The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 18, 1962, Image 3
rfs govern, 1 Tlm^ ctoroff, or P-i Ea us am® ial Sohi income i uses. \ I m; • ^-:r. J Sch^ / I • I I I j^jt P :s it llllip . J l* ’ I n I ' ■ §•■ ROGER M. JOHN . . . first brigade CORPS (Continued From Page 1) er, Company D-2. Fourth Battle Group Joel B. Terrill, commander; John M. Hickman Jr., executive officer; William E. King, scholastic; Wil liam C. Kerley, operations; Ro bert M. Denney, sergeant major. Albert N. Wheeler, commander, Company E-2; Gerald A. Jamail, commander, Company F-2; Wil liam B. Terrill, commander, Com pany G-2. Third Brigade John H. Meyer Jr., commander; Michael E. Tatum, executive offi cer; Earl M. Stenger, scholastic; Johnny Y. Humber, adjutant; Her bert E. Rabel, intelligence; David W- *■ YIC DONNELL .. , second brigade W. Smith, operations; James R. Collins, supply; William A. Royal, day student liaison; Harold W. Schmid, sergeant major. Fifth Battle Group William R. Andrews Jr., com mander; James R. Holljs, adjutant; Robert L. Bowen, intelligence; Mackey L. Brittain, sergeant ma- jor.Truman F. Martin, commander, Company A-3; Joe T. McKnight, commander, Company B-3; William K. Rundell, commander, Company C-3; Herman E. Harris, command er, Company D-3. Sixth Battle Group Robert B. Carter, commander; Harold R. Otto, executive officer; Don M. Higgins, adjutant; James H. Elder, operations; Edward V. Hunt, intelligence; Davis S. Jerni- * 4 JOHN H. MEYER . . . third brigade gan, sergeant major. Sidney D. Rosenthal, command er, Company E-3; North O. West, commander, Company G-3; Bobby N. Huntington, commander, Com pany H-3. First Wing George A. Wiederaenders, com mander; Ellis P. Murphy, executive officer; Robert E. Thornton, scho lastic; Terry G. Pullen, supply; Dennis L. Graham, chaplain; Frank R. Kiolbassa, sergeant major. First Group Michael R. Syptak, commander; Jack L. Gibbs, executive officer; Charles A. Mills, adjutant; Thomas K. Nelson, intelligence; Russell L. Keeling, sergeant major; Robert L. Cates, operations sergeant. ■Sheldon J. Best, commander; BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES -Tne day per word Id per word each additional day Minim rim charge—4iid HEADLINE A p.m. day before pnblicatioa Classified Display per column Inch ach Insertion SOd per columi 1. insei PHONE VI 6-6411 FOR RENT Bid three room Ind entrance, $4 adults. TA 2-1244. apartments. Private bat 15.60 and $55.00 monthly Twi ifte space am $37.50, 400 Cooner. Phone VI 6-4455. 117t Two A&M s bedroom unfurnished house, space and washer connections, fn One bedroom furnished June 3, $40.00. VI 6-6036 'vi 6-5634. 116tfn 600 North Main, College Station, lovely three room apartment, cooling fan, modern furniture, private entrance. VI 6-5544. 113tfn 500 North Main, College Station, large cool bedroom, private entrance, private bath. VI 6-5544. 113tfn One way trailers, leave it where you by renting a trailoi renting ture with you when you get going. See Baker Tire Co. Kent it here and ley your furni- here you’re TA 2-8159. 112tl2 go. You save mon our fur CHILD CARE Experienced personal care for children, Jirge fenced yard, near, campus. VI 6-4020. Will keep children, all ages, will pick up and deliver. VI 6-8161. llltfn Will keep infant child or children in my home. Contact TA 3-6129. 106tfn WANTED wanted. Two stu- Apartment manag< dents experienced in painting and general repair work to live in apartment free this summer ing labor. Call or VI 6-5445. nge to J. B. Hervey, VI pai 6-5622 117t6 FOR SALE OR TRADE CONTEST PRIZE 10 day 1st class round trip for two, Rio, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires. Includes plane ticket, hotel, meals, sight seeing complete. Value $2,300.00. Make offer. VI 6-6545. 118t4 WORK WANTED Typing - electric typewriter. Experience: Secretary, business teacher, VI 6-8510. 85tfn NOTICE ELECTROLUX SALES SERVICE & SUPPLIES By Authorized Dealer 1003 S. College Ave, Bryan, Tex. TA 2-4143 AGGIES NOTICE SAE 30 Motor Oils 15* Qt. Major Brand Oils .... 27-31* Qt. For your parts and accessories AT a DISCOUNT See us— Plenty free parking opposite the courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Brake shoes. Fuel pumps, Water pumps. Generators, Starters, Solenoids, etc. Save 30 to 50% on just about any part for your car. Filters 40% discount AT JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 FOR SALE NOTICE TO JUNIORS Senior uniforms. Blouse, jacket, pinks, serge etc. Shirts, 14y2-3b; pants 32 waist. Ht. 6-4, wt. 160. Boot size 12, a-c, calf 16”. TA 3-5174. . 119t3 Two U. S. Air Force winter uniforms, one tailored, one regular, excellent condi tion. Size 38 or regular. TA 2-4967. 11911. One ton Carrier air conditioner., 1957 model, 220 outlet. Call VI 6-4649 or X-l-C Hensel Apt. 119t3 30" window fan, 3-speed, $35.00 ; electric ice cream freezer, $15.00 ; Kerr and Ball canning jars, 50<f dozen. VI 6-6884. 119tl ’49 Ford, $125, C-16-B College View. 119t4 5 piece living room furniture. Cheap. VI 6-4239. 118t2 Two new 1957 Pontaic all transistor radios. $35.00 each complete. Call TA 2- 1307 from 8 to 5. 117t3 1957 Oldsmobile, hard top station wagon. Air and power. Cali VI 6-4563. 117t5 Cabritto (spring milk fed goats), delicious for barbecues and outings, $5.75 each or two for $11.00. Hanson’s Food Service, 2701 Texas Avenue, TA 2-1316. 116tfn Girls bicycle, Schwinn, 20 inch, good condition. VI 6-4065. 116tfn 1960 Fiat 600, excellent condition, 17,000 miles, bargain priced. See at X-4-G Hensel after 6. 113tfn Kinmore wringer washer, $20.00. 603-A Culpepper after 6. 109tfn 1962 TD MG (classic), new tires, top, tunnel cover, paint, carpet. Completely overhauled. VI 6-5672. 106tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Will trade good refrigerator for 4 books of S&H green stamps. Can be seen at D-8-A College View after 5. 119tl Electrolux sales and service. G. C, Williams, TA 3-5331. 90tfn Fish and picnic at Hilltop Lake, 9% miles on Hwy 6 south of College. Tables »nd ovens, clean place. 69tfn FEMALE HELP WANTED Waitress wanted. Experience not neces sary, must be over 18 years of age, good working conditions. Triangle Restaurant, 3606 South College. 108tfn HELP WANTED Wanted white lady for night shift, Tastee Freez, 103 Hiway 6 North, College Station, VI 6-4827. 115t5 COLLEGE MASTER VI6-4988 HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed xl so as to arrive in of Student VI ;elephoned so as to arrive m the Uixice Student Publications (Ground if’loor YMCA, VI 6-6416, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. Extra graduation announcements are now available at the Cashier’s Window, M.S.C. from 9 to 4. 119t3 YOUR DISTRIBUTOR FOR • EICO KITS • Garrard Changers • HI-FI Components • Tape Recorders Use Our Time Payment Plan BRYAN RADIO & TV TA 2-4862 1301 S. College Ave. National Defense Student Loan applica tions for the school year 1962-63 are being accepted and will be acted upon by the Loan Committee shortly after July 1. Application blanks are available at Room 306, Y.M.C.A. Building and should be sub mitted by June 15. National Defense Loan Committee E. E. McQuillen, Chairman 117t3 A list of candidate clear for graduatioi es wr fho are academically clear for graduation will be posted in the lobby of the Richard Coke Building on Each candi- list tp see 116t6 All student organization leaders and ad visors (this includes Military Units in the Cadet Corps, Hometown Clubs, and Techni cal Clubs) please come by the Student Finance Center, Memorial Student Center to file a new signature card of newly elected officers for the fall of 1962. If you do not elect new officers until the fall semester of 1962, the finance officer for each organization must make arrangements for an individual to legally handle funds for the organization during the summer months. Please take care of this by May 26. MSC-Student Finance Center 112tl2 Regalia For The May Commencement Exercise All students who are candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are re quired to order hoods as well as the doctor’s cap and gown. The hoods are to be left at the Registrar’s Office no later than 1:00 p. m., Tuesday, May 22 (this will be accomplished by a representative of the College Exchange Store). The Ph.D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all such candidates will be hooded on the stage as a part of the ceremonies. Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine will wear the doctor’s cap, gown and hood appropriate to this degree. Candidates for the Master’s Degree will wear the Master’s cap and gown. All civilian students who are candidates for the Bachelor’s Degree will wear the bachelor’s /ho wear the Class A cadet unitorm in of academic regalia. Senior boots optional with the uniform. Rental of caps and gowns may be arranged with the Exchange Store. Orders be placed between 8 :00 a. m. Tuesday, 1 and 12:00 noon Saturday, May 19. rental is tl ielor s cap and gown 34.25. Hood the same as that for cap and 2% Texas State Sales Tax is gown. A 2% Texas State Sales quired in addition to these rentals C. E. Tishler, Chairman Convocations Committee 108tl6 DR. G. A. SMITH OPTOMETRIST 5 ©PECIALIZI N<3 l«l EYE EXAMINATION and CONTACT LENSES BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC 105 No. MAIN • BRYAN. TEXAS • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donats ANYWHERE Hamburgers — Short Orders — Fountain Service Cash Available For Books, Slide Buies, & Etc. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS THE BATTALION Friday, May 18, 1962 College Station, Texas Page 3 G. A. WEIDERAENDERS . . . first wing Squardon 1; Windol C. Weaver, commander, Squadron 2; Phillip M. Gibson, commander, Squadron 3; Jerry R. Mills, commander, Squadron, 4. Second Group Michael A. Young, commander; Frank M. Townsend Jr., executive officer; Charles W. Rushing, ad jutant; Gary A. Sligar, intelli gence; Charles T. Powell, sergeant major. Lee G. Meyer, commander, Squad ron 5; Joe L. Keeling, commander, Squadron 6; Delfino E. Villarreal Jr., commander, Squadron 7; Ro bert H. Hackett, commander, Squadron 8. Second Wing Claude R. Jones, commander; Rodney L. Goodman, executive of ficer; Jack Oliphant, scholastic; John C. Korbell, adjutant; James E. Ray, operations; Robert C. Sne- daker, chaplain; Gerald W. Siege- lin, sergeant major. Third Group Peter C. Foster, commander; Earl J. Henderson, executive offi cer; John S. Rogers, scholastic; Eddie J. Ward, supply; David M. Richardson, adjutant; Robert J. FRIDAY THRU MONDAY “HORIZONTAL LIEUTENANT” with Jim Hutton Plus “CIMARRON” with Glenn Ford Also Cartoon—“Cat Fishin” ADDED ATTRACTION SATURDAY ‘HORSE SOLDIERS” with John Wayne CLAUDE R. JONES . . . second wing Whiting, sergeant major. Eugene P. Miller, commander, Squadron 9; David S. Grissom, commander, Squadron 10; Clayton B. Lyle, commander, Squadron 11; James R. Norwood, commander, Squadron 12. Fourth Group Jack G. Wilson, commander; John L. Penrod, executive officer; Rodney E. Danger, adjutant; Allan R. Sassin, operations; Lonnie D. Thomas, intelligence; James T. Hardgrove, sergeant major. George B. Strokes, commander, Squadron 13; David D. Hahn, com mander, Squadron 14; Ronald W. Marshall, commander, Squadron 15; and Ernest L. Ener, commander, Squadron 16. There are four million vending machines in operation in the United States. PALACE Brtjan 2'8ti79 NOW SHOWING DIFFERENT. / , >1. THE MIRISCH COMPANY PRESENTS * WILLIAM WYLER PRODUCTION "“""HEPBURN ehirley Maclaine UMES BARNER THE CHILDREN’S HOUR Because of the mature nature of its theme— this motion picture is recommended for adults only. COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 QUEEN TONIGHT 8 P. M. “KING OF KINGS” CAMPUS SATURDAY NITE PREVIEW 11 P. M. No One Under 18 Will Be Admitted NOMINATED! 'MOST REVEALING FILM OF 1961" -Playboy Magazine, it * * • ^ mmmmm Starring ___ HANK HENRY 15 NATURE GIRLS! For ADULTS with YOUNG IDEAS! DANCE • at SNOOK HALL SATURDAY, MAY 19 Rock and Roll With THE ROCK-ITS NOW SHOWING Joel McCrea & Randolph Scott In “RIDE THE HIGH COUNTRY” (In Color) circle Charles Bronson In “X 15” & Debbie Reynolds In . “MATING GAME” SATURDAY NITE ONLY 3 BIG OUTDOOR HITS Kim Novak In “STRANGERS WHEN WE MEET” & Clark Gable . In “THE TALL MAN” & Robert Mitchum In “RACHEL THE STRANGER” ©m refreshes your taste —^'air-softens'every puff tZ . as / A Salem cigarelte brings you the taste of soft and refreshing. Puff after puff..:pack after pack... Salem smokes fresh and flavorful every time. Smoke refreshed... smoke Salem! • menthol fresh • rich tobacco taste • modern filter, too m Created by R. J Reynolds Tobacco Company