The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 18, 1962, Image 1

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e^Twelve Beauties Vie For Vanity Fair Positions
... Thomas Gillis
. . . “Chip” Rabel
-^1 . j &»..
... Robert T. Sweat man
. Dale Hatinger
... Lloyd M. Stafford
... Malcolm Hall
... Kent G. Ellis
The Battalion
Volume 60
Number 119
I... Sidney F. Stephenson Jr.
Finalist Selection
f For Vanity Fair
Highlights Banquet
. . . Jerry C. Poradek
Selection from a field of twelve
young ladies for six Vanity Fair
positions, presentation of publica
tion awards and a smorgasbord
will highlight the Student Publica
tions Banquet Friday.
Events will get underway with
the serving of the smorgasbord in
the MSC Ballroom at 7 p. m.
For its outstanding Christmas
: safety edition, The Battalion will
I receive a cash award for the second
year in a row. The award will be
| presented by E. G. Gillette, repre-
; senting Lumbermens Mutual Cas
ualty Co. This year the Battalion
won $250 for second place in the
annual safety contest.
By The Associated Press
WACO — Two Southwest Con-
'erence referees — Odell Preston
and Bill Johnson of Waco—were
among the witnesses called by a
House Investigating Committee
The committee is looking into
reports of point shaving in South
west Conference basketball and
also is investigating gambling in
Central Texas.
Twelve prospective witnesses
were called as the legislative
probe began.
The committee, aided by its
counsel, David Witt of Dallas, and
0. N. Humphries, chief of intelli
gence for the Department of Pub
lic Safety, started the two-day
hearing at 1 p.m.
Committee chairman Charles
Ballman of Borger refused to an
swer reporters’ questions before
fhe hearing, saying the committee
would release a statement later.
The first witness identified him
self as Joe George, Waco tavern
owner. George left the closed
hearing after an hour and a half
and said he had been instructed
not to answer questions from the
Second witness was Austin
Cooper, also of Waco. Cooper, a
securities dealer, said he had not
been subpoenaed but had appeared
voluntarily at the request of the
Department of Public Safety.
Both Preston and Johnson, who
Went into the closed hearing when
Humphries called for witnesses,
declined to answer reporters’ ques
tions as they waited outside the
This is the second hearing of
the house committee. The first
one was March 29 at Austin when
the committee ordered the Depart
ment of Public Safety to launch a
full scale investigation into charg
es of point shaving.
Ballman said then that the com
mittee felt information presented
“warranted a continuation of the
investigation because of the seri
ous nature of the allegations.”
Conference officials and coaches
and members of the department
testified at the hearing.
The annual Battalion Award will
be presented at the banquet. The
award will be presented to an indi
vidual, other than a Battalion staff
member, who has rendered out
standing service to The Battalion
for the past year.
Seven outgoing editors for the
various Student Publications will be
presented watches for their service
during the 1961-62 school year.
These seven editors will each pre
sent their respective staffs with
keys marked to show the number
of years served by the staffer.
To top off the evening the
audience attending the affair will
be given the task of choosing six
young ladies for the top Vanity
Fair positions for the Aggieland,
’62. The six remaining beauties will
be runners-up.
The six winners for the Vanity
Fair positions, who are selected by
secret ballot, will be announced at
the Senior Ring Dance Saturday.
The twelve Vanity Fair finalists
and their escorts arer
Miss Betty Burnette, escorted by
Dale Hatinger; Miss Anita Jean
Franklin, escorted by Malcolm
Hall; Mrs. Sydney Gillis, escorted
by Thomas Gillis; Miss Patty Hus
ton, escorted by John W. Hamm;
Miss Patsy Lawson, escorted by
Johnny Martinez; Miss Eileen Mar
tin, escorted by Robert Thomas
Sweatman; Mrs. Lonieta Poradek,
escorted by Jerry C. Poradek; Miss
Sandra Powell, escorted by Lloyd
M. Stafford;
Miss Sharon Silk, escorted by
Kent G. Ellis; Miss Judy Smith,
escorted by Thad Crooks; Mrs.
Carolyn Stephenson, escorted by
Sidney F. Stephenson Jr.; and Miss
Gail Sullivan escorted by (Chip)
Battalion Sets
Exam Schedule
The Battalion will begin a
“holiday” publishing schedule
next week in preparation for
final examinations, beginning
May 28.
Two issues will be published
next week, on Tuesday and
The final issue of the current
school term will be published
during final week, Thursday,
May 31.
The summer Battalion will
publish for the first time Thurs
day, June 7.
Two Positions
In Senate Race
Left Undecided
All Student Senate .school of
fices but two were filled yesterday
in the election in the Memorial
Student Center. Voting for all
positions was light.
Dine, Dance Head
W eekend Activities
Principal speaker for the Senior
Banquet to be held Saturday at
6 p.m. in Duncan Dining Hall will
be Gen. Hans Christofferson, Cdm-
mander of the Army of Denmark,
according to Charles L. Cochran,
vice president of the senior class.
The general is currently making
a tour of U.S. military installa
tions as a guest of the State De
partment. Accompanied by his
Russian wife, Olga, who is a for
mer Russian ballerina, Gen. Chris
tofferson is in Texas to inspect
Students Assume
Government Posts
The cities of Bryan and College
Station were in new hands Thurs
day as students from A&M Con
solidated High School and Stephen
F. Austin High School took over
the reins of city government in
observance of the second annual
Former Students Association
Winds Up Development Drive
The Association of Former Stu- ciation is to give the college one
dents is winding up the final
stages of its Development Fund
Drive in the College Station area,
according to Richar Weirus, direc
tor of the drive.
“We expect this to be a banner
year for the program,” Weirus said.
“We have received more g-ifts this
year than the total number of gifts
in the year 1960.”
The goal set for this year’s drive
was $268,500 to be collected
throughout the state for an un
restricted fun. The money is to be
used for an academic excellence
program, the Century Study, Op
portunity Award Scholarships, the
1962 Directory, achievement awards,
eight faculty achievement awards,
the President’s and Dean’s Emer
gency Fund and an expanded asso
ciation program.
The drive is 90 per cent complete
to date, Weirus said. Of 231 men
on the campus, 200 have been
reached and have contributed to the
drive. This is more than 86 per
cent of the total, and is a record
to be proud of, Weirus commented.
The Development Fund drive is
being carried out in 400 cities
throughout the country. The goal
is set for at least three out of every
four men giving to the fund.
The eventual goal for the asso-
million dollars in an unrestricted
fund. In another five years, Weirus
expects to reach half of that goal.
HS Teachers To Do
Summer Work Here
A total of 62 junior and senior
high school teachers have receiv
ed appointments to a Summer In
stitute in Physical Sciences to be
held here.
Sponsored under a $72,700 Na
tional Science Foundation grant,
the institute is designed to up
grade scientific preparation of sec
ondary school science and teachers.
The physical sciences institute
will cover fundamental math con
cepts through calculus, chemistry
and physics — both classical and
modern —that include atomic, nu
clear and electronic developments.
Dr. E. B. Middleton, A&M chem
istry professor, will direct the
The participants will receive a
stipend of $75 a week plus allow
ances for dependents and travel,
plus tuition fees. They may earn
credit toward a master of educa
tion degree with science option.
Youth Government Day.
The students began their duties
by having lunch in the Triangle
restaurant with the city officials
whose positions they were assum
ing. The luncheon was sponsored
by the area Elks Lodge.
At 1 p.m. the twelve Consoli
dated students and thirteen Ste
phen F. Austin students went to
their respective city offices in Col
lege Station and Bryan, where
they officially took charge for the
remainder of the day.
Students from A&M Consoli
dated and the College Station po
sitions they filled were:
Harris Marshall, mayor; Fur
man Isbell, city manager; Janet
Durst, city secretary; George Hen-
sarling, city attorney; Neil Sper
ry, city judge, and Tim Moore,
police chief.
Larry Randolph and Russell
Welch, commissioners from Ward
1; Marcy Goode and John Stark,
Commissioners from Ward 2; and
Oran Jones and Rosemary Red
mond, commissioners from Ward
After their arrival at the Col
lege Station city offices, Mayor
Ernest Langford explained the
structure and operation of the city
government to the students.
Next, City Manager Ran Bos
well and Police Chief Lee Nor
wood spoke to the student offi
cials. Student Mayor Marshall
then adjourned the council sub
ject to call and the student city
officials made a tour of the Col
lege Station city offices.
Fort Hood and Fort Sam Houston.
Holder of several diplomatic
posts for Denmark since World
War II, he is a graduate of the
University of Denmark and the
Scandinavian War College.
During the war, he was an un
derground resistance leader who
fought the Nazi occupation of his
country. After the war, he became
a military advisor to the newly-
formed North Atlantic Treaty Or
A noted sportsman and world
traveler, Gen. Christofferson rep
resented Denmark in the 1952
Olympics and won a medal in pis
tol shooting.
Following the banquet will be
the Senior Ring Dance at 8 p.m.
in the main dining room of Sbisa
Dining Hall. Highlighting the
dance will be the announcement of
Vanity Fair finalists and the Billy
May Band, featuring lead vocalist
Frankie Lester.
Banquet tickets went off sale
Wednesday, but Ring Dance tick
ets will be sold until 4 p.m. Friday
at the cashier’s window of the
Memorial Student Center Main
Desk and at the doors of Sbisa
during the dance. Price of the
tickets is $4.75 per couple.
Ring pictures are $2.75 for two
prints with extra prints available
for 75 cents each. Picture tickets
may be bought at the same time
dance tickets are purchased. Prints
may be picked up at the MSC
cashier’s window after Thursday.' for Senate seats at a later date.
Of the two offices not final, one
was a tie and the other resulted
from no votes. No candidate re
ceived a vote in the race for sen
ior representative from the School
of Veterinary Medicine. The class
will elect a representative.
For sophomore representative
from the School of Arts and Sci
ences, Cecil M. Bourne and James
M. Roberts tied with 21 votes
each. A run-off will be held at a
later date.
School representatives to the
Student Senate for the 1962-63
school year are:
School of Agriculture—John T.
Tibbels, senior; Kenneth Radde,
junior; Robert Palm, sophomore.
School of Arts and Sciences—
Herb Gersbach, senior; Shelly Ve-
selka, junior; (tie for sophomore).
School o f Engineering—D a n
Scarborough, senior, Frank Kiol-
bassa, junior; Bill Buckellew,
School of Veterinary Medicine—
(no senior representative); Danny
Loyd, junior; Ronald Mull, sopho
Five persons from each class
were elected to the Senate Elec
tion Commission yesterday, too.
Seniors who will serve on the
election commission during the
coming year are Burt Terrill, Mel
vin Young, Jimmy Johnson, Albert
Wheeler and Curt Blackard.
Juniors on the commission are
James Jenkins, Craig Abbott, Dav
id P’owler, Russell Jasek and Sam
Sophomores on the commission
are Louell Aldrich, Jim Blanken
ship, Tucker Fuchs, James Kelly
and Michael Wier.
This is the final election of the
I9t52 school year, and fills all elec
tive offices for next year with the
exception of the two to be selected
. . . Johnny Martinez
. . . Thad Crooks
. . . John W. Hamm
Review Names
Photo Winners
The A&M Review magazine has
released the winners of its annual
photography contest, according to
Tom Nickell, editor of the Review.
Winners were as follows:
sweepstakes — Kenneth M. Ayres;
human interest — Kenneth Ayi-es;
portraits — Kenneth Ayres; ac
tion — Bill Stripling; scenery —•
Juan M. Tijerina.
Corps Promotions Disclosed
Tentative appointments to leader
ship positions in the Corps of
Cadets were announced early Fri
day for the 1962-63 school year.
The promotion list, which will be
confirmed next fall, lists the fol
lowing students and positions:
Corps Staff
William D. Nix Jr., corps com
mander; Arthur R. Richardson, de
puty commander; Charles L. Blas-
chke, adjutant; Charles L. Nichols,
intelligence; Gary L. Balser, oper
ations; Charles H. Maurer, supply.
James E. Sartain, inspector gen
eral; Fred K. Blackard, chaplain;
Harry A. Payne, public informa
tion; Ronald G. Brice, athletics;
William H. Brashears, liaison;
Jay D. Blume, day student liaison;
John P. Krebs, scholastic;
Paul A. Di-esser Jr., sergeant
major; Harlan E. Roberts, opera
tions; James E. Schnabel, supply;
David C. Anderson, athletics; Lu
ther R. Powers, scholastic; and
Lawrence N. Garrett Jr., intelli
First Brigade
Roger M. John, commander; Jo
seph C. Merritt, executive officer;
Huley J. Horn, scholastic; Ster
ling P. Bassett, adjutant; Alfred
W. Hughlett, chaplain; Richard
H. Metz, sergeant major.
First Battle Group
James B. Scott, commander;
James P. King, executive officer;
David G. Groves, supply; Carl L.
Adams, operations; Edwin J. Bow
ers, sergeant major.
Lytle A. Weaver, commander,
Company A-l; Matthew B. Bader,
commander, Company B-l; James
R. Griffith, commander, Company
C-l; John E. Blackburn, command
er, Company D-l.
Second Battle Group
Charles E. Wedemeyer, com
mander; Preston V. Phillips, ex
ecutive officer; Larry E. Collier,
scholastic; Jimmy L. Garrett, oper
ations; Michael D. McGown, serge
ant major.
John P. Prichard, commander,
Company E-l; David T. Edgar,
commander, Company F-l; Edward
L. Medley, commander, Company
Second Brigade
Victor L. Donnell, commander;
Paul M. Vilcoq, executive officer;
Patrick H. Torrans, scholastic;
William A. Brantley, adjutant;
Gaylon M. McClinton, supply; Vin
cent A. Haby, chaplain; Ronald
W. Vaughan, sergeant major.
Third Battle Group
Armand J. Chaput, commander;
Donald T. Hunter, executive offi
cer; Dale L. Sinor, scholastic; Ben
B. Boyd, supply; Carlos Vela Jr.,
operations; Carlos V. Mejia, intell
igence; Edward W. Collier, ser
geant major.
Ray A. Kappel, commander Com
pany A-2; James H. Davis, com
mander, Company B-2; David N.
Chapman, commander. Company
C-2; James E. Johnson, command-
(See CORPS On Page 3)