The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 03, 1962, Image 1

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The Battalion
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IVolume 60
Number 97
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or Fairbanks
E Instructor
1 • i
of its iB^uneral services were held in
■posed dBuston Monday for 'Hardy E.
roiors iflirbanks, a pri'iduate student and
™tructor in the Department of
mil Engineering.
I) l^mairbanks, 28, was killed Satur-
[t|9Kr morning in a four-car accident
i nfcir Alvin, 15 miles south of
[Vilmuston. Eleven other persons, in-
eliding Fairbanks’ wife and three
jBldren, were injuried in the col-
■' ^ ar liKon.
»tor sajiBp'airbanks’ 28-year-old wife, Do-
ly s peai::M i am | three children, Carol, G,
lawed. Cindy, 4, and Bobby, 4 weeks, are
akabe. : a i] reported in fair condition in
M«vin Memorial Hospital.
• addedBnis sister, Mrs. Ann Meadows,
1 to baaj of Houston, is in fair condition
i show at Northshore Hospital in’Houston.
1 15 f Sle was the only other passenger
je prerejn Fairbanks’ auto,
from amMrs. Fairbanks suffered broken
vas jusBjg am ] a punctured lung, Carol
-port kB-
of head
live Aggies Leave
s surrejs
years als
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6 TO
|or Principia And
|Affairs’ Meeting
Five A&M students left the
■mpus Monday night to attend
the 24th annual Public Affairs
Conference at Principia College in
Blsah, Illinois.
■ Representing A&M at the con
ference will be Jeff Wentworth
|82, Dale Mason ’G2, Robert Hall
’82, David Thrasher ’63, Robert Hall
Dresser ’64. The five delegates are
expected to arrive at Prinicpia
noon Wednesday to register for the
opening of the conference.
■ Subject of the four day confer
ence is “The Strategy of Nuclear
Politics: Disarmament.”
■ The working of the conference
Mill follow a plan similar to that
Used by A&M’s Student Conference
on National Affairs. Questions will
presented to the assembly by vari
ous speakers after which the dele
gates will form into small round-
tpble discussion groups.
These groups will then strive to
find plausible answers to the
questions presented earlier.
As a conclusion ideas will be
presented to the assembly as a
hole when it reconvenes.
The site of the conference is a
small liberal arts college locat
ed not far from St. Louis, Mo.
Principia College is a four year
!o-educational school established in
|898. The college has an enroll-
ihent of about 450 drawn from 40
states and 10 foreign countries.
and Cindy both received broken
right legs, Bobby suffered minor
superficial bruises and Mrs. Mea
dows suffered a broken leg.
Two Houston area men in an
other car, Edward A. Williams
and Henry A. Bates, were critical
ly injured and taken to Houston’s
Jefferson Davis Hospital.
Ben A. Cox of Alvin, the only
occupant in one car involved in
the crash, was treated and releas
ed at Alvin Memorial Hospital.
Five persons in the fourth car,
members of a Lake Jackson fami- '
ly, were not injured.
According to investigating high
way patrolmen, cars driven by
Cox and Bates were going north on
Highway 35 south of Alvin, with
the other two vehicles driving
Bates’ car, had a blowout and
crossed the center stripe of the
road, striking Fairbanks’ car. The
Lake Jackson family’s car crashed
into the rear of the Fairbanks auto,
while Bates’ vehicle went into a
spin and was rammed by the Cox
The Fairbanks family lived at
505 Gilchrist East in College Sta
^ '
Graduate Study
Slated For 29
Science Profs
An academic year of graduate
study at A&M will be given 29
junior high science teachers from
throughout the nation, beginning-
in September.
Sponsored under a National Sci
ence Foundation g'rant of $189,600,
the science study institute will pro
vide advanced study in general
science subjects toward a Master
of Education degree with a sci
ence option.
The teachers will receive a living
stipend of $3,000 for nine months,
plus allowances for dependents,
travel, tuition fees and books.
During the first semester of
study in the institute, the teachers
will take courses in biology, chem
istry, analytical geometry and cal
culus, physics, oceanography and
meteorology and a seminar. The
second semester will include cours
es in calculus, organic chemistry,
physics, geology and seminar stud-
Fish Day
Dale Barnes, ’65 from Dumas, surveys damage to his room
resulting from rampaging upperclassmen. Yesterday being
Fish Day, sophomores and freshmen changed places to
find that the grass is always greener on the other side of
the fence. Barnes is a member of Company G-2. (Photo
by Ben Wolfe)
Mayor Meets Senator
Bryan Mayor John R. Naylor (left) greets Sen. Ralph
Yarborough Friday as the senator arrived to speak at the
fourth annual Transportation Conference held on the A&M
campus. (Photo by Dick Tatum)
Freshman Council
Formed By YMCA
A YMCA-sponsored Freshman
Council met for the first time last
Thursday to organize and make
plans for work the remainder of
the school year and next year.
One freshman per Corps unit has
been named to the council after
interviews with YMCA Council
members and J. Gordon Gay, ex
ecutive secretary of the YMCA.
The group will next meet April
12 to hear Spike White, a former
athletic activities director here.
Original members are Michael
J. Forticq, Frank W. Cox, Larry
J. Dowling, E. C. Smith, Russell A.
Vandiver, James D. Fox, John J.
Allen, James E. Jones,
Frank X. Guren Jr., Charles E.
Herzog, Phillip J. Devolites, Carl
E. Longnecker, Frederick E. Olson,
Charles R. Steadman, Preston A.
Scott, Albert MacDonald, Thomas
W. Templer, John E. Jackson,
Daniel J. Fritz, John R. Herman,
Ronnie M. McGinnis, John H.
Vrzalik, Richard H. Smith, Ger
ald H. Buttrill, Robert H. Hable,
Jerry D. Vick, Oscar Sotello, Mich
ael R. Callaway,
Darell F. Smith, Michael E. Dur-
Dr. J. A. Whatley,
Ex-Student, Gives
Graduate Lecture
Dr. James A. Whatley, Jr., who
joined the faculty of Oklahoma
State University in 1939 in charge
of animal breeding research and
teaching, presented a Graduate
Lecture in the Biological Sciences
Lecture Room this afternoon.
His topic was “Utilizing Hetero
sis in Swine Production.”
Whatley received his B.S. de
gree in Agriculture with a major
in animal husbandry from A&M in
1936 and the M.S. and Ph.D. de
grees in Animal Breeding and
Genetics at Iowa State University
in 1937 and 1939.
Since completing the doctorate
and joining the Oklahoma State
faculty, Whatley has been in
charge of the Oklahoma Project
of the Regional Swine Breeding
Laboratory. He has served six
years as a member of the executive
committee of the laboratory and
two years as chairman of that
committee. His major research
work has been in inbreeding,
crossbreeding, heterosis, selection
procedures, heritability estimates,
and carcass studies in swine.
Whatley’s instructional duties at
Oklahoma State have involved
teaching undergraduate and grad
uate courses in genetics and ani
mal breeding. He also has served
as a graduate advisor and on the
Faculty and Graduate Councils.
bin, Richard R. Kimble, James E.
Brewster and Richard Ratliff.
The members were chosen by a
committee composed of Gay, Paul
Smith, Jack Cline, Jack Paris,
Jack Harrington and Allen Dees.
The organization’s specific pur
pose is:
“Realizing that education and
knowledge are not limited to the
classroom or to one select group
of individuals, the purpose of the
Freshman Council is to provide
a common meeting ground for the
thoughtful and provocative stu
dent, to present in an atmosphere
of fellowship ideas or relevance,
and to form a nucleus of young
men who are aware of their re
sponsibility to the campus and the
Bond Reduced:
Estes Released
EL PASO (A 5 ) _ Billie Sol
Estes, one-time boy wonder of
West Texas agriculture, walked
free Monday under reduced bond of
Federal Dist. Judge R. E. Thoma
son reduced bail from $500,000
after hours of testimony, including
statements that Estes threatened
to flee to extradition-proof Brazil.
Thpmason said signatures of
three of the defendant’s relatives
were sufficient. One was his fa
ther, a farmer.
Ruddy-faced, black-haired Estes
and three of his associates were
arrested and charged last Thurs
day with conspiracy and transport
ing fraudulent mortgages from
Texas to California in multi-mil-
lion-dollar deals.
C. S. Polls
Open Today
College Station citizens voted
Tuesday to fill the mayor’s chair
and three positions on the city
Incumbent Mayor Ernest Lang
ford and Councilmen C. W. Lan-
diss, J. A. Orr and Joe Sorrells
were all running on the ballot
Tuesday’s election will be fol
lowed Saturday by an election
to fill three positions on the
A&M Consolidated School Board
of Trustees.
Board President J. B. Her-
vey, G. B. Hensarling Jr., J. O.
Alexander Jr. and Herbie T. Johns
are on the ballot to fill vacancies
left by Hervey, Hensarling and
Milton Williams.
Senator Asks Sound
Transportation Policy
TTI Delegates Hear
Ralph Yarborough
A call for a sound public policy for the common carrier
industry was made by Senator Ralph W. Yarborough (D-
Tex.) Friday at the fourth Transportation Conference in the
Memorial Student Center.
Speaking before more than 100 transportation executives,
the senior senator from Texas advocated minimum rates to
assure sound common carrier service in an industry where
the total trucking business has “dwindled to the point of
Earlier in the day, George P. Baker of Cambridge, Mass.,
president of the Transportation Association of America,
pointed to the need for consolidation of common carrier
companies to eliminate dupli- 4
cated facilities and promote
use of more economical routes.
But to get such legislation
will require leadership of the
current administration, Baker Said,
adding “We need a Presidential
message to Congress. It seems im
probable that the Congress will act
even on uncontroversial and con
structive transportation legislation
until the President does make a
Yarborough said the government
has a dual obligation in transport
ation. “It must assure the public
that common carrier services will
be available on equal and reason
able terms to all. But, a balance
must be struck between the needs
of the shippers and the needs of
the carriers. Public policy must
maintain this balance.”
i *
Competitive rate adjustments
should be made so that all pro
ducers in a trade can serve com
mon markets within reasonable
limits.” he said. “Where a given
carrier has a proven cost advant
age, that advantage should be re
flected in rate and service policy
to benefit each and every trade
Yarborough said that over-ca
pacity in the airline industry
threatens ruinous competition.
Without minimum regulation there
would be pressure on the rate
structure that results in destruc
tive competition that can destroy
economic integrity.
Baker expressed fear of the re
sults of public apathy about the
nation’s transportation problems.
Too often, he said, the public re
gards these difficulties as ones
to be solved by the government.
“We hold ourselves out to the
world as a superior economic sys
tem,” he said. “If we let our
selves socialize a major segment
of our economy — transportation
—■ this constitutes a great retreat
before the system we say is in
300 Young
State Farmers
To Meet Here
An estimated 300 members of
the State Association of Young
Farmers of Texas are expected
to attend a field day here Apr. 9.
The Young Farmers will gather
in the Memorial Student Center
for discussions and will tour the
college’s teaching and research
facitlities. Included on this tour will
be the visits to the Data Process
ing Center and the new Nuclear
Science Center.
John Holcomb, associate profes
sor in the Department of Agricul
tural Education and an advisor
member to the Association, said
the Young Farmers are a rapidly
growing organization. They now
have about 120 chapters in Texas
and nearly 3,000 members. Their
ages range from 18 to 35.
Bobby Traweek of Dublin, as
sociation president and an A&M
graduate, will call the meeting to
order at 8:30 a.m. Dr. R. E. Pat
terson, dean of Agriculture, will
deliver an address of welcome;
E. L. Tiner of Austin, executive
secretary of the association, will
make introductions; and J. H. Bar
ton, soil and water conservation
specialist, Texas Agricultural Ex
tension Service, will give a talk
on the Blackland Improvement
Growth program.
The Young Farmers will tour the
•A&M Plantation, Data Processing
Center, and Nuclear Science Cen
Civilian Sweetheart
Sandra Rein became the
Civilian Sweetheart for
1962 last Saturday at the
Civilian dance in Sbisa Hall.
Miss Rein was escorted by
Tom Kennerly and repre
sented Hart Athletes.
Wilson Blasts Two
F ellow-Candidates
At Rally In Tabor
Gubenatorial candidate Will Wil
son, speaking at a political rally
in the Tabor Community Saturday
night, took blasts at both Gover
nor Price Daniel and candidate
John Connally.
Speaking before several hundred
spectators, Wilson advocated the
“break up” of excessive power in
the state and proposed a constitu
tional amendment to limit the
tenure in the governor’s chair
to one four-year term.
The present attorney general al
so made reference to a “federal
cat” in the governor’s race who
“seeks to combine the state and
federal balance of power.’
In addition to Wilson, attorney
general hopefuls Judge W. T. Mc
Donald and Waggoner Carr, lieu
tenant governor candidate Sen. Ro
bert Baker, congressman-at-large
candidate Judge Woodrow Bean
and eight local hopefuls were
present at the rally.
Local candidates speaking were
Sen. W. T. Moore and Marion
Pugh, for state senator; B. H.
Dewey and David G. Haines, for
representative; and W. B. Burley,
Cecyle Vitopil Howard, Johnny
Johnson and S. C. LoBello, for dis
trict clerk.
Other speakers were John P.
Doyle of Washington, D.C., who
discussed the illegal for-hire
trucking problem, and a forum
discussion of the Trinity Canal
proposal that featured Col. R. P.
West, Corps of Engineers, Fort
Worth, and B. V. Reynolds, Texas
Railroad Association, Dallas. V. A.
Kropff of Braniff International
Airways, Dallas, discussed air
transportation problems.
The Texas Transportation Insti
tute sponsored the conference.
Pistol Team Wins
3rd Place Honors
In Austin Match
The A&M Pistol Team won third
place overall honors and second
place in the .22 caliber class in a
recent tournament in Austin.
The U. S. Air Force Team and
the Reese Air Force Base Team
took first and second places, re
spectively, in the overall four-man
team match.
Team members were Shields M.
Regan of Graham, Jerry B. Nel
son and Charles B. Sabin of Hous
ton, Franklin H. Sprague of Wea
therford, Paul B. Hursey of Luf
kin, and Andras J. Csa-Goly of
Wichita Falls.
Wire Wrap-Up
By The Associated Press
World News
JAKARTA, Indonesia—Indonesia reported Monday its
guerrillas have landed at three points in West New Guinea.
Government sources predicted that, under U. S. pressure,
talks soon will be resumed with the Netherlands in the
island dispute.
Defense Minister Abdul Haris Nasution, reporting the
guerrilla, landings, asserted the navy and air force are patrol
ling along the beaches.
★ ★ ★
BEIRUT, Lebanon—Syria’s ruling junta offered Presi
dent Gamal Abdel Nasser an olive branch Monday after
northern army officers announced a rebellion and demanded
reunion with the United Arab Republic.
The junta, which led Syria out of the U.A.R. Sept. 28,
ignored rebel broadcasts from Aleppo claiming control of
northern Syria, threatened stiff punishment for trouble
makers and closed land and sea frontiers.
U. S. News
SAN QUENTIN, Calif.—Five convicts escaped over San
Quentin prison’s 40-foot outer wall Monday with a stolen
ladder and a cotton rope.
It was the prison’s first wall-scaling escape in 19 years.
The five went over unseen in early morning darkness
near a guard tower they knew was not manned after mid
night. All worked a midnight-to-8 a. m. shift in the prison’s
textile mill. *
'Jr Jr ★
NEW YORK—An attorney for Elizabeth Taylor and
Eddie Fisher said Monday night they have agreed to part
and seek a divorce.
A spokesman for the attorney, Louis Nizer, made the
formal announcement of the breakup after weeks of rumors
that the marriage was going on the rocks while romance
blossomed between the actress and her current costar, Rich
ard Burton.