The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 01, 1961, Image 3

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^Thursday, June 1, 1961
College Station, Texas 1 Page SS
u Search of the Century
By A&M
The “Search of the Century”
is now under way throughout Tex
as and the search is being 1 con
ducted by A&M College.
The College is searching for 100
outstanding men and women to
man its Century Council. The
Council will spearhead a two-year
Century Study aimed at develop
ing the College to the fullest in
line with the needs of the State
and in keeping with A&M’s role
as part of the coordinated system
of higher education in Texas. The
combined findings and recom
mendations of the Century Coun
cil and appointed faculty commit
tees working concurrently will
form a basis for a “blueprint for
progress” development plan to be
drawn, up by the College Board
of Directors following completion
of the Century Study.
The A&M College Board has in
itiated the study during the Cen
tennial year of the U. S. Con
gressional Morrill Act to which
the College owes its existence. The
fifteen-year “bluepz’int for prog
ress” plan, when developed, will
gpide the College to 1976, its 100th
anniversary of service to Texans.
The 100 Texans to be appointed
to the Century Council will rep
resent all phases of Texas indus
try, the professions, and principal
fields of interest. They will be
named from nominations made by
citizens of Texas to the Board of
For Texans
“A&M was created of, by, and
for the people of Texas,” Board
President Eugene Darby stated in
announcing the Century Study.
“The declared purpose of the Col
lege has been to aid the agricul
tural and industrial development
of the State and the providing of
soundly educated citizens. These
purposes have not changed. Times
have changes and A&M College
will change with them. It is im
portant that the College ascertain
now; the expected challenges Tex
ans will face during the next fif
teen years, and move to research,
and supply through instruction an
swers the people must have to
successfully meet each challenge.
We are asking the people of the
state, who own this institution,
to help us in planning A&M’s fu
ture within the role and scope
established for it by the Texas
Commission on Higher Education.
In this way, we can be sure the
College channels its development
in the direction of greater service
to citizens.”
Nominations of outstanding
Texans to serve pn the Century
Council may be made in writing
to the Board of Directors, in care
of R. L. Hunt, Jr., Texas A&M
College, College Station, Texas.
Deadline for nominations is July 1.
Today A&M College sustains the
philosophy projected by the Mor
rill Act offering to the youth of
Texas quality education at the
lowest possible tuition cost. An
open door is maintained for those
who can benefit from the educa
tional programs A&M offers.
In its observance of 85 years of
service, Texas A&M is looking
more to the future than the past,
fixing its eyes on the future in a
realistic appraisal of its roll of
service to citizens of Texas. “We
are just now getting under way
several major programs of re
search and teaching in nuclear en
gineering, data processing, ocean
ography, and other fields,” Darby
points out. “These new A&M ef
forts are vital to- the future eco
nomic development of Texas. We
believe these new educational tools
will be of greatest value when in
tegrated in a long range plan to
guide A&M’s service to Texans
over the next fifteen years. We
are soliciting the help of all Tex
ans who will ultimately benefit
from research and the talent A&M
trains to participate in planning
the development of this school.”
100 Years Old
The A&M College of Texas will
be 100 years old in 1976. It was
created by an act of the Texas
Legislature in 1871. That same
year, the State authorized the sale
of 180,000 acres of land scrip at
the rate of 87 cents per acre, the
proceeds of which Were invested
in seven-per-cent gold frontier
bonds in the amount of $174,000,
this constituting the original en
dowment of the College.
A year later, the Legislature
accepted an offer to locate the
proposed College at College Sta
tion in Brazos County on a 2,416,-
acre plot of land donated by in
terested citizens. After other
Legislative appropriations and
construction, the A&M College of
Texas was formally' opened on
October 4, 1876, with six students.
From this modest beginning, 85
years ago, the College has grown
to a student body of over 7,000
and a physical plant on the main
campus valued at approximately
A Broader Approach
Originally, A&M College offered
Your Dollars Mean More When
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instruction principally in the ag
ricultural and engineering sciences.
As a broader educational approach
was needed to accomplish fully its
objectives, the College began the
expansion of curricula to include
full professional training in the
liberal arts, the sciences, veteri
nary medicine, architecture, edu
cation preparation, and business
administration. The Graduate
School offers work in 65 or more
areas of study at the master’s
level, and 44 or fields of study
leading to the doctoral degree.
Traditionally, A&M College has
been an all-male, military college
as stipulated by the Texas Legis
lature. Through the years, the
A&M Corps of Cadets has pro
vided valuable military and citi
zenship training to more than
45,000 cadets. Its graduates have
an enviable record of leadership
in peace and war.
Looks to 1976
Texas A&M as it looks to 1976
is asking the people of Texas to
help determine the kind of trained
citizen the A&M graduate must be
to meet the challenges of tomor
row; what shall be the mission of
the College during the next fifteen
years; the quality of college op
eration required; what should be
the anticipated scope and size of
the College; and what development
policies and goals should guide
the destiny of the institution.
“Any Texas may nominate a
citizen to serve on the A&M Col
lege Century Council,” Darby
said. “Such nominations should
be made in writing, outlining qual
ifications of the person or per
sons being nominated, and mailed
to R. ,L. Hunt, Jr., Director of the
Century Study, College Station,
Texas, before July 1, 1961.”
Paul D. Rushing of Bryan, left, peers happi
ly at a $125 check for first place in an agri
cultural structure design contest sponsored
at Texas A&M College by the Texas Con
crete Masonry Association. Second place
and $75 went to Robert J. Rektorik of Robs-
town, second from left, and third place and
$50 to Donald F. Wan jura of Weimar, third
from left. Handing out the prizes is Robert
Batten of Austin, the association’s execu
tive secretary. The three students are agri
cultural engineering seniors. The annual
awards were established to encourage crea<
tive thinking. They are based on structural^
economical and functional adequacy and
completeness of building specification.
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