The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 22, 1962, Image 3
ASH] s ri fai hings iture, )ody. work light with ome« f the lire* rong ion. [my kes! 1 ittle ,tes, 1 vare day, | listy a and ed, nd a t, ! AMONG THE PROFS — Ch. E. Associates Co-Author Articles COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 HERE’S YOUR BEST PORCH SHADE BUY! '3 B«ovtiful Standard Color* — Green, Ton and ••w, popvlor Bodwoodlj, KRAFT FURNITURE CO. Four articles by Dr. C. D. Hol land, professor of chemical engi neering- and co authored by associ ates have appeared in recent is sues of “Chemical Engineering- Science” and “Petroleum Refiner.” J. A. McDonough, graduate chemical engineering student, and H. I. Bauni, engineer at Humble Oil and Refining Company, Bcay- town, are co-authors with Hoi hand of an article which appeared in the December, 1961, i ssue of “Chemical Engineering Science,” printed in Great Britain by Per- gamon Press Ltd. It is titled “Determination of the Conditions at Minimum Reflux When the Keys Are the Most and Least Vol atile Components.” Three more parts in a series on figuring separations a new way— a thetamethod of convergence— have appeared in Petroleum Re finer. Part 8, “Distillation with Side-Strippers,” in the February, 1962, issue, was authored by Hol land and B. R. Dickey and Ralph, Cecchetti, both graduates in chem ical engineering. Part 9, “How to Figure Minimum Reflus,” in the April issue, were co-authored* by J. A. McDonough and Holland. scheduled to appear in Petroleum Refiner later in the year. ★ ★ ★ Dr. Teddy J. Hirsch, research engineer, Texas Transportation In stitute, is the author of an article on the elasticity of concrete in the March, 1962, issue of “Journal of the American Concrete Institute.” The article is titled “Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete Affected by Elastic Moduli of Cement Paste Matrix and Aggregate.” A gen eral equation is derived which ex presses the modulus of elasticity of concrete or mortar in terms of an empirical constant, the elastic moduli of the cement matrix and aggregate constituents and the mix proportions. The variety of ag gregate materials used included steel, punchings, crushed glass, lead, drops, Ottawa sand, crushed linrestone, and a calcareous-silic eous river gravel. ★ ★ ★ A leaflet describing certain techniques for programming on the IBM 709 digital computer has been prepared by L. F. Guseman Jr., a graduate assistant at the Data Processing Center, and Dr. H. A. Luther, professor of mathe matics. Titled “Conversion and Recon version of Integers of Different Radices,” the leaflet presents pro cedures for conversion from deci mal to binary form and reconver sion to decimal form. ★ ★ ★ Jack M. Inglis, instructor in the Department of Wildlife Manage ment, will participate in a six- week training program on the use of radioactive isotopes in ecolog ical studies at Oak Ridge, Tenn. The program is conducted by the Atomic Energy Commission and will begin in early June. HOTELS SPECIAL STUDENT- FACULTY DISCOUNT Now, vacationing students and faculty members can enjoy summer accommodations at Sheraton Hotels and Motor Inns, at special low rates! Thanks to Sheraton's Student I.D. or Faculty Guest Cards, you’ll have a. better vacation this summer for less money! Sheraton Hotels get straight A's in every department: Comfort, convenience, and cuisine. And if you’re traveling by car, there's Free Parking at most Sheraton Hotels and at all Sheraton Motor Inns. Get these discounts at any of Sheraton's 61 hotels in the U.S.A., Hawaii and Canada by presenting your Card. To get a Sheraton I.D. Card or Faculty Guest Card with credit privileges, write us. Please state where you are a full time faculty memberor student.] Mr. Patrick Green College Relations Dept.; Sheraton Corporation 470 Atlantic Avenue Boston 10, Mass. Downtown Bryan Additional parts in the seri,f-s are luxurious'® \quality.. .finest of'£i white f broadcloth a remarkable value at $4.00 So different from ordinary cotton, Golden Pima' 1 ■ has the texture and lustre of silk. Truval craft- tailors this smooth Sanforized broadcloth with fine details: permanently sewn-in stays, ex-) pertly sewn seams, lustrous buttons. Enjoy Luxurious quality at only $4.00* The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” Scii^ RECORD at SALE Shaffers BOOK STORE SELL YOUR USED TEXT BOOKS AT SHAFFER'S BOOK STORE AND TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF SHAFFER'S RECORD SALE THE BATTALION Tuesday, May 22, 1962 College Station, Texas Graduate Record Exam Results In Students who took the Grad uate Record Examination on March 24 and April 27 may ob tain their scores ht the Counsel ing and Testing Center. Each student must present proper identification and sign a receipt for the scores. The Counseling and Testing Center will be open from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. daily and from 8 a. m. to 12:00 noon on Saturday. Post Office To Limit Envelope Size fn 1963 Effective January 1, 1963, there will be a limitation on sizes of envelopes that can be mailed. On this date the Post Office will put the following limitations in effect: A. Envelopes less than 3 inches in width or 414 inches in length are nonmailable. B. Envelopes more than 9 inches in width or 12 in length are not recommended. C. Envelopes having shapes other than rectangular are nonmailable. D. Envelopes having a ratio of width to length of less than 1 to 1.414 are not recommended. Envelopes of standard sizes and shapes are essential to the econom ical handling of mail, both by ma chine and manual methods, the department announced. “We would like to give this ad vance notice, so that anyone hav ing any envelopes on hand that will be nonmailable after January 1, may use them before that date. We would like to, also, caution patrons that may order new sup plies before January 1, to check the limitations before ordering,” said College Station Postmaster Ernest Gregg. instructors Confer Here The 12th annual Texas Associa tion of Instructional Supervisors Conference will be held during the School Administrators and Super visors Conference June 11-13. Outstanding speakers will par ticipate in the sessions, Dr. Paul R. Hensarling, head of the Depart ment of Education and Psychology and general program chairman, said. They include Kimball Wiles, Pro fessor of Education at the Univer sity of Florida and president-elect of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development at Washington, D. C.; and Finis En- gleman, Executive secretary of the American Association of School Administrators, Washington, D. C. Theme of the overall conference, Plensarling said, is “The Adminis trator-Supervisor Team: Support ing Excellence in Teaching.” WOULD YOU VOTE FOR A MORMON FOR PRESIDENT? George Romney is a hot pros pect for the '64 nomination. But! In this week's Post, you’ll learn why his Mormon religion is such a handicap. What his chances are of getting elected Governor of Michigan, then President. And why one labor leader says: “If George had his way, he'd cut our throat.” The Saturday Evening Vj in ws'r! * MAY ae JSSUE/NOW ON SALE . Page d College Students For Summer Work International firm to hire 30 stu dents for summer months—June - July - August to assist man ager of New,Products Division. Must be free to travel in Texas — Have drivers license. (Must be personable with pleas ant speaking voice. OVER AND ABOVE WEEKLY PAY CHECKS: COMPETE WITH FELLOW STUDENTS FOR: (A) $2,000 Cash Scholarship (B) Additional $1,000 Cash Scholarships Awarded Weekly. (C) To win one of many jet plane trips around the world (D) To win one of the Austin- Healy sportcars. Win One Or All Write immediately for appoint ment: Personnel Director. Suite 929 Bankers Mortgage Bldg. 708 Main Street, Houston, Tex. or Call CA 8-9804 for Personal Appt: Interviewing Saturdays 10: a. m. and Sunday 11:00 a. m. COMMENCEMENT EVE SMORGASBORD M. S. C. DINING ROOM FRIDAY, MAY 25 6:00 to 8:00 P. M. lives it P|) with this Lively One froM roro’62: the New faleon Sports Futuna! Lively Jan Ray is moved by the music of Mozart and the liveliness of the new Falcon Sports Futura. This snappy compact sports foam-rubber bucket seats, handy personal console, and a stylish new roofline to please any Thunderbird-watcher (vinyl covered, if you like). The spunky Futura has an optional 4-speed stick shift for the anti-automation crowd, and the gas needle stays on “full” as if it’s been welded there, aproductof See all the Lively Ones at your Ford Dealer's ^ —the liveliest place in town! motor company ”v.v* 'I J