The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 13, 1962, Image 3
are ’Wises to j Ms of a J wnt. wussionsit • s t week op it; France, 1 chief L of an ett! onion, ij t ibout Up! ire are i,; thinking atively pj AMONG THE PROFS France ,j d means non affc sentinggi; creatiot; t as emia k of a h Data Processing Director To Attend Austin Meeting Prof. Robert L. Smith, director and meat processing plants in 1 LL IE Pffi'' JNDA! of the Data Processing Center, will attend a meeting April 27-28 of the Southwest Universities Com puter Organization at the Uni versity of Texas. He will participate in a panel discussion on future development of university computer centers and speak on “The Master’s Degree Program in Computer Science” at the meeting. Dedication of the University of Texas’ new $497,000 Computation Center, which houses latest model electronic computers, will be held at noon, April 27. ★ ★ ★ Ed Uvacek, livestock marketing specialist with the Texas Agricul tural Extension Service at Texas A&M College, has been chosen to represent the U. S. State Depart ment as economic -livestock con sultant to the Republic of Panama. The specialist will work with livestock producers and the Minis try of Agriculture to determine the economic aspects of slaughtering SUMMER JOBS in EUROPE THE ‘new’ WAY TO SEE & ‘live’ EUROPE SPECIALIZING in ‘European Safaris’ FOR SUMMER JOBS OR TOURS WRITE: AMERICAN STUDENT INFORMATION SERVICE, 22, Avenue de la Liberte, Luxembourgr- City, Grand Ducjiy of Luxembourg Panama. Uvacek’s assignment is to de velop information pn livestock availability, seasonal changes in production, physical plant require ments and the economics of con sumption and distribution of meat The project is under the direc tion of the Agency for Interna tional Development and is for an eight-week period. Uvacek will leave for Panama on April 14. ★ ★ ★ Byung Don Lee, a graduate student from Pusan, Koi'ea, has been awarded a summer fellowship for graduate study at the Friday Harbor Laboratories of the Uni versity of Washington. Lee, who is a graduate student in oceanography, will attend the summer course under a $605 Na tional Science Foundation grant. He will study zooplankton ecol ogy and phytoplankton ecology at the oceanography laboratory of the University of Washington during the summer term. ★ ★ ★ Robert M. Henson, instructor in the Department of Physics, and Eddie Reyna, physics research “Sports Car Center” Dealers for Renault-Peugeol & British Motor Cara Sales—Parts—Service We Service All Foreign Cars” 416 Texas Ave. TA 2-4617 Service On All Makes Of Radios - TV Sets - Transistors - Phonographs - Stereo and Hi-Fi FLOYD’S RADIO & TV AND ELECTRIC CO. FLOYD GODWIN, Owner Ph. TA 3-5044 2913 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas Across From Clayton’s Restaurant assistant, have been awarded sum mer research fellowships by the Texas Atomic Energy Research Foundation and General Atomic Division of General Dynamics Corp. The announcement was made by the Foundation, which is jointly sponsoring with General Atomic the world’s first and largest privately-financed program of con trolled nuclear fusion research. Members of the Foundation are 11 electric power companies of Texas. This is the third year of the fel lowship program, in which the graduate students work during the summer at the General Atomic laboratories in San Diego, Cali fornia, with scientists who are seeking to reproduce the energy making process of the sun for the future production of electric power. Workshops Enroll 45 Professors Forty-five professors from 22 departments are enrolled in teach ing aid workshops now underway here. Conducted by the Department of Education and Psychology, the workshops demonstrate the use of the overhead projector and other equipment and materials. The sessions began Tuesday and will be continued through Satur day. Dr. Paul Hensarling, head of the Department of Education and Psy chology, said 15 persons from the Police Instructors School, also underway on the campus, are at tending the workshops. He said that in addition to over head projector instruction, the sessions include discussions on the use of diazo-master preparation, projectual preparation, lettering- fototype-headliner, polarized pro- jectuals, reversal techniques, photo copying and non-projectuals. Clifton W. Darby, educational consultant for the Tecnifax Cor poration, is providing equipment for the workshop. Two Students To Serve As Missionaries Two A&M students have been chosen by the State Baptist Stu dent Union Summer Missions Committee to serve as summer missionaries from June 16-Aug. 20. They are Andy Olivares, who will go to Cuidad Juarez, Mexico, and Don Davidson, who will go to Hawaii. Andy Olivares is a junior agri cultural engineering major from Reynosa, Mexico. He is an active Baptist student serving on the newly elected Baptist Student Union Executive Council as chair man of the International Student Committee. This summer his work will mainly be Vacation Bible Schools, preaching, and youth camps. Don Davidson is a junior history major from Corpus Christi. Dur ing his three years at A&M he has been active in the Baptist Student Union, serving in several posi tions of leadership. He is the new president of the Baptist Stu dent Union Executive Council. This summer he will work in youth camps and in youth-led revivals in Hawaii. These two students will be part of about 30 students going to mis sion fields. Their work will be financed by funds raised by Texas Baptist students. YMCA Officers To Be Installed YMCA officers for the 1962-63 school year will be installed at a steak fry to be held in Hensel Park at 6 p.m. Apr. 30. Officers elected at the cabinet meeting last Monday night are president, Don Willis, ’63; vice- president, Joe Chapman, ’64; sec retary, Lanny Jackson, ’64; treas urer, Curtis Morton, ’64; program chairman, Wally Echols, ’63; and advisory board representative, Garry Rudder, ’64. Class representatives for next year are senior, Wally Echols; junior, Howard (Butch) Johnson; and sophomore, Oscar Sotelo. OF lF. TRIANGLE DRIVE-IN OPEN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT -HOURS— Monday Tuesday Wednesday Open Close 11a. m.-12 p.m. Closed 11 a. m. -12 p.m. Thursday Friday Saturday Open Close 11 a. m. -12 p. m. 11 a. m.-12 p.m. 11 a. m. -1 a. m. (Sun) Sunday 11 a. m. -12 p. m. FEATURING COLONEL SANDERS KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN K. C. Barrel (21 pieces with gravy, french fries, hot rolls) $4.50 (enough for 6 people) K. C. Bucket (14 pieces with gravy, french fries, hot rolls ^ $3.50 (enough for 4 people) K. C. Box (3 pieces with gravy, french fries, salad, hot rolls) $1.00 K. C. Basket with gravy, salad, french fries, hot rolls 65 OTHER FEATURES: Shrimp, 6 large with french fries 85^ Hamburger, large bun, patty, lettuce, tomato .... 25^ Steak Sandwich 40^ B-B-Q Beef 40^ B-B-Q Chicken Burger 35^ Basket Burger 45^ DELIVERY: DRINKS: Large Lemonade 10^ Large Iced Tea 10^ ■tv Large Orange 10c Coke : 10 - 15 - 20^ Dr. Pepper 10 - 15 - 20c Root Beer 10 - 15 - 20^ Coffee 10^ 25^ delivery fee on all orders of $2.50 or more within city limits of Bryan and College Station during the following hours: Saturday 11:30 A.M. - 12 Midnight Sunday 11:30 A.M. - 11 P. M. Week Days 5:30 P.M. - 11 P. M. Phone TA 2-1950 THE BATTALIOFJ F*j(foiy, ApHl lS t 19G2 College Station, Texas Page 31 Cafe Tropical Entertainment The Skynotes, of Intercollegiate Talent Week. From left to right are Karen Tetch, Show fame, will entertain at the “Cafe Carol Baker and Babs Baugh. The trio sings Tropical,” final event of Pan American in an “Andrews Sisters” style. Bob Kennedy Orders Probe Of New Steel Price Hikes WASHINGTON OP)—Atty. Gen. Robert P. Kennedy said Thursday night he has ordered a grand jury investigation into the new round of steel price increases. Kennedy made the disclosure in response to questions about a statement by U. S. Steel Corp. Board Chairman Roger Blough that his firm had been subpoenaed be fore a grand jury. A spokesman for the Justice De partment issued Kennedy’s state ment to newsmen several hours after Blough defended U. S. Steel’s action in a televised New York news conference. The attorney general’s statement said the grand jury probing the price rise will be convened in New York. He did not say when. The attorney general had watched the first few minutes of Blough’s television rebuttal to ad ministration criticism and refused to comment at that t(me. His confirmation that the Justice Department would seek grand jury action in the steel price boosts came after day-long reports and speculation that Justice Depart ment lawyers were studying pos sible court action. An antitrust action against “Big Steel” was described as one of several possible moves under re view as a result of the sudden wave of price increases in the steel industry. President Kennedy’s top aides gathered at the White House to survey the possibilities of action in the courts and in Congress. Kennedy, who denounced the price rise initiated by U. S. Steel as “wholly unjustifiable and irre sponsible,” sat in during the last quarter-hour of the 45-minute meeting. The emphasis afterward was on orderly deliberation. Andrew T. Hatcher, assistant White House press secretary, replied in the negative when asked if any direct action can be expected shortly. “These things take time,” Hatch er said. Hatcher left unanswered a ques tion as to whether there are any solid reasons for the White House to believe there might yet be a cancellation or rollback of the $6- a-ton rise in steel prices. But in a low-key statement of Kennedy’s views, Hatcher told ST. LOUIS, Mo. (AP)—A leading economist charged Thursday that public education is a backward in dustry, urgently in need of new ideas, techniques and approaches. Theodore O. Yntema, former professor and a vice president of the Ford Motor Co. since 1949, said the vast new demands on the schools cannot be met merely by spending more money to expand what we are now doing. He told the National School Boards Association, convening here, that the solution lies in greater efficiency, in providing more educational value per hour of time and dollar of cost. Yntema said the times call for a committee for educational de newsmen he thought it safe to say the President would like steel prices to remain as they were when the recent new labor con tract was signed. Shortly after Hatcher spoke, the National Steel Corp. announced in Pittsburgh it was joining the parade to higher prices. The firm announced a $6-a-ton increase starting Friday. With Senate and House commit tee investigations already shaping up, Sen. Mike Mansfield of Mon tana, the Democratic majority leader, told reporters, “The time for talking about the price increasu has passed—the time for actios has come.” velopment, along the lines of the Committee for Economic Develop ment which was established early in World War II by a group of American business leaders. Such a committee on education, he said, should be small enough and select enough to work effec tively. “It should serve primarily to take a grand view, to gather and appraise the results of specialized research, to distill the essence, and to put the weight of its prestige behind its selection of the best and wisest and most urgently needed policies.” School board members, he said, “are the very people to assert the leadership that is needed.” Economist Charges Public Education Needs New Ideas Two approaches to the “man’s deodorant” problem If a man doesn't mind shaving under his arms, he will probably find a woman’s roll-on satisfactory. Most men, however, find it simpler and surer to use Mennen Spray Deodorant. Mennen Spray was made to get through to the skin, where perspiration starts. And made to work all day. More men use Mennen Spray than any other deodorant. How about you? 640 and $1.00 plus tax