The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 10, 1962, Image 4
Pace 4 College Station, Te-^as Wednesday, January 10,1062 THE BATTALION Younir Canada .geese feed on grains, marine plants, insects, their larvae and snails. They double their weight in a week and are fully grown in six weeks. Washes and Dries 18 lbs. of clothes FULLY AUTOMATIC 25 Inches Wide 110 or 220 Volt. PAY ONLY $15.00 PER MONTH Good Washer may be down payment, SEE KRAFT FURNITURE CO. 218 S. Main St. Bryan Broussard Third Best SWC Scorer Carroll Broussard, the 1960-61 Southwest Conference scoring champion, is currently the number three point maker in the confer ence with an average of 17 points per game. The 6-5 Port Arthur product in jured his back early in the season and hasn’t hit full stride yet. Through 11 games he has connect ed on 69 of 156 field goals for a .442 pei’centage. He is hitting at a .700 clip from the free throw line, with 49 out of 70. Broussard’s best night of the young season came against Au burn during the holidays. He hit 23 against the Plainsmen as A&M defeated Auburn, 52-50. His sec ond best effort came in the losing cause with Arkansas when he tal lied 21. Bennie Lenox, who led the Fish scoring last season, is the Aggies’ number two scorer. The 6-1 soph omore guard is hitting 13.3 points per game. He has attempted 120 shots and made 52 for a .433 per centage. His biggest point pro duction came in the game with Auburn when he chalked up 22. The other Blenny on the Aggie squad, Johnson by name, is holding down third plane in team scoring. The 6-3 junior college transfer has an 12.1 average for 11 games. His 55 field goals made out of 134 at tempted give hina a .410 percent age from the floorr. Johnson’s sea son high is also the individual sea son high for the Aggie squad. In the game with Wichita he hit for 25 points in a losing effort. Senior Guard Tommy Smith hit a career high in the Texas Tech game Saturday night to lead his team to a 70-61 victory. His 21 point splurge catapulted him into fourth place scoring position on the team. He has hit 22 of 53 field goal attempts for a .415 percent age. Smith is also a standout on defense. Against Arkansas he held high-scoi’ing Jerry Carlton to a season low of 12 points. As a team, the Cadets have out performed their opponents in run ning up a 7-4 record. In scoring, the Aggies have averaged 64.5 points per game to 60.7 for their opponents. A&M also holds a sea son edge in rebounding, 505 to 451. The team shooting percentage is .403 as compared to .385 for the opposition. Likewise, in free throw shooting the Farmers hold a slight edge percentagewise, having hit .688 per cent to .680. A&M has scored a total of 710 points for the season to 668 for the 11 teams they have met thus far. Fish Spank Cubs, 65-44 Coach Shelby Metcalf’s Fish cagers responded with their best game of the winter last night as they soundly beat the Baylor Cubs in Waco, 65-44. The victory was the second against three defeats for the Fish and it was the first loss for the Cubs. George Wright, Baylor’s sports publicity director, said the Fish were the finest freshman team he has seen this year. The reason for their fine per formance was that the Fish hit 24 of 48 field goal attempts for a 50 per cent average. The Cubs hit on only 32 per cent of their field goal attempts. Jay Baker, the 6-3 forward from Aldine, led the Fish in scoring with 18 points. Center Tim Tim merman followed with 17 points. Playmaker Paul Timmons dropped in nine points and Tommy Bantle had eight points for the Fish. Baylor’s Winston Moore hit for 17 points in the Cub’s losing ef fort. The Fish led at halftime 25-20. Timmons was tops for the Fish in rebounding as he grabbed nine. The Fish travel to Austin to battle the Texas Shorthorns in their next game Jan. 15. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES tne day 3^ per word per word each additional da Minimum chargre—40* no d 2* per word each additional day imum chargre- DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 80* per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 FOR SALE Whirlpool automatic washer, excellent condition, extra features. VI 6-5445. 56t3 (1) 1950 Chevrolet. 2 ton, cap over engine, truck; (1) 1948 Chevrolet Pick up truck; (1) Ford Tractor. May be seen by calling telephone VI 6-4711 - Animal Husbandry Department. Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Business Manager, Coke Building, until 10 :30 a. m., January 22, 1962. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and ject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Busi- ■ Ml icallties. Address A. and M. College of Texas, ther inf ness Manager, College Station, Texas, for further informa tion. 55t2 1958 white Pontiac Bonnerville, tw door hardtop; factory air conditioning radio with back speaker; white walls .•— .—,— _ nf j w j n< j 0 ower steering, brakes and windows ; bronze and white leather interior. Contact TA 2- 0557 (9 .a m. to 6 p. m.), TA 3-4508 after 6. 55tfn My home. 503 Gilchrist, College Hills, three bedrooms, excellent condition, plenty storage space, attic fan, insulated, furna< ’Storage space, attic tan, insulated, turnace teat, screened garage, good neighborhood. Call VI 6-5300 after 2 p. m. Good buying terms. Would consider rent. 54t5 Westinghouse automatic washing ma chine. Excellent condition. 3706 S. College, Bryan or call TA 2-3678. 54tfn SOSOLIK'S T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 “The Home of Greater Values” OUR REGULAR EVERYDAY DISCOUNTS Whites Permanent Anti Freeze 1.59 New Champion Spark Plugs .69 Havoline Motor Oil 29 White Premium Oil 25 C-4 Oil Filter 58 Largest Selection of tools in North gati >w Have Hunting & Fishinj ire Up Free Game and Fish Digest. We Now Have Hunting & Fishing Licenses For Sale. Be Sui and Pick WHITE AUTO STORE North Gate College Station Home i Owned & Operated By Bill Pipkin TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service- Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 WORK WANTED Would like to babysit with a two year old child in my home. Phone VI 6-6536. 56t3 Typing. Previous experience; secretary business teacher. VI 6-8510. 64t9 Student wife will keep children anytime, large play area, fenced yard, experienced 53tfn play area, ] VI 6-4588. Expert typist, electric typewriter. Mrs. Warren, days. VI 6-4759. Nights, weekends, VI 6-8416. 39tfn DAY NURSERY by the week, day or hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 602 Boyett FI 6-4005. 120tfu Our nursery foi children all ages. Pick up and deliver. VI 6-8151. No answer call back. 42tfn OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floor YMOA, VI 6-6415. hours 8-12, 1-5. dally Monday through Friday) at or before ths ugn mday) at or deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publication — DJ [cation dons. irector of Student Fubllea- Jan nuary graduates are requested to pick their graduation announcements in Dp their graduation announcements in the Memorial Student Center’s Record Playing Room No. 1. Extra announce- “ hier’s 54tfn Extra announce ments are on sale now at the Cashier’s Windo Regalia For The January Commencement use Exercise All students who are candidates for the FOR RENT Two bedroom house, 411 Boyett, $25.90. Phone VI 6-7334. 55t3 SPECIAL NOTICE SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1800, A.F. & A.M. Stated meeting Thursday, January 11 at 7 p. m. Tr uman Jones, WM Joe Woolket, Sec. 56t2 Electrolux Sales and Sendee. G. G Williams. TA 8-6600. 00tf» TV - Radio - Hi-Fi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 2403 S. College • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 60S Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 no are candidates lor tne degree of Doctor of Philosophy are re quired to order hoods as well as doctor’s cap and gown. The hoods are to be left at the Registrar’s Office no later than 1:00 p. m., Tuesday, January 16 (this will be accomplished by a representative of the College Exchange Store.). The Ph. D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all such candidates will be hooded ice ali suen candidates wi on the stage as a part of the ceremonies. Candidates for the Master’s Degree will degree tudi o: gree will wear the cap and gown ; students who are candidates for the Bache- wear the cap and gown ; all civilian students who are candidates for the Bachelor’s De- vill wear the cap and gown ; ROTC students who are candidates for the Bache lor’s Degree will wear the appropriate uniform. All military personnel who are candidates for degrees, graduate or under graduate, will wear the uniform only. Rental of caps and gowns may be arranged with the Exchange Store. Orders may be placed between 8 :00 a. m. Tuesday, January 2 and 12:00 noon Saturday, January 13. The rental is as follows: Doctor’s cap and gown $5.25, Master’s cap and gown $4.75, Bachelor’s cap and gown $4.25. Hood rental is the same as that for cap and gown. A 2% Texas State Sales Tax is required in addition to these rentals. C. E. Tishler, Chairman Convocations Committee WANTED White lady for night shift at Tastee Freeze located on Hwy. 6 by the Gulf Station. 55t4 AGGIES NOTICE SAE 30 Motor Oil 15(* Qt. Major Brand Oils 27-31? Qt. For your parts and accessories AT a DISCOUNT See us— Plenty free parking opposite the courthouse. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Brake shoes, Fuel pumps. Water pumps. Generators, Starters, Solenoids, etc. Save 30 to 50% on just about any part for your car. Filters—40% discount. AT JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington SHIPLEY DONUT & COFFEE SHOP For The Best Coffee & Freshest Donuts ANYWHERE Hamburgers — Short Orders — Fountain Service Cash Available For Books, Slide Roles, & Ete 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG loupot's Cadets Edge Bears, 54 - 52 Cold weather had some effect on the Aggies Tuesday night at the Heart of Texas Coliseum at Waco, but they rallied to squeeze past a scrappy Baylor Bear quintet, 54- 52. Ag’gie Sports Publicity Director Tommy Blake admitted that it felt like it was 40 degrees in the coli seum, but in spite of the cold, the Aggies responded to their second win in SWC play against one loss. The Ags two big men, Jerry Windham and Lewis Qualls, led the Cadets in scoring with 12 points each. It was Qualls’ best A&M Qualls 12 Broussard 10 Windham 12 B. Johnson 8 Smith 4 Durbon 6 Robinette 2 BAYLOR Barritt 17 Bailey 4 Phelps 2 Wolfe 19 Henson. , 10 game of the season as he hit five field goals and added two free throws. He fouled out mid-way in the second half. It was a low fouling game—the Bears had only 10 fouls and A&M had 13. “Sports Car Center” Dealers for Renault-Peugeot & British Motor Cars Sales—Parts—Service “We Service All Foreign Cars 1416 Texas Ave. TA 2-4517j ft# ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■»«« i ■ i««« »« «« »« ■ Windham again played a fine game as he controlled the Baylor boards. Can’oll Broussard, who made 10 points, was never fouled for prob ably the first time in his collegiate career. Baylor’s playmaking guai’d, Roy Wolfe, took top honors with 19 points and was followed by team mate Herb Barritt who got 17 points. It was another nip and tuck game for the Aggies who led at halftime, 27-26. After the halftime break, the Aggies appeared to be in command of the game, but fine shooting by Wolfe and Barritt caused the Bears to close the gap. With 11:28 remaining, the Bears led by six points, 45-39 and they had the up per hand. At this point 'Windham, Qualls and Durbon combined to put the Aggies in the lead to stay. These three Aggies had tremendous sec ond effort with four tip-in shots in the second half. The Aggies meet the SMU Mus tangs at G. Rollie White Coliseum Friday night in their next SWC game. Volt / $ always ME FOODS % > V OOIVIF=»l_EXE SERVICE Charcoal Broiled Steaks Reasonably Priced. FOR WEDDINGS AND REHEARSAL DINNERS ALSO COMPANY COMMANDERS Plan Your Party In Our Ball Room Catering To The Place Of Your Desire T riangle RESTAURANT “Food That Handled With Tender Loving Care” Our Lunches Are Priced To Fit Your Pocket Book cT ,c> SUITS 20?b OFF cx H O' \ OR With The Purchase Of Each Suit At Reg. Price $69.95 You Receive FREE Value 1. 2 Phillips Van Heusen Dress Shirts — $10.00 2. 1 Phillips Van Heusen Sport Shirt — $ 5.00 3. 2 Pr. Socks — $ 2.00 4. 1 Phillips Van Heusen Tie — $ 1.50 Total $18.50 $59.95 Suits Will Be Less One Dress Shirt FREE FREE FREE FREE free Phillips - Van Heusen Sport & Dress Shirts 20% OFF Catalina, Van Heusen & Welgrome Sweaters Up To 50% OFF Ivy & Traditional Car Coats Pants Up To Limited Supply AH Wool or Vinyl 50% OFF 20% OFF Sports Coats Tailored Exclusively For The A&M Men’s Shop by Hampton Heath. 20% OFF THE HOME OF DISTINCTIVE MEN’S WEAR’ Q; A&M MEN S SHOP <% North Gate College Station, Texas .6 The Only Student Owned & Student Operated Business At The North Gate Don, Roland & Porter Elledge Dr. I ment legge Just to be Ai Ft Soil imports determ i needs i: soil im Appr tending er and ing yes Chemis' starting plant ; erdinar; An a give th of the eular ci him m applyin “Soil ly deve tools, s require of the i Othe: cording ficiencj tissue 1 The , each yt and fei try per develop ors are in co-i Agricu and tin tion Sc Anot of the Whart< ■Wtstar lime o] He Palatal corn, ( boostet % D<p The the U. in a r out of Higl A&M Aiding out a Otht J- M.- Loude: Abbot %rd Teai Old a the Sc