The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 06, 1962, Image 2
Page 2 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Friday, April 6, 1962 I MOV IE go Palace Through Saturday — **** “The Outsider” Sunday thru Tuesday — *** “The Day the Earth Caught Fire” Queen Through Saturday — ** “April Love” and “Ask Any Girl” — unreviewed. Sunday thru Tuesday — “To ward the Unkonwn” and “Dream Wife” — both unreviewed. Campus Through Saturday — ** “Seven Women From Hell” Sunday thru Tuesday — “Pure Hell at St. Trinian’s” — unre viewed. Circle Saturday — “Bright Leaf” and “Rocket Attack, U.S.A.” and ROUND! “Pillars of the Sky” — all unre viewed. Sunday thru Wednesday — **** "The Guns of Navarone” and * “Destry” Skyway Saturday — “Devil on Wheels” and “Born To Speed” and “The Big Night” — all unreviewed — and * “Look in Any Window” Sunday thru Tuesday — ** “Babes in Toyland” and *** “Home from the Hill” Guion Hall “Closed — Cotton Pageant” T. Nickell ***** Exceptional Excellent *** Good ** Fair * Poor (Editor’s Note: The Battalion is presenting the following let ters from candidates for posi tions in the class elections sche duled for Wednesdaj\ April 11. The Battalion will publish, as space permits, other letters from candidates if they are neatly written, concise, and in the Bat talion Officve no later than 9 a.m. Monday. Seek ’63 Veep Spot Editor, The Battalion: In recent .months numerous questions have been provoked in the minds of A&M students as to what is going to happen to A&M during the 1962-63 school year. I feel that it is important that the student body and the Class of ’63 should take a prominent role in the influencing the deci sions which are going to be made. It is also my contention that there is much to be gained if next year’s senior class woi'ks to- — Sound gether through its class offic ers to make the wishes and op inions of the class known. As a member of this year’s Civilian Student Council I feel that I have gained a valuable in sight into the problems of the civilian faction of the student body and feel that I am well qua lified to represent the Class of ’63 as a whole and not just in part. If I a elected to the position of vice president of the Class of ’63, I promise to devote all the necessary time and woxk which is needed to fui'ther the aims of our class. In doing this I ex pect to give my full coopex-ation to our class president and the other officei’s of our class. Gerry Brown, ’63 Candidate for Vice President ★ Editor, The Battalion: I am a candidate for the office of vice pxesident, Class of ’63. I feel that I am capable of per- hfo 7um ** ‘tmm i HENRY L. Distinguished concert pianist in his hi- . • larious evening of music and humor. • Guion Hail -- 8 P. M. April 9 & 10 o THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the stu dent writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax-supported, non profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and op erated by students as a journalism laboratory and community newspaper and is under the supervision of the director of Student Publications at Texas A&M College. Members of the Student Publications Board are L. A. Duewall, director of Student Publications, chairman ; Allen Schrader, School of Arts and Sciences; Willard I. Truettner, School of Engineering-; Otto R. Kunze, School oi 1 Agriculture; and Dr. E. D. McMurry, School of Veterinary Medicine. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A.&M. is published in College Sta tion, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, Septem ber through May, and once a week during summer school. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter hero in are also reserved. Second-class postage paid at College Station, Texas. MEMBER: The Associated Pres* Texas Press Assn. Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los An geles and San Francisco. Mail subscriptions are $3.60 per semester; $6 per school year, $6.60 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 2% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA Building. College Station, Texas. News contributions may be made by telephoning VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910 or at the editorial office. Room 4, YMCA Building. For advertising or delivery call VI 6-6416. BOB SLOAN EDITOR Tommy Holbein Managing Editor Larry Smith Sports Editor Alan Payne, Ronnie Bookman, Robbie D. Godwin News Editors Ronnie Fann, Gerry Brown, T. S. Harrover Staff Writers Sylvia Ann Bookman Society Editor Van Conner Assistant Sports Editor Johnny Herrin — Chief Photographer Ben Wolfe, Bill Stripling - Photographers CADET SLOUCH UOV 60WVA by Jim Earle —Joh Calls — wm SAKE RAW | mws-.. PRtOAY W1TC-4QA TWO 7:3CK 9;l5 / AVbC BALLROOM ( \t>youiORsa ex fkemcu cu)~ The following firms will inter view graduating seniors in the Placement Office of the YMCA Building: Monday Signal Oil and Gas Co. — Chemical engineering with some mechanical engineering back ground and mechanical engineer ing with some organic or phy sical chemistry backgi’ound (B. S.). Monday and Tuesday Sheffield Division, Armco Steel Corp. — Industrial engineering (B.S.), chemistry (all degree levels), and mathematics (B.S., M.S.). Tuesday B. J. Service Inc., a Borg-Warn- er Subsidiary — Civil, electrical, industrial, mechanical and pe troleum engineering, geology, chemistry, mathematics, physics and business administx^ation. “Do you think th’ Ballroom will be big enough?’ Off forming the duties of this office and I would like the chance to prove it. I urge everyone to go to the polls and vote, prefex-ably for me. James (Stonewall) Maltby, ’63 Candidate for Vice President ★ Editor, The Battalion: The upcoming student elec tions give the student body at the leaders of their various classes. I hope that the students take full advantage of this op portunity and make this the larg est election turnout in A&M’s history. I, Gene Miller, am a candidate for vice president of the Class of ’63. I am first sergeant of Squadron 9 and I think that I possess the necessary qualifica tions for the responsibilities of the office of vice president. I think that with the changing times at A&M the student body should unite as a unit and strive together, both civilian and corps, to achieve the best possible con ditions on the campus. If elected, I will Strive to woi’k with the president of our class to achieve the goals, which the Class of ’63 is capable of achieving. Gene Miller, ’63 Candidate for Vice President ★ ★ ★ Laitich, Wehener Want ’64 Prexy Job Editor, The Battalion: As a candidate for president of our class I offer you experi ence, the desix’e to sex*ve and confidence in the future of our class. I have served as pi'esident of a number of clubs and ox’ganiza- tions. This prior experience has taught me to plan well in ad vance for activities such as our Junior Banquet and Ball. Fur- Three Workshops ReadiedForFaculty The Department of Education and Psychology will conduct three workshops Apr. 10-14 to teach fac ulty members how to use the over head projector and other mater ials. RCA - STEREO The MARK XIV 1VE10 SERIES $199.95 Total Sound Stereo High Fidelity Console • Handsome, clean-lined Contemporary console • 20-watt dual channel amplifier (8 watt EIA standard) for great fidelity and realism • 4-speaker Total Sound Stereo system • 4-speed "Floating Action” changer protects records KRAFT Furniture Co. 218 So. Main Bryan thermore, it would enable me to meet those unexpected emergenc ies that often ax-ise and to di- i‘ect class business in an exact and ordexdy manner. What about my desire to seiwe ? When questions of policy must be decided, when factions must be brought together, or when tiresome tasks must be accom plished for the good of the class — then would xxxy earnest, pur poseful desire px'ove itself. I am confident that the initia tive of our class, coupled with (See CANDIDATES on Page 3) Bulletin Board “Lady Godiva,” starring Mau reen O’Hara will be shown by the French Club in the Memorial Student Center Ballroom Friday at 7:30 p.m. and at 9:15 p.m. Admission to the Techicolor film is 40 cents. Texas Society of Professional Engineers (Student Chapter) will hear Col. Thomas C. Green, ex ecutive secretary for the Texas State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers speak Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Room 231, Chemistry Building. Church News A&M Church of Christ Sunday — Morning worship, “What Think Ye of the Church?,” 9:45 a.m.; Evening worship, “Fii’st Things First,” 7:15 a.m. A&M Presbyterian Church Sunday — Morning worship, “There Is Work To Do,” 11 a.m. Advertisement TALES OF THE OIL COUNTRY Top Pipeliner, Top Ajjjjic Copyrighted Feature from the Houston Post By JIM CLARK The talk about football and coaches and female classroom in vasion efforts had settled down a little, and they were trying to de cide on the greatest Aggie of them all in the oil and gas business. This was the scene taking place around a table at the Petroleum Club where I was the only out sider—that is one who didn’t grad uate fi’om Texas A and M. Since I didn’t graduate from any other college, either, I was permitted to remain—silently. “Well,” said one’ of the ex-Ag- gies, “for my money old Bux-t Hull was the greatest. He entered A and M even befox-e he got his high school credits, graduated with hon ors in three years, pax-ticipated in football, debating and other extra- curx-icular-activities, built all of Texas Company’s pipelines, then tlie Big and Little Inch lines, and finally the Tapline from the Pers ian Gulf to Sidon, the biggest pipe line ever built, before he died. And the tx’uth is you had to give Burt credit. He graduated in 1904 with a degree in civil engi- neexdng. Others chimed in. Then names started to roll off like some one calling an Aggie muster. THERE WAS J. W. Foley of Texaco, Del Brockett of Gulf, Mil- ton Beringer of British American, Maggie McGee of Tennessee Pipe line, J. H. Dunn of Shamrock Oil, Les Potter of Lone Star Gas, Joe Sewell of Delhi-Taylor, Wofford Cain of Southern Union Gas, Jeff Montgomery of Oklahoma Natural, A. H. Waylane of Arkansas Fuel Oil ; and “Doc” Doherty of Mound Company, all presidents of their companies. Then someone mentioned vice pi'esidents such as Arch Boucam of Texaco, and R. E. McAdams of Shell, who is in charge of world wide exploration. “You now, you talk about these oil and gas men, and you haven’t named half of the Aggie exes in big jobs. Y’ou must remember men in other fields,” said an oilman who sometimes thinks of other things. Then he started ticking off names such as Felix McKnight, who is president of the American Society of .Newspapers Editors’; E. H. Leavey, px’esident of Inter national Telephone and Telegraph; A. E. Davis, operations vice px’es- ident for Sears; Carl Forrest, past president of the National So ciety of Professional Engineers; and Earle Cabell, the major of Dallas. He added bank and in surance executives, writers, ed ucators, builders, x’uilroaders and utility tycoons and even artists. “AND,” HE added with a wisp of envy in his voice, “we mustn’t forget old Doc. J. Y. Henderson. He’s got the best job of all as chief veterinarian of Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. And you could see the pride that marks the spirit of Aggieland as someone else mentioned the Aggie recipients of the nation’s highest award, the Medal of Honor. There were six they recalled, including Tom Fowler, Bill Hari’ell, Lloyd Hughes, George Keathley, Turney Leonux'd, and Eli Whiteley. All except Harrell and Whiteley were killed in action. Whiteley is now teaching agi’onomy at the college. And the four-star generals in cluding Otto Weyland, Jerome Waters, Geoi’ge Beverley, and the most distinguished of all, A. B. Schreiver, who dix*e«ts the nation’s entire intecontinental missile pro- gi'am. Then there was Major Gen. Alvin Luedecke, who' is general manager of the Atomic Energy Commission, all Aggies. GETTING BACK to the sports (as Aggies sometimes will) an other thought of the gx-eat All- American Aggies included Joel Hunt, Joe Routt, Joe Boyd, John Kimbrough, Marshall Robnett, Yale Larry, Jack Little, Jack Pardee) and John David Ci - ow. Aggie Olympic stars, he said, included Jack Mahan, Ax-t Harnden, Walter Davis and Darrow Hooper. “And old Wally Moon was the most valuable player of the year this year at Los Angeles for the Dodgers,” he recalled pleasantly. You could go back to oil and name independents all day. Few would outshine Mike Halbouty, the most educated and degreed of all Aggie oilmen, or Johnny Mitchell, president of Jade Oil, or Alwyn King, or Oscar Wyatt, or . . . well, thex'e’s no limit. THIS ALL got around to the fact that Aggies wear big rings. When freshman gx-ads go out look ing for jobs and see the boss also wearing a big Aggie ring, they sometimes knock on the desk— accidentally — to get attention. This often results in jobs where otherwise it would just result in filling out an application. They call it, quite appropi'iately, I'ing knocking. “What’s wrong with men’s col leges,” someone was asking. “Why even Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Noti’e Dame, the Army, Navy and Air Foi'ce colleges, and a few other plaaes where the concentx*a- tion is on studies (except on the week ends) turn out some pretty good men, too. And sometimes Noti’e Dame even has a little foot ball team and coach trouble.” Stand up and be proud, you good Aggies! Submit names, addresses and shirt sizes of all prospective Aggies that you may know to LOU and he will send each one an Aggie T-Shirt free of chaa'ge' . . LET VITALISE KEEP YOUR HAIR NEAT ALL DAY WITHOUT GREASE!gy Keep the oil in the can. In your hair, use Vitalis with V-7®, the \ greaseless grooming discovery. Fights embarrassing dandruff, IN prevents dryness-keeps your hair neat all day without grease, On Campus with Max Shu {Author of "l Was a Teen-age Dwarf"The Mbi) Loves of Dobie Gillis”, etc.) CRAM COURSE NO. 1: MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY The school year draws rapidly to a close, and it’s been a fim year, what with learning the twist, attending public evecutioM, and walking oxir cheetahs—but are we ready for final exams! Some of us, I fear, are not. Therefore, in these few remaining columns, I propose to forego levity and instead offer a series of cram courses so that we may all be prepared at exam time, We will start with Modern European History. StrictJy de fined, Modern European History’ covers the history of Europe from January 1, 1962, to the present. However, in order to provide employment for more teachers, the course has been moved hack to the Age of Pericles, 6r the Renaissance, asitis jocularly called. The single most important fact to remember about Modem European History is the emergence of Prussia. As we all know, Prussia was originally called Russia. The “P” was purchased from Persia in 1874 for $24 and Manhattan Island. This later became known as Guy Fawkes Day. Persia, without a “P” was, of course, called Ersia. This so embarrassed the natives that they changed the name of the country to Iran. This led to a rash of name changing. Mesopo tamia became Iraq, Schleswig-Holstein became Saxc-Coburg, Bosnin-Hcrzegovina became Cleveland. There was even talk in stable old England about changing the name of the country, but it was forgotten when the little princes escaped from the Tower and set fire to Pitt, the Elder. Meanwhile Johannes Gutenberg was quietly inventing the printing press, for which we may all be grateful, believe you me! Why grateful? I’ll tell you why grateful. Because without Gutenberg’s invention, there would be no printing on cigarette packs. You would not know when you bought cigarettes whether you were getting good Marlhoros or some horrid imitation. You could never be sure that you were buying a full-flavored smoke with a pure white filter, a cigarette that lets you settle back and get comfortable—in short, a Marlboro. It is a prospect to chill the bones and turn the blood to sorghum—so if you are ever in Frank-furt am Main, drop in and say thanks to Mr. Gutenberg. He is elderly—408 years old last birthday—but still quite active in his laboratory. In fact, only last Tuesday he invented the German short-haired pointer. But I digress. Back to Modern European History. Let us turn now to that ever popular favorite, France. France, as we all know, is divided into several departments, imcnled UeGermtz juukr There is the Police Department, the Fire Department, the Gas and Water Department, and the Bureau of Weights and Measures. There is also Madame Pompadour, but that need not concern us because it is a dirty story and is only taught to graduate students. Finally, let us take up Italy—the newest European nation. Italy did not become a unified state until 1848 when Garibaldi, Cavour, and Victor Emmanuel threw three coins in the Trevi Fountain. This lovely gesture so enchanted all of Europe that William of Orange married Mary Stuart and caused a potato famine in Ireland. This, in turn, resulted in Pitt, the Younger. All of this may seem a bit complicated, but be of good cheer. Everything was happily resolved at the Congress of Vienna where Metternich traded Parma to Talleyrand for Mad Ludwig of Bavaria. Then everybody waltzed till dawn and then, tired but content, they started the Thirty Years’ War. © 1962 Max simiman Today you can buy Marlboros all over Europe, but you might have to pay a premium. In all 50 of these United States, however, you get that fine Marlboro flavor, that excellent Marlboro filter, in flip-top box or soft pack at regulation popular prices. PEANUTS EZS By Charles M. Sclmli |‘LL BET THE (?I\/ER l£ RI5IN6. THE NEXT THIN6 VOU KN0(J tOEll BE HAYIN© FLOODS... IF THE WHOLE WORLD 6ETS FLOODED, A PITCHER'© MOUND WILL PRO0ABLV BE THE SAFEST PLACE TO STAND...