The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 06, 1962, Image 3
THE BATTAOON FnThy, 'AprH (T, T9C2 Admission: By Season Tickets or Student Activity Card Tickets will only be sold at the door Reserved $3.00 — General Admission $2.50 High School Students and Under $1.00 Doors Open At 7 P. M. College Station, Texas T*age 51 Sound Off: Candidates Tell Qualifications 1 (Continued from Page 2) common sense and good judge ment, can make our activities a source of pride to all concern ed. As president, it is toward this goal that I would strive. Mike Lutich, ’64 » Candidate for President ★ Editor, The Battalion: I, Byrom T. Wehner, am privi leged to be a candidate for presi dent of the Class of ’64. If elected, I will represent and promote the best interests of the Class of ’64 to the best of my ability. I will promote harmony and cooperation in corps-civil ian relations in every possible way. I will strive to bring to the civilian members of my class the representation which they need and to which they are entitl ed. Long steps to end certain detrimental rivalries may best be taken through civilian repre sentation in class offices. Final ly, I will maintain the integrity of the A&M student body, and support and defend student rights in any possible way. I will great ly appreciate the votes of my fellow class members. May I remind every student —- civilian and corps — to vote in the election of class officers. None of us can justily criticize officers whom we did not help to elect or defeat by our votes. Thank you. Byrom T. Wehner, ’64 Candidate for President ★ Social Secretary Editor, The Battalion: To the members of the Class of ’64 holding the best interest of their class at heart. After two years of observing the operation of our class, I feel that I can now contribute to the successful government and management of this class if I am placed in the position of so cial secretary. One of the main jobs of the social secretary is to work with the class vice president in pre paring and executing the Junior Prom that will be a model for the ones to come. > I feel that I am capable of a coordinated effort with the other officers in my class with the interest of our class always fore most in my action. I pledge to execute the duties of my office to the very best of my ability if offered the chance to represent you, the members of the Class of ’64, as your junior class social secretary. Robert E. “Brunk” Brunkenhoefer, ’64 Candidate for Social Secretary ★ Junior Yell Leader Editor, The Battalion: I, Richard Jeffery, am a candi date for the position of junior yell leader, I feel that I am fully qualified for the position and I intend to perform the functions of this office to the best of my ability if elected by the mem bers of my class. I intend to contribute every facility at my disposal toward the advancement of my class and college and toward the following goals. A&M College, as one of the leading colleges in the United States, must lead our conference by setting the highest standards of sportsmanship in our confer ence. The spirit and traditions of this institution are of such great importance to our class and to past and futui’e generations of Aggies that they must be pre served and nurtured; and, rather than permit these to continue in their present stature, they must be made to grow. A coordinated effort on the part of the two junior yell lead ers must be made to maintain and increase the high spirit and love of school which exists in our class. These ideals must be instilled in the classes to follow. Richard Jeffery, ’64 Candidate for Yell Leadeer ★ Editor, The Battalion: There is not a member of the Class of ’64 who could not be an Aggie yell leader. The position is therefore a very hard one to fill because the person who fills this place of honor must re present his school as well as his class. The candidate who is elect ed to this position should be the one who knows his class members and his class members should know him. It is his duty to let his class members know that he would like to represent them as a yell leader. Experience also plays a vital part in considering a yell lead er. As a fish yell leader, I was proud and honored to repre sent my school and the Class of ’64. I realize that this position is time consuming and demand ing but I am willing to sacri fice my time if I am honored with the position of yell leader. On Wednesday, April 11, you, the Class of ’64 will elect two yell leaders who will represent your school, its spirit, and our class. I would sincerely appreci ate your consideration in letting me fill one of these positions. Earl (Ricky) Shaw, ’64 Candidate for Yell Leader ★ ★ ★ Tisdale Running For ’65 Veep Editor, The Battalion My name is Garry Tisdale. T am running for the office of vice president of the Class of ’65. In the election next Wednesday, April 11, I urge you to exercise the privilege and obligation you have in electing your own class representatives. I sincerely want to represent you as your next vice president, so on election day remember to vote, and vote for fish Tisdale for vice president, nwe-e.... ulte,eew weSee Garry Lee Tisdale, ’65 Candidate for Vice President ★ Sec Spot Sought Edittor, The Battalion: Next week the election of class officers will take place. I will be running for secretary of your class. If elected, I’ll do my ut most to help the other officers rnake the Class of ’65 a swinging organization. I think that my grades allow roe the time necessary to carry cmt the secretary’s job effective ly. I urge every one of you to get out next Wednesday and help elect your officers. I can’t promise you a girl in every hole, or free beer in the mess hall, but if you do choose to give me your vote, I guarantee you that you won’t be disappointed. Jim Burns, ’65 Candidate for Secretary TheTop Flips Automatically (and so will you) You’ll keep out of the rain without strain in this handsome Rambler convertible. The top flips up or down automatically—yet the Rambler American “400” is the lowest priced U. S. convertible. Even lower priced than manual top jobs. Bucket seats, optional. Your Rambler is so stingy with gas you won’t believe it’s such a tiger for performance— until you try it... at your Rambler dealer's. ® RAMBLER World standard of compact car excellence We're Celebrating Our 4th Friday 9 P.M. til Saturday Midnight April 6 — April 7 24 FULL HOURS OF BOWLING with, the FABULOUS BRUNSWICK FULLY AUTOMATIC PINSETTERS GIVING YOU TOP SCORING CONDITIONS Help Us Celebrate 9 P.M. - 12 Midnight 25£ per game 12 A.M. - 1 A.M... Bowling Free 1 A.M. - 2 A.M. 200 per game 2 A.M. - 3 A.M 150 per game 3 A.M. - 4 A.M 100 per game 4 A.M. - 5 A.M. .... .. 50 per game 5 A.M. - 7 A.M Bowling Free 7 A.M. - 8 A.M .. 50 per game 8 A.M. - 12 A.M. .. 100 per game 12 A.M. - 1 P.M. . 150 per game 1 P.M. - 7 P.M . 200 per game 7 P.M.-11 P.M . 250 per game 11 P.M.-12 P.M... . Bowling Free if 3 GAME LIMIT we have a waiting list STUDENT PRICES MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER BOWLING LANES