Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1961)
5 ag:e 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, September 21, 1961 ' :: ' " ■ r . '■ : • ^ r\ I =► , - : - t i i\ m - : THE battalion p lant S c ie nC es Building Nears ’62 Completion : ' v 'x' ill ■s <>* iip in iv *| mmmm /; / / , a»l itim m ..'Wlp m Plant Sciences Building Workers and huge machines cover the new ing. The $2.3 million plant is scheduled for Plant Sciences Building now under construe- occupancy in September, 1962. (Photo by tion east of the Biological Sciences Build- Bob Sloan) . \ ^ I** Tire$fo«te Brings ^ou: a NEW TURNPIKE CHAMPION incorporating features never before available at such LOW PRICES! ■) "4 We invite a feature-by feature comparison of the NEW FIRESTONE CHAMPION with any other brand of tire...selling at ANY price! WIM 6.70-15 Black, Tube-type Plus tax and trade-in tire off your car w !»c, WHITEWALLS Only $ 3 More M 15-MONTH NATIONWIDE Road Hazard i| Guarantee Comparable Low Prices on All Sizes Compare the modern precision-bladed tread design of this tire... compare its Safety-Fortified nylon body . . . compare the extra mileage of Firestone Rubber-X ...make any comparison you want, with any other tire ... you’ll find that dollar- for-dollar this new Firestone Champion can’t be equalled! No Money Down Free Installation With Your Old Tires No Hidden "Extras 'firestone mufflers Precision engineered for your car UP EASY BUDGET TERMS Rust-proofed with special coated steels to last longer.. Fast courteous service by experts. nmyiy»ii! GEO SHELTON INC; The new $2.3 million Plant Sci ences Building now under construc tion east of the Biological Sciences Building promises to be “one of the best in the nation," Dean of Agriculture Dr. R. E. Patterson has predicted. The building, which is scheduled for occupation in September of 1962, will house both graduate and undergraduate classrooms and lab oratory facilities, the dean said. Patterson was particularly high in praise for the 23 laboratory rooms being planned in the build ing. He said their temperature and humidity controls will be particu larly outstanding and much better than any previous facilities at A&M. In addition four 24 x 36-foot classrooms and a much larger classroom are being planned. Tne larger classroom, approximately twice as large as the other four, will be equipped with a that will enable it to be used as two separate rooms at specific times. Brown Public Stresses Relations By REAGAN BROWN Agricultural Extension Service (Editor’s Note: Reagan Brown is a sociologist for the Texas Ag ricultural Extension Service. He has done college work in four dif ferent schools, served as county agricultural agent in three coun ties and currently works with the Texas Community Improvement ber has the right to do less than his best in fulfilling the college obligations. Public relations is an adjective. Public relations describes. It is created and nurtured every day by each member of the institution. The job each student and staff member does influences the recipe. Certain individuals, like certain Program. In this article Brown j spices, affect the result more comments on his concept of pub- | drastically than others. But, just lie relations for A&M.) | as the smallest pinch of salt af- The science of public relations fects the bread, so does each mem- in America has developed primar- ber’s performance affect the image ily in business and industry. In-1 of his school, stitutions such as Texas A&M are realizing more and more that ef- Parachuting, Sky Diving Club Planned Parachuting and sky diving an sports that have not been organ ized on the A&M campus past few years. However thusiaatic group of Aggie ers” is planning to organize thi sports on a higher degree. Most active of the group U ert Richardson, who has jumping with the Houston I chute Club since h ebruary, Since beginning the sport, he hi made 32 jumps, obtained his CUa H International 1 orachutU^^H From the building custodian and | cense and is a qualified instruct the brand new freshman to the | of parachuting. performed fective public relations is essen- staff member and the oldest | Richardson tial to their expanding and con- f ormer student—all of these affect jumping co tinued success. the public relations of A&M. To-1 sponsored b Institutions supported by public Lj ay more than ever, the attitude chute Club 1; funds are prohibited by law’ from performance of each needs to I The Agv using these funds for public rela-j ^ Q p notch. Public relations is ] formed with Special Wei College oriented public relations Team from involves especially human kind- P^ acet ^ third ness, intellectual attainment, per-1 * n lf 0 * e4?l 9 aerverance, solidarity of purpose 1 ar K el frun* and dedication to the institution I The team al tions. 1 his does not mean that overybody’s job. public relations is not important. Today what people think of the school is more important than ever petition bef o ore - , , f , , , Since funds cannot be used for this purpose, it makes it more important that each member of Ft. Br: : Ju If you want to go somewhere, Tei Two departments and two sec tions of the just-created Depart ment of Soil and Crop Science will have facilities in the new structure. the institution accept the respons-I y° u have to * 0 J n ■“"lething. The ibility of creating for the school 1 8tud « nt - ex-student, staff member a favorable image. The competition between col leges for prestige, funds, facilities, I staffs and students is increasing. If you have been unaware of this competition, visit a few colleges and universities and see for your self what they have to offer. Their The departments are the Depart ment of Plant Sciences and the Department of Range and For estry. The horticulture and flori culture sections of the Department! c j ta s are booming increasing- also f of Soil and Crop Science are included. The new Department of Soil and Crop Science also encompasses the former Department of Agronomy, but this section will not use facili ties in the new building when it is first opened. ly attractive. A&M was created to serve the citizens of Texas. The first obli gation is to the student. Today there is an ever-increasing na tional and international respons ibility regarding the young men that come here to study. Equally is its responsibility in and employee of this institution is| c traveling in a vehicle called Texas ^ A&M. The destiny of each is tied 1 ' an to this vehicle. The high aim of this great and free institution should be that it will continue to be dedicated to helping people make a-, life and living. The road that the A&M vehicle travels should be a highway of personal excellence and dedicated service. That is good public relations. It’s created by you and me in the way we do our job every day. oft jntef* t 411 D-L , ,,, , . important The Department of Plant Sci- the field of extension und research, ences, which is also new, is made both of which are integral and ; up of the former Department of important concepts of the land- Genetics and Plant Physiology and g ran t college thesis of education. I Pathology. Clearly this responsibility, as j The genetics section, like the created by law, emphasizes that, agronomy section of the Depart- the members of the institution ( ment of Soil and Crop Science, will must strive to create a service not be moved into the building image. A spirit of service is good j when it is opened. ' public relations, and no staff mem- I '‘NOT’ TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!! OR ONE FOR THE PRICE OF TWO BUY ONE — PAY FOR ONE If You Need Two, Buy Two At Theme CLOSE-OUT PRICES PITTSBURGH Sand Finiah Latex Wail Paint GALLON *L98 Q“* r * Matching Enamel Qt- *1-29 16 Color* To Chooae From BRYAN PAINT AND GLASS CO. 2111 S. College TA 2-1252 COLLEGE AYE. AT 33rd. FREE PARKING TA 2-0139 - TA 2-0130 ■ 1 - ,vij.' ’'-••l 1 T’ FOOD STORES | Service to Rememberj PEPSI-COLA '■ MRS. TUCKER’S SHORTENING GLADIOLA FLOUR 5 39 i - i* rf it Btls. (Plus Dep.) ^ Plus Tax ^ 1 3-Lb. Can 69 COHAGE CHEESE 12 oz. ^ 9 C BEST MAID SALAD DRESSING 32-Oz. 35c 4 p. Two nic U TA BEST MAID SOUR or DILL PICKLES Qt. ORANGE OR LEMONADE DRINK . . . 2 Half Gals. 39c 25c GOLD MEDAL MACARONI or SPAGHETTI 7-oz. 10c FROZEN FOODS MORTON DINNERS Chickcn-Turkey-Bcef 39c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 46-Oz. 19c LIBBYS FRUIT COCKTAIL 303 Cans 2 for 49c LIBBYS LEMONADE 6-Oz. 3 For 39c Lb. 5c PRODUCE CABBAGE CALIF. POTATOES . 10-Lb. Bag 39c CELERY 2 Stalks 25c TOMATOES MEATS HAMBURGER Fresh . . . 3-lbs. $1.00 PORK BONES Meaty Fresh . Lb. I9c U. S. GOOD ROUND STEAK Lb. 79c Lb. 15c U. S. GOOD _ _ w . SHOULDER ROAST Sq. Cut Lb. 49c MAIS SUPER MARKET College Station Highway 6 and Sulphur Springs Road Quantity Rights Reserved SPECIALS GOOD SEPT. 21, 22, 23 1961 Nice uni iden t. s Four ro rnphed, Furni ih V Fiirn 0.00. Bedroom or wo<4 Mr con ivttrm idem si te stud Someth! •rtlnent Uu> i i 2-7860 L Room th wi .11 VI 6- 100.7 S. <K t Tank t> *0kc| *0iic K *Ono R *0 dne . Co {Ore ♦One K. *0nc El I'prin •One ' •Our ♦One r flood U FREE first bu this sal FREE th* no All Pa, Electro! Airway UMI V :" ''-'fe