The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 11, 1962, Image 1

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The Battalion
Volume 60
Number 102
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36 Participate
In 1st Nutrition
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The first Human Nutrition
Workshop for home demonstration
agents of Texas opened here Mon
day and will continue through Fri
Participating in sessions of the
in-service training are 30 county
home demonstration agents, re
presenting the approximately 200
HD agents of the state who work
with Texas families and help them
plan foods needed to make for good
nutritional status for each family
member. The agent represent the
12 Extension districts of Texas.
Workshop sessions are being
held at Memorial Student Center.
Dr. Raymond Reiser, professor
in the Department of Biochemistry
and Nutrition, disucssed “The Fat
Story,” as the Tuesday program
opened. Dr. Marvin Siperstein, of
the Department of Medicine, South
western Medical School, Dallas,
spoke on “Food Fat and Disease”
as the talks on cholesterol continu
Dr. Edward E. Burns, associate
professor of horticulture whose
ivork in primarily in the fields pf
vegetable and fruit storage and
processing, spoke on “Modern Food
Science”/at the Tuesday afternoon
session. “Radiation and Nutrition”
Was subject of a talk given by
Dr. Sidney O. Brown, biology pro
Concluding the Tuesday work
shop program was a discussion
by Dr. Robert E. Branson, of the
Department of Economics and So
ciology. His talk was entitled,
Chosen Rest
Engineer Prof
Charles A. Rodenberger, associ
ate professor of aeronautical engi
neering, has been named outstand
ing faculty member by the Stu
dent Engineering Council.
The council each year selects
a faculty member in the School of
Engineering that is doing an out
standing teaching job. They also
consider the faculty member’s aca
demic and professional activities,
his interest in his students and
his community activities.
Rodenberger is a member of the
graduate and undergraduate facul
ty in the School of Engineering
and teaches courses in aerospace
structures and structural mechan
Before joining the A&M faculty
in 1960, Rodenberger was a senior
design engineer with General Dy
namics in Fort Worth for six
years. There he designed lai’ge
bonded sandwich panels for the
B-58 “Hustler” wing, and develop
ed new designs to reduce cost and
Weight of bonded sandwich con
The Student Engineering Council
is made up of the president of
each student technical or profes
sional society and a senior and
junior student from each depart
ment within the School of Engi
“Motivating Factors in Consumer
Purchases of Food Products.”
The workshop for the home ec
onomists is being developed a-
round the professional theme,
“Steps for You.” Daily programs
are centered around the following
steps: understanding the county
situation, gaining new knowledge,
reaching rfew audiences, learning
teaching methods and techniques
and programming to meet individ
ual county food and nutrition
needs. ,
Objectives of the in-service train
ing, according to foods and nutri
tion specialists of the Extension
Service, are to help the HD agents
increase their knowledge of the
nutrition by making a study of the
latest research findings and to as
sist them in developing abilities
for teaching nutrition through ade
quately planned and executed coun
ty programs.
Arrangements for the workshop
have been planned by Maeona Cox,
chairman, and Louise Mason, Ma
rie Tribble and Frances Reason-
A&M’s Nuclear Center
To Act As Host
Biology professors Dr. Sidney O. Brown, standing, and Dr.
George M. Krise, shown here at work in one of the labora
tories, will be hosts to the home demonstration agents here
for a workshop when they tour the A&M radiation facilities
over, Extension Service foods and
nutrition specialists.
Randolph Named
Top Accountant
Joe N. Randolph has been named
by the accounting faculty of A&M
College of Texas as the outstand
ing senior for the graduating class
for 1962.
The College Station student was
honored with seniors selected from
seven Texas colleges and univer
sities at a Students Recognition
Dinner given by the Fort Worth
Chapter of the Petroleum Account
ants at the Blackstone Hotel, Fort
Worth, Tuesday.
Singing Cadets Set
6 Six Flags’ Concert
The Singing Cadets will give the
opening performance at Six Flags
Over Texas between Dallas and
Fort Worth on faster Sunday,
April 2, while oh their extensive
seven-day tour of Texas, accord
ing to Robert L. Boone.
The group will open the Dis
ney-land-like fair by singing at
the main entrance in a 10-minute
program beginning at 2 p.m. From
then until 7 they will stroll around
the grounds singing several selec-
Wire Wrap-Up
By The Associated Press
World News
DA NANG, South Viet Nam—Communist guerrillas
killed two captured U. S. Army sergeants because they were
too badly wounded to walk any farther, the survivors of a
jungle ambush reported Tuesday. The Americans’ arms had
been bound behind them.
Vietnamese patrols and air forces were still searching
the jungle area 45 miles east of the Laos frontier for two
other American Army sergeants who were captured in the
attack on a bivouack Sunday.
'At "At
VIENTIANE, Laos—Neutralist and pro-Communist ad
vocates of coalition rule for Laos profess to believe Premier
Prince Bonn Gum’s pro-Western government will collapse
in two or three months.
They look for existing and future pressures from the
United States to force the government into final negotiations
to put Prince Souvanna Phouma, the neutralist premier—
designate, in the driver’s seat.
U. S. News
WASHINGTON—A bill that would authorize establish
ment of the Padre Island seashore area off the Texas Gulf
Coast was passed Tuesday by the Senate and sent to the
Senate passages by voice vote came shortly after a
motion by Sen. John Tower, R-Tex., to send the measure
back to the Interior Committee had been rejected by a 45 to
39 roll call vote.
The legislation provides for the creation of an 88-mile
park on the 117-mile long island. Author of the bill is Sen.
Ralph Yarborough, D-Tex.
+ ^
WASHINGTON—Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy said
Tuesday literacy tests keep hundreds of thousands of Negros
from voting in federal elections.
This weakens the cause of freedom and democracy, he
told the Senate Constitutional Rights sub-committee.
Texas News
Charles A. Rodenberger
.. . wins SEC recognition
AMARILLO — Witnesses claimed Tuesday that West
Texas fertilizer king Billie Sol Estes drove competition out
of business with cut-rate prices and set up dummy corpora
tions to receive millions he obtained from lending companies.
The testimony came at a day-long court of inquiry called
by Texas Atty. Gen. Will Wilson, who did most of the
Wilson said, in summing up at the end of the day’s ses
sion, that the testimony, he believes, proved that Estes’
competitors were virtually pushed out of the fertilizer busi
ness in the Texas Panhandle.
tions at each of the six historical
sections. At 7 the Cadets will have
a program in the amphitheater at
the fair.
Leaving A&M at 5 a.m. Thurs
day, April 19, the group will open
its tour with a concert in Mid
land. From there they will travel
by bus to Ballinger for a pro
gram the following day.
On Saturday the Singing Cadets
will sing in Abilene at the Aggie
Muster, followed by a concert lat
er in the evening.
After singing at Six Flags the
group will stay in Fort Worth and
give a public concert on Monday
the 23rd. From Fort Worth they
will travel to Plano to conclude
their tour with a concert Tuesday.
The Cadets, making the entire
trip in two large air-conditioned
buses, will return to A&M Wednes
day evening, April 25.
According to Boone, members of
the organization are anxiously a-
waiting the tour, and he expects
warm receptions at every concert.
He said officials at Six Flags have
given the Cadets free access to
all amusements and attractions on
the grounds, allowing them to won
der freely and enjoy the exhibits.
High School Youth
From Temple Wins
’62 Scholarship
A Temple high school senior has
been named winner of the 1962
Junior Engineering Technical So
ciety scholarship.
Timothy R. Miller, son of the
Rev. and Mrs. Harry F. Miller of
2111 S. 7th, Temple, will receive
the $250 award for his freshman
year here. He will receive the
same award each of the following
three years, if he continues to
qualify, for a total of $1,000.
Miller was awarded the schol
arship and a quality slide rule at
the southwest regional confer
ence of JETS, held here last week.
The JETS is a national organiza
tion for high school students in
terested in engineering-science ca
The School of Engineering is
state headquarters for JETS and
the Texas Society of Professional
Engineers work with high school
chapters of the organization.
Miller’s scholarship award was
based on his participation in the
JETS program at Temple High
School, his scholastic ability and
other school and extra-curricular
Student Tours Begin
Iowa State U.
Prof Schedules
Friday Lecture
An Iowa State University pro
fessor .of statistics who holds the
doctorate from three institutions
will lecture here Friday.
Dr. H. O. Hartley is scheduled
to speak on the subject of “Bal
anced Experimental Designs” at 2
p.m. Friday in the Faculty Room
of the Richard Coke Building.
The public, as well as faculty,
staff and graduate students, is in
vited to hear Hartley, Dean Wayne
C. Hall of the Graduate School
Hartley, who came to this nation
from England, is described as that
rare individual, knowledgeable and
a recognized authority in the theo
retical and practical phases of
statistics as applied to a num
ber of disciplines.
Examples from agricultural and
biological researchers as well as
from engineering will be used as he
develops his topic.
Hartley received the Ph.D.
(magna cum laude) in Mathema
tics from Berlin University and
from Cambridge University in
mathematical statistics in 1934
and 1940, respectively. In 1953 he
received the Doctor of Science de
gree from the University of Lon
In 1950 Hartley was elected a
Fellow of the Institute of Mathe
matical Statistics; in 1953 he was
elected a Fellow of the American
Statistical Association; in 1954 he
was elected a member of the In
ternational Statistical Institute. A
year ago he served as a visiting
professor in statistics at Harvard.
Visits Slated Monday
Through Thursday, 1-5
Battalion Staff Writer .
The Nuclear Science Center at Easterwood Airport has
announced that students may now tour the nuclear reactor
and its facilities each afternoon, Monday through Thursday
from 1 to 5 p. m.
Floy W. Smith, chief of reactor operations, said that it
would be advisible for the students to come out in groups of
10 or more.
“Due to our work load and small staff, it would be best
for students to come out in large groups or as organizations
and clubs. If they could call and make an appointment before
hand we could have someone ready to take them on the tour,
and it would save time,” he suggested.
Noted Ardfiitect
Speaks Friday
Another in the A&M guest lec
ture series in architecture will be
presented by Harry Weese, noted
Chicago architect, Friday in the
Memorial Student Centei’. '
The public is invited to attend
the lecture which will begin at
8 p.m. in the Assembly Room of
the MSC.
As one of the men associated
with the “new Chicago school of
architecture,” Weese was elected
to Fellowship in the American In
stitute of Architects in 1961 in
recognition of his design work.
An architecture graduate of the
Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology, Weese did post-graduate
study in city planning and prefab-
ricatton and low cost housing.
During World War II he was
chief engineer on a destroyer. He
was associated with Skidmore, Ow-
ings and Merrill in Chicago before
entering independent practice as
architect and engineer in 1947.
Library Expects 3,000 Rooks
To Be Cheeked Out This Week
More than 3,000 books — enough
to fill approximately 120 feet of
bookcase shelving — will be check
ed out this week from libraries on
the campus. ^This is the average,
52 weeks-a-year figure and the
observance of National Library
Week may hike the total some
A&M’s Library Director Robert
A. Houze and staff members hope
the figure will rise. And they have
good grcfands for their hopes, as
total circulation this past acade
mic year was at a record total of
166,151 volumes.
An invitation to everyone to
visit the campus libraries and to
become better acquainted with the
facilities and services has been
issued by Houze.
At the Cushing’ Memoi’ial Lib
rary a special display has been
put in place beside the main en
trance. This display is built a-
round the theme of the prize-win
ning photo-feature story about the
library which appeared in the
Jan. 14 issue of The Bryan Daily
Guy Horton of the College In
formation and Publications Office
prepared the news feature, which
won the top divisional citation
from the Southwest District of the
American College Public Relations
The Texas Engineers Library
was the scene of an open house
on Monday afternoon and the
Veterinary Library was the scene
of a similar function from 4 until
6 p.m. Wednesday. The engineering
faculty wives sponsored the- open
house at that library, and the
veterinary medicine faculty wives
are sponsoring that open house.
The public is invited.
Lists of the “Notable Books of
1961” as compiled by a council of
the American Library Association
are being distributed free by all
of the campus libraries. All 50
notable books of the year are a-
vailable through the College lib
rary system, Houze said.
The A&M libraries contain 405,-
000 volumes, with Cushing Lib
rary containing 315,000 of these
volumes. The Texas Engineers Lib
rary contains 71,000 volumes,
Veterinary Library, 9,500 volumes;
Business Administration Library,
4,000 volumes; and the Architec
ture Library, 4,600 volumes.
Visitors to the libraries will
learn that more than 4,600 period
icals and other special publications
are subscribed to annually.
The vistiors also will learn that
the library system, as the heart
of learning on the campus, con
tains a wide assortment of mater
ials in addition to books, news
papers and magazines. There are
motion picture films, recordings,
slides, and microfilm and micro
card systems.
The nuclear reactor is a
swimming pool type reactor,
designed for operations at
power levels up to 5 million
watts. It began service in
April of last year. The reactor is
used in physical and life sciences
research and in teaching nuclear
sciences and nuclear engineering.
The purpose of the swimming
pool is to act as a shield against
the deadly radiation. It is 33 feet
deep and 41 feet wide, and contains
demineralized water. This is pro
bably the only swimming pool on
the campus that won’t be crowded
with Aggies this summer.
One function of the reactor is
the production of short lived iso
topes that maintain their high
activity level for brief periods and
then decay rapidly. Thus, they are
especially suitable for experiments
where the researcher wishes to ob
tain data and then dispose of
radioactive materials quickly and
These short lived isotopes are
also extremely well suited to
studies such as those in which
radioactive tracers are used in fol
lowing the movement of materials
in plant and animal systems. Their
production will expand potentiali
ties for research in both the life
and physical sciences.
Two of the several studies now
under way illustrate both the prac
tical application and the broad
scope of this type of research and
the potentialities of the nuclear
reactor. One concerns heart dis
ease, the other cotton production.
In both cases radioactive “tracers”
provide the keys.
Dr. Raymond Reiser, of the Bio
chemistry and Nutrition Depart
ment has used radioactive Carbon
14 hs a tracer in studies of vari
ous food constituents and their
Reiser has made extensive uses
of Carbon 14 in studies of the
relation of various dietary fats to
cholesterol metabolism in animals.
“Labeled” (activated) acetic acid
has been used to determine how
animals convert this acetate into
cholesterol or fats. He hopes that
eventually these findings may ap
ply to man.
Another use of these isotopes
(See TOURS on Page 3)
Pan American Students
Three students participating in Pan American Week pres
ently being conducted in the Memorial Student Center,
view a map of the Americas, one of the displays. From left
to right are Carlos Matamoros, Honduras; Enrique Serna,
Mexico; and Raimundo Riojas, Mexico.