The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 13, 1962, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Friday, April 13, 1962 ' Turf Management Students Plan Tour Of Dallas Parks Fifteen members of the senior class in Turf Management will go to Dallas to observe the parks of the Dallas Park Department on Monday, April 16, according to Dr. Richard C. Potts, professor of agronomy. The purpose of the tour is to give the students an opportunity to study the kind of turf grown in the Dallas parks. Parks visited by the group will be Turtle Creek, Norbuck, the Riverchonbase ball park, Samuel Garden, Fair, Lake Cliff and Kidd Springs. The students will also visit the Cotton Bowl and the Stevens Golf Course. Leaving A&M Sunday afternoon the gorup will spend the night at the Tower Motel in Dallas. The tour will begin the next morning with a demonstration of the mow er shop operation by the Dallas Park Department. They will return to A&M Mon day evening. St. Mary’s Easter Egg Hunt Sunday An Easter egg hunt is sched uled to be held at St. Mary’s Cha pel, 10 a.m., Sunday for the chil dren of that parish. The event will be ’ sponsored by the College Station Council of the Knights of Columbus. Kane Morgan is chair man of the activities. SPECIAL SPRING PROMOTION Regular $259.95 Value For A Limited Time No Money Down CURTIS MATHES Tlie Syracus ^ 23” Television ^ Hand Wired Power Transformer Chassis ^ Genuine Walnut Veneer 23,000 Volts of Picture Power ^ High Fidelity Audio - 2 Hi Fi Speakers GIL’S RADIO & TV 2403 So. College TA 2-0826 Cushing Facilitk Open To Visiton “Most people haven’t made it to the third floor of Cushing Memo rial Library where the documents division is housed,” Mrs. Nina Smith, documents assistant said this week. She went on to say that visitors are urged to inspect the facilities during the National Library week, now being held. Used mostly by graduate stu dents and professors, Cushing’s depository is one of 18. in Texas which was selected by The U. S. Government Printing Office. The library has met GPO de pository requirements by provid ing document-collecting facilities and making them available to the public. Additionally, Miss Mayme Ev ans, documents librarian, is is sible for seeing that thedocts division will continue to mil materials publicly accessible. Visitors can find a boote 8 soccer just about anything, from h | tomon grow cucumbers on your sill to the evaluation of then rence and significance of e animal remains in Americai balls, according to Miss Evan About one fourth of Cush devoted to the documents se: Little red tape is involved inb ing a government publics!® each year the GPO compiles! of its booklets according tot; Under the topic of “spatwi ‘El Pai A&I may be found a listing of ove i ^ a ' 1 ' publications. There are also other listings in the aer-: category. Vet Students Visit Aerospace School A group of senior veterinary students from tonio, Texas. Here, Dr. F. H. Kriewaldt A&M’s School of Veterinary Medicine tour (in white) points out an exteriorized carotid the vivarium at the School of Aerospace loop. Medicine, Brooks Air Force Base, San An- Ag Engineering Group Plans Valley Research Field Trip Fourteen agricultural engineer ing students from A&M will spend Apr. 16-18 touring engineering and agricultural research pi'ojects in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. The group will be accompained in this field trip by Dr. Ernest T. Smer- don, professor of Agricultural En gineering. Smerdon said the tour has been arranged by W. R. Cowley, super intendent of the Texas Agricul tural Expex-iment Station at Wes laco. > The tour Will begin Monday with a trip through the Texas Agricul tural Experiment Station, where Cowley will show the students the facilities and demonstration of equipment at the station. This will include a demonstration of a logai’ithmic sprayer, a demonstra tion of a citrus sprayer, a dem- onstration of power pruning equip ment, a tour of the Agricultural Weather Service facilities, and an inspection of soil fertility and soil physics equipment. Monday afternoon the touring students will visit the U.S.D.A. Fruit and Vegetable Processing Laboratory in Weslaco. Winding up Monday’s activities will be guided tours through the Knapp Sherril Canning Plant in Donna, Tex., and the Alamo Prod ucts Plant in Alamo, Tex. Tuesday the agricultural engi neering students will spend the day in Progreso, Tex., visiting the U.S.D.A. Fruit, Vegetable, Soil and Water Research Laboratory. A tour of the field research will also be included. On Wednesday morning the group will drive to Mercedes for a visit to the Mercedes Pumping Plant. After this they will in spect the facilities and construc tion in progress in Hidalgo and Cameron County Water District No. 9. W. D. Parrish, manager of Water District No. 9, will guide the tour. Climaxing the trip will be a tour of a concrete pipe manufac turing plant in Harlingen, where modern methods of manufacturing concrete pipe used in irrigation and drainage will be observed. Students making the trip are Gordon Asbury of Beaumont, Ar- land D. Schneider of Weimar, Richard Withers of Beaumont, Da- BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES hie day per word 24 per word each additional da Minim imum charge DEADLINE ore pu Classified Displi 80# per coin each insertion PHONE VI 6-6411 onai 40* 4 p.m. day before publication isplay inch FOR SALE Air Force officers uniforms, size 38 regular, five complete sets plus rai regu sind miscellaneous. Shop. ize iincoat See at A&M Mens 103t2 BLUE 1958 BUICK RIVIERA, excellent second car, factory air conditioning, radio and' heater. Aver; car lot $1200, SPECIAL PRICE $695. ry air conditioning, radio rage retail price in used bank will loan %750. CHILD CARE FISHER NURSERY for the particular child to hi parents who want their child to navi creative and constructive care. Completel: separate from residence. We invite your inspection. 102 Meadowland between Col lege View and Hwy 6. Phone VI 6-7949 or VI 6-6093. 101t4 up ai back. ir nursi nd deli’ ery for children all ages. Pick er call 42tfn 6-8151. No answe SPECIAL NOTICE Electrolux Williams, TA ales and service. G. C, -5331. 90tfn Call VI 6-6277. lOltfn AGGIES NOTICE SAE 30 Motor Oils 15# Qt. Major Brand Oils .... 27-31# Qt. For your parts and accessories AT a DISCOUNT See us— Plenty free parking opposite the courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Brake shoes. Fuel pumps. Water pumps. Generators, Starters, Solenoids, etc. Save 30 to 50% on just about any part for your car. Filters 40% discount . AT JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington YOUR DISTRIBUTOR FOR O EICO KITS • Garrard Changers • HI-FI Components Use Our Time Payment Plan BRYAN RADIO & TV 301 S. College Ave. TA 2-4862 1301 S. College Ave. Fish and picnic at Hilltop Lake, 9% miles on Hwy 6 south of College. Tables »nd ovens, clean place. 69.tfn HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS FOR RENT Nicely furnished four room apartment with garage. Available April 16. 306-A Second Street, VI 6-5481. 102t3 Two bedroom'Vurnished house, 612 High land, College Station, $55.00. Call VI 6- 7034! New two bedroom house with washer connections. Ill Meadowland. VI 6-5334. 99t6 Room in my home. VI 6-4233. 98tfn FEMALE HELP WANTED Artist with free-hand drawing experience for permanent position. Degree in art ircial art school graduate desirable. or commer graduate Some typing experience essential. Call or write Texas Foi College Station. orest Service, VI 6-4771, 99t6 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 VACUUM CLEANER SALES & SERVICE 1003 S. College TA 2-4143 East Side of Weingartems We carry full line of parts, bags, at tachments for all vacuums. Repair new and rebuilt motors. Bags $1.00 per pkg., except Airway. New hoses any make or model $8.00. Complete i on up $7.50. Distributor for any make vacuum. service on upright $4.95, tank type any new vacuum, model, reconditioned WORK WANTED Typing - electric typewriter. Experience: Secretary, business teacher. VI 6-8510. 85tfn OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must ust be brought, to arrive in the of Student Publications (Ground Floor YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8«,12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the Jificial not or telephoned so as of Student Publications mailed Office Fl< londay through Friday) at or deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. PH.D LANGUAGE EXAMINATION. Examination for meeting the foreign lan guage requirement for the Ph.D. degi will be given Tuesday, May 1, at 6 p. in Room 129, Academic Building. S egree m. Un dents wishing to take this examination >ul( h the Depa; later ths wishing to take this examin ahould leave the material over which they wish to be examined with the Secretary in the Department of Modern Languages not later than 9 a. m. Monday, April 30. J. J. Woolket, Head Department of Modem Languages iom SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donuts ANYWHERE Hamburgers — ; Short Orders — Fountain Service Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules, & Etc. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS vid Adams of Marathon, David Nelson of Katy, John Stradinger of Houston, Frank Miller of Bryan, William Jones of Ft. Worth, Ed ward Manning of Taylor, Robert Powell of Houston, W. D. Henry of Bryan, William L. Bathke of Minnesota, and Mohammed S. Choudhury of Pakistan, and Jerry Lowrance of Waco. VITALIS® KEEPS YOUR HAIR NEAT ALL DAY WITHOUT GREASE! Greatest discovery since the comb! Vitalis with V-7®, the | V greaseless grooming discovery. Keeps your hair neat all dey gicdbeieib giuummg uibouveiy. neepb yuui iidii nedi dii uc(y « without grease—and prevents dryness, too. Try Vitalis today. |§|J H0 An invitation to shape your own future... one Ken A graduate seeking his way in the world has the best opportunity of achieving his goal if he starts with firm ground under his feet. This is an assur ance at General Telephone. As a major communications company, “Gen Tel” has the solid stability of a public utility, together with the added stability that is a substance of growth. In addition. General Telephone Companies make every effort to provide the best living climate for all employees. Salaries and benefits arc comparable to those offered by other stable industries. Those seeking positions with General Telephone are assured of paid vacations, paid holidays, military leave, tuition aids, disability benefits, insurance, pensions and stock purebase | plans. As a step toward planning your future, ask youi Placement Director for a copy of our brochure oa Management Careers* Employment Opportunities: The General Telephone Company of Southwest has many employment opportunities for college- trained people. Contact your Placement office for full information, GENERAL TELEPHONE Americans Largest Independent Telephone System