The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 29, 1961, Image 4
Pnge 4 "TT College Station, Texas Thursday, June 29, 19G1 THE BATTALION Sportswriters Say Things Tunny’ By HAROLD V. RATLIFF Associated Press Sports Writer Sports writers have expressions all their own. Many of them ap pear determined not to use the actual term on any occasion. In baseball they wouldn’t dream of saying innings, third base, second base or outfield. It’s frame, hot corner, keystone sack and garden. Some refer to innings as chuk- kers (polo term). Frame comes from bowling. Some call a home run a circuit smash, a four-ply wallop, a round- trip-per. It’s asking too much to call it a home run; that’s too color less. A hit is a “safety.” A long, lazy fly is a “can of corn.” Writers in other countries might be puzzled at these expressions un less they spent a baseball season in America. Sports writing in Mexico is CENTURY STUDY (Continued from Page 1) L. Bowers, Louis A. Piazza, tin and Max Rhinehart. Named to Group II—Research— were: R. E. Wainerdi, petroleum engineering; J. C. Ramge, veter inary medicine and surgery; R. J. Hildreth, Texas Agricultural Ex periment Station; W. W. Meinke, Engineering Experiment Station; R. O. Murray, student affairs; A. F. Isbell, chemistry; Mugh Mc Clellan, oceanography; Sewell Hopkins, biology; M. E. Blood- worth, agronomy; and Bruno Zwo- linski, chemistry. Student appointees to the re search study group are Julian B. Coon, William N. Lipe, and Wil liam H. Flynt. Named to Group III—Extension •—were: R. G. Cherry, economist; C. F. Hall, veterinary microbiol ogy; Paul Hensarling, education and psychology; V. G; Young, state agricultural agent; J. Wayne Stark, Memorial Student Center; Joe H. Rothe, district agent; W. G. Adkins^ Texas Transportation Institute; Tad Moses, agricultural editor; and Coleman Loyd, phys ics. Student appointees to this study group are Cary W. Horne and Bruce B. Johnson. Named to Group IV—Services— Were: R. L. Smith, Data Process ing Center; Reed McDonald, feed and fertilizer control; W. F. Ben nett, soil chemist; H. W. Bad- gett, physical plants; Joe E. Da vis, commandant; Dougles F. Par ry, education and psychology; V. E. Schember, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station; and Jack Gray, foreign programs. Student appointees to this group are Malcolm W. Hall and Homer Lee Denning. unique although it’s actually only a question of that country having its own terms. It might relieve the monotony of American sports writing if the Mexican style translations could be substituted if just for a few days. A pinch-hitter, translated from the Spanish, would become “an emergency batter.” Instead of “the runner scored from third base” it might be “he consummated a run from third base.” You don’t scatter hits if you are pitching. You “isolate” them. Innings become “episodes” and when a pitcher hurls an eight- hitter he “accepts” or “admits” eight hits—he doesn’t just pitch them. And the opposing team has to “digest” those hits. There is the line, “They were able to break an uninterrupted six- defeat chain.” The American sports writer would say “They snapped a six-game losing streak.” Another Mexican baseball story revealed that the team had a “six- run xally in the first inning.” They rally quickly and get it over with. Waiting brings too much tension. An intentional base on balls be comes “an intentional passport to first base.” “Amid a cataract of hits—” said one colorful translated lead. In America it would be “avalanche.” It must be opprobious to score an unearned run because they call it “a dirty run” or say it was “un clean.” They don’t like unearned runs in America either but they don’t call them “dirty.” They’re “tainted.” A player “erred at a heavy slug.” In other words the player thought it was too hot to handle but the sports writer thought he ought to have caught it, the bum. There came the expression “he slugged a quadrangular.” That, of course, was a home run. In America it would be a four-ply wallop.” Don’t you think “four-ply wal lop” would mean more to an Aus trian or Frenchman than a “quad- rangular?” Even the Americans might not understand if somebody called it a home run.” Houston Baseball Colts To Conduct Clinic, Try-outs The Houston Colts, major-league team to be a member of the Na tional League in 1962, will conduct a baseball clinic and try-outs in .Rockdale on July 6-7, it has been announced. The clinics and try-out camp will be under the direction of Colt Scout Red Murff, former star pitcher in the Texas League and with the Milwaukee Braves. The clinics will begin each day at 10 a.m. All youngsters attend ing must be 16 years of age or over. In Rockdale, Murff will be assisted by scouts Gus Mancuso, former major league catcher and batterymate of Carl Hubbell; Larry Smith, former infielder in the Brooklyn Dodger organization; Hop Priest, coach at Columbus high school; and Ernie Laurence, Rockdale high school coach. The lineup of tutors was re leased by Murff in a letter to the press this week. An All-Star game between the all-stars of the camp and the Rock^- dale American Legion team will climax the Rockdale camp. A scholarship to Johnnie Carri- gan’s Big State Boys Baseball Summer Camp will be awarded to the outstanding boy in the Rock dale camp, courtesy of the Hous ton Colts Baseball club. Laurence explained. “The finest of professional instruction will be available, and the scholarship to be presented is a prize award for some youngster,” he added. “We are looking forward to hav ing boys from College Station at tend the clinic and try-outs,” offi cials said. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 3d per word - j.; 1 Jjjy per word each additional Minimum charg-e—40<J imum charge- DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication ‘ assified Display Cla: 80d per column each insertion PHONE Vf 6-6415 ay inch FOR RENT One bedroom house, 809 Fairview. $21.00 monthly, furnished, VI 6-7334. 124t3 Two bedroom duplex. 405 Boyett, $38.00 with utilities, VI 6-7334. I24t3 Air conditioned one bedroom furnished duplex apartment. Nice yard and trees. Close to A&M Campus. VI 6-6281 124tfn Now available, cool one bedroom upstairs southeast apartment. Very nicely furnished. Suitable for couple or hi bachelors. Adults only. Garage, ample closet space. $50.00 without utilities. VI 6-5031 aftei p. m., all day Saturday and Sunday and July 4. 124tl Available July 15. Across from A&M Golf Course, exceptional apartments. Very nicely furnished unusual one bedroom $65.00. Another suitable for couple or bachelor $60.00. Utilities paid. Adults only. Garages, ample closet space, air condition bedroom optional. VI 6-5031 after 6 p. m., all day Saturday and Sunday and July 4. I24tl ODD CHARGE CHATTANOOGA, Term. (A 5 )— Suburban Red Bank-White Oak toted up its court citations for 1960 and found that one of the 126 persons cited in November was charged with unlawfully per mitting a cow to graze uncon trolled. • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 603 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS SOSOLIK'S T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 FOR RENT Nicely furnished four room apartment. Tile drain board and garage. 302 North Main, North Gate. College Station. Avail able June 26. Apply at 500 Main St. VI 6-5544. 123tfn Two bedroom furnished air conditioned apartment, 400 B Second St. VI 6-5334. 124t2 Nicely furnished four* room apartment with garage at North Gate. Available July 10th. 306 A Second St. VI 6-5481. I23t3 Furnished two bedroom home, air con ditioned, clean, couple only, reasonable. VI- 6-8656 or VI e’-7037. 322tfn Nice clean air conditioned apartments. Walk-in closets, good stove* and refrigera tor. VI 6-7248. 120tfn Unfurnished two bedroom apartment, 220 wiring, attic fan, panel ray heat, near Crockett School. Phone VI 6-6660 after 5 p. m. Cltfn FOR SALE (601 Simmons couches, make into full- sized bed, plastic covered. May be seen by calling Victor 6-6511 Student Apartments. Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Business Manager, Coke Building, yntil 10:30 a.m., July 3, 1961. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Ad dress Business Manager, A. and M. College nf Texas, College Station, Texas. FOR SALE OR RENT Four room house and screened porch for snt or sale, July 1. VI 6-4632. 124t2 Three bedroom home. 1109 Ashbu college, phone VI 6-5978. rn, 12 Gulfpride, Esso, Havoline, Sinclair Oils 29c Qt. RC Champion Sparkplugs....29c Discount Auto Parts AT JOE FAULK’S 214 N. Bryan SAE 30 Motor Oil 18c Qt. WANTED TO TRADE House in Houston for a house in Colkj Station or Bryan from now until Sepia her. Contact John W. Butler, HenJi Hall. WORK WANTED DAY NURSERY, two years and , twelve years nursery experience. Hearts Gate, Mrs. C. H. Bates, 1010 Mill 4152. ilner.Yl; hour. Call VI 6-4005. Mrs. by the week, dan Gregory, 602 B® Our nursery foi children all Sgea, up and deliver. VI 6-8151. Noanswr; back. Why wait until last minute to get r# aes reports, etc. to Bi-City Seoetej ice? Electric typewriters, offsetpri metal plates mii 6-6786. serv Ing, 3408 tied negatives and Texas Ave. V HELP WANTED Voli if I® ; i | i GET YOUR SUMMER JOB EM! JUNIORS AND SENIORS IF YOU 0J MEBT OUR QUALIFICATIONS, i! HAVE A SUMMER JOB FOR YOUM ING $1,080.00 FOR THREE MOM? MUST BE ABLE TO START BY JIS 1. CAR FURNISHED. YOU MAY QIX 1FY FOR WEST COAST OR HAW)! OAUIi MR. LEWIS, MADISON l4| FOR INTERVIEWS. HOUSTON. IK* II tm SPECIAL NOTICE SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300, A.F.I Called meeting Ttiura June 29, 7 p. m. M. HA gree will be .. conferrei C. W. Trossen H. i Joe Woolket, Set'r IS Electrolux Williams. TA Sales and 3-6600. Servlet. G. t Stt : HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN S RADIO & fi 303 W. 26th TA 2-281} J. Go and ! Cash Available For Boohs, Slide Rules, & Etc 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG loupot's IQ' Mi Hundreds of baseball prospects from Central Texas are expected for the July 6-7 try-outs here, 'Your enjoyment increases when you telephone ahead” YotTre always sure of a pleasant visit when you telephone ahead. An economical long distance “courtesy” call the next time you plan a visit will be appreciated ,.. and you’ll have the satis faction of knowing that you’re an expected and a welcome guest. The Southwestern States TelephoneCompany EpYFIK BRAZOS VALLEY Whole — Lb. MORTON'S FRUIT PIIS PEACH, CHERRY, APPLE, or COCOANU7 CUSTARD 22-Oz. PKG. 1® TV PCS? PIES CHICKEN-BEEF-TURKEY 5 PKGS. $100 T.V. Frozen ORANGE JUICE too LEAN MEATY SPARE RIBS GOOD VALUE BACON |lion. The jDr. A. Texas. SLICED POUND BEVERAGE GOLDEN AGE QUART (plus deposit) FLOWER OF FLOURS GLADIOLA 5 39 KRAFT MAYONNAISE QT. 49 SWINDLER’S GRADE A LARGE EGGS DOZEN If CREST Economy Size 49c r TOOTHPASTE TONI—$2.00 VALUE HOME PERMANENT $1.79 CHAR-GLO BRIQUETS 10 b l a b g 59c DINTY MOORE BEEF STEW 24-oz. CAN 43c LUNCHEON MEAT SPAM 12-oz. CAN 39c TUXEDO FLAKED TUNA 2 CANS 33c SPECIALS GOOD Thurs - Fri. - Sat. June 29 & 30 - July 1 CALIFORNIA CARROTS l-LB. BAGS THOMPSON SEEDLESS GRAPES cm vo m ORRS | A sal Horses of $1,15 ?1,725 panage Course A&M. The t |by the .Wares ’ Bree fi m M Kv/l V.Vi POUND 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 200 E. 24th Street Downtown 3516 Texas Avenue Ridgecrest son’s Ic Ike I Jrofessi tram cl held ag - [course Animal [limits i tertain mimals He s started expand tke ex evident Spon tient c School ind th Associg Mission >roxim such t« 'ealth, format *-H H The ted mi [course R. W. Extens isher < Szine; County svere d The tu Oil Rojr ks st hen e (°inps B2 sc Provid Noo ] ktuder er.eouj ^nts lied Prims in S tl stand sincet Gib Mart a sen 4isti n He hier t %si