The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 16, 1962, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Volume 60
Number 117
Senate Hears
Challenge For
New Tradition
Members of the Student Senate
■were ohallenKed Tuesday nijrht to
create a new tradition for A&M—
academic excellence.
The challenge was made by Dr.
C. Harold Brown of the Depart
ment of Agricultural Economics
and Rural Sociology at the Senate’s
annual awards banquet in the As
sembly Room of the Memorial Stu
dent Center'.
By The Associated Press
HONG K O N G—Border area
sources said Tuesday more than
10,000 refugees crossed the fron
tier of this British crown colony
in the last four nights in futile
mass attempts to escape hunger-
ridden Red China.
All but a handful were rounded
tp by Hong Kong police and Brit
ish army troops and returned to
the Communist-dominated main
land. British authorities regard
this colony as too crowded now
with Chinese refugees to let them
Informants on the frontier said
thousands were waiting in the
brush on the China side to make
their attempt under cover of dai’k-
★ ★ ★
JAKARTA, Indonesia — For
eign Minister Subandrio declared
Tuesday night that Indonesia is
ready to go to war with the
Netherlands to gain control over
West New Guinea—at the latest
by the end of 1962.
It was the strongest war talk
by a Cabinet minister in weeks.
Subandrio recently returned
from an arms-buying trip to
He told a meeting of the In
ternational Students’ Union that
if the Dutch want to settle the
dispute by war “then we are
ready for a physical showdown
with an arrogant colonial pow
* * *
BRIGHTON, England—West Eu
rope’s program for its first ven
ture into the space age was the
subject Tuesday of a deepening
split with some influential U.S.
Several U.S. delegates at an 11-
Jiation space conference voiced op
position to a European space ef
fort designed to compete with the
giant U.S. program.
European delegates showed no
signs of speedily abandoning their
independent space aspirations.
WASHINGTON — President
Kennedy ordered 1,800 U.S.
Marines into Thailand at dawn
Thursday (5 p.m. EST Wednes
day) in a 5,000-troop buildup of
U.S. military strength there
aimed at preventing the Com
munists from swallowing up
neighboring Laos.
An advance contingent of Ma
rine A4D and Air Force F100
jet attack planes was dispatched
from the Philippines to Thai
land Tuesday. The Pentagon
said it had no word as to whe
ther they actually arrived on
HARLINGEN — Search plane
crews scanned open country in
Mexico Tuesday for a T29 naviga
tion training plane with nine men
aboard which was believed to be
down somewhere in the area south
west of Mexico.
The plane—from Harlingen Air
Force Base—was missing after a
search for a civilian plane, also
missing in the same g'eneral area.
Flanes were dispatched from the
local base and the Naval Air Sta
tion at Corpus Christi to search
for the missing plane and crew.
Brown commended the senators
for the job they had done during
the school year, and urged them
to use their leadership influence to
promote academic superiority at
A&M. The speaker noted a distinct
upsurge in academic excellence al
ready present on campus, but pro-
posetl a program that would be
less involved and better understood
by the public.
He criticized the tendency many
students have of being satisfied
with C’s, and urged more student
reading and informal discussions.
Brown also advocated better stu
dent-teacher relationships, and
said both “are fighting, but not
against each other. We both should
strive for knowledge, enlightment,
responsibility and ability.
After Brown’s address, keys and
other awards were presented Sen
ate members. Appreciations
Awards were presented Student
Body President Malcolm W. Hall
and Senate advisors W. D. Har
desty and Marsh W. Smith, with
the following senators receiving
John J. Allen, Gary R. Anderson,
John R. Anthis, Cecil D. Bailey,
William T. Barnhart, Charles L.
Blaschke, James W. Carter,
Lawrence C. Christian, James T.
Davis, Joe E. Dawson, Michael C.
Dodge, Lelve ,G. Gayle, Donn Ger
man, Zay W. Gilbi*eath,
Hall, Howard M. Head, Kenneth
G. Joyce, Frank R. Kiolbassa, Joe
W. Lindley, Dennie McIntosh, L.
Gabriel Navar, Larry Phillips,
James E. Ray, Joel Ridout, James
E. Sartain, William B. Snead, Wil
liam K. Stanton, Albert Tijerina,
John S. Waddell, George Wieder-
aenders, Donald E. Willis and Louis
W. Zaeske.
Architects Hold
Annual Student
Awards Dinner
Ralph Rapson, head of the
School of Architecture at the Uni
versity of Minnesota, will be the
guest speaker at the annual archi
tectural awards banquet Wednes
day, William G. Wagner, associate
professor of the Department of
Architecture, announced yesterday.
Beginning at 7:45 p.m. in the
Memorial Student Center, the ban
quet will be held for the presenta
tion of achievement awards to
architectural students in all five
levels of study, Wagner said.
He added that awards will he
presented on the basis of ideas on
design, construction and on over
all excellence. All architectural
students are invited to attend.
Rapson, winner of 10 national
architectural competition awards,
is a registered architect in Massa
chusetts, North Dakota and Min
He is a member of the Ameri
can Institute of Architects. Inter
national Congress of Modern Arch
itecture and is past chairman of
the editorial board of the “North
west Architect.”
Educated at Alma College, the
University of Michigan and Cran-
brook Academy of Art, Rapson has
done architectural work and de
signing on apartment buildings,
churches, private residences, U. S.
Embassy buildings, clinics and
Yarborough Opens
Headquarters Here
Don Yarborough’s campaign
headquarters for this area will
have a formal opening Thursday
at 906 South College. Yarborough,
who is seeking the Democratic
nomination for governor, will have
refreshments served from 4 to 9
Ex Receives
Dr. Roy W. Dugger (right) ’48, receives his
appointment as Director of Manpower De
velopment and Training, a branch of the U.
S. Office of Education, by Dr. Walter M.
Arnold, assistant U. S. Commissioner for
Vocational and Technical Education. Dug
ger received his Bachelor’s Degree here in
1948, and his Master’s in 1950. His new
department is concerned with the problem
of organizing and rehibilating people who
have lost their jobs through automation,
foreign competition and changes in market
Civilian Student Fall Room
Reservations Due By June 2
All A&M students who expect to
live in civilian dormitories in the
coming fall should make their
reservations for these dormitories
before noon, June 2, according to
Harry L. Boyer, housing manager.
Present plans call for the follow
ing dormitories to be used for hous
ing cviilian students in the fall
semester: Milner, Legett, Walton,
Puryear, Mitchell, Hart (Ramps A-
E) and Law (Ramps 1-6).
Students are requested to contact
the housemaster of the dormitory
concerned before noon Saturday,
June 2, and tentatively reserve a
room on his fall roster. Room
reservation cards and a $20 deposit
must be sent to the Fiscal Depart
ment by July 31, 1962 to insure
room priorities.
No room assignments will be
made without the $20 room deposit.
Refunds of the deposit will not be
made unless the room reservation
is canceled and the request for re
fund is made to the housing depart
ment by August 15.
Consideration for priority. on
choice rooms will be given to stu
dent government representatives
and other students actively en
gaged in dormitory affairs if they
make their reservations and send
in their room reservation cards and
deposit before the respective dead
It is anticipated that every dor
mitory will have certain rooms
which will be used for three stu
dents instead of two. All double
court rooms in Milner and Legett
will have four students assigned.
The housemasters will know which
rooms have been designated for
more than two students.
Housemasters and the respective
dormitories which they will be
handling are as follows:
Richard Hall, Hart Hall A-E;
Jesse Rogers, Puryear Hall; Allen
Brecher, Law Hall; Ronald Gard
ner, Mitchell Hall; Jerry Vaughan,
Legett Hall; Max Rhinehart, Mil-
Youths To Lead
City Government
Thursday twelve students from
A&M Consolidated H i g'h School
and thHteen from Stephen F. Aus
tin High School will assume posi
tions in the College Station and
Bryan city governments ranging
from mayor to fire chief.
Sponsored by the area Elks or
ganization, .this will be the second
annual Youth Government Day. A
joint proclamation, signed by May
or Ernest Langford of College Sta
tion and Mayor John R. Naylor of
Bryan, has been issued officially
naming Thursday as Youth Gov
ernment Day.
Consolidated students will fill
the offices of College Station in
cluding mayor, city manager, city
secretary, city attorney, city
judge, police chief and city com
Chosen to represent Consolidat
ed by the student council, those
selected were:
Harris Marshall, mayor; Fur
man Isbell, city manager; Janet
Durst, city seci’etary; George Hen-
sarling, city attorney; Neil Sper
ry, city judge; and Tim Moore,
police chief.
Larry Randolph and Russell
Welch, commissioners from Ward
1; Marcy Goode and John Stark,
commissioners from Ward 2; and
Oran Jones and Rosemary Red
mond, commissioners from Ward 3.
In Bryan, the students were
chosen for their positions by the
school’s principal on basis of all
around scholarship.
Bryan city offices to be filled
are those of the city commission
ers, city manager, city secretary,
city judge, fire chief, city engi
neer, city purchasing agent, parks
and recreation superintendent and
chief of police.
Students filling these positions
Barry Bloodworth, Thomas
Stockton, Charles Sullivan, Jack
Ashcraft and Tim Swarthout as
city commissioners; Robert Ander
son, city manager; and Boyce Oli
ver as city secretary.
Louis Newman, city judge; Pe
ter Dehlinger, fire chief; Martin
Riley, city engineer; John Sandlin,
city purchasing agent; Tom Cham
berlain, parks and recreation su
perintendent; and Jerry Bishop,
chief of police.
ner Hall; James Harrison, East
Walton Hall; and Bill Kirsch, West
Walton Hall.
Any undergraduate student who
wishes to be a day student in the
fall semester and who will not be
living with his wife or parents,
must file a personal application
letter for a day student permit with
the Director of Student Affairs.
The letter of application should
show the student’s classification,
course of study, with whom he will
live and reason he wishes to be a
day student.
Students who go to summer
school must use the same pro
cedure as students who do not go to
summer school in order to insure
obtaining desired rooms in the fall.
Patrick Greene
Is Disqualified
For Veep Post
The Student Senate Tuesday
night affirmed an election commis
sion recommendation and disqual
ified newly elected Senate vice
president Patrick Greene.
Action by • the senators culmin
ated nearly two hours of discus
sion. The senators voted 12 to 11
to disallaw Greene’s ascension to
Two charges had been brought
against Green by his opponents—
one for posting campaign posters
in classroom buildings and the
other for leaving his posters up
for over one day after the May 4
The election commission May 9
convicted Greene of the first
charge, but found him not guilty
of the second accusation. The
Senate did not vote on the separ
ate charges, but merely on a mo
tion whether or not to allow him
to take office.
According to college regulations,
the second-high candidate in the
election will automatically assume
the office. Running second to
Greene was Gregory H. Laughlin,
who received 310 votes, 40 less
than Greene.
Other candidates in the election,
all of whom joined Laughlin in
filing disqualification charges,
were Louis W. Zaeske, Shelburne
J. Veselka and Byrom T. Wehner.
Jark Slated
To Address
New Officers
Lt. Gen. Carl Henry Jark, the
new commanding general of the
Fourth U.S. Army with headquar
ters at Fort Sam Houston, will be
the principal speaker for the
A&M commissioning exercises May
Approximately 208 are scheduled
to receive either Army or Air
Force reserve commissions as sec
ond lieutenants.
May 26 also is the date for grad
uation exercises, with. Dr. Kenneth
Pitzer, president of Rice Univer
sity, as the principal speaker. Ap
proximately 900 students are ex
pected to qualify for degrees at
the bachelors, masters or the doc
torate levels.
Alumni Fund
Drives Started
Over The State
A&M former students are con
ducting Development Fund cam
paigns in more than 300 Texas
cities during the month of May,
according to Frank Harvey of
Wichita Falls, president of the As
sociation of Former Students. Har
vey said that “most of the city
campaigns would be concluded by
May 31.”
The 1962 goal is $500,000, with
$268,000 in unrestricted funds,
Richard (Buck) Weirus, director
of the association development
fund, said. $150,000 of this fund
has been earmarked for the pro
gram of academic excellence,
which includes faculty and staff
salary supplementations, faculty
research projects, graduate fellow
ships and other faculty assistance
“The remainder of the fund will
be used for Opportunity Award
Scholarships, Faculty Achievement
Awards and other worthwhile ob
jectives to support a c a d e m i c
achievement at A&M,” Weirus
In 1957 the Aggies won the $10,-
000 grand prize U. S. Steel Foun
dation Alumni Incentive Award
with nearly 50 per cent of the
alumni participating in the pro
“This year the Aggies should
reach a new all-time high, as more
than 10,000 gifts have already
been received by the college,”
Dick Hervey, executive secretary
of the association, said. He said
that the response thus far indi
cates that “we will reach 75 per
cent participation and set an all-
time record for alumni giving for
a state-supported institution.”
The executive board announced
that a concentrated drive to create
intei'est in corporate aid to the
fund will be launched during the
last six months of 1962.
Solons To Probe
Conference Fixes
In Waco Hearing
BORGER, <A>) — Rep. Charles
Ballman, chairman of the Texas
House general investigating com
mittee, said Tuesday that his com
mittee will hold a hearing Thurs
day in Waco concerning alleged
Southwest Conference “fixes.”
Ballman’s announcement came
after three days of speculation.
Monday facilities in the McLennan
County Courthouse were requested
by the Department of Public Safe
ty, presumably for the hearing.
In an interview with the Borger
News-Herald, Ballman said at least
12 persons have been subpoenaed
for the hearing. Members of the
Department of Public Safety will
also testify.
The legislator said that gam
bling practices in the Waco area
will also be studied by the commit
tee during the hearing.
Gen. Jark, a native of Nebraska,
graduated from the U.S. Military
Academy with the Class of 1929
and was commissioned a second
lieutenant of field artillery.
He was Director of J-3 (Opera
tions) in the Headquarters, Eu
ropean. Command, at the time he
was nominated by President Ken
nedy to become commanding gen
eral of the Fourth U.S. Army, ef
fective this past March 1, with, the
rank of lieutenant general.
Gen. Jark has served at duty
posts and stations in various ai’oas
of this nation, in the Orient and
in Europe during’ his Army career.
He held several assignments dur
ing World War II before moving
into the European Theatre of Op
erations as executive officer of the
63rd Division Artillery.
He was artillery officer of the
Eighth Army in Japan before en
tering the National War College
in August of 1947. He later re
turned to Japan as a staff officer
and in January, 1952, was named
artillery commander of the First
Cavalry Division.
After additional service in the
U.S. and in Germany, he became
the artillery commander and ar
tillery officer of the Seventh U.S.
Army in Germany. From that post
he went to Korea to command the
Seventh Infantry Division.
In November, 1957, he was as
signed to the office of the Sec
retary of Defense as deputy to the
U.S. representative on the Mili
tary Committee and Standing
Group of the North Atlantic Trea
ty Organization.
He became Director of J-3 (Op
erations) of the U.S. Army Eu
ropean Command in December,
1959, serving there until assuming
his present assignment.
Judging Contest
Winners Are Cited
The Saddle and Sirloin Club held
its annual Little Southwestern ani
mal judging contest for students
in the Schools of Agriculture and
Veterinary Medicine Saturday.
Judges for the events were Jim
Daniels of Chappel Hill, horse
judge; Amie Frank Real of Kerr-
ville, sheep judge; James Grote of
Boeme, cattle judge; and Sam
Rabb of Llano, hog judge.
Billy H. Reagor, ’63 from Llano
was selected grand champion show
man. Gayle L. Finch, ’63 from
Bryan, was named champion re
serve showman.
The awards for grand champion
and reserve champion showman are
given on the basis of outstanding
showmanship in all animal divi
sions. Reagor and Finch received
silver engraved platters.
Individual division champions
and reserve champions were also
named. These winners were
awarded trophies.
Former Students
Plan ’62 Directory
All former students of A&M who
want to be included in an up-to-
date entry in the 1962 Directory of
Former Students must return their
questionnaires to the Association
of Former Students by July 2, J. B.
(Dick) Hervey, executive secretary
of the association, has announced.
Publication scheduling makes
this deadline absolutely mandatory,
Hervey said, adding that any
former student needing a copy of
the questionnaire can obtain one by
writing to the Association office.
Nearly 60,000 of A&M’s former
students are expected to be listed
in the directory, which will be dis-
tributed in the fall of 1962 to all
donors to the association’s devel
opment fund.