The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 11, 1962, Image 4
Fajre $ TW!F''' ColTese Station, Texas % Fvidny, May IT, lnr,2 THE BATTAnON f\ JO TJVJVfTVGS mm C 'V-^4 " : < A - ■ A KJ : I v 11 i \ Aggies Drop Title To Texas By JIM BUTLER 'Battalion Ass’t Sports Editor “The Longhorns giveth, and the Longhorns taketh away.” That, short and sweet, tells the story of the 11-10 Aggie defeat that was far from short and sweet. The Aggies started the scoring in the first when Bill Grochett was safe on an error by Bill Bethea, TU shortstop, the first of five charged to him in the game. Bill Hancock then hit the first pitch offered him by Texas start er Charlie Hartenstein far over the 300-foot mark for his thijid homer of the season and second of the series. Texas reciprocated in its half of the first scoring two runs off Aggie starter Johnny Crain on walks to Bethea and Pat Rigby, a single by Ed Kasper and a sacri- first pitch thrown him over the left fice by David Skinner. The Farmers came back with two in the second when Crain reached first on Bethea’s second error, Grochett doubled to center and Frank Stark tripled off the cliff in centerfield. After Ray Hall and Dave John son walked to start the Aggie third, George Hargett beat out an attempted scarifice bunt to load the bases. Crain pumped a single to right driving in Hall and John son and Bethea’s third miscue on Grochett’s ground ball let in the seventh Aggie run. Hall reached first to lead off the A&M fourth when the second ‘Horn hurler Bobby Myer fumbl ed a bunt. Johnson whacked the McAdams. Two outs away. The next batter, Callaway, 15 a haivl grounder to the rifrhtd short and Dave Johnson madei great play to throw him out. On out away. Then, on a clear, hot Texas afte noon, lightning struck. Singley walked Bethea on a 3-! count. Rigby, hitless, in five tip', in the series, doubled deeptoriflt center scoring Bethea. Kaspersitf.' CIVILIANS HEADY FOR 12TH MAN BOWL CHALLENGE . . . competition keen for Friday battle Twelfth Man Bowl Kicks Off, s \s. Civilians At 7:30 Tops Sqd. 1 Class B Title Corpi The 12th Man Bowl, to be held Friday, 7:30 p.m., in Kyle Field, will be a contest between corps and civilian students. Half-time activities are to include a de monstration of precision drill by the Fish Drill Team. Varsity players have been act ing as coaches for the two teams as in past years. Profits from the game will go to the 12th Man Bowl Scholai'ship Fund, said Bill Snead, chairman of the 12th Man Bowl Committee. ' The following is a list of the lineups for the teams. Starting lineups are not at present avail able. COLLEGE MASTER VI6-4988 CROPS CIVILIAN Junior Caraway QB Jim Harrison OB Frank Havnes QB Richard Heinrich QB Terry Wright QB Idis Goddard QB Ronny Earley R. Half Curtis Jung ■R. Half James Emanis R. Half David Lowman R. Half Bob Koeian R. Half John West R. Half Mike Fourtico' FB B. L. Paulson FB Britt Jenkins FB Glyn Sistrunk FB Kenneth Bush FB Jim Ellinger FB Harry Mitchell L. Half Phil Carnes L. Half Bryan Grammer L. Hafl Allan Reegal L. Half Glenn Schmidt C Vic Lissiak L. Half Alex Cortese C Don Morris C Carl Symm C F. R. Fisher C Charles Hammonds Guard Santiaga Olvera c Don K. Smith Guard James Hansard Guard Jerome Rektorik Guard J. E. Marshalla Guard Harold Smith Guard Mike Leach Guard Jim Wright Guard Alvis Reaves Guard “Rusty” Dunn Guard Mike Simpson Guard Jack Orts Tackle Bob Richey Tackle Butch Johnson Tackle Glen Collins Tackle Bob Adams Tackle Marvin Graham Tackle Dannie Smith Tackle W. H. Evans Tackle Bob Collins Tackle Howard Barganier Tackle Britt Bell End Bill Telford Tackle Alton Thompson End Gene Taylor End Mac McDowell End Jimmy Kenton A1 Hoyt End End George Henry End Bill McGonagle End 1 Wayne Kieschnick End Tommy Parrish End Thursday night the largest at tendance for a freshman softball game saw G-2 take the Class B softball championship from Sqd. 1 by a score of 8-2. , Taking the lead in the first inn ing, G-2 scored two mms on two errors. Coming to a bat, Sqd. 1 put one man on, but G-2 quickly retired the side with three strike outs. Going into the bottom of the third, G-2 with a man on second hit a long drive into left field and scored another run. On an infield error the runner at third came in. Two hits over third brought in another run aS G-2 continued to in crease their lead. Downing Sqd. 1 with runs in the top of the fourth, G-2 came to hat. EAGLES RETURN FULFORD, B. C. UP>—Bird watchers report the bald eagle population appears to be growing around this Salt Spring Island community. They are feeding on a plentiful fish population and leaving available ducks alone. BATTALION CLASSIFIED FOR SALE ( 1953 !Ford station wagon V8, power steer ing. automatic transmission, radio, heater. New tires, motor like new. bargain priced for cash sale. Donaldson, VI 6-5151. 116tl Senior hoots, size 10’/i-ll, 15" calf; new Serge : boot pants, 32" waist; blouse : pinks, size ; «2-35. Dorm 3, Room 401 or 428 after 5 p. m. 115t2 Golden blonde female Pekingese, VI 6- 49. 115t3 New Dynakit Stereo Preamp < factory Sealed carton), $50.00. Call VI 6-8614. Mercury outboard motor, 40HP, electric starter complete with controls, $295.00. Ajrgieland Service Station, East Gate, VI 6- 7212. 114t3 1960 Fiat 600, excellent Condition, 17,000 *nsel llStfn excel miles, bargain priced. See at X-4-G Hensel after 6. RCA Arthophonic Hi Fidelity console, $76.00 or trade for console TV. Call VI 6- 8246 or VI 6-4614. 113t3 Car air conditioner, slightly used, $75.00. Too small for my station wagon. Removed p,nd plugged by professional. Call VI 6- 6179. 112t4 — condition. 913 Fairview. television. good lllt5 Set of encyclopedia Americana.Jaest bind ing, $150.00. VI 6-8696. llOtfn Kinmore wringer washer, $20.00. 503-A Culpepper after 6. 109tfn 1952 TD MG (classic), new tires, top, tunnel cover, paint, carpet. Completely overhauled. VI 6-5672. 106tfn TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 COLLEGE MASTER VI6-4988 AGGIES NOTICE SAE 30 Motor Oils 15* Qt. Major Brand Oils 27-31^ Qt. For your parts and accessories AT a DISCOUNT See us— Plenty free parking opposite the courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Brake shoes, Fuel pumps. Water pumps. Generators, Starters, Solenoids, etc. Save 30 to 50% on just about any part for your car. Filters 40% discount AT JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington CHILD CARE Experienced personal care for children, ard, near campus. large fenced yar r cl VI 6-4020. 112t4 Will keep children, all ages, will pick up and deliver. VI 6-8151. llltfn Will keep infant child or children In my home. Contact TA 3-5129. 106tfn WORK WANTED Dependable lady will babysit, do house work, Monday through Friday. -Worked for students eight years. Call after 6 p. m., TA 3-3932. 115t2 Typing - electric typewriter. Experience: Secretary, business teacher. VI 6-8610. 8Btfn HELP WANTED Wanted white lady for night shift, Tnstee Freez, 103 Hiway 6 North, College Station, VI 6-4827. 115t5 RN’s and LVN’s Mom 4211. needed. Goodnight orial Hospital, Caldwell, Texas, LO 7- FEMALE HELP WANTED Waitress wanted. Experience not neces- ist b ing 3606 South College. wa iry, must be over 18 years of agi r orking conditions. Triangle Rest good aurant, 08tfn LOST Dark brown briefcase, lost in dressing of Coliseum, Wednesday, May 9, room of Coliseum, Wednesday. May 9, reward. Contact 8-121 or Box 5474. 114t2 COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 DR. G. A. SMITH 2 O P T O M E T R I S T SPECIALIZING In EYE EXAMINATIONS and CONTACT LENSES 5 1 ONS BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC 105 No.. MAIN . BRYAN, TEXAS YOUR DISTRIBUTOR FOR » EICO KITS \ 3 Garrard Changers 3 HI-FI Components 3 Tape Recorders Use Our Time Payment Plan BRYAN RADIO & TV TA 2-4862 1301 S. College Ave. FOR RENT BOO North Main, College Station, lovely three room apartment, cooling fan, modi furniture, private entrance. VI 6-5544. modern 544. 113tfn 500 North Main, College Station, large cool bedroom, private entrance, private bath. VI 6-5544. llStfn Unfurnished one bedroom apartment, 4405 College Main, VI 6-5334. 112t4 New two bedroom unfurnished house, 111 Meadowland, VI 6-5334. 112t4 One way trailers, leave it where you go. ing a trailer am th you when you get where yoi going. See Baker Tire Co., TA 2-8159. by renting ture with : Rent it here and you go. You save money a trailer and have your furni- you when you get when u’re 112tl2 Clean furnished apartment, utilities paid, garage, available May 15, couple only, 104 Gilchrist, VI 6-4657 or VI 6-4531. llOtfn COLLEGE HILLS, across from A&M Golf Course, four room apartment, ideal for bachelors, nicely furnished, ample nditiom for bachelors, nicely furnished, amp closet space, air conditioner in bedrooi optional, adults only, $60.00 utilities paid. VI 6-5031 after 6, all day weekends. lOOtfn SPECIAL NOTICE SUL ROSS LODGE, NO. 1300, AF&AM. Called meeting Tuesday, May 15 at 7 p. m. Official visit of District Deputy Grand Master. All Master Masons are especially invited to attend. Truman Jones, WM Joe Woolket, Sec. 115t2 Electrolux sales and Williams. TA 3-5831. service. G. C, 90tfn Pish and picnic Miles on Hwy 6 south of id ovens, clea »nd ovens. ean p sou lae at Hilltop Lake, Colli 9% lege. Tables 69tfn NOTICE ELECTROLUX SALES SERVICE & SUPPLIES By Authorized Dealer 1003 S. College Ave, Bryan, Tex. TA 2-4143 • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES m BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floor to arrivi ions YMCA» VI 6-6415. hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the m. of the day preceding rector of Student Publica- ondnv through 1 >adline of 1 p. publication — Dir tions. All student visors (this t organization leaders and ad- includes Military Units in the Cadet Corps, Hometown Clubs, and Techni cal Clubs t please come by the Student Finance Center, Memorial Student Center ance file a new signature card of newly th< of semester of 1962, the finance officer for a new signature earn of nc elected officers for the fall of 1962. If you fear 1 ’ iU - fall do not elect new officers until the each organization must make arrangements for an individual to legally handle funds for the organization during the summer months. Please take care of this by May 25. MSC-Student Finance Center 112tl2 Regalia For The May Commencement he May Exercis, All students who are candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are re quired to order hoods as well as the doctor’s cap and gown. The hoods are to be left at the Registrar’s Office no later than (this 1:00 p. m., Tuesday, May 22 (this will be accomplished by a representative of the College Exchange Store). The Ph.D. hoods will not be worn in the procession the procession since all such candidates will be hooded t of degri Veterinary Medicine will wear the doctor’s on tb Ca he stag, ndidat® e as a foi wi , part of the ceremonies, the degree of Doctor of tioodi ionic cap, gown and hood appropriate to this degree. Candidates for the Master’s Degree will F .r. M F-. HA r^r.4-rf-v ***<-• *** »» »-» /I . j\^ | 2 •ar cap and gown. KOTU students who are candidates for the Bachelor’s Degree will wear the Class “A” cadet uniform in lieu of academic regalia. Senior boots are optional with the uniform. Rental of caps and gowns may he rranged with the H arranged with the Exchange Store. Orders may be placed between 8 :00 a. m. Tuesday, May 1 and 12:00 noon Saturday, May 19. May 1 and 12noon Saturday, May The rental is as follows: Doctor’s cap and gown $5.25, Master’s cap and gown $4.75, Bachelor’s cap and gown $4.25. Hood is KOV hat C. E. Tishler, Chairman Convocations Committee 108tl6 HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donuts ANYWHERE Hambnrg’ers — Short Orders — Fountain Service 9m Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules, & Etc. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS A walk and a hit to loftfiold put two men on. An infield hit scor ed one run and on a scarifice to first another run crossed the plate. Maintaining their seven run lead through the fifth inning, G-2 picked up another run in the bot- top of the sixth. Sqd. Us effort to rally in the top of the seventh proved worth while as they scored two runs on two hits. But as Sqd. 1 was think ing about scoring runs, G-2 was thinking about that last out and they got it as a high fly was caught by the second baseman ending the game and giving them the Corps championship. Ray Hill- enburg, Jerry Whitaker, Bill Davis, Willie Haisler, Tom Arnold, Bob Howard, Buddy Almond, Don Vick and Billy Hartman are the winning players for G-2. field fence to account for two more runs and the Ags led 9-2. Texas made the score 9-3 on a walk to Bethea and a double by Kasper in the seventh. The bottom fell out for the Ca- , dets in the eighth. Crain departed after walking Brazleton and serving a home run ball to Steer first-sacker Bnddv New. Kenny Floyd succeeded Crain and managed to retire two of led to short bringing in Riih ^ eight batters before giving way Skinner grounded to short—Ail to Wednesday’s starter Ed Sing- 10, Texas 10. - ; j _ Hall walked in the tenth ml Singley struck out New to end 1 was scarificed to second by Job the inning. A&M 9, Texas 8. son. Hargett fouled out to firs! George Hargett started off the Puckett was intentionally walW Aggie ninth with a sham single to 1° P 11 * two men on with two om left. After getting Puckett to But the bid was cut short as Sif strike out and Singlev to pon to Icy forced Puckett at second, the catcher, David Nunnenkamp The first Steer hatter in threw an inside fast hall that ' th grounded to Grochett at Grochett lined to center for n i The second ‘Horn popped out double scoring Hargett from first. Stark at first. Then New lii Hancock walked sending Nunnen- a double to right center M ij kamp to the showers and bringing pressure mounted and the Agp on Bobby Callaway. Callaway rol B<l f , ‘ < ‘l the title slipping walked Frank Stark to load the Then amid 4,000 screaminpfas m McAdams his the inning — sixth time, to end ! terrace in right to end the gam A&M 10, Texas 8. the series, and the season jfi Only three outs away from the | J?ame. heartbroken Aggie te Southw’est Conference Champion- | A&M 10, Texas 11. ship, the Aggies took the field in the ninth. Singley retired the first hitter London on a fly to right fielder COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 AGGIES ... DON’T DELAY! Order Your Boots Now For Future Delivery - Small Payment Will Do YOUR ROOTS MADE TO ORDER Convenient Lay-Away Plan ONLY $55.00 A PAIR Economy Shoe Repair & Boot Co. 509 W. Commerce, San Antonio CA 3-0047 Check your opinions against L s M’s Campus Opinion Poll 22 Effo cost of Confer nitiate the So manshi O Should we maintain our part in the nuclear arms race? m : : :y-. : : O Ves 0 How do you feel about fraternities? □ No 0 What would convince you to switch to a different cigarette? JAK. I’hn f{ kill identifi day as fanatic Kants million We t! |esian The fifth £ years— prayer Sukarn □ Like ’em □ Don’t like ’em □ Can take ’em or leave ’em If ii:- Get Lots IIore from III .1 , L&M gives you MORE BODY in the blend, MORE FLAVOR in the smoke, MORE TASTE through the filter. It's the rich-flavor leaf that does it! HERE’S HOW MEN AND WOMEN AT 56 COLLEGES VOTED: %sr- %0Z"" %99 - '" %9I'" %LZ"' %89"' sjsajijoo _ spv 0 %Z£’” '%LZ'” J0 LU8, 0)|B| a %sr’' %zr' ’"UJ8, 8)j!| } ( U0Q %8r" %L9 wa, m %8r"%er %28 - "’%Z8' N3W0M N3W ° N 0 S91 V L&M’s the filter cigarette for people who really like to smoke • . vv^. •• t ^... .•./> , i AL( comm; their ing of terror throng jor an the M Frei lem m speedi Persor nearly Seci >ng to blamei cludin Was Court °f two figures 'dent I Cnion Cnion Hutche Appe stormy Senate 'otnmit fdsal t wa ^ illia n'oma ture ] ed to feasoi too g Estes Wil in a that Kimb nothii coope tion”