ig Eco Award Winners Honored I Robei-t Edmund Roberts of Kerrville, senior in the Depart ment of Agricultural Economics and Sociology, has been named winner of the J. Wheeler Barger Award. Pie received the honor during the Department of Agricultural Economics’ annual Spring Round up and Awards Night. Dr. Tyrus R. Timm, head of the department, made the presentation. The award is made possible by former students who have estab lished a fund in memory of Bar ker, a pi'ofessor in the Depart ment of Agricultural Economics and Sociology for 26 yeai-s. Roberts was presented a cer tificate and his name will be placed on a permanent plaque in the department. He is a member of Sigma Delta Chi, Pi Kappa Phi and the Lions International. Other awards and recipients at the roundup were: Branson award to Thomas Yale Swafford of Wharton, the student who made the most paper profit in futures trading in the course “Ag ricultural Prices.” Swafford set a new record with a “profit” of $1,729 by trading in lard futures. Freshman Student Award to Benjamin Daniel Olivarez of Mis sion. The award is made by the Agricultural Economics Club to its top freshman member. Sophomore Student Award to Robert Nicholas McGuire Jr. of Deerfield, 111., by the Agricultural Economics Club. Wall Street Joui-nal Student Achievement Award to Zay W. Gilbreath of Dimmitt, selected on the basis of scholastic perform ance, leadership, character, per sonality and activities. He received a year’s subscrip tion to the Wall Street Journal, and his name was added to a per manent plaque in the department. Banker’s School Award to John Tom Tibbels of Ranger. The award is a SI 00 scholarship sup ported by the Texas Farm and Ranch Credit School for Commer cial Bankers. The award is based on outstanding scholastic attain ment, character, personality and leadership qualities. Senior Sociology Award to James S. Hollingsworth of Barry. The award is made by the A&M sociology staff to the senior who achieves the highest academic rec ord and demonstrates active lead ership in human relations. Junior Sociology Award to James Earl Johnson of Bellaire. The award is made on the same basis as the Senior Sociology Award. Department Heads’ Award to William H. Harrison Jr. of Alley- ton. The award goes each year to the senior student showing the greatest academic improvement and professional development dur ing the junior and senior year. THE BATTALION JTmrs^ay, Hay Yff, 1903 College Station;, Tex or} rag??! AMONG THE PROFS Zingaro, Isbell Get AEG Uranium Research Grant ROBERTS RECEIVES AWARD FROM DR. TIMM ... senior wins J. Wheeler Barger Award Have Radio-Will Send Messages The Memorial Student Center Amateur Radio Committee is car rying on its message service the rest of this semester free of charge to the students. Frank Stewart, chairman, said Aggies wishing to send messages should fill out the form at the table located in the MSC Breeze way according to the instructions there. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES 14 per wordl Minir ... 84 per word fl additional day mom charge—404 DEADLINE re pat Ctaseified Display 804 per colamn inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6418 FOR SALE New Dynakit Stereo Preamp (factory Sealed carton), $50.00. Call VI 6-8614. 114t3 Mercury outboard motor, 40HP, electric starter complete with controls, $295.00. An-urieland Service Station, East Gate, VI 6- 7212. 114t3 1960 Fiat 600, excellent condition, 17,000 miles bargain priced. See at X-4-G Hensel after 6. 113tfn RCA Arthophonio Hi Fidelity console, $75.00 or trade for console TV. Call VI 6- 8246 or VI 6-4614. 113t3 Car air conditioner, slightly used. $75.00. station wag ami plugged by professional. Call VI 6- 6179. 112t4 sma plu ‘U. •DIU.UW. Removed Used 21 inch console television, good condition. 913 Fairview. lilts Set of encyclopedia Americana, best bind ing, $150.00. VI 6-8696. }10tfn Kinmore wringer -washer, $20.00. 503-A Culpepper after 6. 109tfn 1952 TD MG (classic), new tires, top. tunnel rover, paint, carpet. Completelv overhauled. VI 6-6672. 106tfn HELP WANTED CENTENNIAL — PART TIME need assistant for Centennial edition. Students ok. Must know typing, other general duties. Cnr helpful hut. not neces sary. $1.25 per hour. Aoply between 6 and 7 p. m. weekdays at Eagle Office. Mrs. Carmean. 112t4 RN’s and LVN’s needed. Goodnight Memorial Hospital, Caldwell, Texas, LO 7- 4211. 112t4 LOST Dark brown briefcase, lost in dressing room of Coliseum. Wednesday. May 9, reward. Contact 8-121 or Box 5474. 11412 SPECIAL NOTICE Electrolux sales and service. G. C- Williams, TA 3-5331. 90tfn Fish and picnic at Hilltop Lake. 9% iles on Hwy 6 south of College. Tables id ovens, clean place. 69tfn HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S KADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 CHILD CARE FIRST GRADE — If your child will be six after September 1, register him now for private 1st grade. Limited enrollment. Bryan Schools. Also kindergarten and Separation for A&M Consolidated and year round nursery. Collier’s Mother Goose School, 501 Restwood, TA 2-8760. 110t7 nes Bridge Road, VI 6-4909. Will keep infant child or my home. Contact TA 3-5129. children in XOGtfn FOR RENT 500 North Main, College Station, lovely three room apartment, cooling fan, modern furniture, private entrance. VI 6-5544. 500 North Main, College Station, large cool bedroom, private entrance, private hath. VI 6-5544.' 113tfn Unfurnished pne bedroom apartment. 4405 College Main, VI 6-5334. 112t4 New two bedroom unfurnished house. Ill Meadowland, VI 6-5334. IIUUSC, 112t4 One ^ay leave it wh by renting e with ; trailers, ere you ailoi Rent it here and go. You save money and have your furni ture with you when you get where you’re going. See Baker Tire Co., TA 2-8159. Clean furnished apartment, utilities paid, gornge, available May 15, couple only. 104 Gilchrist, VI 6-4657 or VI 6-4531. ly. 104 llOtfn COLLEGE HILLS, across from A&M Golf Course, four room apartment, ideal for bachelors, nicely furnished, ample closet space, air conditioner in bedroom optional, adults only, $60.00 utilities paid. VI 6-5031 after 6, all day weekends. 109tfn FEMALE HELP WANTED Waitress wanted, ist be over conditions. ry. nrki Ing ■ 3606 South College. Experience 18 ye: Tria ce not neces- ars of age, good ngle Restaurant, 108tfn COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 OFFICIAL NOTICES YMCA, lent VI ations (liround Floor 6-6416, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Friday) at or before the m. of the day preceding rector of Student Publica- All student organization leaders and ad visors (this includes Military Units in the Cadet Corps, Hometown Clubs, and Techni- e Finance Center, M ■ a ■ of fi- me by the Student emorial Student Center nev If y cal Clubs) pleas ance to file elected officers for the fall of 1962. it yoi do not elect new officers until the fall semester of 1962, the finance officer for each organization must make arrangements for an individual to legally handle funds for the organization during .the summer inths. Please take care of this by May MSC-Student Finance Center 112tl2 mor 25. Regalia For The May Commencement Exercise All students who are candidates for the gree of Doctor of Philosophy are re- lired to order hoods as well as the doctor’s p and gown. The hoods are to he left the Registrar’s Office no later than 2 (this accomplished by a representative of the College Exchange Store). The Ph.D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since - all such candidates vyill be hooded of thr n the stage as a part of the ceremoni Ohndidates for the degree of Doctor 'eterinary Medicine will wear the docto ip, gown.., a: egree. Candidates Veterinary Medicine will wear the doctor’s cap, gown and hood appropriate to this dei for the Master’s Degree will wear the Master’s cap and gown. All civilian students who are candidates for the Bachelor’s Degree will wear the bachelor’s cap and gown. ROTC students who are candidates for the Bachelor’s Degree will wear the Class “A” cadet uniform in lieu wear the Class A cadet unnortn in of academic regalia. Senior boots optional with the uniform. Rental of caps and gowns may he arranged with the Exchange Store. Orders may be placed between 8 :00 a. m. Tuesday, May 1 and 12:00 noon Saturday, May 19. The rental is as follows: Doctor’s cap ows: and gown $5.25, Master’s cap and go- $4.75, Bachelor’s cap and gown $4.25. Hood the same as that for cap and 2% Texas State S n addition to these rei C. E. Tishler, Chairman Convocations Committee 108tl6 $4.75. rental gown ime as that tor cap A 2'% Texas State Sales Tax is required in addition to these rentals WORK WANTED Typing - electric typewriter. Experience: Secretary, business teacher. VI 6-8510. 85tfn • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS YOUR DISTRIBUTOR FOR • EICO KITS • Garrard Changers • HI-FI Components 0 Tape Recorders Use Our Time Payment Plan BRYAN RADIO & TV TA 2-4862 1301 S. College Ave. AGGIES NOTICE SAE 30 Motor Oils 150 Qt. Major Brand Oils .... 27-310 Qt. For your parts and accessories AT a DISCOUNT See us— Plenty free parking opposite the courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Brake shoes, Fuel pumps. Water pumps. Generators, Starters, Solenoids, etc. Save 30 to 50% on just about any part for your Filters 40% discount AT JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington NOTICE ELECTROLUX SALES 1 SERVICE & SUPPLIES By Authorized Dealer 1003 S. College Ave, Bryan, Tex. TA 2-4143 DR. G. A. SMITH OPTOMETRIST SPECIALIZING In EYE EXAMINATIONS and CONTACT LENSES ■ DNS BRYAN OPTICAL CLINIC ■’10 5 No. MAIN • BRYAN. TEX AS. SOSOLIK'S T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 COLLEGE MASTER VI 6-4988 SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donuta ANYWHERE Hamburgers — Short Orders — Fountain Service Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules, & Etc. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOT'S He said A&M’s station, W5AC, is the net control station for state wide traffic nets' every Monday and Saturday afternoon, and that fast service can be rendered mes sages filed Monday and Saturday before 1 p.m. A $20,000 Atomic Energy Com mission grant for research impor tant to purifying uranium ores and radioactive metals has been awarded to Dr. R. A. Zingaro and Dr. A. F. Isbell. The chemistry professors will use the grant for continuing a research program for the AEG that has been underway since June 1900. Their work is concerned with the chemistry of phosphorous, ar senic and antimony. Compounds derived from phosphorous have played an important role in the separation and purification of uranium ores and radioactive metals produced in nuclear reac tors. Zingaro said they will he con- ceraed with the preparation of new compounds of these elements —including phosphorous analogues of natural amino acids, metal salt and halogen complexes and stud ies concerning their molecular structures. ★ ★ ★ Dr. Tyrus R. Timm, head of the Department of Agricultural Eco nomics and Sociology and exten-1 seminar team which will go to sion economist at A&M, has been Europe in June primarily to study named to head a public affairs | the common market. WANTED SUMMER COUNSELORS Leading Eastern Boys Ranch I Over 19 years of age, must have thorough knowledge of horse manship and be able to teach riding, care of horses, camping experience desirable but not essential. Also have position open for water safety instructor. For applications contact: Sam Spence, 1018 Foster, College Station, Texas. THUNDER MT. RANCH FOR BOYS Bevans, New Jersey A Memo &ont/... Mr. 4 “Life insurance is largely a matte* of dollars and sense.” Albert W. Seller Jr. 2601 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas TA 2-0018 © f' Representing Jefferson Standard tin INSURANCE COMPANY Or«*: Of.i **.C W OH -A CASH! YOU CAN STILL WIN $100! PLAY SPILL WIN! FREE 50 MILLION BIG BONUS STAMPS TOP SPRED OLEO SUNFARM EGGS CHICKEN-TUNA COCA COLA 12 U.S.D.A. Grade A Large—Doz. Chunk Style No. 1/2 Can 13 37 29 :.ri 1 r l Bottle Carton Plus Deposit 55 These prices goott thru Sat. May 12. In Bryan only. We reserve the right to limit quantity. .v.v.y.v.v.v.v r Jp Assorted Colors Beef Center Cut 3q. Cut Shoulder — Lb. ROAST TURKEYS BOLOGNA BOILED HAM MUMS 6” Pots.. Assorted Colors CALADIUMS 6” Pots - $1.99 HYDRANGEA One Bloom $1.99 Three Bloom ... $3.89 Two Bloom $2.95 Four Bloom ... $4.85 Beltsville Famous — Lb. Swift Piece Maryland Club i Jasmine Instant Coffee 10-Oz. Jar $1.19 Pork Links Smoked lb. 55c Food Club Mayonnaise 16-Oz. Jar 27c | Hormel Franks Lb. Pkg. 59c Fresh Lean Meaty Sliced — Lb. Round Bone Shoulder—Tender Aged Beef Beef Roast Lb. 49e Square Cut Shoulder—Tender Aged Beef Beef Steak Lb. 59c