The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 08, 1961, Image 6
Page is ~~ College Station, Texas Thursday, .Tune 8, 19S1 TH^ BATTALION 4-H Leaders These three 4-H club members are talking' of the Texas 4-H Round-up Committee, over some of the educational value as well From left to right is Jessica Smith of Ly- as the “fun part” of the three-day Round- ford, Tex Dulany of El Paso and Margie up held on the campus. They are members Rasbery of Crowell. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 3<j per word 2<} per word each additional day MiniiP'im cha^o-e—lOt 1 DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 80e per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 FOR SALE Used automative washer, guaranteed, $50.00, VI 6-4189. 121tl My personal car a 1957 Chevrolet sedan, standard shift. Mist green and white nr my family car a 1956 Sports Suburban Plymouth V-8 Station-wagon, push button transmission. Briar rose and white, ex cellent condition, good tires, make offer. Phone Bardin Nelson, VI 6-5444. 121tl FOR RENT Furnished one bedroom garage apart ment. Ideal Ur summer student or gradu ate student. Shower, quiet, clean, surround ed by trees. Bills paid. $30.00. TA 2-3359. 121tfn Here’s one—nothing down, two bedroom home, large corner lot. very reasonable monthly payments. VI 6-6805, 8-5, VI 6- 8140 after 5 p. m. 120t2 English 26 inch bicvcle, 3 speed with basket, excellent condition, $20.00, C-17-D College View. 118t4 Apartments, three rooms and bath, North Gate, downstairs, nicely furnished, one person, $25.00 or couple, $37.50. Phone VI 6-5444. ' 121tl Two adjoining lots, each 80 by 145, comer Timber and Anna, College. Call VI 6-5694 noon or evening. lOOtfn Nice clean air conditioned apartments. tor. VI 6-7248.’ & 120tfn Two bedroom furnished garage apart ment. close to colieqe. country advantages. S50.00 a month. VI 6-4669. 120tfn FOR SALE OR RENT Three bedroom home. 1109 Ashburn, near college, phone VI 0-5978. 121tfn Two oversized rooms. One with twin beds. Each with outside door. Nicely fur nished. Two baths in the house. Bus. TA 2-6888. 120t2 WORK WANTED Full or half day work fpr high school boys or girls. Dishwashing, house work, or baby sitting. Call days, TA 3-6155. nights, TA 3-6301. 121tl Two houses by June 1st. One furnished, one almost new unfurnished. Call VI 6- 6064. I20t2 Cool furnished bachelor apartments. 125.00. VI 6-6165. llGtfn DAY NURSERY, two years and up. twelve years nursery experience, near East Gate, Mrs. C. H. Bates, 1010 Milner, VI 6- 4152. 62tfn Unfurnished two bedroom apartment, 220 wiring, attic fan. panel ray heat, near Crockett School. Phone VI 6-6660 after 5 p. m. 61tfn Experienced Christian lady will babysit day or night. Also do practical nursing in your home. Call TA 2-5431. 120t3 HELP WANTED DAY NURSERY by the week, day or hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 502 Boyett VI 6-4005. 120t.fn GET YOUR SUMMER JOB EARLY. JUNIORS AND SENIORS IF YOU CAN MEET OUR QUALIFICATIONS. WE HAVE A SUMMER JOB FOR YOU PAY ING $1,080.00 FOR THREE MONTHS. MUST BE ABLE TO START BY JUNE 1. CAR FURNISHED. YOU MAY QUAL IFY FOR WEST COAST OR HAWAII. CALL MR. LF.WTS, MADISON 3-4401 FOR INTERVIEWS. HOUSTON. 106tfn Our nursery foi children all ages. Pick up and deliver. VI 6-8151. No answer call back. 42tfn Why wait until last minute to get your Theses reports, etc. to Bi-City Secretarial service? Electric typewriters, offset print ing. negatives and metal plates made. 3408 Texas Ave. VT 6-5786. BTtfn JIM M. PYE ’58 REPRESENTING Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. VT 6-5055 TA 2-6232 401 Cross St. C. S. TV - Radio - Hi-Fi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 2403 S. College WANTED ROOMMATE WANTED: S+iulprit Hvinc plone in an apartment. INQUIRE: at Ant. 20F>A Old Sulphur Springs Rnnd. Bryan, Texas. 121 tl Couple to manage small group of apart ments adiacent to A&M Campus. Rent and utilities free in exchange for services. Write Box 73G8, College Station, Texas. 121tl SPECIAL NOTICE SUE ROSS LODGE NO. 1300, A.P. & A.M Stated meeting Thursday, June S at 7 n. m. Election of officers and 50 year award to P. L. (Pinkie) Pe"’ns. C W. Trpssen. WM Joe Wcolket, Sec. 121tl A meeting of all lot owners of Colleo-e Bills Ps+ates (not Woodland Acres nr Cnl- lep-e prills Woodlandsl is bein'" called fnr Saturday, June 10. lOfil. at :00 p. m., in the College Station City Hall for purpose of electing representatives to restrictions committee as called for by Deed Restricts. 120t? Hilltop Lake, located on Hwv. R South •UA miles from College. Sould be good fishing soon. Clean picnic grounds. 76tf'\ Electrolux Sales and Service. G. C Williams. TA S-KfiflO OOtf* OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must he brought, mailed nr telephoned so ns to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (Ground Floor VMCA. VT R-R415. hours R-12. 1-5. dailr Mon-day through Friday 1 at or before the deadline of 1 P.m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica-, t ion s. Applications for degrees are now being accented in the Registrar’s Office from all students who expect to graduate at the end of the summer session (August). Stu dents who are expecting to comnlete the requirements for either a baccalaureate or advanced degree during the summer ses sion should call by the office of the Regis trar no later than June 15, 1961 and file formal application for their degree. H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar 121t2 LEGAL NOTICE • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 603 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS , HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 Gulfpride, Esso, Havoline, Sinclair Oils 29c Qt. RC Champion Sparkplugrs....29c Discount Auto Parts AT JOE FAULK’S 214 N. Bryan SAE 30 Motor Oil 18c Qt. TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service- Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 Where the Art of Cooking is not Lost ! Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules, & Etc 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals addressed to the Honor able Mayor and City Council of College Station, Texas, will be received at the of fice of Ran Boswell. City Manager, until 3 p. m, June 22, 1961, for furnishing all necessary materials, machinery, equipment, superintendence, and labor for constructing certain streets and street improvements for the City of College Station, Texas. Bidders must submit Cashier’s or Certi fied Check issued by a Bank satisfactory to the Owner, or a Bidder’s Bond from a reliable Surety Company, payable without recourse to tlm order of the City of Col lege Station, Texas in an amount not less than five (5%) percent of the largest pos sible bid submitted as a guaranty that Bidder will enter into a contract and exe cute bond and guaranty in the forms provided within ten (10) days after notice of award of contract to him. Bids without required check or Proposal Bond will not be considered. The Successful Bidder must furnish per formance bond in the amount of 100 per cent of the total contract price from a Surety Company holding a permit from the State of Texas to act as Surety, of other Surety or Sureties acceptable to the Owner. All lump sum and unit prices must he stated in both script and figures. The Owner reserves the right to reject and or all bids and to waive formalities. In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating the prices in the bids, the Owner reserves the right to consider the most advantacous construction thereof, or to reject the hid. Unreasonable (or “un balanced”) unit prices will authorize the OWNER to reject any bid. Bidders are expected to inspect the site of the work and to inform themselves re garding ail local conditions. Instructions to bidders, proposal forms, specifications, and plans are on file at the office of the City Manager of the City of College Station. Texas. Copies may be secured from the City Manager upon deposit of $20.00 which deposit will be returned to the upon returning the Pla tions in conformanc it" wiiiuii 2d to the Contractor ’Ians and Specifica- with the procedure lance with the procedure as stated in the Specifications; otherwise, he deposit shall be forfeited. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS s/Ernest Langford, Mayor 4-H’ers Had Busy Three Day It was State 4-TI Roundup on the campus this week as 2,000 club members from all over the state, their adult leaders and county ex tension agents took part in two busy days of education, recreation and friendly competition. Donors and sponsors of the vari ous subject-matter contests, repre sentatives of press, radio and tele vision and other friends of the 4-H Club program were also on hand for the special event. The “get together” was started at 6:30 Tuesday when the visitors assembled by districts for short orientation sessions. Tuesday afternoon a chuckwagon barbecue officially opened the ac tivities. Director John E. Hutchi son of the Agricultural Extension Service welcomed the group and introduced members of the Recog nition Committee, members of the Board of Directors and officials of the A&M College System. Eleven individual awards were presented by President Earl Rud der at the general assembly fol lowing the barheque. These recipi ents received plaques making them honorary 4-H Club members. Entei’tainment following the bar- beque offered a variety of activi ties for delegates; folk games in The Grove, square dancing in the Memorial Student Center, a movie in Guion Hall, and supervised howl ing in the MSC lanes. Yesterday was the big day for many of the 4-H members as con test eliminations for 25 different subject-matter contests took place. The Roundup ended this morn- ing. Brazos County was well repre sented at the Roundup with 25 lo cal 4-H members competing jn the various contests. The contests that the boys and girls competed in were — electric demonstration team, Linda Threk and Jean Potts; farm and home safety demonstration team, Carol Fisher and Rose Mary Mancuso; In the foods demonstration con tests Claudie Humphries and Geor gia Ruth Cobb completed. Karen Kindt was in the individual dairy foods demonstration and Beverly West and Ann Barnes was in the dairy foods team demonstration. Bill and Bob Ulich were com peting in the poultry methods dem onstration. Other hoys who competed he dairy — Henry Allen, Danny Pti nal, Rique Bobbitt and Sid Coni poultry — Bud Francis, Pre Ruffiuo, Paul Birdwell and Jj Winters. The livestock judging 1 team composed of Dick Britten, Cs: Schehin, Arthur Lightsey andi Powers. Area Scouts Hold Court of Honor By the light of a crackling camp fire at Pleasant Acres, Jim Amyx of Boy Scout Troop 802 w'as awarded the Eagle Scout badge in combined Parents’ Night and Court of Honor on Monday, May 29. Tommy Cartwright and David Holmgren directed the impressive opening ceremony while Senior Pa trol Leader David Mattox acted as Master of Ceremonies for the evening. Scout Master Sid Love less and Assistant Scout Master farmer’s cooperative team, Linda j.James W. Amyx explained to the at Camp Strake and at El Rat) Cima in June and July. BillIq less gave an extemporaneous i on his interest in music. The sonul fitness merit badge awarded to John Perry andtl scholarship merit badge toft Gough. It was announced t Jack Bueler had completed: tenderfoot requirements. 5 Loveless was awarded his set! class, David Holmgren was awcj ed his Star Scout badge, and me badges in first aid and swiramii and Pat Rosenkranz. parents the program for the Troop I Tim Erskine was awarded hist Volt ft; 1; HICKORY SMOKED SUGAR CURED A\ ROUND STEAK 69c SWIFT g , PREMIUM Lb Good Value Sliced BACON Lb 49 ■m WHOLE LB. I GREEN I 1 STAMPS I | POT PptS Beef -^Chicken 0 -Turkey 6 MINIMAX SALAD DRESSING VAN CAMP PORK&BEANS 2 FIRST PICK PEACH PRESERVES 8-Oz. Size 300 Cans 18-Oz. Jar SUGARS The h tes gra A&M R port res tents of America The p arfd Dee the Dn under 1 Leipper, ment o teorolog search s Leipp sage is America srea is effects rents f lantic 0 The r approxi: said, ar informa Data ire ex] inforr LB BAG FIRST PICK TUNA 4 Vr LOO SUPPER CLUB SHOESTRING POTATOES DEL MONTE No. 211 ..Cans 10c SPINACH 2 N ° c r 29c AMERICAN BEAUTY ELBO RONI Vt- 19c Kraft VELVEETA CHEESE Lb. JKm Loaf 69< Flying Jib BREADED SHRIMP ]0-Oz. Pkg. 39c First Pick MUSTARD 24-Ozt Jar 25c Heinz WHITE VINEGAR Qt. 31c science. Leipp CORN WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT FRESH WHITE •diAdtvn, faufcvyi £• • • y.\v F.V.V ORRS jwS m : : : : : : : PER EAR Fresh Crisp LETTUCE head 15c SPECIALS GOOD THUR. FRI. SAT.—JUNE 8-9-10 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 200 E. 24th Street . Downtown 3516 Texas Avenue Ridgecrest F, More % an asked khool’s pm £ W Ce Ques Nh n ttaff j, ps a the A Pge l ud stc heval ixtensi A&it f °r the JMrmer taral I Goa] ^omt ^rectc the c, lear s toT e Th le? flopr lin Whv e , About todei The