The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 08, 1962, Image 3

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MEMPHIS, Tenn. (i^)—Mrs. J. B.
Flanagan drives the quietest car-
pool in town.
Her five little kindergarten pas
sengers never leap about, crawl
over car seats or wrestle on the
Seat belts, that’s why. She tucks
two into each belt on the back
seat and one in the front.
VI 6-4988
J7L Wc
omcin j
“I'm glad I went,” said Mrs. Ken
nedy on the plane home, “but I’d
never take a trip like this again
without Jack.” In an exclusive fem
inine chat in this week's Post, Jackie
tells why she hates the limelight.
How she put her foot down when the
Secret Service tried to spoil her fun.
And how she managed to keep look
ing cool under the blazing Indian sun.
The Saturday Evening
I JMT Vm'T' --/NOW
Woven wood
adds beauty
and glamour
to any porch,
den, breezeway
or playroom
3 Beautiful Standard
Colors — Green, Tan and
now, popular Redwood!
Downtown Bryan
Send Women’s News To THE BATTALION
Or Call VI 6-6618 From 8-5
Thursday night the Journalism Wives Club and the Stu
dent Education Wives Club will meet in the home of Mrs.
Linda Payne, 204 Ayreshire, for their May social. Guests
speaker for the evening will be Mrs. Ruth Ballard, a reg
istered nurse, who will speak on childbirth. The meeting will
be at 7:30 and members are asked to bring guests if they
would like to do so.
'At tAt ^
The Annual Journalism Awards Banquet will be held
Saturday night at 7:30 at Chapultepec Restaurant. At this
time the wives of graduating seniors who are members of
the Journalism Wives Club will receive their PHT awards.
It has been asked that persons planning to attend RSVP
by Thursday at the Department of Journalism, VI 6-6114.
'fa fa 'fa
Aggie Wives Council will meet at 7:30 p. m. in the
YMCA Building next Monday. They urge that all new rep
resentatives please be present.
~fa ~fa 'fa
Civil Engineering Wives Club will meet next Monday
night at 8 in the South Solarium of the YMCA Building.
They will elect officers for the next term.
fa fa fa
The Aggie Wives Babysitting Co-op will continue to hold
their meetings the first Monday in the month through the
summer. If you cannot attend but would like to become a
member, call Mrs. Judy Morrison at VI 6-7507 after 5 p. m.
The group met in the home of Mrs. R. E. Branson Monday
Tuesday, May 8, 1962
College Station, Texas
Page 3
Cushing Memorial Library
Presented Rare Lithographs
Sandlin Chosen As
Boy Of The Month
John Sandlin, senior student at
Stephen F. Austin High School in
Bryan, has been chosen Boy-of-the-
Month by the Exchange Club of
Bryan-College Station, for the
month of May.
The Exchange Club honored
Sandlin Monday at their noon meet
ing at the Triangle Restaurant,
where he was presented a certifi
cate by 'W. R. Matthews, president
of the club.
Sandlin is in the top quarter of
his graduating class with a grade
average of 3.55 out of a possible
4.00, has been active in the mathe
matics club and in Hi-Y. Last
summer he attended A&M where
he participated in the science pro
gram for high school students.
During the past year he was chos
en as delegate to Boy’s State from
this area.
The son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Sandlin, John lives at 401 Helena
Street, Bryan.
Appointed Physiologist
Richard H. Zimmerman has
been appointed as physiol
ogist with the Texas Forest
Service here. He will con
duct work on the Tree Im
provement Program.
Award Created
For AF Cadets
This summer outstanding Air
Force ROTC cadets will he selected
to receive the newly designed Com
mandant’s Award.
Col. William C. Lindley, com-
.mandant of AFROTC, Maxwell
AFFB, described the award as a
3-inch oxidized, bronze inedallion
recessed in a block of highly po
lished walnut.
The award will be presented to
the top cadet in each summer
training unit at 19 separate train
ing units located on 14 different
Air Force bases.
Those recipients may use the a-
ward as either a desk paper weight
or wall plaque.
Rare lithographs based upon da-
guerotype photographs taken of
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil approxi
mately 140 years ago have been
presented to the Cushing Memori
al Library by a former student.
The donor is J. E. (Lindy) Mil-
lender, a member of the Class of
191,2 and longtime resident of
Porto Alegre in southern Brazil.
Retired now, he spends half of
the year in Texas and the balance
of his time in Porto Alegre.
Millender served for 30 years
as executive of the power and light
company in Porto Alegre. He grad
uated from A&M with a degree in
civil engineering.
President Earl Rudder accepted
the five works of art.
Library Director Robert A. Hou-
ze said the lithographs, which are
finished in beautiful water colors,
will be hung in the Reserve and
Required Reading Room. Other
works of art donated earlier by C.
C. Krueger, a classmate of Mil-
linder’s, hang in the library.
Millender explained the history
of the lithographs, so far as he
has been able to learn it, as fol
Ten views of Rio de Janeiro
were photographed about 140 year
ago by the daguerrotype process.
Taken to France, which then was
the world leader in this field, the
photographs were enlarged and
lithographic stones then prepared.
One stone was prepared for each of
the 10 views, and 10 copies could
be run off before the etching in
the stone wore away. Thus, only
100 copies of the prints — 10 sets
— ever were prepared.
The only person known to have
a complete collection of the views
.... (Continued From Page 1)
Funds are also earmarked for
issuing- each cadet an additional
pair of shoes and sewing patches
on shirts before they are issued.
In the distant future, new dress
uniforms for both winter and sp
ring wear are being planned.
• All men of college age need
and can benefit from a military
educational background. Such an
education will teach a student dis
cipline in both taking instructions
and orders, and responsibility in
giving commands and then assur
ing that they are carried out.
The military program also allows
a student to qualify for a reserve
or active commission while still
gaining a college degree.
• Students in the advanced
stages of both military and air
science receive government com
pensation for' their efforts. In
many instances this money, though
Has PowerTop,
(costs less than manual top jobs!)
Name: Rambler American “400" Convertible.
Power-operated top. Price: Lowest of any U. S.
convertible. Travel restrictions: None (has 125-
HP overhead-valve engine’ plus five transmis
sion choices. Bucket seats, optional). Honors:
Economics (has won both major 1962 economy
runs—beating all other compacts entered). In
terviews: At your Rambler dealer’s.
c^^^Amcriean Motors Means More for Americans
only around $30 per month, is
enough to assure that a student
ca'n remafn in school without fin
ancial worries.
• Since government uniforms
are issued to cadets, students find
their clothing costs are less than
at civilian schools. This in some
cases will determine whether a
student of meager means decides
to attempt to obtain a college edu
• Dormitory life in the Corps
of Cadets teaches men one of their
most important lessons in life —
how to live with their fellow man.
Friendships in the Corps often re
main lasting for a person’s life
time, and are invaluable assets in
later years.
• A&M’s reputation as one of
the outstanding military schools
in the United States would dwindle
to a memory. The school produc
ed more officers in World War II
than any other U. S. service school
and has also produced six winners
of the Congressional Modal of
• Many of A&M’s most produc
tive recruiting mediums, such as
Corps trips and football games,
would lose much of them appeal,
especially to high school students
that are prospective Aggies. The
loss of these things would also
greatly hamper social life among
(Continued From Page 1)
high-ranking students to object to
military training.
• Students would be free to
choose whether they wish to be
in the Corps, and could first per
sonally evaluate the organization
before committing themselves for
two or more years. Since many stu
dents are at A&M for more than
four years, many who first choose
to be civilians could later become
cadets and still spend four full
years in the Corps.
• Military instruction, both in
military and air science, could pro
gress further, especially in the in
itial two years. Students would be
more anxious to learn, and in
structors could spend less time on
one subject and therefore cover
more topics.
This would eventually affect the
ratings A&M cadets receive at
summer camp against other cadets,
and would give A&M an even
higher rating.
• The argument that a fresh
man needs two years of Corps guid
ance is rather invalid when com
pared with the fact that thousands
of student successfully adjust to
college life at other schools.
• Too often the Corps fosters as
many or more bad habits than it
develops good ones. This is parti-
By Curtis Mathes
Deluxe 23” TV AM-FM Radio with AFC—Stereo
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Up to 3 years to pay
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cularly evident in a person’s abili
ty to be at ease in a social gather
• Because the Corps takes so
much time from a man’s studies, it
very easily can cause a student to
develop a poor attitude toward his
academic work. He may become
prone to just get by, rather than
attempt to excell.
• When a student enrolls in a
college or university, he wants to
have the opportunity to think as
freely and act as freely (provid
ed that he stays within the bound
aries of law) as is possible that he
may seek out as much knowledge
and truth as is possible.
The Corps of Cadets, in some
instances, subjects a student to
control that hinders this freedom
and thus detracts from his educa
An understanding of the truth
contained in Science and
Health with Key to the Scrip
tures By Mary Baker Eddy can
remove the pressure which con
cerns today’s college student
upon whom increasing de
mands are being made for
academic excellence. ,
Free to You for 30 Days
Science and Health may be
read, borrowed, or purchased
for $3 at any Christian Scierice
Reading Room. On request a
copy will be mailed to you post
paid. After 30 days you may
keep the book by remitting the
cost or return it to the Reading
Room in the mailing carton
Information about Science
and Health may also be ob
tained on campus through the
Christian Science
The A&M College
of Texas
Box 393
College Station
7:30 p.m. Wednesday
Brooks Room
is Sir Henry Lynch, who manages
the Brazilian banking interests
of the Rothschilds. He helped Mil-
lender acquire the five lithographs
given to the library.
The views, in addition to their
beauty, are interesting to histor
ians for they show ai’eas as they
existed before the city grew to its
present size. For example, famed
Copacabana Beach is bordered by
only a thin line of residences.
VI 6-4988
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