The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 26, 1962, Image 3
New Scouting Fraternity Dean of Students James P. Ilannigan pre sented the Alpha Phi Omeg-a pin to the fraternity’s new president, James M. Mayo at their organizational meeting last week. Others pictured are Richard S. Brooks, secretary; Frank Kiolbassa, first vice pres ident; Charles R. King, sergeant-at-arms; Penrod S. Thornton, treasurer; and Carl Lee Watson, second vice president. Member ship in the new chapter is open to young men who are or have been active in Scout ing, meet scholastic requirements, and de sire to be of service. New Scouting Fraternity Slates Initiation May 22 A new chapter of a service fraternity for former Scouts is in the organizational process here. The formal initiation is scheduled for May 22. Alpha Phi Omega, which is de dicated to the principles of leader ship, friendship and service, has chapters on more than 300 campus es across the nation. The new organization has 26 inembers who have paid their dues. The pledge testing program was conducted under the personal di rection of Joseph J. Scanlon from the national office in Kansas City. Officers of new APO chapter are listed as follows: Jim Mayo, president; Frank Kiolbassa, first vice president; Carl Lee Watson, second vice president; Richard Brooks, secretary; Penrod S. Thorn ton, treasurer; Carl Vanderhider, *1 BUSINESSLIKE GOVERNMENT with a HEART let's elect Without planned state pro grams, how much income could our older people, our unemployed, our disabled, our blind or our orphans bring to our county? Under the leadership of Sena tor Crawford Martin, state programs last year paid $893,868 to our Brazos coun ty citizens. This money was spent here in our county with our businesses. Elect A Man Who Understands The Problems Of Texas . . * And Texans! Crawford mmm Has Proved His Ability To Be Your It, GOVERNOR (pd. pol, 4dv.) historian and Charles R. King, sergeant-at-arms. Serving as advisors are Robert H. Bossier, William E. Eckles, C. M. Loyd, Daniel Russell, Alymer H. Thompson, and Bennie A. Zinn, all of the faculty and staff, and Ernest (Dutch) Harwell, Scout ex ecutive. Membership in Alpha Phi Omega is open to any male student re gularly enrolled on the campus who can: Show an earnest desire to render service to others; be, or have previously been, affiliated wit Scouting or any Scout movement recognized by the International Boy Scout Association; show a satisfactory scholastic average. Alpha Phi Omega was founded in 1925 on the campus of Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania. It now has more campus chapters than any other men’s fraternity in the nation. The program of APO is planned to include service to the student body and faculty, youth and com munity, the nation and the frater nity. wr is* « Jk A WHISTLE-A WINK-AND r" - WILDROOT. . . IT GETS HER EVERY TIME! ^ - A TUBE-FORMULA "Wild root" Grooms Glean as a Whistle Quick as a Wink M EVy quick-dissolving tube formula works faster and cleaner than ever. non-greasy tube formula actually disappears in your hair, leaves no white residue on your comb. ^ long-lasting tube'formula keeps your hair in place. Maybe your girl will muss up your hair, but not much else will. Give new tube-formula Wiidroot a try. You 11 like it! ©1962, colgate-palmouve company THE BATTALION Thursday, April 26,1962 College Station, Texas Page S AMONG THE PROFS Physiology Professor Gets $8,600 Grant For Study A grant of $8,600 per year has been awarded to Dr. J. D. Mc- Crady, assistant professor of phy siology in the School of Veteri nary Medicine, for post-doctoral work in the field of biophysics. Dr. McCrady will continue his studies and research as director of experimental animals of the Baylor Medical School. His work will be aided and analyzed by Dr. Hebbel E. Hoff and Dr. L. A. Geddes of the Baylor School. ★ ★ ★ Members of the Department of Government and History present ed papers at a professional as sociation meeting yesterday. An other member of the department will give the critique at a meeting today, Thursday, Professor J. M. Nance head of the department an nounced. Two department members pre sented papers based on original research before the annual meet ing of the Louisiana Historical As sociation held in New Orleans on Friday and Saturday. ★ ★ ★ “Texas in the Civil War: A Re sume History,” by Dr. Allan C. Ashcraft, Assistant Professor of History and an authority on the Civil War and Reconstruction, was recently published by the Texas Civil War Centennial Commission. Another faculty member, John T. Duncan, Associate Professor of History, compiled the chronology used in this publication. Duncan, who serves as chairman of the sub-committee on Chronology of the Texas Civil War Centennial Committee, compiled the chrono logy of “Events in Texas, 1861- 1865.” The publication is described as a well-balanced, thumb nail his tory of Texas in the Civil War which should be of great interest to the lay reader as well as to the specialist in the field of Civil War history. ★ ★ ★ Two members of the Texas A&M College Agricultural Educa tion Department were appointed to committees in the recent an nual Southern Regional Confer ence in Agricultural Education at Charleston, S. C. They are Dr. Earl Knehel, head of the department, and Dr. Earl Webb, subject matter specialist. BIKE TOWN LOUISVILLE, Que. GP>—This community of 7,000 has more than one bicycle for every 10 citizens. Some 750 bicycles licenses were sold at $1 each in 1961. PRESTON *TM JEALOUS OF MARIS” -SAYS DICK STUART Pittsburgh's star slugger hit 35 homers last year. But he feels he could have gotten a lot more—jf! In this week's Post, you’ll meet the cocky young Pirate. Learn how he got his reputation for bonehead plays. And why he blames Forbes Field for spoiling his home-run record. (Look for the special baseball cover.) The Saturday Evening APRIL 28 for LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR of Texas i m wr issue/now ON SALE ★ To simplify the general sales tax. ★ To correct the auto insurance merit plan. ★ To help Texas grow and prosper. ★A proven legislative veteran of six years in the house and six years in the senate. subject to Democratic Primary MAY 5,1962 f>d. Pol. Adv. You can WIN $100.00 Cash FREE play SPELL CASH GAME W LUCY LINDA BACON SLICED LB. PKG. Imperial Dartmouth FRUIT PIES These prices good thru HCfl Sat. April 28. In Bryan only. We reserve the riglit to limit quantity. Cherry, Apple, Peach 20-Oz. Size Florida YEAMGES Each Washington Red—Small WINESAP APPLES Each 3 5 c Hafnia 1 1 : :: ICHEON MEAT 29 SWIFT BOLOGNA ~ 29 Agar CANNED PICNICS 3 ‘1 Sweet Cream cce CiifeAM Gal. 69 c