The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 17, 1962, Image 1
inis Is teams^ r honors, j e ’’ torn sports^ mes of tl) • secret tj itions. f sports i by men'i, a&mq in dowiti <1 Comps: ‘i the fj •rott’s Ph makes Iriving, do as p with ablets, The Battalion Volume 60 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1962 Number 118 ALAMO’ PROP Wayne To Donate Painting To A&M By ADRIAN ADAIR Battalion Staff Writer John Wayne, Hollywood actor, producer and star of “The Alamo,” consented this week to donate an original oil painting used in the filming of the motion picture to A&M’s Cushing Memorial Library. The painting, an oil by Russell R. Roberts of Pacific Titles and Scholarships l ert Granted To 75 HS Graduates M II Seventy-five high school gradu ates have been named winners of four-year Opportunity Award Scholarships here, it was an nounced Wednesday by Dr. Wil liam J. Graff, dean of instruction. Graff is also chairman of the [Faculty Ccmnmittee on Scholar ships. I An additional 10 students have been listed to receive special schol arships. Winners of the Opportunity Awards were chosen by the Facul ty Committee on Scholarships fol lowing statewide competitive ex aminations given to more than 500 candidates March 31 and April 7. Opportunity Awards are valued at from $1,000 to $1,200, recipients receiving $250 to $300 a year for four part-time employ ment provided by the college. Winners are chosen after consid eration of each candidate’s scho lastic record, character, evidence of leadership in high school and financial circumstances. The plan was started 10 years ago and is supported by the As sociation of Former Students, clubs, business corporations, foun dations and individuals. Since its beginning in 1946, the plan has helped more than 1,500 capable high school graduates en roll in college. Ninety per cent have either graduated or are still going to school on Opportunity Awards. Arts Studio, is presently on ex hibit in an art show in northern California. Noticing that there were no paintings of Texas in Cushing Li brary and being interested in its history and in the part played by the battle of the Alamo, Frederick (Rick) Graham of Squadron 14 wrote to Wayne asking the where abouts of the paintings used in the filming. Wayne’s secretary answered that the original paintings were owned by Wayne and that he was in Van couver at present. Graham then sent a letter di rectly to Wayne saying that the squadron would purchase a paint ing that he had selected from the group if it was for sale. Wayne replied directly, “It is not for sale; however, it would give me a great deal of pleasure to donate the painting to the A&M library in the name of Squadron 14, Class of ’03.” Wayne said that the painting should be returned from the ex hibit sometime this week at which time “I will forward the painting to the president of the college in the name of Squadron 14.” A prominent place is being set aside in the library to receive the painting, according to Graham. President Earl Rudder is pres ently sending Wayne a letter of gratitude from the college. Gra ham is also sending another letter of thanks from the squadron along with a request that Wayne present the painting in person. A phone call to Wayne, thanking ; him in the name of the squadron, is also being planned, Graham said. Indian Paper Now In Cushing Library The A&M Indian Students’ As sociation, in cooperation with Cushing Memorial Library, has placed the “Hindu Weekly Re view” in the library. The paper is published in Madras, India. Debabrata Ghosh, president of the association, said the purpose of the move was to service the news needs of Indian students. Wire Review By The Associated Press WORLD NEWS BANGKOK—A U. S. Navy ship with hundreds of American Marines aboard pulled into Bangkok harbor at 6:50 a.m. Thursday. Marines clad in battle green stood at the railing of the ship looking over the dock area where a group of U. S. and Thai officials awaited them. The Leathernecks were the first contingent of a force of 1,800 Marines sent here to bolster Thai land’s defenses against the Com munist threat posed by rebel forces in neighboring Laos. HONG KONG—Western in telligence experts pondered Wednesday the mystery of Red China’s reversed refugee policy. The best estimates were that Peiping sees big benefits in let ting its unhappy masses batter in vain against the doors of freedom. Until recent weeks Com munist border guards used guns to stop refugees from reaching this British colony on Communist China’s doorstep. But now they are advising the thousands to try to reach Hong Kong every night just where and how to make the attempt. The result has been a mount ing flow of desperate refugees toward the haven of Hong Kong. ★ ★ A MEXICO CITY—Mexican sol diers arrived at the scene of the crash of a United States Air Force plane from Harlingen, Tex., and found all nine crewmen dead, a defense ministry spokesman said Wednesday night. The wreckage was spotted in the vicinity of Jalpan, about 150 miles northwest of Mexico City. The plans—a “flying class room”—left the base about 2 p.m. Monday on a search mission for a Cessna 182, also reported lost in the same general area. The military plane had nine hours of fuel when it left the base. ★ ★ ★ U. S. NEWS WASHINGTON—The Senate investigations subcommittee will meet Thursday to order offi cially the start of public hear ings in the Billie Sol Estes case. Chairman John L. McClellan, D.-Ark., announced he was call ing the meeting to obtain ap proval for the action which sub committee members have said will be granted without doubt. They expect first hearings will get under way in the politically explosive probe late this month. McClellan said staff investiga tors will give the senators a de tailed progress report on their investigation of alleged influ ence dealings between govern ment officials and Estes, million aire Texan now awaiting trial on fraud charges. ★ ★ ★ TEXAS NEWS AUSTIN—The Texas Railroad Commission told 60 East Texas oil field operators Wednesday their pipeline connections will be severed unless they agree to inclinations surveys by Monday. The commission issued an order Wednesday telling the operators that they can avoid pipeline sev erance by returning a copy of an agreement to the commission dis trict office by May 21. The action followed a brief hear ing Tuesday at which only one witness appeared to testify before the commission. Copy Of Painting To Be Donated This is a copy uf a painting- of the Alamo to be donated to the college by actor John Wayne. Holding the print are (left to right) Harvey Schwertner, Larry Wallace, Rick Graham and Robert Retting. The painting Wayne is giving is an original oil used in the filming of the picture “The Alamo.” (Photo by Johnny Herrin) Educator Speaks At Architect’s Banquet Presentation of awards and an address by the head of the Uni versity of Minnesota School of Architecture highlighted the an nual Division of Architecture awards banquet Wednesday night. The dinner was held in the Me morial Student Center and fea tured a talk by Ralph Rapson, a winner of 10 national architec tural awards in addition to his scholastic post. Winners of awards were: Edward Scott Werth, outstand ing freshman; Keith Simmons, outstanding sopohmore; and Ray mond Gomez, outstanding junior. Tile’Council of America Award: 1st, Keith Simmons; 2nd, Edward Hunt; 3rd, Thomas Batey. J. Rodney Tabor Award: tie be- Local Students Hold Concert Tonight At 8 Students from three College Station schools will be presented in spring concert Thursday in the A&M Consolidated High School auditorium at 8 p.m. Representative of the vocal phase of Consolidated’s music pro gram, there will be 5th and 6th grade groups from both Consoli dated Elementary and College Hills Elementary directed by Gertrude Luther, as well as choirs from the high school under the direction, of Frank Coulter. The mixed chorus, a first-year choir, will sing. The sweepstakes winning girls’ chorus will also per form. Soloists and quartettes as well as some instrumental ensem bles will be featured. Student di rectors Dan Bates and Thomas Ed wards Will be presented. The con cert choir will offer a variety of selections. Both high school groups will combine for a finale. tween Fredrick Wallis and Thomas Hooker. Texas Concrete and Masonry Award: Donald McMasters. Featherlite Competition Award: 1st, Henry C. Ortega; 2nd, Wil liam Leftwieh; 3rd Ottie L. Lu ther. M. N. Davidson Fellowships: Harold L. Adams and Kenneth A. Bobo. K. Frank Robinson Memorial Award: Lawrence W. Christian. American Society Testing Ma terials Award: Don Jones and Danny Murdoch. Langford Awards: Danny Mur doch and Steve Vaught. Alpha Ro Chi Medal: Harold Adams. American Institute of Architects Award Runner-up: Robert H. Redwine. AIA Medal: James J. Amis. AIA Scholarships: James Fadel, Thomas A. Hooker, Donald Mc Masters and David Lee Voelter. Awards were presented on the basis of ideas on design, construc tion and overall excellence on ar chitectural problems and projects. Gouglcf Appointed Acting Director 01 Information Group Doyle Gougler of the college in formation office has been ap pointed acting director of College Information and Publications, ac cording to an announcement by President Earl Rudder. Gougler fills the vacancy cre ated by the death May 2 of Leroy A. (Lee) Duewall. A former farm editor for The Houston Post, Gougler joined the A&M news bureau in October 1959. He holds a B.S. degree from A&M and an M.S. from the University of Houston. Summer Dorm Information Is Announced The Housing Office has an nounced the dormitories which will be used for student housing during the summer terms. Hart Hall (Ramps A-E), Pur- year, Mitchell, Milner, and Walton Halls will be used, according to housing manager Harry Boyer. Students living in the dormitor ies to be used may reserve the room they occupy from 8 a.m. next Monday until .5 p.m. Thurs day. Students' who want a room other than the one they now oc cupy, including students changing dormitories, should also reserve them at the same time. All other students may register for rooms on a first-come, first- served basis from 8 a.m. Friday, May 25, until noon Saturday, June 2. Students now living in the dorms to be used this* summer will have priority on rooms for the fall se mester, provided they sign with the housemaster on his fall roster by June 2 and send room reserva tion with $20 deposit by July 31. Summer students will not neces sarily be able to retain their sum mer rooms for the fall semester. All students, including those living in college apartments, who will not live in dorms must secure Day Student Permits from the Housing Office before paying fees. Hiiig Dance, Banquet Ends ’62 Social Slate T Majors To He Interns On News Media Eight journalism students have been accepted for summer intern work on Texas newspapers, Del bert McGuire, head of the Depart ment of Journalism, announced yesterday. • McGuire said that five Texas Daily News Association TDNA, one Texas Press Association TP A and two internships by individual arrangement have been assigned. The TDNA interns are Dan Louis, news, Sherman Democrat; Robert Mitchell, news, Tyler Courier-Telegraph and Times; Ronnie Treat, advertising, Austin American - Statesman; Charles Teague, advertising, Port Arthur News; and Johnny Herrin, adver tising, Fort Worth Star-Telegram. David Jones will work for the Alice News in general news cov erage as a TPA intern. By individual arrangement, Charles Mauldin will intern at Radio Station KORA in Bryan and Ronnie Bookman will be with The Houston Press, McGuire said. Ex-Gen. Salan Issues Charge Of Murder Try PARIS (-5*)—Ex-Gen. Raoul Sa lan charged Wednesday that Gen. Charles de Gaulle’s followers once tried to murder him with a ba zooka and now are trying to de stroy him under cover of law. Salan, supreme military com mander in Algeria before he turned against the government to head the Secret Army Organiza tion fight to keep Algeria French, made the accusation at the sec ond day of his treason trial. For 40 minutes the man who once was France’s most decorated soldier read out his 24-page state ment in a drab, unemotional voice. Then he announced he would make no other comment for the rest of the trial. In his statement he described a bazooka attack on his Algiers of fice in 1957 as “linked to an im portant plot, the success of which demanded my assassination.” “Its instigators,” he declared, “are those who today are asking capital punishment for me. They want to obtain through a judg ment what they could not accomp lish by a bazooka.” An aide of Salan’s was killed in the attack. The general was out of the office when it occurred. Billy May Band Slated For Dance; Ring Picture Tickets Now On Sale Year’s highlight for the Class of 1962 will be celebrated Saturday night with the Senior Ring Dance and Senior Ban quet. The dinner will be at 6 p. m. in Duncan Dining Hall and the dance will follow at 8 in Sbisa Dining Hall. The Billy May Band will play at the traditional dance. The banquet speaker will be announced Friday, according to class president John Waddell. Cadets should wear Class “A” uniforms and civilians should wear dark suits or tuxedos to the formal affairs, Wad dell said. The ring dance, is held to celebrate the turning of a senior’s ring, changing him from undergraduate to graduate status. + The custom is relatively new at A&M, with the first such dance held about 20 years ago. Lead vocalist with the May band is Frankie Lester. Lester, a veteran of radio, television and records, has sung with such bands as the Ted Lewis group, the Tom my Dorsey hand and the Plal Mc Intyre band. One of his most popular songs was “Re^Enlistment Blues.” May, recognized as top-notch talent since he first joined some friends in impromptu jam sessions, has been a network arranger and musician for shows including those of Red Skelton and Bob Crosby. In addition, he was musical di rector on the “Ozzie and Harriet Show,” and an arranger and trum- peteer for the Glen Miller band. The band as it will perform in Sbisa will include three trumpets, three trombones, five saxes, bass, piano and drums in addition to the leader. Pictures will be $2.75 for two prints, and extra prints are avail able for 75 cents each. Students must buy tickets to get pictures taken, and the prints will be avail able by May 24 at the cashier’s window in the MSG. ‘A&M Today’ To Present Film Of Nuclear Center A filmed visit to the Nuclear Science Center will be among’ the highlights of the “Texas A&M To day”- television program scheduled at 6 p.m. Sunday over Station KBTX-TV (Bryan, Channel 3). This will be the second of two special programs prepared by the College’s Department of College Information and Publications in cooperation with the station). Capt. Bennett M. Dodson of the Texas Maritime Academy will tell briefly of that new organization’s plans, and there will be music by an instrumental trio. Three mem bers of the Aggieland Combo will form the trio. They are Dr. Rich ard Baldauf, Tom Prisk and Roy Allison. Dean of Engineering Fred J. Benson and Floy W. Smith, reac tor operations chief, will be the guests on the show for the Nu clear Science Center portion. New Outdoor Pool Closed For While The new outdoor swimming pool has been temporarily closed until further notice, Carl Tishler, head of the Department of Health and Physical Education, announced Wednesday. Tishler said several hard ships have caused the temporary closing, mainly hindrances from work being conducted on the landscape around the pool. He added that a new opening date would probably be an nounced next week. Investigators Still Probing SWC Fixing WACO hT)—The Texas House Investigating Committee opened, its second secret hearing Thurs day in its investigation of alleged fixing of Southwest Conference basketball games. Chairman Charles Ballman said in Borger ast least 12 persons were subpoenaed for the 2-day hearing. He also said members of the De partment of Public Safety will testify. After its first hearing March 29, the committee ordered the de partment to launch a full-scale investigation of allegations that referees had shaved points) in Southwest Conference basketball games. Ballman said after the March hearing that the committee felt the information presented “war ranted a continuation of the in vestigation because of the serious nature of the allegations.” Conference officials and coaches and members of the department testified at the hearing. Rep. Tom James of Dallas, a former vice chairman of the com mittee, said before the first hear ing that he had information that several conference officials had been involved in fixing scores. Twenty-two conference officials voluntarily took lie detector tests early in March. The department did not make the test results pub lic, but sent them to the confer ence which then gave them to the officials. D-l’s Drill Order Shook Up Troops The following rather ominous “Drill Order” appeared on the company bulletin board of Company D-l Tuesday. It is reliably reported that more than a few cadets in that out fit were slightly shaken up by the order in view of the cur rent world situation. Worries about this were soon dispelled and shifted to another crisis, however, when the official drill order was posted stating that the junior, sophomore and freshman Military Science classes would hold their exams Saturday morning as scheduled. HEADQUARTERS CORPS OF CADETS A&M COLLEGE OF TEXAS COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS ARMY DRILL ORDER 15 MAY 1962 NUMBER: 27 1. The Army element of the Corps of Cadets will attend drill according to the following schedule on Saturday, 19 May 1962. 2. Commander’s Time : 0800 - 0830 3. Drill - 0830 - Indefinite Subject Personnel To Attend Reference Place Uniform School of Army Cadets All Easter Class C soldier with previous wood Fatigues arms Airport w/. steel helmets The first hour will he used to check out firing pins for M-l Rifles. The second hour will be used to check out rifles, board transports to Easterwood Airport, and board planes. Planes will take off promptly at 1100 hours. Senior cadets will be detailed to keep order within units. INCLEMENT WEATHER SCHEDULE: Same thing