The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 15, 1962, Image 1

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The Battalion
Volume 60
Number 116
General Moore Award Presented
John F. Imle, ’62 from Sau Antonio, accepts Imle commands Company G-l, which won
the Genera] Moore flag from President Earl the award. (College Information Photo)
Rudder in Parent’s Day ceremonies Sunday.
Sportsmanship Group Asks
For Lower Guest Ducat Cost
Efforts aimed at decreasing- the
tost of guest tickets to Southwest
Confei-ence athletic contests were
initiated at the spring meeting of
the Southwest Conference Sports
manship Committee in Waco Sat-
By The Associated Press
JAKARTA, Indonesia—The man
;ftho failed in the latest attempt
kill President Sukarno was
identified by a Sukarno aide Mon
day as a young member of the
fanatic, Darul Islam sect that
'vants to make this country of 90
million officially a Moslem nation.
Here than 90 per cent of the Indo
nesian people are Moslems.
The assassination attempt—the
fifth against Sukarno in recent
years—occurred during a Moslem
prayer meeting on the lawn of
Sukarno’s palace.
★ ★ ★
ALGIERS, Algeria—Algerian
commandos suddenly dropped
their self-restraint under goad
ing of Secret Army Organization
terrorism Monday and raced
through Algiers in the first ma
jor anti-European rampage since
the March 18 cease-fire.
French authorities said Mos
lem machine-gunners firing from
speeding care killed 18 or more
persons and wounded at least 54,
nearly all of' them Europeans.
Secret army terrorists, fight
ing to keep Algeria French, were
blamed for 10 other deaths, in
cluding three Moslem women.
WASHINGTON — The Supreme
Court upheld criminal convictions
of two widely known labor union
figures, ex-Teamstesr Union Pres
ident Dave Beck and Carpenter’s
Union President Maurice A.
Union President Maurice A.
Appeals by both hinged on the
»tormy 1957-58 hearings by the
Senate rackets investigating sub
committee and their repeated re
fusal to answer questions.
★ ★ ★
Williams, R-Del., said Monday a
Woman employe of the Agricul
ture Department was “railroad
ed to a mental institution for no
feason other than that she knew
too much” about the Billie Sol
Estes case.
Williams made the assertion
in a Senate speech, asserting
that the woman, Miss Mary
Kimbrough Jones, was guilty of
nothing “other than refusing to
cooperate in covering up corrup
tion” in that agency.
Delegates from seven of the
eight SWC schools approved a
plan for each individual school to
send resolutions to the business
manager of the Southwest Confer
ence Athletic Association, asking
for a uniform price of $2 for foot
ball guest tickets.
At most conference schools,
football guest tickets cost $4,
while students from the visiting
school are admitted for $1.
The proposed resolution also
called for a provision permitting
only students to buy the guest
tickets. According to the resolu
tion, guests will also have to be
accompanied by students before
they can be admitted at the re
duced price.
Resolutions from each confer
ence-member school are expected
to reach the SWC business mana
ger by the end of the present
school term, with possible action
hoped for by next fall.
Delegates also discussed the
possibility of informal meetings of
student leaders before each SWC
conference football game next fall.
The plan was approved, with
each school to work out the de
tails for the meetings, probably
to be held on the field immediate
ly prior to game time.
Attending from A&M were
Sheldon Best, ’62-63 student body
president; Bill Brashears, ’62-63
head yell leader; Battalion Editor
Alan Payne; Jim Keller, repre
senting athletics; and Mike Dodge,
representing next fall’s junior
Student Senate
Candidates File
Members of the classes of ’63,
’64 and ’65 will go to the polls
Thursday to elect their respective
Student Senate representatives
and members to the election com
mission. A field of 59 candidates
will provide voters with a surplus
of talent.
Five members from each class
will be chosen to serve on the
election commission. For the se
lection of Student Senate repre
sentatives, the vote will be brok
en down into schools as well as
One student from each of the
three classes will be elected from
the schools of Arts and Sciences,
Engineering, Agriculture and Vet
erinary Medicine.
Those who have filed for posi
tions on the election commission
are: class of ’63—James E. John
son, Bellaire; Joel B. Terrill, San
Angelo; and Chester M. Young-,
Junior class — Sam W. Blasin-
game, Lafayette, La.; David T.
Fowler, Wichita Falls; Russel D.
Jasek, Lake Jackson; James J.
Jenkins, Houston; Alfred F. Mof-
fitt, Sonora; Henry A. Niehaus,
Kerrville; Minor Peeples, Texas
City; and .James H. Echterhoff,
New Orleans, La.
Sophomore class — Lovell W.
Aldrich, San Antonio; Richard M.
Alexander, Ft. Worth; William T.
Bayer, San Antonio; James W.
Blankenship, LaGrange; Allan R.
de Villeneuve, Hurst; Michael L.
Feighny, Borger; Leslie T. Fuchs,
Robstown; James J. Kelly, Abi
lene; Nicholas M. Morrow, Corpus
Christi; Frank M. Muller, Heidel
berg, Germany; Robert M. Nally,
Dallas; William M. Spengler,
Houston; Frank M. Tovey, Hous
ton; Eugene O. Triesch Jr., Blan
co; and Michael I. Wier, Deer
Those in the School of Arts and
Sciences bidding for seats in the
Student Senate are: Senior class
—Herbert C. Gersbach Jr., Brown-
wood; George R. Hoffman, Aus
tin; John J. O’Connor, New York,
N.Y.; and Tony Thomas, Odessa.
Junior class — John J. Rowe,
Ft. Stockton; Charles Ray Gra
ham, Monahans; Shelburne, J.
Veselka, Bellaire; and Jerry D.
Davis, Dallas.
Sophomore class—Paul E. Dur-
renberger, Bellaire; Cecil M.
Bourne, Marquez; Albert Tijerina,
San Angelo; and James M. Rob
erts, San Antonio.
The students filed in the School
of Engineering are: Senior class
—William T. Barnhart, Temple;
and Dan M. Scarborough, San An
tonio. Junior class—Sam W. Blas-
ingame, Lafayette, La.; and Ed
ward W. Collier, Temple. Sopho
more class — William R. Buckel-
lew, Ft. Worth; Richard H. Smith,
Houston; Gary A. Volz, Rockville,
Md.; and Johnny H. Vrzalik,
Filed for election in the School
of Agriculture are: Senior class
—James E. Johnson, Bellaire;
John T. Tibbies, Ranger; and Mel
vin C. Young, Lockhart.
Sophomore class—Robert Palm,
Nacogdoches; Joseph E. Zotz,
Windthorst; and Gilbert E. Kretz-
schmar, Bartlett.
From the School of Veterinary
Medicine those seeking positions
are: Senior class — Malcolm E.
Hickman Jr., Muleshoe. Junior
class — Ralfch D. Loyd, Texar
kana. Sophomore class — Joe T.
McKnight, Longview; Ronald L.
Mull, DeLeon; Steve A. N. Shores,
Irving; and Lelve G. Gayle, Wel
Cadet Corps Awards
Feature Parent’s Day
Ags Take Second
In Annual Rodeo
McNeese State College came
from Lake Charles, La., and took
back many of the top honors and
401 total points in the annual
A&M-NIRA rodeo last weekend.
A&M’s team placed second in
total points with 244, followed by
Sam Houston State with 187.
All-around champion cowboy for
the contest was Wayne Foster of
McNeese. Jeanie Joiner and Kar
en Bland, both of Sam Houston,
tied for all-around cowgirl of the
Honors in the individual events
went to as many people as there
were events, with no person tak
ing two events. Winners and their
colleges were:
Tie-down calf roping — Donas
Mathison of McNeese.
Ribbon roping—Richard Walker
of Southwest Texas Junior Col
lege. 1
Steer wrestling—Chuck Coates
Saddle And Sirloin
Awards Presented
At Annual Banquet
The Department of Animal Hus-
b a n d r y presented, its annual
awards this weekend during the
Saddle and Sirloin Club’s Banquet
and Cattlemen’s Ball.
Jimmie L. King of Monahans
was the winner of two of the top
awards. A senior in animal hus
bandry, King was presented the
Ammie E. Wilson award and the
Roy A. Brewer award.
Another outstanding winner at
the ceremonies was John Kuyken
dall of Cherokee, who was pre
sented the Jack Estes Jr. Award
by Estes, and the Meat Laboratory
Award by Dr. Z. L. Carpenter of
the Department of Animal Hus
Kuykendall won the two honors
for selling more than $1,000 worth
of hams in A&M’s annual Little
Southwestern Livestock and Ham
Show. He is the incoming presi
dent of the Saddle and Sirloin
Club. Kuykendall also was named
its outstanding junior members at
the banquet.
Two honorary members were
named to the club. They were
Hosa Rogers of Sterritt in Ellis
County, prominent Poland-China
hog raiser and past president of
the Texas Swine Breeders Associ
ation, and C. Albert Martin of
Menard, Delaine sheep and Here
ford cattle raiser.
The Block and Bridle Merit Tro
phy Award went to another top
student in the department, Donald
R. jBeerwinkle of Temple. Pre
senting the award was Dr. G. M.
Watkins, A&M’s director of agri
cultural instruction.
Another student from Temple,
C. A. Smith, was presented the T.
D. Tanksley award. The honor
goes to the individual in the Fish-
Sophomore Judging Contest who
has the high score in swine and
pork judging.
In the Fish-Sophomore Judging
Contest, first place among fresh
men went to Franklin Reagor of
Llano, who also was' named the
Saddle and Sirloin Club’s outstand
ing freshman. Smith was selected
as the winning sophomore. Larry
Osbourn of Llano presented the
The club named Steve Hammack
of Ferris as the outstanding soph
omore member.
Jim Brim of Brownwood, out
going president of the club, was
master of ceremonies at the ban
of Sam Houston.
Saddle bronc riding — John
Young of A&M.
Bareback bronc riding — Bobby
Rudasill of A&M.
Bull riding—Wayne Banford of
Girl’s barrel racing — Dianne
Loyd of Kilgore Junior College.
Goat-tying — Jeanie Joiner of
Sam Houston.
As a result of their placings,
two Aggies will travel to Denver,
Colo., in June for the national
NIRA event. Bubba Wingate and
Everett Farthing will represent
A&M in the annual event in the
Bronc riding competition.
Other Aggies placing in the
A&M event were Brazos Varisco,
who was third high in the tie
down calf roping. Lynn Turner
had the second high average in
the tie-down calf roping and third
in one of the bulldogging contests.
Eddie Farris placed fourth high
in the bulldogging and took third
in bull riding.
Keith Kidwell placed third in
the first go-round of the bulldog
ging, and Tom Holidy had fourth
high average in that event. Dick
Withers placed first in one of the
ribbon roping events, and fourth
in the second go-round of the tie
down calf roping.
Tom Foster had a second place
in the bulldogging. Jerry Moore
was second high in the saddle
bronc riding, and Paul Kiker
placed fourth in that event. John
Beal took first in the second go-
round of bulldogging.
Ring Dance Ticket
Sale Deadline Near
Tickets for the annual Senior
Banquet will go off sale at the
cashier’s desk in the Memorial
Student Center Wednesday, ac
cording to John Waddell, presi
dent of the senior class.
Ducats for the Senior Ring
Dance, which will follow the
banquet Saturday night, will be
on sale until 4 p.m. Friday and
at the door.
Ross Volunteers
Name Roger John
New Commander
Roger M. John, ’63 from Hous
ton, Monday was elected command
ing- officer of the Ross Volunteer
Company for the 1962-63 school
John, a cadet master sergeant
on the First Brigade Staff, was
elected in a meeting of company
juniors Monday afternoon.
The company, which serves as
the honor guard for the governor
of Texas, performed for the last
time this year at Parents’ Day
activities Sunday.
Other company officers elected
Monday were:
Charles Nichols of Big Lake,
executive officer; Fred K. Black-
ard of Mount Pleasant, adminis
trative officer; Tom Nelson of
Bryan, first sergeant;
Ray Kappel of New Braunfels,
first platoon leader; Sheldon Best
of Miami, Fla., second platoon
leader; and Windol Weaver of Del
Rio, third platoon leader.
Best was named Sunday as the
best drilled private for the current
G-l Dominates
Outfit Honors
Outstanding cadets and units of the Corps of Cadets
have been honored for their achievements during the 1961-
62 academic year.
Academic standards, military proficiency, leadership and
participation in campus activities were factors taken into
consideration in making the choice. A board of officers from
the School of Military Sciences made the selections.
Chosen as the winner of two awards for an outstanding
cadet unit was Company G-l commanded by Cadet Capt. John
F. Imle Jr., from San Antonio. He personally won the cup
and key presented to the outstanding company commander
in the Corps.
Imle and his unit also re-* —
ceived the General George F.
Moore Trophy for having the
highest overall general rating,
the General Spender J. Buch
anan Award presented to the best
company of engineering students,
and was named as one of the four
best units in the Corps.
Cadet Capt. Don Carrell Ince,
from Rio Yista, commands Squad
ron 13, which won the Houston
Chamber of Commerce Military
Affairs Committee Unit Award.
Ince also accepted the Wolridge
Award, a saber presented annual
ly to the outstanding Air Force
unit, for use by the unit comman
der. Squadron 13 was also chosen
as one of the four best drilled
units in the Corps.
The President’s Award, present
ed annually by President Earl
Rudder to the Battle Group or Air
Force Group with the highest
scholastic standing, was presented
to Cadet Lt. Col. Daniel W. Deu-
pree, from Shreveport, and the
Third Battle Group, Second Bri
The First Brigade Color Guards
were declared winners of the R.
D. Hinton Award to outstanding
color guards. The Cadets are Ca
det Cpl. Gerald W. Syler, from
Sherman, and Cadet Mark L.
Jackson, from Dallas.
The George P. F. Jouine Schol
arship Award, a flag, was pre
sented by the A&M Mothers’ Club
of Houston to Company A, Second
Brigade, as the unit with the high
est scholastic standing. Cadet
Capt. Charles W. McClain Jr.,
Wichita Falls, is the commander.
The A&M Rifle Team command
ed by Cadet 1st. Lt. Benjamin R.
Matula of Sinton, was presented
the Sol Frank Memorial Trophy
in recognition of being the first
(See WINNERS on Page 3)
CSC Presents
’62-63 Awards
At Banquet
Civilian Student Council Presi
dent Doug Schwenk ' was named
the outstanding CSC member at
the council’s eighth annual ban
quet Monday night in the Memo
rial Student Center.
Schwenk, ’62 business adminis
tration major, was presented the
award, a walnut plaque, on the
basis of a secret vote made by the
members of the council. Robert
O. Murray, CSC adviser, made the
Ronald Kleibrink, ’63, received
a plaque as the outstanding Apart
ment Council member for the 1961-
62 school year.
Winner of the annual housing
unit award, also presented by Mur
ray, was Puryear Hall. Allen
Frederick, Puryear dormitory pres
ident, and Chris Galindo, CSC rep-
representative from Puryeai’, ac
cepted the award.
Outstanding service awards pre
sented to CSC members were giv
en to Lelve Gayle, George Black
mon and Frederick Kahn.
Appreciation awards, annually
presented to non-councilmen who
have worked with the CSC, were
given to Charles Dyer, Mike Carlo,
Bill Flynt and Robert Murray.
Eighteen council members re
ceived service keys for their work
on the 1961-62 CSC.
Guest speaker at the banquet
was President Earl Rudder. Rud
der commended the council for its
work and spoke on student life at
U.S. colleges and A&M.
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Young Dancers At Follies
Two youngsters joined several other acts at last weekend’s
Aggie Follies, one of many features during Parent’s Day
Weekend. The youthful dancer is Sharon Kieke, accom
panied on the drums by Bob Johnson. (Photo by Johnny