The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 18, 1961, Image 3
' Build. Home- e Main ding at met own 204 of iuilding ( I 00 99c 1.00 1.00 49c 49c 27c 59c 49c 39c 59c 55c 49c 79c THE BATTALION CoU*2* Stfctlatl, tsaa* I’agft 3' Danforth Awards Presented Melvin C. Young, junior agricultural major won many honors during his college career, from Lockhart, is presented two awards by is the recipient of the Pfizer National 4-H Dr. G. M. Watkins, director of agricultural Scholarship Award of $250, and the William instruction. The student, who has already H. Danforth Fellowship Award for juniors. Kenneth A. Radde of Meridian, right, is well on his way toward becoming one of A&M’s all-time outstanding agricultural students. Here he receives congratulations from Dr. G. M. Watkins, director of agricultural in struction, for winning the William H. Dan forth Leadership Training Scholarship for freshmen. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES he day ..... ... 3d per word 2i per word each additional day Minimum charsre—40<g DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before pnblicatlw* Classified Display 801 per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 FOR RENT Furnished garage apartment, ideal for ummer student t>r/ graduate student. Shower, quiet, clean, surrounded by trees, lills paid. $30.00 a month. Available June 1. TA 2-3359. HGtfn Cool furnished bachelor apartments. t25.00. VI 6-6165. 116tfn Three bedroom house, 613 Highland, available June 1st. Call after 6 p. m., VI 6-4052. lOStfn Two bedroom furnished house, attic fan, large shady yard, 220 wiring, $45.00 a month, Bryan, call TA 2-7869. 115tfn Two bedroom brick unfurnished apart ment with air conditioner. 405 B Second St, VI 6-5334. Il5t3 Extra nice furnished apartments. Attic and window fan. Close in. No pets. 700 West 26th, TA 2-7860. 113t5 Two bedroom duplex apartment,- East Gate of A&M College, call VI 6-6328. HOtfn Trailers for rent. Rent a trailer here, leave it where you are going, or local trailers. You can save money by renting a trailer. Tow bars for rent. Baker tire Co. TA 2-8159. HOtlO Two bedroom house, large fenced yard, aear campus, VI 6-8367 or VI 6-5392. 106tfn One bedroom furnished house, frost free refrigerator, $50.00 monthly, 810 Fairview VI 6-5036 or VI 6-5634. lOStfn Unfurnished two bedroom apartment, 220 Wiring, attic fan, panel ray beat, near Crockett School. Phone VI 6-6660 after 5 B. m. 61tfn A one and two bedroom modern fur nished apartment. Air conditioner if de- aired. Call after 4 p. m.. TA 2-3627. 1300 Antone Street. 68tfn WANTED TO BUY Used electric stove, tricycle, gym set. Call VI 6-8196. 116tl VI 6-7476. Will pay cash for clean used furniture Md appliances, also baby furniture. Must be reasonable. TA 2-4826. lOStfn TYPEWRITERS Bentals - Sales - Service - Terms Calculators atchines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 809 S. Main TA 2-6000 TV - Radio - Hi-Fi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 2403 S. College FOR SALE Fedders % ton air conditioner with thermostate. 115 volt. C-l-W College View 116t4 1956 Buick, hardtop, air tires, $595, 1958 Ford Station wagon, good condition, $895, TA 2-0395. 116t3 MOTOROLA Transistor auto radio. For compact, foreign, or sports car. (Hardly used—replaced by larger model) Call TA- 2-6,021. 116t2 $200 or best offer will buy two bedroom home, study, huge jalouse porch. Excellent condition. Assume 4 1 /&% loan. 102 Moss. VI 6-8344. 114t4 Registered Beagle puppies, male $30.00, female $25.00. Phone TA 2-4336. 113tfn Two adjoining lots, each 80 by 145, corner Timber and Anna, College. Call VI 6-5694 noon or evening. lOOtfn WORK WANTED Term papers, reports, letters typed. Fast accurate service. Mrs. Smith, TA 2-0536. 105tl5 DAY NURSERY by the Week, day or hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 602 Bcryett VI 6-4005. 120tfn Our nursery foi children all ages. Pick up and deliver. VI 6-8151. No answer call back. 42tfn Why wait until last minute to get your Theses reports, etc. to Bi-City Secretarial service? Electric typewriters, offset print ing, negatives and metal plates made. 3408 Texas Ave. VI 6-6786. 87tfn HELP WANTED Lady to care for three children and clean house during summer for working mother. VI 6-6849. 116t2 GET YOUR SUMMER JOB EARLY, JUNIORS AND SENIORS IF YOU CAN MEET OUR QUALIFICATIONS. WE HAVE A SUMMER JOB FOR YOU PAY ING $1,080.00 FOR THREE MONTHS. MUST BE ABLE TO START BY JUNE 1. CAR FURNISHED. YOU MAY QUAL IFY FOR WEST COAST OR HAWAII. CALL MR. LEWIS, MADISON 3-4401 FOR INTERVIEWS, HOySTON. 106tfn WANTED Four boys to rent two adjoining apart- ments, will furnish both. $25.00 each apartment. Near Southside Grocery. VI 6- 6630. _ lOltfn ' LOST Senior ring ’61, in Chemistry Building. Malcolm D. Maxwell, Walton B-8,. Reward. 114t4 • 24 Hour Wrecker Service • Whitley’s Auto Parts WE BUY BURNED & WRECKED CARS & TRUCKS 8 Miles West of Courthouse om Highway 21 BRYAN, TEXAS H. L. WHITLEY. JR., OWNER v Phone TA 2-6840 JIM M. PYE ’58 REPRESENTING Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. VI 6-5055 TA 2-6232 401 Cross St. C. S. OFFICIAL NOTICES Official or tel ol YMCA, VI fublicationa (Uround floor 6-6416, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily NOTICE TO MAY GRADUATES 8 a. m. Thursday, May 26, 1961_ there lice a list of tnose candidat< have completed all academic requir Mt 8 a. m. Thursday, May 25, fybl mere will be posted on a bulletin board in the Registrar's Office a list of those candidates ave co for dc; re- 27, consult H. L. Heaton Director of Admissions and Registrar 112t8 Regalia For The May Commencement Exercise All students who are candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are re quired to order hoods as well as the doc tor’s cap and gown. The hoods are to be left at the Registrar’s Office no later than 1:00 p. m., Tuesday, May 23 (this will be accomplished by a representative of the College Exchange Store). The Ph.D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all such candidates will be hooded on the stage as a part of the ceremonies. Candidates for the Master’s Degri ■ar the cap and gown; all civilia ee will stu- i p; Candidates for the Master’s wear the cap and gown; all civilian stu dents who are candidates for the Bache lor’s Degree will wear the cap and gown ; Tie ri- wea rho i cap ana gown ; ROTC students who are candidates for thi Bachelor’s Degree will wear the appropri ate uniform. All military personnel who are candidates for degrees, graduate or un dergraduate, will wear the uniform only. :ntal of caps and gowns may be ar- he JUxcnangi ay be placed between 8 :00 a. m. Mondi ~ iturday, rental is as follows: Doctor’s cap and caps an ranged with the Exchange Store. Orders id 1 12:' 3 a: Ma md g( is the same as that for cap and gown. C. E. Tishler, Chairman Convocations Committee 106tl2 ay, May 20. P a $4.' cap and gown 84.25. Hood rental May The gown S5.25, Master’s cap and gown $4.75, Bachelor’s c SPECIAL NOTICE Senior girl scouts will hold nursery dur ing college graduation May 27, 8:00 a. m. till noon, at A&M Christian Church. Call VI 6-6154. 116t4 27, 8:00 a. m. SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300, A.F. & A.M. Called meeting, Thursday, May 18, at 7 p. m. The Master Mason’s degree will be conferred. C. W. Trossen, Joe Woolket, S' WM ec. 116tl Hilltop Lake, located on Hwy. 6 South, 9% miles from College. Sould be good fishing spon. Clean picnic grounds. 76tfn Electrolux Williams. r Sales and TA 3-6600. Service. G. C. 90tfn HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES • Springs TEXAS 603 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. *JlotardA C^afieL ena Where the Art of Cooking is not Lost Gulfpride, Esso, Havoline, Sinclair Oils 29c Qt. RC Champion Sparkplugs....29c Discount Auto Parts AT JOE FAULK’S 214 N. Bryan SAE 30 Motor Oil 18c Qt. Cash Available For Books, Slide Rules, & Etc 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE HUONG LOUPOT'S SOSOLIKS T. V., Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 Kraft Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING Qt. Jar Cashmere TOILET TISSUE Roll Sioux Bee DEEUXE HONEY Pint Jar 49 5' 39' i IBS JNET Glaiola $ ENRICHED • PHOSPHATED • BLEACHED 1 ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR 5 LB. BAG 39 Gladiola—White or Yellow CORN MEAL Gladiola BISCUITS 5 Lbs. 31 c 3 Cans 20 c SALAD* DRESSING pi. 27c BLUE CHEER ^2* Towie—Stuffed OLIVES Lg. 6 oz. Jar 29 c Morton—Evaporated SALT 2 26 oz. Boxes 25 c Dentler Maid—Potato Cut Rite WAXED PAPER 2Roiis49= Best Maid PICKLES Dill or Sour Qt. 25 c - FROZEN FOODS - CHIPS or DIPS 39c Size 29c Personal Size IVORY I 2 s 11c - POKE • /r Ei-OArs I R ™ ™ Ida Pick—French Fried POTATOES 2 9 oz. pkgs. 25c CABBAGE Golden Brown—Breaded SHRIMP io oz. pkg. 43c GRAPEFRUIT CARROTS V2 gal. 1 A AVOCADOS 49c Lb. 4c 5 Lbs. 25c Bag He Each 12c Poole’s Pride—Grade A FRYERS whole ib. 14 c Swift’s LAMB RIBS Auge’s . I O Auge’s—U. S. Good Square Cut Lb lyc SHOULDER ROAST Lb 49. LOOSE FRANKS lb 33c ^ND STEAK lb 79. AUGE'S PURE PORK ROLL SAUSAGE lb 33. SPECIALS GOOD MAY 18, 19, 20 MAIS SUPER MARKET ]| College Station Highway 6 and Sulphur Springs Road Quantity Rights Reserved ^Qualit^^nio^^^ FOOD STORES I Service to Remember" | I