs. 69c Island Pride—No. 2 Cans Sliced Pineapple 2 For 49c Green Giant—303 Cans Big Tender Peas 2 For 43c Folgers—Mountain Grown COFFEE 1-Lb. 59c Folgers—I nstant COFFEE 6-Oz. Jar 79c Libbys—300 Size Cans Tomato Juice 6 For 69c Libbys—12-Oz. Cans Pineapple Juice 6 For 59c Libbys—303 Cans Cut Green Beans 2 For 35c Libbys—No. 2V2 Cans Fruit Cocktail 2 For 65c Libbys—4-Oz. Cans Vienna Sausage 3 For 59c Pet Milk 2 Tall Cans 29c -FROZEN FOODS- Sunshine State—6-Oz. Cans Orange Juice 4 For 59c Tennessee—10-Oz. Sliced Strawberries 2 For 39c Libbys—10-Oz. Butter Beans, Baby Whole Okra, Cut Green Beans Broccoli Spears . 3 For 59c Blue Bell—In Plastic Container SHERBERT Quart 35c - MARKET Round Steak . 1-Lb. 79c Loin Steak 1-Lb. 79c T-Bone Steak . 1-Lb. 79c Meaty Short Ribs 1-Lb. 39c Hormels—Dairy Brand All Meat Franks . 1-Lb. 49c Swifts Premium Sliced Bacon 1-Lb. 59c Wisconsin—Medium Aged Cheddar Cheese 1-Lb. 59c Deckers—Tall Korn Sliced Bacon 1-Lb. 49c -PRODUCE- Home Grown Green or Wax Beans 2 Lbs. 35c Green Onions Bunch 10c Yellow Squash . 2 Lbs. 19c Cucumbers ... Lb, 15c New Potatoes 3 Lbs. 25c SPECIALS GOOD THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY, MAY — 24 - 25 - 26 CHARLIE’S COLLEGE STATION NORTH GATE ’ —WE DELIVER—