The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 11, 1962, Image 1
% U)[ le, SWC land as Volume 60 5 Ic 0 c 3c 9c Jc C C c c I Winners Named In Graphics Contest Winners in the 1902 Engineer ing Graphics Contest have been named. First place in the working draw ing category went to Lyman J. Hardeman of College Station, ma joring- in electrical engineering. Second and third places were won by Donald E. Fuseh, business administration major, and Stewart Wire Review By The Associated Press WORLD NEWS SAIGON, South Viet Nam- Communist gunfire has wounded two American fliers and hit four U. S. Army and Marine helicopters as Denfense Secretary Robert S. McNamara toured South Viet Nam’s spl’awling guerrilla war Zones. American helicopter crews ran into their toughest Communist re sistance yet as they carried out (support missions and airlifted Vietnamese infantrymen into bat tle Wednesday and Thursday. ★ ★ ★ MOSCOW — Premier Khruch- chfev claimed Thursday no Ameri can rockets had ever hit the moon. The Soviet premier did not men tion by name Ranger IV which the United States announced hit the far side of the moon April 26. But he said: “The Americans have tried several times to hit the moon with their rockets. They have proclaimed for all the world to .hear that they had. launched rockets ' to 'the moon, but they missed every time.” U. S. NEWS CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — An attempt to launch the world’s first mapmaking satellite, a flash ing-light sphere named ANNA, failed Thursday when the second stage of the booster rocket did not ignite. Project officials said a second ANNA satellite is nearly ready for launching and they hope to send it aloft within a few months. Only two satellites were approv ed in a modest program to test the feasibility of using orbiting vehi cles as points of reference in space to help map the earth more pre cisely. TEXAS NEWS DALLAS — An airman from Fort Worth robbed a suburban Dal las bank of $9,337 Thursday and Was arrested within, an hour through the quick thinking of a newsman. Police identified the man as Wil liam Luther Brown, 33, crewcut airman from Carswell Air Force Base, who was to be married Fri day night. He used the car of his fiancee’s father in the clumsy holdup ef fort. F. McAdoo Jr., aeronautical engi neering major, both of Houston. T. M. Matthews of Luling, a ci vil engineering student, took first in descriptive geometry problems. Michael I. Wier of Deer Park, elec trical engineering, won second, and Glenn Bryson of Hurst, chemical engineering, was third. First place in lettering went to David C. Slaughter of Hobbs, N.M., an aeronautical engineering stu dent. E. P. Eaton-Jr. of Abing- ton, Mass., mechanical engineer ing, was second, and J. L. Ingram of Odessa, civil engineering, took third. In the freehand drawing cate gory, first place was won by R. A. Hood of Houston, majoring in electrical engineering; second to Forrest Norman of Tyler, indus trial education; and third to Wil son Smith of Brownwood, indus trial technology. Drawing sets, drafting ma chines, pen sets, slide rules and lettering sets were provided as prizes by the Gramercy Guild Group, Eugene Dietzgen Company, Frederick Post Company, The Ex change Store, and the Keuffel and Esser Company of Texas. The contest was sponsored by the Department of Engineering Drawing. W. E. Street, head of the de partment, presided at the contest awards session, and T. R. Spence, A&M System engineer, gave the main address. Samuel L. Cleland, professor of engineering graphics, presented the awards. Ring Dance Ticket Sale Ends May 18 Tickets for the annual Ring Dance will be available at the cash ier’s desk in the Memorial Student Center through next Friday from 9-4, according to John Waddell, president of the senior class. After Friday, tickets must be purchased at the door. The Senior Banquet will be held May-19 in Duncan Dining Hall in the southwest wing. Tickets for the banquet are 1.50 each, and go off sale Wednesday at the cashier's desk in the MSC. Corps members should wear class A uniforms, and civilians may wear dark suits or tuxedos. The Ring Dance begins at 8 p.m. in the main dining room of Sbisa Dining Hall. Tickets for the dance are $4.75 per couple. Pic tures will be $2.75 for two prints, and extra prints are available for 75 cents each. Students must buy tickets to get pictures taken, and the prints will be available by May 24 at the cashier’s window in the MSC. The orchestra for the dance will be Billy May’s. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1962 Number 115 Flower Ceremony, Awards Top Weekend’s Activities 211 CONTRIBUTE "62 Blood Drive Donations Ended The annual Aggie Blood Drive ended Thursday with a collection of 211 pints of blood to be put into the blood bank. This repre sents the largest amount of blood to be collected in recent years and compares favorably to the total of 172 pints which was collected last year, according to Johnny Anthis, chairman of the Student Senate student welfare committee. With the conclusion of this year’s drive, the student blood bank, which is being established this year for the first time, will become a reality. one • year period will be given to leukemia victims and used for re search. Research scientists from the Wadley Center study blood dis eases of all types with major in terest placed on blood cancer, hemoplilia and various anemias. The center exists solely from gifts, research grants and services rend ered. Supervising the collection of blood in this year’s drive, which was held in the lower level of the Memorial Student Center, were nurses from the Wadley Center. Under this program all donors and their immediate families will be able to draw blood from any where in the United States through the auspices of the Wadley Re search Center, which will replace any blood taken from another bank. Nondonors may also receive blood from the student blood bank upon approval of the student welfare committee. Student who donated their blood in this year’s drive should receive their blood type cards from the Wadley Research Center in about two weeks. The research center will now be in charge of storing the blood and holding it for future use. All blood which is not used by the stu dent blood bank at the end of a Liebhafsky Plans Research On Labor Required In South Dr. E. E. Liebhafsky, professor of economics at A&M, has accepted a two-year appointment as visiting professor at North Carolina State College, beginning June 6. He will participate in a study on “Economic Development and Manpower Requirements of the South,” sponsored by the Twentieth Century Fund. Liebhafsky will be responsible for projecting the labor force and manpower requirements in the 13 southern states to 1975. The Twentieth Century Fund project, under the direction of James G. Maddox, associate direc tor of the Agricultural Policy In stitute at North Carolina State College, will focus attention on questions of economic development and utilization of manpower in the south because that region is still substantially below national levels in average income and output. Aim of the study will be to evalu ate basic changes taking place in the regional economy of the South and to estimate the extent to which future economic development will depend upon full utilization of all manpower, with particular refer ence to the Negro population of the South. Liebhafsky has been on the A&M faculty since 1956. He has also served on the faculties of Penn sylvania State University and Western Reserve University. He served on the staff of the Region X Wage Stabilization Board during the Korean emergency. In the sum mer of 1961, Liebhafsky served with the Bureau of Employment Security, U. S. Department of La bor, in Washington, D. C. Liebhafsky received his doctorate from the University of Illinois in 1950. His field of specialization is labor economics. He is a member of Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Gamma Mu and Omicron Delta Gamma. 9 Equipment Due Here Sunday An Honest John rocket and a number of other pieces of Army combat equipment from Fort Hood will be on display here Sunday, as Ai’med Forces Week opens. The display is scheduled to ar rive in time for viewing by per sons attending the Corps Reviejv scheduled shortly after 9 a.m., and will be left in place on the street between the Coke Building and the Main Drill Field until 2 p.m. An Air Force flyover of planes during the review also is planned as part of the local observance of Armed Forces Week. Serving as local project officer for Armed Forces Week observ ance is Col. Frank L. Elder, pro fessor of Military Sciences and Tactics. The display planned here will in clude, in addition to the 12-foot Honest John rocket, such items as an air surveillance drone, in fantry weapons and radio equip ment. Lt. Col. T. A. Hotchkiss, operations officer of the Depaif- ment of Military Science said, Provence To Speak At Journalism Fete Harry Provence, a Waco news paper executive, will be the princi pal speaker at the A&M Journal ism Awards banquet here Saturday. The event will be held at 7:30 p. m. at El Chapultepec Restaurant. Provence, editor-in-chief of News papers Inc. of Waco since 1954, will discuss “Profession: Jour nalism.” A graduate of Baylor University, Provence joined the Waco News- Tribune and Times-Herald staff in 1937 and assumed duties as editor in 1951. Active in professional newspaper organizations, Provence is a mem ber of the Century Council. At the banquet, five awards and four scholarships will be presented to outstanding journalism students in the department. The honors include awards by the faculty for scholastic achievement, Wall Street Journal student achievement, Sigma Delta Chi’s outstanding graduate, junior and sophomore students. Scholarships will be given by the Texas Gulf Coast Press Associa tion and Wildlife Institute. Two grants will be presented to students majoring in agricultural jour nalism. Attending the banquet will be students and wives or dates, mem bers of the faculty, administration and news media repi’esentatives. MRS. LOTTIE NEUMANN . . . Aggie Mother of the Year CSC Names Members For ’62-63 Year The Civilian Student Council an nounced Thursday night the re sults of the election of members to the 1962-63 CSC. A total of 17 students were selected to posi tions on next year’s council. The new representatives are Don N. Packer, day student represen tative; Charles Dyer, day student representative; Rex Bunkley, soph omore representative; David John son, junior representative; Gary L. Zizenbach, graduate represen tative; and Charles Cockrell, sen ior representative. New members selected from the civilan dorm and housing areas include Frank Sruban, College View; Jerry Bell, College View; Gerald Gray, Project Housing; Richard Moore, Walton; Rob Ritch ey, Milner, Dale Atkinson, Hensel Apartments; Ronald Reel, Hart, Victor Kornick, Leggett; Mike Va- lek, Puryear; Bryan Ralph, Mitch ell; and Jeff Harp, Law. Remaining members to next year’s council will be elected in the fall. The CSC also issued the seating arrangements for the 12th Man Bowl at Thursday’s meeting. Ac cording to President Doug Schwenk, the seating area for all corps students will be located on the south end of the west side of Kyle Field. Civilian students will be seated in the north end of the west side of Kyle Field. The Aggie Band will be seated on the east side of Kyle Field and will be representing both civilian and corps students. Review To Honor Mother Of Year By T. S. HARROVER Battalion Staff Writer Preparations entered the final stages this week for the upcoming Parents’ Day weekend. Visitors expected to num ber in the thousands will converge on the campus from all parts of the United States and from various other countries to watch as the Corps’ outstanding cadets and units receive honors and awards. Included in the weekend activities are the National Inter collegiate Rodeo in the College Rodeo Arena Thursday, Friday and Saturday ; the Aggie Follies production in Guion Hall Fri day and Saturday, and the Mothers’ Sweetheart Dance Sat urday at 9 p. m. in Sbisa Hall. Schedule of events for the Parents’ Day Ceremonies, Sun day, calls for the Flower Pin ning Ceremony in the cadet dormitory area at 8 a. m. con ducted by unit commanders and their mothers or dates, and presentation of best drilled sophomore and freshman awards. Also at this time, the units will present their commanders with appreciation awards. Commanders will receive “Commander’s Keys” from their tactical officer in this ceremony. At 8:50, the 'Corps will assemble for a review honoring Mrs. Lottie Neumann, Aggie Mother of the year, and the presentation of unit and individual awards on the main drill field. Outstanding cadets in each class will receive awards from various groups and organizations. The outstanding first class cadet will receive the Albert Sidney Johnston Saber, presented by the United Daughters of the Con federacy. The outstanding second class ca det will receive the Caldwell Trophy, a watch, presented annual ly by the Caldwell Jewelry Store, Bryan. The outstanding third classman will receive the Federated A&M Mothers’ Clubs of Texas Award, a bronze cup and key. The outstanding fourth classman will receive the Outstanding Fresh man Cadet Award, a medal, pre sented by Col. Joe E. Davis, com mandant of cadets. Among the many other awards to be given to outstanding individ uals and units of the Corps are the General George F. Moore Trophy, the President’s Award and the N. S. Meyer-Raeburn Founda tion Award. The Gen. Moore Award, a flag, plaque, citation cords and gold keys for the unit officers, is given an nually to the cadet organization having the highest overall general rating, based on academic and mili tary proficiency, intramurals and extracurricular activities. The President’s Flag is presented annually by the college president to the Battle Group or Group with (See WEEKEND On Page 3) Follies Features Nine Attractions The Aggie Follies, ’62, will offer Betty Moore, a dance instructor from College Station in an exotic dance as one of the many added atti-actions that will be presented at the Follies Friday and Satur day at 7:30 p.m. in Guion Hall. Admission is 75 cents. Other atti’actions will include the Jazz Boys, a vaudeville duo, Hugh Majors and his Jug Blow ers, the Galindas, hill-billies, spirit- utl singers, a male quartet, tumbl ers, acrobats and the “Artists.” The feature attraction will be an original melodrama written es pecially for the Follies, entitled “Twillie’s Little Arce.” Written by the Aggie Players ★ ★ ★ Weekend Schedule FRIDAY 7:30 p. m. 12th Man Bowl Game in Kyle Field, Aggie Follies in Guion Hall. 8 p. m. Rodeo in the Rodeo Arena. SATURDAY 8:40 a. m. A&M Mothers’ Club Coffee in the MSC. 9 a. m. A&M Mothers’ Club an nual meeting in the MSC. 12.30 p. m. Ham Show and Auc tion in the A. I. Bldg. 2 p. m. Livestock Show in the Animal Husbandry Pavilion. 5:30 - 7:30 p. m. Smorgasbord in the MSC Dining Room. 7:30 p. m. Aggies Follies in Guion Hall. 8:30 p. m. Rodeo in the Rodeo Arena. 9 p. m. Mothers’ Sweetheart Dance in the MSC Ballroom. SUNDAY 8 a. m. Flower Pinning Ceremony for Corps of Cadets in front of dormitories. 9 a. m. Corps Review in the main drill field. 10:40 a. m. Precision drill demon stration on the main drill field by the Freshman Drill Team. 11 a. m. Parents’ Day program in Guion Hall. 12:30 p. m. Mothers’ Day dinner in the Dining Halls. 2 p. m. Special drill by the Ross Volunteers on the main drill field. 4 p. m. Sky-diving exhibition on the Civil Engineering field by the A&M Parachute Club. especially for the Guion stage, “Twillie’s Little Acre” will unfold in this manner: young, sweet, in nocent Fluffie Truesome goes to the big city. There she meets good- looking, evil Vilgard, who asks her to marry him. Bill Hite will star in the lead as Twillie, who is a helper on the small farm and the hero of the play. Ruth Simmons will play the heroine, Fluffie Truesome, the young farm girl; Brit Jones is cast as Fluffie’s widowed mother; Richard Metz will be the villian, Dan Vilgard; Regie Lundergan is Vilgard’s wife, Flossie Fluss; and Jan Jones will play Arch Home stead, who holds the deed to the Truesome farm. BETTY MOORE Follies’ exotic dancer