The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 27, 1962, Image 2
Page 2 THE BATTALIOm College Station, Texas Friday, April 27, 1962 l.AUET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Bulletin Board pivi MOVIE go ROUND 8 | Palace Through T u e s d a y—★★★★ ‘State Fair” Queen Through Saturday—^^“Exec utive Suite” and “Pirate of the Black Hawk”—unreviewed. Skyway Saturday — ★“Follow that I) r e a m” and ★★★★★ “The Apartment” Campus Through Saturday—“Home Ad venture”—unreviewed. Sunday through Tuesday—“The Couch” and “Malaga”—both un reviewed. Circle Saturday — ★ ★ ★ ★“Flower Drum Song” and “Stand at Apache River”—unreviewed—and ★ ★★ “The Explosive Genera tion” Mrs. Colbert Dies Mrs. Colbert, wife of former head of Division of Architecture, died in New York City April 19, following a short illness. Colbert in recent years has been Dean of the School of Architecture at Columbia University. Guion Saturday—★★ Midnight Lace” plus “The Grass Is Greener”— unreviewed. Quadrangle Friday through Saturday— ★“Federal Inspection” T. Nickell ★ ★★★★Exceptional ★ ★★★Excellent ★ ★★Good ★ ★Fair ★Poor Professional Societies Texas Yorkshire Breeders will meet in Room 3-D of the Memo rial Student Center Sunday at 3 p.m. to discuss the possibilities of organizing a Texas Yorkshire Breeders Association. Visitors are expected from throughout Texas, with all interested urged to attend. Department of Physics will host Dr. Walter Marshall, head of the Theoretical Physics Divi sion, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England. Marshall will be available consultation and will speak Kj day at 2:45 p.m. in Roomlij the Physics Building. He! The night monkey of Bai Colorado Island in the Cn Zone sees well only in the i It sleeps in tree holes during day. Church News “ . . . congratulations, but under the circumstances help to you stop hy on visiting days!” I won’t shake hands! If I can be of Payne, New Staff Members Assume Editorship Roles On The Battalion With this issue a new staff takes over editorship of The Bat talion for the remainder of May and the 1962-63 school year. As is customary on The Bat talion staff, editors for the com ing year assume their positions for the final edition in April the previous year. The new staff is being headed by Alan Payne, 20-year-old '63 journalism student from Sulphur Springs. Payne succeeds Bob Sloan, '62 journalism major from Dallas, in the editor’s chair. The new editor is completing his third year on the staff and has served as a staff writer, as sistant news editol* and, for the last two years, as news editor. In addition to his college work, he has served on the staff of the Sulphur Springs Daily News- Telegram and the Brenham Ban ner-Press. Payne is a distin guished student, holder of an Op portunity Award Scholarship, member of Sigma Delta Chi and a technical sergeant in Company E-3. Moving up to the managing editor post is Ronnie Bookman, '63 journalism major from Bel- laire. Bookman, who succeeds Tommy Holbein, '62 journalism student from Hebronville, is com pleting his second year on the staff and for the past year was a news editor. He has had previous experi- Frank talk about your hair: Vitalis with V-7 keeps your hair neat all day without grease. Naturally.V-7isthe greaseless grooming discovery.Vitalis® with V-7© fights embarrassing dandruff, prevents dry ness, keeps your hair neat all day without grease. Try it! THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the stu dent writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax-supported, non profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and op erated by students as a journalism laboratory and community newspaper and is under the supervision of the director of Student Publications at Texas A&M College. Members of the Student Publications Board are L. A. Duewall, director of Student -* 1 — *”— ^ ’— I * — •* Sciences; T Publications, chairman ; Allen Schrader, School of Arts and Sciences; Willard I. Truettner, School of Engineering; Otto R. Kunze, School ot' Agriculture; and Dr. E. D. McMurry, School of Veterinary Medicine. Veterinary The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A.&M. is published in College Sta tion, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday per % * v/AA p JL v&rfVCAiOp VI lAjr VT *V Cv V- 1/ KJcX 1* V4 A VICS.j' , gj VIL l J.V1 * \ 1 I VI JAAwA A VA CK-Jf , < ber through May, and once a week during summer school. periods, Septem- The Associated Press dispatches credited to it spontaneous origin published herein, in are also reserved. for republication of all news is entitled exclusively to the use fo or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of Rights of republication of all other matter her*. Second-class postage paid at College Station, Texas. MEMBER: The Assoeiated Frees Texas Press Assn. Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, _LiOb An geles and San Francisco. Mail subscriptions are $3.60 per semester; $6 per school year, $6.60 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 2% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA Building. College Station. Texas. News contributions may be made by telephoning VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910 or at the •dltorial office. Room 4, YMCA Building. For advertising or delivery call VI 6-6416. ALAN PAYNE EDITOR Ronnie Bookman 1 Managing Editor Van Conner Sports Editor Gerry Brown, Ronnie Fann News Editor Kent Johnston, Tom Harrover, Bruce Shulter Staff Writers Jim Butler, Adrian Adair Assistant Sports Editors Sylvia Ann Bookman Society Editor Johnny Herrin, Ben Wolfe Photographers ence on the Houston Press, Qua- nah Tribune-Chief and Bryan Daily Eagle. Bookman also holds a Corpus Christi Press Club scholarship, is a member of Sig ma Delta Chi and last year was named the outstanding sopho more in the Department of Jour nalism. Now heading the sports depart ment as sports editor is Van Conner, ’63 wildlife management- journalism major from Casper, Wyo. ..Conner, 21, succeeds Larry Smith* ’62 journalism student from Brady, and for the past se mester has served as assistant sports editor. Moving up to news editor po sitions are Gerry Brown, ’63 eco nomics major from San Antonio, and Ronnie Fann, ’65 journalism major from Houston. Brown, a staff writer during the past year, is completing two years on the staff, while Fann is completing his initial work year. They suc ceed Payne, Bookman .and Robbie Godwin, ’61 from Robert Lee. Godwin will receive his M.B.A. degree this summer. Holding over as staff writers are Kent Johnston, ’63 from Waco; Tom Harrover, ’64 from Dallas; and Bruce Shulter, ’64 from San Antonio. All served during the past year and have gained additional experience as journalism students. Moving up to the position for merly occupied by sports editor Conner are Jim Butler, ’64 jour nalism major from Amarillo, and Adrian Adair, ’65 journalism stu dent from Galena Park. Adair has worked during the second se mester on intramurals, while Butler for the past year has been employed in the office of Sports Publicity Director Tommy Blake. CAMPUS SUNDAY Written by the master suspense author of PSYCHO! IS lawny dynamite! eiieua mdpomm STARTS WEDNESDAY Chuck (The Rifleman) Connors In “GERONIMO” Retaining her position, as so ciety editor is Sylvia Arm Book man, who has served during the past year and writes the weekly column, Woman’s World. Also retaining their positions are photographers Johnny Herrin and Ben Wolfe. Herrin, ’62 from Houston, is completing his sec ond year of work for The Bat talion and other student publi cations. Wolfe, ’65 from Hous ton, is ending one year of service. FRIDAY & SATURDAY ‘FOLLOW THAT DREAM’ with Elvis Presley Also “THE APARTMENT” with Shirley MacLaine and Cartoon — “Electronica” FRIDAY NIGHT LATE SHOW “CRAWLING EYE” with Forrest Tucker and “COSMIC MONSTER” with Forrest Tucker SATURDAY NIGHT EXTRA “WONDERFUL COUNTRY” with Robert Mitchum Iroy Donahue-An§ie Dickinson RmnoBm-immPleshette —«► fS-# AscmMsmwi. -.2 TONIGHT 1st Show 7:15 Danny Kaye In “ON THE DOUBLE” & Gregory Peck In “THE BIG COUNTRY” (Both In Color) A&M Presbyterian Church Sunday—Aggie Welcome Cof fee, 9:30 a.m.; Church School, 9:45 a.m.; Morning Worship, “A Passing Shadow That Stays,” 11 a.m.; Leagues, 5 p.m.; joint meet ing of men and women of the church (church supper), 6 p.m. Dr. G. W. Adriance will be in charge of the program at the joint meeting. DANCE When (active ) [but goo [try, Ja Jin the 1 ■gineerin Acciden Spons Exjtensi safety Dow, i Develop The Snook Hall Snook, Texas BSl Saturday, April 28 Rep Music By THE KOCK-ITS The s tist Stu ning C Lakevie tine, Fr “Disc dent Le for the wil be from N as Sta Christi Confert The i istratio and cloi day. < include: insuran Over than 6' attend BSU h< increas A&M lenged game < be pla; The Te the int: Addi ing \vh I confert I tained I rangen 1 studenl and costs the least of any U.S. car Read Classified PALACE NOW SHOWING Feature Times 1:00 - 3:09 - 5:18 - 7:27 - 9:36 THE FANCIEST, MOST FABULOUS JOYRIDE % EVER! kilt , RODGERS & HAMMERSTEIN’S 11 STATE FA I R So fresh and wonderful with RICHARD RODGERS' newest melodies and newest lyrics' TAT BOBBY PAMELA ANN- TOM' BOONE DARIN TIFFIN MARGRET EWELL CHARLES BRACKETT J0SE FERRER RICHARD BREEN ADAPTATION (IV OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN II/SONYA LEVIEN / PAUL GREEN CZirviGMAScooe COLOR by DE LUXE FAYE . QUEEN Theater DOUBLE FEATURE “EXECUTIVE SUITE” & “PIRATES OF THE BLACK HAWK” How about that Rambler American? Among all the compacts, it has the most solidity, the most comfort, the most maneuverability, the most safety, the mosf rustproofing, the most features, the most economy wins, the most years of high resale value—yet it’s the lowest priced of any car built in the U. S.! Seems the least you could do is visit your Rambler dealer for a look at the most car for your money. Rambler rjfe/^American Motors Means More for Americans CIRCLE SATURDAY NITE All 3 In Color 1st Show 7:15 a ROSS HUNTER KKL, JOSEPH FIELDS BROADWAY’S JOYOUS MUSICAL LOVE STORY! RODGERS tHAMMERSTHNS iFiOWER STARRING DRUM SONS IN COLOR 5 BY PANAVli NANCY KWAH JAMES SHU JUANITA HALL and v MIYOSHIUM A Universal-International Picture 2nd Show 9:34 Jeff Chandler & Julie Adams In “AWAY ALL BOATS” 3rd Show 11:15 Stephen McNalley In “STAND AT APACHE WELLS” STARTING SUNDAY Debbie Reynolds In “TAMMY & THE BACHELOR” PEANUTS By Charles M. SchuU PEANUTS THI5 BAT 16 NO GOOD! IT 6 TOO LIGHT! THAT BALL THEY'RE USING IS NO GOOD EITHER! H0U) CAN ANVBODV HIT WHEN THE SUN IS SO BRIGHT? I BAT BETTER WHEN IT'S CL0UW! IT'6 TOO DUS1Y OUT THERE, TOO! I CAN T HIT well when the WIND IS BLOWING! THAT BATHiJAS USING IS TOO SHORT/ IT'S HARD TO SEE THE BALLTW! VOU CAN'T HIT A BALL WHEN THE BAT IS TOO THIN! I THINK THEIR PITCHER IS..