The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 10, 1961, Image 1

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The Battalion
Volume 59
Number 111
K Ml
Court Hears
Vnti-Eichmann f
Blasts Issued
Hunt Reveals
Info Meeting
or Friday
By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM—Adolf Eichmann
to portrayed Tuesday as a brutal
man with life and death powers
over Jews in Nazi-occupied Eu
rope who became bitterly frus
trated if a single one slipped
through his fingers.
Asst. Israeli Prosecutor Gavriel
lach, in a relentless attack on
Eiehmann’s claim that he only
obeyed orders, introduced docu
ment after document showing that
the former Gestapo lieutenant
colonel wielded influence far be-
Jond his rank.
Israel charges that Eichmann,
fhief of the Gestapo’s Jewish Af
fairs Section, was the man who
carried out Nazi Germany’s cam-
laign to exterminate European
The evidence introduced by
lach showed Eichmann even at
tempted to interfere with a hotel
in the neutral enclave of Lichten-
ttein in. Switzerland where he
leard that “Jews were served
cod and could get a cup of cof
“Eichmann’s department was
(llways on guard,” Bach declared.
In what he called a typical docu-
inent, Bach submitted a cable
from Eichmann sent to Paris Ge-
rtapo headquarters after he heard
tf attempts in Switzerland to ar
range passage abroad for a South
Imerican Jew named Gollub.
IE Chapter
Organizes For
fall Activity
The A&M Chapter of the Young
Republicans held an organizational
petting Monday in the Memorial
Student Center.
The club’s chairman, Luke
wiles, said both Corps and Civi-
ian students were well represent-
ri at the meeting.
Tlje night’s business centered
around a schedule of plans for an
active organization this fall. Se
ction of committees will be made
®the club’s first fall meeting, now
tentatively scheduled Oct. 1.
“We are anxious to see a Young
iDeniocrats club formed and func-
Syncs Wins
Grant To Study
Lewis Blair
b'. Charles E. Wynes, an in
structor in the Department of
History, has been awarded a re
search grant by the American
Philosophical Society, Dr. J. M.
We, Head of the Department,
1135 announced. The American
Philosophical Societies is one of
America’s oldest learned societies.
The purpose of the grant is to
sssist Wynes in carrying out this
summer a study of Lewis Harvie
W, Richmond, Va., businessman,
Philanthropist, author and pro-
J^sive, who, as a young man,
W in Corpus Christi in the
jarly 1850’s. The descendants of
jair have made available for
Ws’ study a lengthy, unpub-
W autobiography, written
shortly before Blair’s death.
"Vnes is a graduate of Madi
as' College and holds MA and
riiD degrees from the University
Wisconsin. He is the author
^ three published articles and one
W, Race Relations in Virginia,
jyO-1902, to be released by the
diversity of Virginia Press this
sj^mer. A veteran of the US
” av al Service and a lieutenant in
^ naval reserve, Wynes is exec-
officer of Naval Reserve
Purity Group 8-19, College Sta
“The Jew Gollub should be ar
rested immediately and deported
to Auschwitz,” Bach quoted the
Eichann cable as saying.
In another cable, Eichmann ab
ruptly dealt with a request from
his Paris deputy, Heinz Roethke,
asking what should be done with
a Jew named Weiss who had in
vented a light bulb which could
be used in blackouts.
‘Weiss already has registered
details of his invention with the
Reich patent office,” Eichmann
declared in his reply. “There is
no more interest in this man.”
A Century Study informational
meeting has been called for Fri
day at 10:00 a.m. in the Faculty
Room of the Richard Coke Build
Bob Hunt, Jr., Director of the
Century Study, will conduct a dis
cussion designed to bring all infor
mational personnel in the various
segments of the college and sys
tem up to date on the Century
Study and to discuss the informa
tional aspects of it.
The following persons have been
invited to attend: R. Henderson
Shuffler, Systems Information;
Tad Moses, Agricultural Informa
tion; Louis Horn, Engineering Ex
periment Station; Robert Boriskie,
Engineering Extension Service; D.
A. Anderson, Texas Forest Service,
and Tom Blake, Sports Publicity.
Bob Hunt, Jr. Named
Century Study Head
Survey Council
Begins Organizing
Room Reservation
Deadline Disclosed
Civilian students have until June
3 to reserve rooms in civilian dor
mitories for the fall semester, it
was announced yesterday by Hous
ing Manager Harry L. Boyer.
Boyer outlined the following pro
cedure for current students who
wish to reserve rooms for the fall
(1) Contact the housemaster of
the dormitory concerned by June
3 and be assigned to his fall roster.
(2) Send in room reservation
cards and a $6 dollar deposit to
the Fiscal Office by July 31. After
that date assignments will be made
to summer students and those who
have sent in reservations.
“Students making reservations
as above,” Boyer said, “will have
room priority over students dur
ing the summer, provided their
room reservations are in by July
Students who go to summer
school must use the same pro
cedure as students who do not go
to summer school in order to in
sure obtaining desired rooms in the
fall, Boyer added.
“.Students, who do not exercise
the above option must send in their
room reservation with the $6 de
posit as usual and may request
the dormitory of their choice on
the reservation card at that time,”
Boyer said.
But consideration for priority on
choice rooms will be given |tudent
government representatives and
other students actively engaged in
dormitory affairs, Boyer said.
Dormitories that will be used
for civilian students during the
fall semester are Puryear, Mitchell,
Milner, Legett, Ramps 1 through
6 of Law Hall, Ramps A through E
of Hart Hall and Ramps A through
H of Walton Hall.
Housemasters available to assign
students to their fall rosters are
Bill Brown, 1-M Puryear; Lee
Griggs, 1-E Law; Max Rhinehart,
47 Milner; Bob Henry, 41 Legett;
Jimmy, Kent, 35 Mitchell; Richard
Irvin, C-5 Walton; Carl Ryden,
1-6 Walton, and Richard Hall, B-7
These housemasters will submit
their fall rosters to Boyer in the
Housing Office noon, June 3.
Bob Hunt, Jr.
. . . named Century Study director
Snyder High School Tops
Industrial Arts Winners
Slated Friday
A banquet honoring A&M Con
solidated High Band members
is scheduled for 7 p.m. Friday
at the A&M Presbyterian Fel
lowship Hall.
Hosts for this annual affair
are members of the Band Boos
ters Club. Master of ceremonies
will be Frank Sheppard, presi
dent of the Band Boosters Club.
The presentation of numerous
awards to outstanding band
members will be a highlight of
the banquet. The band sweet
heart, elected by secret ballot
prior to the banquet by band
members, will be announced.
Willard Johnson, band director,
will review the accomplishments
of the band during the past
school year.
Snyder High School dominated
the Texas Industrial Arts Fair for
the second consecutive year here
Saturday, winning top honors in
five of fourteen divisions in the
Industrial Arts Project competi
tion. Snyder strengthened its posi
tion with a large share of the first,
second and third place ribbons
awarded to winners in 60 sub-di
visions of the program.
A strong showing was made by
Houston area schools as Spring
Branch, Lamar and Jones high
schools won a total of five division
awards. Other division awards
went to Victoria, Odessa and Ball
(Galveston) high schools.
David Odum of Odessa was
awarded a trophy for the outstand
ing project of the fair, a 14-foot
outboard motor boat. A plaque for
the best creative design went to
Knox Kennedy, Milby High of
Houston, for his model home entry.
John Mandel, a junior high
school student at La Marque, re
ceived a plaque for the most in
genious project, an electronic
More than 500 students repre
senting 40 schools participated in
the fair, which is sponsored by the
Texas Industrial Arts Association.
The fair closed Saturday night
with an awards banquet. The
principal speaker was Dean Fred
J. Benson of the School of Engi
neering. Benson told the assembly
that craftsmanship of the caliber
exhibited at the fair is in the
Amei'ican tradition of skilled ma
nipulation of the tools and ma
terials of industry. He challenged
the students to set high goals for
themselves and to be prepared to
Vinson To Discuss
‘Fountain Of Youth’
Dr. David B. Vinson will deliver
a graduate lecture tomorrow at
8 p.m. in the Biological Sciences
Lecture Room.
The speaker is director of the
Texas Academy for the Advance
ment of Life Sciences, in Houston.
His subject will be “Fountain of
Youth—Fact or Fiction?”
Medical science’s comparatively
recent increased concern with the
problems of growing old has pro
duced some hopeful reports, Dr.
Wayne C. Hall, Dean of the Grad
uate School, said today in an
nouncing the lecture.
“Although Russian scientists
appear to be the most optimistic
regarding chances for prolonging
life and cushioning old age, Amer
ican scientists are mare pessimistic
about finding a medical ‘Foun
tain of Youth.’ Most scientists
do agree that aging is not neces
sarily something that is inevit
able—that certain changes are as
sociated with deficiency diseases
or metabolic abnormalities and
that there is hope for unlocking
at the cellular level the reasons
for aging. Regardless of the
cause of aging it is an accepted
fact that more persons are living
longer and this poses a social-
economic problem, not only at
present but a problem that will
become more acute with time.”
Vinson has had a distinguished
career in many aspects of aging
in living systems. He received
his AB degree from UCLA in 1941
and his PhD from the University
of London in 1952 in the fields of
psycho-biology, neuropsychology
and psychology. Vinson has had
experience as a clinical psychol
ogist for the Air Force, Glasier-
Rissler Clinic and William Beau
mont General Hospital at El Paso,
and Baylor University College of
Medicine. He has served as a
research psychologist at the Uni
versity of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston; the Institute of Psychi
atry, University of London, and
Southwestern Respiratory Center
at Houston, as well as a consultant
to many private and Federal hos
pitals and clinics. At present he
is Director of Texas Academy for
the Advancement of Life Sciences.
He served as a delegate to the
White House Conference on Ag
ing, the International Conference
of Gerontology and is a member
of the Governor’s Advisory Com
mittee on Aging. He is a membe-
of many professional and learned
societies including the American
and British Psychological Associa
tions, the Gerontologic Society
and the American Academy of
Psychotherapists, and has pub
lished extensively neuropsychol
ogy, clinical psychology and psy
chological decline.
pay the price required to attain
excellence in their chosen fields.
Students who won division
awards in the project competition
were: Architecture, Linda Cham
bers, Spring Branch; ceramics,
Linda Parker, Spring Branch; elec
tricity and electronics, Donald Pal
mer, Snyder; jewelry, Scott Carey,
Snyder; leather, Benny Greenfield,
Snyder; machine shop, John Mc
Donald, Jesse Jones (Houston);
mechanical drawing, William Ring-
wald, Ball High (Galveston), and
models, Johnny Helmstatter, Odes
Max Lindinger, John Butler and
Charles Mahaffey of Lamar (Hous
ton) won the open division award
with a reproduction of a 1901 Olds-
Sammy Fling of Stephen F. Aus
tin High School in Bryan, placed
third in the open division on an
outboard motor bbat.
Other division winners were:
Patternmaking, Robert Stipe, Sny
der; plastics, Brenda Benton, Sny
der; upholstery, Wayne Pick,
Jesse Jones (Houston); woodwork
ing, Charles Anderson, Odessa, and
wrought metal, Charles Waters of
During their stay on the A&M
campus the students participated
in contests to determine their
knowledge of industrial arts sub
jects. First place winners in the
contests were: Architectural draft
ing (ll-12th grades), Jimmy
Spradlin, Snyder; electronics, Stan
ley Junek of Calhoun High School
(Port Lavaca); general crafts (7-
8th grades) David Ennis of Gal
veston; general crafts (9-10th
grades) Billy Stewart,
general crafts (ll-12th
Lynn Palmer, Snyder.
Mechanical Drafting
grades), Linda Cecil, Coonroe; me
chanical drafting (ll-12th grades)
Jim Reed, Conroe.
Metalworking (9-10th grades)
Jerry Kruse, Snyder; metalwork
ing (ll-12th grades), John Carroll,
Woodworking (7-8th grades),
Paul Worley, Cedar Bayou; wood
working (9-10th grades) Roger
Howard, Missouri City and wood
working (11-12 grades) Tommy
Phillips, Galveston.
The talent contest was won by
Billy Myers of Crane. The Snyder
Industrial Arts Student Club was
awarded first place in a contest to
determine the student officers most
proficient in the conduct of chap
ter ceremonies.
Bob Hunt, Jr., widely known in the state for his Cham
ber of Commerce and citizenship activities, has been named
director of Century Study at A&M.
The System Board of Directors authorized on April 22
the organization of a long range planning study, called the
“Century Study.” to determine goals to guide the college
through the next 15 years of its first century of service to
Texas, the nation and the world.
Out of the study will also emerge methods for the attain
ment of goals recommended for the institution by a lay citi
zen Century Council committee and the college faculty and
staff Committe on Aspirations.
The plan is aimed at devel- 4
oning to the fullest, in line
with needs of the state, dur
ing the period between this,
its 85th year, and its 100th
anniversary 'in 1976. About two
years will be devoted to making
the long range plans.
Hunt said the Board of Directors
will appoint a lay citizen council of
100 members to be known as the
Century Council. Members will not
be officially connected with the
college but will represent a cross
section of Texas interests.
“The task before the council will
be that of surveying the college
and its components and seeking
to discover that service roles the
institution should prepare to play
in assisting citizens of the state
meet various challenges confront
ing them over the next 15 years,”
Hunt said.
He said nominations for mem
bership on the Century Council
may be made from now until July
1. They should be submitted to
the Board of Directors in care of
the Director of Century Study at
A&M College.
The Century Council will begin
its study in a series of meetings to
get underway after Sept. 1 of this
year. A written report of the
council’s findings and recommenda
tions will be presented June 1,
1962, to the College Board of Di
Functioning concurrently with
the Century Council will be the col
lege facuty and staff Committee
On Aspirations to guide the con
tinuing improvement of the
school’s services to Texas. This in
ternal effort will be administered
by a committee appointed by Presi
dent Earl Rudder.
Carr, Brandt
Win In Annual
Math Contest
Travis C. Carr, a sophomore
electrical engineering student from
Dublin, and Charles E. Brandt, a
freshman electrical engineering
student from El Paso, captured
first place spots in the annual
Mathematics Contests conducted
last week by the Department of
Mathematics. Both first place
awards are wrist watches, approp
riately engraved.
Second place in the sophomore
contest, with an award of $15,
went to Paul R. Corder, a mechani
cal engineering student from Liv
ingston. William D. Letbetter, a
physics major from College Sta
tion, won the third sophomore prize
of $10.
Winner of second place and $15
in the freshman contest was James
A. Boatwright, a physics major
from Texas City; while the third
freshman prize of $10 went to
Michael C. Hamilton, an electrical
engineering student from Houston.
The contests, each consisting of
two-hour examinations, were held
Tuesday, May 2, with thirty-eight
fi-eshmen and ten sophomores par
ticipating. All awards in the fresh
man contest and the second and
Hunt said the Century Council. third sophomore awards are pro-
(9 - 10th
and Committee On Aspirations will
make recommendations on the fol
lowing four basic area questions:
In the light of existent challen
ges to the state and nation, what
kind of student should A&M pre-
(See CENTURY On Page 3)
vided by the Robert F. Smith Me
morial Fund, while the first place
sophomore award is obtained
through the Hillel Halperin Mathe
matics Award Fund. Professors
Smith and Halperin were for many
years members of the mathematics
staff of the college.
Winkler Dominates
AYMA Winings
The A&M chapter of the Ameri
can Veterinary Medical Association
held its annual awards banquet
last night in the Memorial Stu
dent Center Ballroom. Presenting
the awards was Dr. Alvin A. Price,
Dean of the School of Veterinary
William G. Winkler, senior from
Metarie, La., received the Faculty
Award of Merit for being chosen
the outstanding all-around fourth
year veterinary medicine student.
In addition, Winkler won a South
west Veterinarian Award and third
place in the Moss Essay Contest.
The Faculty Award of Merit for
the outstanding third year student
was given to Richard J. Hidalgo
of Opelousas, La. James Martin of
College Station was named out
standing second year veterinary
student while William P. Rogers,
senior from Logansport, La., re
ceived the outstanding first year
veterinary student awai'd.
Joseph E. Smith of Justin was
given an award for best relations
on campus. This annual award is
presented by the AVMA Auxiliary.
Winner of the Moss Essay Con
test Award for the best essay on
ethics was Ken Clevenger of Mes-
qukte. Second place in the contest
was taken by Jack Heald of
Hearne. First prize in the contest
was $25.
The C. J. Martin & Sons Award
was presented to Tom K. Hardy
from Bryan. The annual award is
given by the Martin Veterinary
Honorary Ph T degrees (putting
hubby through) were given to the
37 wives of graduating seniors.