The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 17, 1962, Image 5
COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 give cam- the trails they 'ICES uht, m»W the Olfa iund Fku 1-6. dtli before lb precede nt Publitt m «ppl» I are bciti on by Hi r July l, ; at Bok ild be mb neement js for tl* r are re ic doctor! to be left j ater tb!«. is will •e of tl« ic Pb-I 1 ' Pr0 ^" ( l : te nooflw 'remoni^ rt.wif nr Ol .ftree w iwn. es for bachelor l who 8[j •eree wi0 m In IIJ loola !rt tor's c*! nd IfO*] 25. iH l08tH The thriving Brazilian port of Manaus was founded as a small Portuguese fort in 1699. Had Battalion Classifieds COPYRIGHT tc) 1961. ThE COCA COLA COMPANY COCA-COLA AND COkC ARE REGISTERED'TRaDEMARKS BETWEEN FRIENDS.., J There:s nothing like a Coke! m Get that refreshing new feeling with Coke! Bottled under authority of Bryan Coca-Cola Bottling Co. The Coca-Cola Company by > ’ 1 ' Ags Finish Second For Year In SWC BATTALION Thursday, May 17, 1962 DALLAS, May 16—Seven of the eight Southwest Conference schools won or shared in the eight team championships awarded dur ing the 1961-62 school year for the best balance the league has experienced in its 48-year history. Three institutions, the only ones entering teams in each of the eight sports, participated in two championships each. They were Texas, A&M and Southern Meth odist, which finished in that order for overall honors. Texas shared the football cham pionship with Arkansas, then whipped A&M in the final game of the season to win the baseball championship. The Longhorns have won more championships in both sports than any of its rivals, winning or sharing the football ci’own eleven times and the base ball throne thirty-eight times. A&M won team titles in golf and cross country and added the individual championship in golf by John Lively, Jr. It was a third straight golf championship and the third time an Aggie had won or shared the undisputed links crown. Lively was co-champion as a sophomore. SMU shared the basketball championship with Texas Tech and within a fox-tnight garnex-ed its sixth consecutive swimming crown. Tom Howorth of SMU won the tennis singles title after shax'ing in doubles championships the two px-evious seasons. The two remaining teaxxx tri umphs were scored by Baylor in track and field and by Rice in ten nis. Baylor added luster to its second varsity track crown within thi’ee years by scox’ing an over whelming victory in the freshman section. Texas Tech, the youngest mem ber of the conference, gained championship glory in still anoth er field this year. The Red Raid ers pullpd a ^ startling upset by winning the tennis doubles title with Daxyl Allison and Beau Su therland, a combination that had not played a single game together during the regular season. The triumph marked champion ship success for Tech in a third sport since joining the league com petition for the first time in 1957. The Red Raiders >von the golf team title in 1959, the basketball crown for the first time in 1961 and the golf individual awaxd that year also. Only Texas Chxnstian was de nied team honors in 1961-62 and the Horned Frogs gained some consolation for that shutout with big moments in football and tx'ack and field. TCU scoi’ed the only victory over Texas in football last fall then grabbed individual hon ors in track and field as Hurdler Bobby Bernard upset Ray Cun ningham of Texas and Jacky Up ton shared the high jump crown with Eddie Curtis of Baylor. For a second stx-aight year the Conference sent four football teams into bowl competition, and two of them—Texas and Baylox*— scored impressive victories. Texas beat Mississippi in the Cotton Bowl, while Baylor won over Utah State in the Gotham Bowl. Ar kansas and Rice bowed in the Su gar Bowl and Bluebonnet Bowl, respectively. Texas leads the schools into post - season participation this spring as it goes against Arizona in the NCAA District 6 playoff series Thursday night in Tucson, Arizona. Most of the schools are expected to send entries to the NCAA track and field meet at Eugene, Oregon, June 15-16, while several are expected to seek addi tional honors in the national col legiate tennis and golf competi tion at Stanfoi'd University and at Duke University, respectively. Both golf and tennis meets are scheduled for June ^8-23. SPECIAL. rDURING THIS SALE! JQ88 Every new Firestone tire is GUARANTEED 1. Against defects in workman ship and materials for the life of the original tread. 2. Against normal road hazards (except repairable punctures) encountered in everyda passenger car use number of months Replacer •wear ani current at time of adjustment. 6.70-15 Black Tube-type Plus tax <&. tire off your car regardless of condition ALL SIZES SALE PRICED firestone 4-PLY CHAMPION TIRES ements prorated on tread nd based on list prices at time of adjustment. MONTH \ WHITEWALLS Road Hazard , Guarantee /QNLY *3 MORE RAYON All Tires Mounted Just say "Charge It" take months to payl tAt Firestone Stores. Competitively priced at Firestone dealers and at all service stations displaying the Firestone sign. EO SHELTON .nc COLLEGE AVE. AT 33rd. FREE PARKING TA 2-0139 - TA 2-0130 College Station, Texas Page 5 JOHN LIVELY ... A&M’s conference golf champion Warriors Sale Still A Question NEW YORK (A>l—The off-and- on annual meeting of the National Basketball Association, scheduled to resume Thursday, was post poned until May 23. When the session resumes, San Francisco will make another attempt to gain a franchise. A spokesman for the league said a px-oposal by Eddie Gottlieb, owner of the Philadelphia War riors, to sell to a gx'oup that would move his team to the California city will be discussed again. Gottlieb, who has been offei’ed $850,000 for the Warx-iors, includ ing super star Wilt Chamberlain, withdrew a request for league ap proval of the sale earlier. The eastern teams in the league, New York, Boston and Syracuse, insisted that a team be maintained in Philadelphia. Gottlieb’s hopes to buy one of the western clubs and move it to Philadelphia fell thx'ough and he was unable to come up with a plan for assem bling a i-epi-esentative squad by other methods. SJUMBNCSS - GROCERIES - Uncle Williams—303 Cans Red Pie Cherries.. 2 For 43c 5-lb. Bag 39c Gold Medal FLOUR Spry SHORTENING 3-lb. Can 69c Hunts— Fruit ; .it -No. 2 i /2 Cans Cocktail 2 For 65c Hunts—No. 2>/ 2 Cans Peach Slices Can 25c Hunts—300 Size Cans Solid Pack Tomatoes .... 3 Cans 59c Raths—Black Hawk SHORTENING 3-lb. Can 59c Del-Haven—No. 1 Cans TOMATOES 3 For 29c Texsun—46-Oz. Cans Grapefruit Juice 2 For 45c Folgers-!—Instant COFFEE 6-Oz.Jar 79c Folgers—1-lb. Can „ COFFEE .. Each 59c Eibbys—2‘/a Cans Pear Halves Can 39c Lihbys—12-Oz. Cans Pineapple Juice 3 For 29c Libbys—14-Oz. Bottles CATSUP 3 For 59c Rosedale—303 Cans Sweet Green Peas 2 For 27c - FROZEN FOODS - Vj Tennessee—10-Oz. Sliced Strawberries ... . .. 2 For 39£ Sunshine State—6-Oz. Orange Juice 4 For 59b j Libbys—10-Oz. j Squash, Spinach, Chopped Broccoji, Creamed Cprn - 2 For ^5c Blue Bell—In Plastic Container SHERBERT Quart 35c Bordens Biscuits . 3 For 25c - MARKET _ PEN FED BABY BEEF CUTS Loin Steak ... 1-lb. 79c Round Steak 1-lb. 79c T-Bone Steak ... 1-lb. 89c Hormels—Dairy Brand Sliced Bacon 1-lb. 59c Hormels—Dairy Brand FRANKS 1-lb. 49c Deckers—Tall Korn Sliced Bacon 1-lb. 49c -PRODUCE- Fresh From The Garden Green or Wax Beans.... 2-lbs. 35c New Potatoes 3-lbs. 25c Yellow Squash 2-lbs. 17c Green Onions Bunch 10c Avocados Each 10c SPECIALS GOOD THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY, MAY — 17 - 18 - 19 CHARLIES NORTH GATE —WE DELIVER— FOOD MARKET COLLEGE STATION SENIOR RING DANCE CORSAGES ORCHIDS CARNATIONS A WIDE RANGE OF PRICES ORDER AT GREENHOUSE STUDENT FLORAL CONCESSION GIVE WER OKILY TUE BEST CORSAGE! ’-Wifi