The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 16, 1962, Image 3

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    Officers Elected
The Federation of A&M Mother’s Clubs Smith and Mrs. W. S. Brashears. Back row,
elected new officers at the Memorial Stu- left to right, are Mrs. Victor Weber, Mrs.
dent Center last Saturday. Front row, left C. I. Holliman, Mrs. D. W. Caswell Jr., Mrs.
to right, are Mrs. J. Murray Hooke, Mrs. J. E. Roberts, Mrs. M. T. Harrington, Mrs.
Bob H. Sharp, Mrs. Joe H. Ashy, Mrs. John Earl Rudder and Mrs. John G. Frank.
Leslie, Mrs. Carroll W. Cox, Mrs. Joe A.
Four A&M Professors
Author Teaching Booklet
Four A&M professors are co
authors of a booklet just off the
press, “Handbook for Student
The authors are Dr. Paul Hen-
sarling, head of Department of
Education and Psychology; Di\
Carl Landiss, professor of health
and physical education; Dr. Leslie
Hawkins, professor of industrial
education; and O. M. Holt, associ
ate professor of agricultural edu
The booklet was written under
the direction of the Council On
Teacher Education for student
teachers, co-operating teachers,
school administrators and college
Dr. Chris Groneman, head of the
Department of Industrial Educa
tion and co-ox'dinator of the Coun
cil On Teacher Education, said the
pui'pose of the handbook is to
identify and clarify cei'tain ele-
ments of the student teaching
★ ★ ★
Di’. Raymond Reiser, professor
of biochemisti'y and nutrition, will
present a paper at the Intei'na-
tional Congress of Biochemical
Problems of Lipids July 23-27 at
Birmingham, England.
The scientist will spend several
weeks in Europe to give papers
and to study reseai'ch develop
ments at the Unilever Research
Laboratories at Vlaaringen, Hol
land; the Univei’sity or Dijon in
France, and other places.
★ ★ ★
Dr. I. W. Rupel, head of the
Department of Dairy Science, will
be installed as president of the
American Dairy Science Associa
tion at its annual meetings June
7-14 at Beltsville, Md.
Rupel will then tx-avel to Europe
by way of Eastexm Asia and the
Near Exist, visiting univei’sities
and daii’y research activities en-
He will be a delegate to the 16th
Intei'national Dairy Conference
Sept. 2-7 in Copenhagen.
★ ★ ★
Dr. A. B. Wooten, associate pro
fessor in the Department of Agri
cultural Economics and Sociology,
will participate in a special series
of two courses sponsored by the
American Ixxstitute of Real Estate
Appraisers June 18-July 14 at
Southern Methodist Univei'sity.
★ ★ ★
Two members of the Depart
ment of Education and Psycholo
gy will be commencement speakex-s
at high schools in this area.
Dr. Paul Hensarling, head of
the department, will address grad
uating stpdents at Centerville May
22 and at Mexia May 29.
Di\ Walter Varvel, professor of
education and psychology, will de
li v e r commencement addresses
May 24 at Thorndal and May 25
at Kennard.
★ ★ ★
Dr. Paul Hensaxding, head of the
Department of Education and Psy
chology, will serve as consultant
for the Texas Education Agency
at two workshops.
The workshops axre set Wednes
day and Thux-sday at Odessa Col
lege, Odessa; and May 21-22 for
the Dallas School System at Dal
Hensarling will seiwe on an ad
visory committee on leadership
training workshop px’ograms in
general adult education. The com
mittee is appointed by the State
Board of Education.
VI 6-4988
VI 6-4988
ashawav MULTI-PLY
for Regular Play
Approx. Stringing Cost
& (t
Fashion Meets Valuft
Rich tone on tone striping m a cool elegantly styled
cotton and rayon sport shirt. Vented sleeves with an
added button treatment. Up-to-the-minute styling in
a fine quality shirt. Select yours today!
The Exchange Store
“Serving Texas Aggies”
YoungRepublicans WatcJlCS Given
To Meet Thursday
The Young Republicans Club will
hold its final meeting of the year
Thursday at the Memox-ial Student
Center in Room 2-A at 7:30 p.m.,
accoi-ding to Joe Horn, club chaii'-
J. J. Treacy of the Department
of Economics will speak on “The
Fiscal Policy of the Federal Gov
ernment,” Horn announced. Plans
for next year’s membership drive
will also be discussed.
Former Fish Drill
Team Members To
Hold Fete At Lake
The Association of Former Fish
Drill Team Membex's will hold a
picnic Thursday evening to honor
new members from the current
Freshman Drill Team.
Roger John, president, advises
that the picnic will be held at Hill
top Lake Thursdxiy, at 5:30 p.m.
Tickets for the picnic will cost
$1 each, John stated. The tickets
may be purchased fx'om various
members of the association. Bar
becued beef plates and cold drhxks
will be sexwed at the picnic.
Plaxxs and ideas for the drill
team competitioxx scheduled for
next December will be informally
discussed at the picnic, John said.
The association plans to invite
drill teams froxxi colleges and high
schools throughout the southwest
to this competition.
To First Place
Math Winners
John M. Fitts, ’64 electrical en
gineering student from Midland,
axxd Alexander H. Treadway, ’63
aeronautical engineering stxxdent
from Dallas, captured first place
spots in the annual Mathematics
Contests conducted last week by
the Department of Mathematics.
Both first place awards are en-
gx'aved wrist watches.
Second place in the sophoxxxore
contest, with an award of $15,
went to Jerry L. Burnett, mathe
matics major from Brownsville.
John C. Holliman, chemical engi
neering student from Dallas, won
the thix-d sophomore px-ize of $10.
Winner of second place and $15
in the freshman contest was Mich
ael E. Dux-bin, mathematics major
fx'om Dallas, while the third fresh
man px-ize of $10 went to David
A. Borg, aeronautical engineering
student from Corsicana.
The contests, each consisting of
two-hour examinations, wex-e held
Tuesday, May 1, with nineteen
fx-eshmen and eleven sophomores
participating. All awards in the
freshman contest and the second
and third sophomore awards are
provided by the Robexrt F. Smith
Memorial Fund.
VI 6-4988
Wednesday, May 16, 1962 College Station, Texa*
Page 3
Norm Cash is the Tiger’s fair
haired boy. But to enemy
pitchers, he’s a prime target
for bean balls. In this week’s
Post, you’ll meet the A.L.
batting champ. And learn how
the pitchers put him to a
grueling test last spring.
The Saturday Evening
College Students
For Summer Work
International firm to hire 30 stu
dents for summer months—June
- July - August to assist man
ager of New Products Division.
Must be free to travel in
Texas — Have drivers license.
Must be personable with pleas
ant speaking voice.
(A) $2,000 Cash Scholarship
(B) Additional $1,000 Cash
Scholarships Awarded
(C) To win one of many jet
plane trips around the world
(D) To win one of the Austin-
Healy sportcars.
Win One Or All
Write immediately for appoint
ment: Personnel Director. Suite
929 Bankers Mortgage Bldg. 708
Main Street, Houston, Tex. or
Call CA 8-9804 for Personal
Appt: Interviewing Saturdays
10: a. m. and Sunday 11:00 a. mu
lively Beth Hofstetter, Ohio State ’64
This lively Homecoming Queen hails from Chardon, Ohio, and will be a June bride this yea*°
lives it cp with this lively One Hom loro’62:
w- (' ^ v > V ' : ( v > (
the lively New Thonderbird .Sports Roadster !
Lively Beth Hofstetter enjoys steak, ice cream, and the
rousing Thunderbird Sports Roadster. This upholstered
bullet features slip-stream headrests, wire wheels, per
sonal console, and contour-carved bucket seats. You
also get intercontinental ballistic muscle from an extra
40 hp of Thunderbird thunder packed into the new
Sports V-8 engine . . . it’s a stirring propulsion urMtl
See the impressive Sports Roadster, and all aproouci or
the Lively Ones at your Ford Dealer’s „,. the f
liveliest place in townl 'rHfr w^6i55^
If 2 ‘m-M ?? IS
lit - Jf’V ^
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