The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 09, 1961, Image 2
THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Tuesday, May 9, 1961 Shepard Is Cool; Wash ingtonPanics By The Associated Press WASHINGTON —Up in outer space or down on solid earth Cmdr. Alan B. Shepard Jr. is a cool customer. The first American to look down on his country from outer space had his chance Monday to look in on President Kennedy, Congress, a mammoth, cheering crowd, and a mammoth news con ference. He turned out to be the calmest man in town. Curiously, the day’s goofs — and there were quite a few of them — were all made by some one else. First Kennedy dropped the spe cial medal he was about to pre sent to the astronaut. Then he just handed it to Shepard and Mrs. Kennedy had to remind her husband that on such occasions that the President actually pins the thing on the hero himself. You kind of got the idea that it was just as well the scientists and not the politicians were in charge last Friday, or we might still be tumbling around Cape Canaveral. At the Capitol Shepard was pre sented to congressmen, and more showed up than one usually sees on the! floor of the House or Sen ate. But the Senate droned on as usual. Neither time nor tide, nor wind ever disturbs our beloved legislators. The reception room was pack ed. “It’s tighter in here,” said Sen- Jennings Randolph, D-W. Va., “than the capsule he was in.” NEW RULES (Continued from Page 1) 8 Vt ” x ll" in size. No posters will be posted on painted surfaces. b. Hand cards will be per mitted. c. Posters will be permitted in the dormitory and a- partment areas only. These posters will be placed within 20' of said dormitory area and will not exceed 2' x 3' in size. d. Maximum cost for cam paign must not exceed $25 per candidate. Expense ac counts will be the Elec tions Commission the day after the elections are held. e. No parades, bands or dem onstrations will be permit ted. f. Each candidate is respon sible* for removing and proper disposal of all cam paign materials the day following the election. g. If a candidate wishes to charge an opposing candi date for the same office of a violation of these reg- lations, this charge shall be in the form of a chall enge to the Election Com mission, who will investi gate the said challenge. h. No candidate or the sup porter of a candidate shall remove, destroy, or in any way molest an opposing candidates material. i. Any violation of the above rules will disqualify candi dates. 3. Any candidate who violates, • or whose supporters violates, any of the provisions of this regulation shall not hold any office filled by a student election that school year. Bulletin Board PROFESSIONAL CLUBS The pre-Medical — Pre-Dental Society will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 113 of the Biological Sci ence Building. Election of offi cers will be held. Fly there ^ it's faster by far! DALLAS Lv. 11:16 AM * 6:11 PM QUICK CONNECTIONS TO EL PASO, ALBUQUERQUE VIA JET POWER VISCOUNT D! for reaervoffon*, call yoar Travel Agaei or Continental at VI 6-4789*^ CONTINENTAL AIRLINES THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the stu dent writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax-supported, non profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited arid op erated by students as a community newspaper and is under the supervision of the director of Student Publications at Texas A&M College. Members of the Student Publications Board are L. A. Duewall, director of Student Publications, chairman; Allen Schrader, School of Arts and Sciences; Willard 1. Truettner, School of Engineering ; Otto R. Kunze, School of Agriculture: and Dr. E. D McMurry, School of Veterinary Medicine. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter here in are also reserved. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A.&M. is published in College Sta tion, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, Septem ber through May, and once a week during summer, school. Entered as second-class natter at the Post Office kt College Station, Texas, under the Act of Con- tress of "March 8, 1870. MEMBER: The Associated Pres* Texas Press Assn. Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los An geles and San Francisco. News contributions may be made by telephoning VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910 or at the editorial office. Room 4, YMCA. For advertising or delivery call VI 6-6416. Mail subscriptions are $3.60 per semester; $6 per school year, $6.50 per full year. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA, College Station, Texas. BOB SLOAN EDITOR Tommy Holbein Managing Editor Larry Smith !.... Sports Editor Alan Payne, Ronnie Bookman News Editor Gerry Brown, Robert Denney, Rob Mitchell Staff Writers Johnny Herrin Photographer Jim Earle Cartoonist — Sound (Editor’s note: The following letters were sent to The Battal ion office by candidates seeking election in the Student Senate School election Wednesday. Editor, The Battalion: Are you a sophomore in the School of Arts and Sciences ? If so, you should be concerned enough about your school to read this letter, and if you are not a sophomore or a member of our fine school, you should read it to be well informed. It is election time! Time to elect your student senator for next year’s school term. You should want a man who is lik able, who is willing to work, who will stand up for his own opin ions and fight for what is best for his fellow students and his school. You want your senator to knj/w and understand the workings of the Senate, you want to be able to depend on him to attend each and every meeting" all through the year and you want to be able to say that he is capable of hand ling the responsibilities of the job. With a year’s experience be hind me as the sophomore sen ator of the School of Arts and Sciences, I know first hand of all the activties of the Senate. I realize the responsibilities of rep resenting my classmates in im portant issues that come up be fore the Senate, the responsibil- ties of working on a Senate com mittee and any other duty that a student senator is called upon to do. It is my wish that you as a sophomore and a member of the Schodl of Arts and Sciences con sider me once again in my bid for my second term as your sen ator. I am anxious to represent you to the best of my ability on next year’s Senate. George A. Wiederaenders, ’63 Candidate for Junior Senator School of Arts and Sciences ★ ★ ★ Editor, The Battalion: Tomorrow the Class of ’62 will, in order to bread a tie, vote once again for the class representative to the MSC Council. For three years I have been interested and active in the Me morial Student Center program. My freshman year I was a mem ber of Great Issues, last year I served on the MSC Directorate as a Directorate Assistant and was chairman of a special com mittee on awards set up by the Council and this year I’m serv- Off — ing as vice-chairman of the Film Society. These experiences have given me a desire to work more closely with the overall student program next year. It is through these experiences also that I have gain ed an insight into the adminis tration of MSC activities that I believe can be put to good use on the Council. Jeff Wentworth, ’62 Candidate for Class Representative, W^SC Council ★ ★ ★ (Editor’s note: The college regulation refered to in this let ter is contained in paragraph 63-f of the 1960 College Regulations, which reads: “An academically classified senior, an academically classified junior and an academically classi fied sophomore, to be elected by their respective classes in the schools of Agriculture, Arts and Sciences, Engineering and Vet erinary Medicine” . . . Will com pose part of the governing body of the Student Senate.) Editor, The Battalion: As a candidate for senior rep resentative to the Student Senate from the School of Agriculture, I would like to discuss with you the qualifications for this im portant responsibility. As stated in the college regu lations, the holder of this posi tion which I am seeking must be an academically classified senior with a minimum grade point ratio of 1.25. I believe that a member of the Student Senate should be vitally interested in student affairs and democratic government. He should be willing to work and to try to represent to the best of his ability the body which elects him. In order for him to represent his scho&l well, the representa tive should exert every effort to obtain the ideas of the group he represents. This responsibility, however, lies just as much on the shoulders of the student as it does on the student senator. I feel that I meet the necessary qualifications, and, if elected, I Will strive to represent the School of Agriculture to the full est extent of my ability. Remember, however, that the important thing is to get out and vote! Melvin C. Young, ’62 Candidate for Student Senator School of Agriculture LAST DAY “STALAG 17” & CADET SLOUCH . . . I think ih time has C()m e for us to do something about these zoology majors keep ing animals m their rooms! THRU SATURDAY “THE WORLD OF SUZIE WONG” with William Holden Plus ‘THE RAT RACE” with Tony Curtis PALACE BrsanZ-WV LAST DAY “GONE- WITH TH.& WIND” _____ STARTS^TO MORROW fUPPED Opf/f V FLUBBER * MacMurray ■ Olson -wfi! ■ Kirk euCNi VIST* frttntol^CA. Inc •W»M toncy rt#** 1 *"* QUEEN LAST DAY DOUBLE FEATURE “WALK TALL & FRECKELS” “SANDS OF IWO JIMA” STARTS TOMORROW Elizabeth Taylor Rock Hudson & James Dean In “THE GIANT” CIRCLE LAST DAY Elizabeth Taylor Her Academy Award Winner Role In “BUTTERFIELD 8” & Gary Cooper “DALLAS” new SPACE-MAKER phone What a wonderful extension! You can have the Space-Maker phone placed in the most convenient location in your home, whether it’s kitchen, bedroom, family room—any room! And you can have the installer set both dial and receiver in the most convenient positions. The new Space-Maker phone mounts on any vertical surface, so it’s out of the way but within easy reach. You save time, save steps—without using counter or table space. And remember that both dial and receiver are adjusted to the posi tions you want. You can get a compact Space-Maker phone now—in a choice of 10 decorator colors. The cost is just pennies a day. Call our Business Office today. The Southwestern States Telephone Companu PEANUTS PEANUTS By Charles M. Schuta HE HAS A 185 AVERAGE IN HIS MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE, A 170 AVERAGE IN HIS THURSDAY NIGHT LEAGUE... AND A 204 AVERAGE IN HIS FRIDAY NIGHT LEAGUE', MV DAD STAYS HOME NIGHTS' l :a , m i/U/Lyj