The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 17, 1962, Image 4
COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 College Students For Summer Work International firm to hire 30 stu dents for summer months—June - July - August to assist man ager of JSew Products Division. Must be free to travel in Texas — Have drivers license. Must bo personable with pleas ant speaking voice. OVER AND ABOVE WEEKLY PA Y CHECKS: COMP BT E WITH FELLOW STUDENTS FOR: (A) $2,000 Cash Scholarship (B) Additional $1,000 Cash Scholarships Awarded Weekly. (C) To win one of many jet plane trips around the world (D) To win one of the Austin- Healy sportcars. Win One Or All* Write immediately for appoint ment: Personnel Director. Suite 929 Bankers Mortgage Bldg. 708 Main Street, Houston, Tex. or Call '.CA 8-9804 for Personal Appt:" 1 •Interviewing Saturdays 10: a. m.'Hod Sunday 11:00 a. m. Page 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, May 17, 19G2 THE BATTALIONl Slouch Solves Problem Of Making Paths C ol} A “ . . . we can do three things about our drill field. First we can protect it from un- jipf'T' •cly pathways by police^ mm imimirf v (MT ON US FOR BEST FOOD , c&mm mmmmmmm/- COFFEE MARYLAND CLUB A" Lb 59 SPRITE 12 For 55 >v King Size Btl. — Plus Dep. PURINA EGGS Grade AMedium 3 Doz $1 DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES White -Yellow - Devils Food or Lemon Supreme Renown Cut Beans 4 - 303 Cans 49c Le Grande Golden Corn Cream Style 4 - 303 Cans 49c 49c 39c Nelda Blackeye Peas 4 - 300 Cans Best Maid Salad .Dressing Qt. Jar Coastal Breaded Shrimp 10-Oz. Pkg. 39c Mortons Tea Vi Box 29c SANITARY MELLO D OR CARNATION BRENTWOOD MILK GAL. 79c MRS. BAIRDS OR BUTTERCRUST BREAD 2 Large l l / 2 Lb. Loaves 47c 3 $1.00 Hershey Candy Bars 10 - 5c Bars 39c Hunts Peaches 4 Lg. 2 Vi Cans $1.00 Libbys Pineapple Juice .... 3 - 46-Oz. Cans $1.00 Lucky Leaf Pie Apples 5 - 303 Cans $1.00 Libbys Tomato Juice 3 - 46-Oz. Cans $1.00 Lilly or Sanitary Mellorine Vi Sq. Ctn. 49c RATH PICNIC |'l •X ill: HAMS 25 c lb •In •h! •y. •y. RATHS OR HORMEL SLICED BACON u, 55c TENDER BABY BEEF CHOPS l B . 59c FRESH GROUND MEAT ...2 MILD LONGHORN CHEESE SI ICED ALL MEAT PRESSED HAM OR BIG BOLOGNA _ LB 39c . LB. 55c . LB. 59c LBS. 75c LB. 59c .. LB. 39c Rod POTATOES 10 Lbs 29 SQUASH 2 9 CELLO RADISHES 2 I0e LEMONS 9 F J9 C v \ for XESTFUL M£MLS.../ CELLO TOMATOES 2 ,„ r 29c CORN 6k„,s2% SPECIALS GOOD May 17-18-19 1962 MILLER'S 3800 TEXAS AVENUE SUPER MARKET VI 6-6613 J K “ . . . Secondly, we can give up trying to keep our tarn- pus the prettiest in the jSouthwest and let the trails they .,nd jraths M where Thirdly, we can take pride in our scenic campus and accept our role as Ag gies to preserve our drill field and campus!” BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES It V* T wot* er word Mch additional day Minimum charge—40* taci day Id p« mum chanr* DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before puhtiratioa Clasaifird Diaplay 80# per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 8-841B FOR RENT Two bedroom unfurnished house, near AS-M stonure space and washer connecti” ler. Phone VI 6-44GL $H7.60, 400 Coon ll7tf One berlroom furnished house, available June 3, $40.00. VI 6-5036 or VI 6-5634. 116tfn 600 North Main, College Station, lovely three room apartment, cooling fan. modern furniture, private entrance. VI 6-6644. 113tfn CCH ba 600 North Main, College Station, large private entrance, private ool bedroom, VI 6-6644. 113tfn One way trailers. Kent it here and leave it where you go. You save money by renting a trailer and have your furni ture with you when you get where you’re going. See Baker Tiro Co., TA 2-8169. 112tI2 CHILD CARE FIRST GRADE — If your child will he six after September 1, register him now for private 1st, grade. Limited enrollment. Bryan Schools. Also kindergarten and Separation for A&M Consolidated and year round nursery. Collier's Mother Goose School. 601 Kentwood, TA 2-8760. 110t7 Experienced personal care for childr large fenced yard, near campus. - VI 6-40 on, .. .120. 116t4 Will keep children, all ages, will pick up nd deliver. VI 6-8161. llltfn Will keep infant child or ty home. Contact TA 8-6129. children in lOfitfn WANTED Apartment manager wanted. '1 dents experienced in painting and repair work to live in apartment repair work to live in apart summer in exchange for ing labor. Call J. B. Hervey, VI or VI 6-5446. Two stu- goneral tment free this repair and paint- Hervey, VI 6-5622 117t5 FOR SALE OR TRADE CONTEST PRIZE f Includes plane 10 day 1st class round trip for two, Rio, San Paulo Buenos Aires. ticket, hotel, meals, sight seeing complete. Value $2,300,00. Make offer. VI 6-6645. HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 YOUR DISTRIBUTOR FOR 9 EICO KITS • Garrard Changers O HI-FI Components €> Tape Recorders Use Our Time Payment Plan BRYAN RADIO & TV TA 2-4862 1301 S. Colleffe Ave. FOR SAL* OFFICIAL NOTICES 6 piece living room furniture. VI 6-4289. Cheap. 11812 Oft trial notices must be brought, miild | telephoned so na to arrive io thcOtfn] Student Publication* (Ground fin I new 1967 Pontnio all Tw radio . ■ 1807 from 8 to 6. translator H 8* 11713 *86.00 each complete. Call TA In ^ mc . a - X, 1 .5 ou f* f 12, i - ?'^ I Monday through Friday) at or befontt 'leadline of 1 p. m. of the day prcctfa publication — Director of Student Pubto I 1967 Oldsmobile, hard top station wagon. Call VI 6-4663. 117t6 Air and power. Cabritto (aprln for barbecues two for $11.00. ing milk fed goats), and outings, $5.76 Han*on*g Food Scr\ Texas Avenue, TA 2-1316. delicious each or Service. 2701 116tfn 1955 Chevrolet, two door, Bel-Air 6, wer glide, healer. Very good e'liidit inn. power glide, heater, very good condition, $460. See D. R. Smith, Physics Department or Y-l-J Hensel. 116tfn Girls bicycle, Schwinn, condition. VI 6-4006. 20 inch, good 116tfn 1960 Fiat 600, excellent condition, 17,000 miles bargain priced. See at X-4-G Hensel after 6. 113tfn Kinmore wringer washer, $20.00. 6. Culpepper after 503-A 109tfn 1962 TD MG (classic), new tires, tunpel cover, paint, carpet, ovdfhauled. VI 6-5672. top. Completely WORK WANTED Typing - electric typewriter. Experience: Secretary, business teacher. VI 6-8510. 86tfn HELP WANTED SUMMER HELP WANTED Male Students for introductory marketing program. You can earn next years full school costa and more. Apply: Gasoilair Equipment Co., P. O. Box 768, New Haven. Conn. 118tl Wanted white lady for night shift, Tastee Freez, 103 Hiway 6 North, College Station. VI 6-4827. 116t5 SPECIAL NOTICE Electrolux sales and Williams, TA 3-5331. service. G. C, 90tfn Fish and picnic at Hilltop Lake, 9% miles on Hwy 6 south of College. Tables mil ovens, clean place. 69tfn FEMALE HELP WANTED Waitress wanted. Experience not neces- •y, must be over rking conditions. snr working co 3606 South College. 18 years of age, good Triangle Restai urant, 108tfn COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 NOTICE ELECTROLUX SALES SERVICE & SUPPLIES By Authorized Dealer 1003 S. College Ave, Bryan, Tex. TA 2-4143 AGGIES NOTICE SAE 30 Motor Oils 15< Qt. Major Brand Oils .... 27-31^ Qt. For your parts and accessories AT a DISCOUNT See us— Plenty free parking opposite the courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Brake shoes, Fuel pumps, Water pumps. Generators, Starters, Solenoids, etc. Save 30 to 50% on just about any part for your car. Filters 40% discount AT JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington Tense ti'ins fur tin- school year IWSZ-lill are D %iccapt4»d and will ho acted upon by fti| ahortly after July l J ire available at Bowl .... ......w.,.. ...... u .ng and should be n) { itted by June 15. National Defense Loan Committee E. K. McQuillcn, Chairman UN 1 ‘lucct'iMA-u mm win ue I .own Committee ahoi Application blanks are 306, Y.M.C.A. Building A list of candidates who are academia clear for graduation will be posted int the Richard Coke Building lobby of Thursday, May 24 at 8 n. m. Each cam date is urged to cr ’* if ho is clear for gn a. to consult this list to » | iduntion. H All student organization lenders and ^ (this includes Military Units mtlej] visors (this includes Military Units m t* Cadet Corps, Hometown Clubs, and Tedni cal Chile') please come by the Studsi Finance Center, Memorial Student Celts to file a new signature card of nest elected officers for the fall of 1962. lf!«| di not elect new officers until the Wj semester of 19(i2, the finance officer each i ' rganization must make nrrangeiMM i individual to legally handle organization during the tumadl for an for the months. 2B - MSC-Student Finance Center lift It | non Please take care of this by Mai Regalia For The May Commencement Exe ho i degree of Doctor of Philosophy are r< , | nred to order hoods as well as the doctor'll »y ( All students who are candidates fortltp of Doctor of Philoso quired to order hoods as well as ind gown. The hoods are to be lilt | • »« r\rr cap and gow at the Regii gistrar 1 :00 p. m., Tues npliahed accomp Coll ,re' r's Office no later thu day. May 22 (this will lx of tk by Exchange hoods will not bo worn in the process#! —' all such candidates will tie hoodd representative Store). The Ph.C ice i the Candidat on the stage ns a part of the coremom*;! idates for the degree of Doctor ®; Veterinary Medicine will v ;ree of Doctor < wear the doctor! i cap, gown and hood appropriate to tM dee gree. Candidates for the Master’s Degree wear the Master's cap and gown. All civilian students who are candidates for tk Bachelor's Degree will wear the bachelor! cap and gown. RC candidates for the wear the Class “A” cadet wn. ROTC students who If* or the Bachelor’s Degree w 1 ' i in li«; et un of academic regalia. Senio optional with the uniform. iform boots s81 caps and the E betwe lay 1 and 12:00 noon Saturday, Maj The rental is as follows: Doctor’s c*t gowns msy iged with the Exchange Store. Order! be placed between 8:00 a. m. Tuesday. arranged with a. m. Tuesaay.. 1 and 12 :00 noon Saturday, May U and gown $5.25, Master’s cap and go*i $4.75, Bachelor's cap and gown $4.25. Ho°j rental is the same as that for can an« gown. A 2% luired roqi cap sn« A 2% Texas State Sales Tax 1 in addition to these rentals. C. E. Tishler, Chairman J Convocations Committee 10811* DR. G. A. SMITH OPTOMETRIST SPECIALIZING In EYE EXAMINATIONS and CONTACT LENSES, 3 ^“2 0N8 X BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC 105 No. MAIN • BRYAN'.TEXAS • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS SOSOLIK S T. V.. Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service TA 2-1941 713 S. Main SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donuts AN Y WHERE Hamburgers — Short Orders — Fountain Service Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules, & Etc. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS He ■j Bot The 4 (